ITT- women you respect for something other than their pussies

(going to TRY posting this here. HAven't been back here since ImKikey gave me a 6 month ban for saying I thought having Kushner in the White Houses and his ties to Israel wasn't a good thing and that Kushner should be removed.

Anyway, going to attempt a thread on females you can genuinely respect for something other than wanting their pussies. No, it's not a "White Knight" type of thing. Sort of the opposite, since why would "muh oppressive patriarchy" even allow females like this who seemed to have REAL talent to get a chance to succeed?

I may even still be banned here, will find out before I start putting real work into the thread and get into story of Hanna Reitsch.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I like her partially due to her allowing the great cleansing in Myanmar, and her existence makes those goatfuckers including their sympathizers butthurt.

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Hanna Reitsch. Hanna was a test pilot for the Third Reich, who flow prototype versions of almost every advanced German aircraft (including being the first to pilot a helicopter inside).

Undoubtedly, part of her charm was that she was blonde and beautiful, but she was also said by comrades to be skilled and fearless.

She also flew the last plane out of Berlin, avoided Soviet AA fire with her lover onboard, and orders from AH to order the punishment of Heinrich Himmler for negotiating a surrender to ZOG.

Her death was fat ruled cardiac arrest, but later evidence came to light of a letter she had written to a brit and fellow test pilot, telling him she "intended to end it where it should have ended." The rummor is that she killed herself with a cyanide capsule on the sight of the Führerbunker in 1979, and that the West German ZOG covered it up for various reasons, mostly so as she would not be seen as a martyr.

You'll also hear others say that she fucked niggers (bc she set up a glider school in Africa, where there was easy money to be made and no Jews). They do the same with Leni Reifensthal, implying that she was a coal burner when all testimony from men she actually trusted (like David Irving and Ernst Zündel) suggested she never regretted a thing about her past in private, just as Hanna did not.

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Those clothing are an esoteric metaphor for unity amid hard choices. Despite killing goatfuckers, the country must be stable for economy to flourish.

What a wise lady.

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If anyone has an interest here and wants me to keep going, let me know. I want to do leni riefenstahl next… I'll say AGAIN, this is not to suggest I approve of ZOG's line of thinking that…505 of all fighter pilots should be women and that women belong in some office slaving for a Jew and not at home having and riasing kids.

My point is to show that in NS Germany and other places in Europe, when a TRULY extraordinary genius, even a female, appeared she was given every chance to prove herself. This has been true of the West sinc ethe beginning (imagine the fucking Arabs giving virtual command of an Army of Joan of Arc?)

In the West, the few truly extraordinary females who appear have ALWAYS been given every chance to succeed, and yet it's never enough for them. They will keep allowing themselves, through (((feminism))), to be used as the Jew 's golem to destroy us.

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Ursula Haverbeck.

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can you elaborate on pints of these images user? If you are suggesting I'm sort of cuckolded "male feminist" or the like, you're dead fucking wrong. Woman like Hanna and Leni are…maybe 1 in 15 million. the point of this thread is to show that throughout Western history going right back to

#2- Leni Riefenstahl- a great beauty, qualified for 1936Olmypics in several different kinds of skiing, but gave it up to pursue her career in film directing. She produced both "Triumph of the Will" and "Victory of the Faith." "Victory of the Faith" had to be destroyed since it contained lots of footage of the SA before they were purged, and Leni died without knowing that a copy had survived.

After her death, a copy appeared and was put on DVD and spread around enough o make sure ZOG could not destroy it, after which the man was promptly put into jail by Germany's Quisling ZOG state. I think it's still on Yt, you may need a VPN if you are in Europe.

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Neoplatonist philosopher in Alexanderia Egypt, raped to death in the streets by early (((Christian))) NPC mobs because she wouldn't bow to the Jew or their denial of reality. Then they burned down the schools.

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My mom tbh, she is a great scientist and worked with others to build a new field of science. 1 in a million to be sure, but is proof that there are always exceptions to the norm. I would be happy to marry a woman who is half as smart and strong willed as my mom.

You asked for women I respect so I shared three whose works I've learned from immensely. What's your major malfunction?

Would be far more helpful if you gave their names, accomplishments, and exactly why you respect them but as you will.

> raped to death in the streets by early (((Christian)))
She was killed by Jews (or jews LARPing as (((neo-Jews))), but she was given all of her opportunities to teach by Greco-Roman culture; i.e., the True West.

No matter how hard you try to spin it Hanna Reitsch renounced National Socialism, helped the enemy by establishing a first black gliding school in Ghana of all fucking places, worked closely with the local government and the Ghanese armed forces plus her relationship with Kwame Nkrumah, a left-leaning pan-African politician who was pretty cosy with the Soviet Union during his rule is worrying at best and traitorous at worst. Traitors get the bullet first. Not to mention she never had any kids of her own. She failed as a woman. The only task that matters and she failed miserably at it. I have more respect to women who give birth to many White children then to one spinster who never married, never had kids and all her life spent trying to usurp the male role of a pilot. If she wasn't associated with the NatSoc Germany, Hanna Reitsch would be a feminist icon now.

I respect the press lady Sanders. She does a fine job in her role.

user, I'm sure your mum is a great woman, but sort of hard for anyone else here to relate r know about the accomplishments of your mum, unless you'd like to share them here publicly, which i somehow doubt you want to do.

Now you
re completely fucking full of shit. Read her last interview, where she mourns the current state of the German army and reveals that she STILL wears the medal she was presented with by Hitler.

As far as opening a gliding school for niggers in Ghana, the woman had to earn money and the Jews were doing their best to see to it that she could not earn money in Germany.

Do you think it's coincidence that Leni also had to go to Africa and take photos of primitive nigger tribes to earn her bread? Take a good guess why this is? Could it, just perhaps, be because Jews did not contrl that area of the world?

As for whether you are a Jew or just retarded, not sure. she neve renounced AH, and she even ended her life on the same spot where where he did (or as close as she could ger). For duck's sake, even kikeapedia does not try to deny this. They slyly try to insinuate she was fucking a nigger (while in her mid 50s!) but her loyalty to AH and to National Socialism was never in Question. Would you like quotes and dates from interviews to prove it?

start with this one:

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toppest kek neo-nazis not only are cucks but also don't know shit about history

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Believe it or not, some of us have actually gotten laid, are /fit/, and not fat, repulsive, shitbags like you searching for some kind of identity out of a desperate need to fit in, since no female will touch you.

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Ctrl+F "Ursula Haverbeck"
I am not disappoint

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Notice you shut your fucking Jew mouth prety quickly and won't answer. Like AH said, you kikes head for the hills as soon as soon as you run into someone who really knows his business. How did AH put it? "They first count on the stupidity and ignorance of their opponent. When that fails,…." (See "Mein Kampf, Volume 1 for full quote)

She could have fled to Salazar's Portugal or the Francoist Spain. If she didn't want to stay in Europe she could have moved to Argentina, Chile or Uruguay with other German expats. She could have spent her days taking care of kids and writing memoirs. She choose to pursue a career instead of fulfilling her obligation to her race and nation as a mother and wife. You must be a feminist if you're okay with that. You may not understand it but men and women aren't equal and thus both of us have different tasks to do and Hanna Reitsch failed at being a woman.

Fair enough. You seemed awfully standoffish…

Helena Blavatsky: Accomplishments and adventures are too many to list but she did write the Secret Doctrine; a bible-tier book I learn something new from every time I read it. Elucidates occultism in a uniquely intelligent way and outside of her writings personally dispelled a lot of the illusory bullshit muddying the waters. Made a lot of enemies for that reason. Definitely someone worthy of my respect.

Tracy Twyman: Expert scholar of the darker side of western Gnosticism. Her level of research seems almost autistic. Also (supposedly) reveals information of a conspiratorial nature in her "fiction." She doesn't seem the genuinely creative type so probably true tbh. Faces a lot of persecution but is the least known of the three by far.

Elaine Pagels: This one was more of an after-thought fitting the theme and definitely a tier below the other two, because she doesn't really face any real adversity and is supported by the establishment. Her books are very good though and she did help translate a lot of the Nag Hammadi library

Pic related is an honorable mention. Thought someone would have mentioned her already. Her works don't do much for me but she led a pretty cool life.

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Ursula definitely worthy of respect user, and I actually sent her card and (non-politcal) books written in German while she was locked up. However, watching tapes of her, it seems more a case of the bloodthristy kikes who have NEVER put one single blood thirsty kike commissar from the USSR or Eastern Bloc on trial, but want to put 95 year old grandmothers and Balrs who served in various poisitions for a fucking loaf of bread who are in their 90s. It just makes me hate Jews all the more, if that's possible.

A truly brave woman who defied the Jews and has my total respect? Sylvia Stoltz, who did 5 years for the evidence she introduced IN COURT while defending Ernst Zundel.

Amazingly, the Jews had the balls to arrest her right in sort in her Judges robes…

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for politely asking you to explain who they were? Maybe the tone of the place has changed, I've been gone for 8 months and vowed never to return after i'm kikey gave me the 6 month ban. Usually (at least in the past), everyone here was a sarcastic and miserable fuck and to an extent it worked since it forced you to always be on top of your game, but Kikey went insane with the banning bullshit. I
m going to randomly guess you haven't been here very long, correct?

they like to just give a quick dismissive response, and make it quickly so it's read first. hoping that people just read that, dismiss her, and move on.

it works well against the casual observer, but not anyone who's going to investigate slightly.

Any woman NOT involved in politics.
She belongs on her back with her legs spread or in the kitchen cooking food, or on her knees scrubbing the floor.

Best female director and the only relevant female director so far.

Jewish SJW made-up story, similar to Galileo.

Difference is Galileo was an actual person and scientist. Hypatia is bullshit for blue haired enemies of western civ.

Don't know enough about her story, since luckily I graduated Uni before the full SJWW bullshit had taken hold. I try not to involved myself myself in Pagan/Christian issues, since ether are MUCH bigger enemies to fight right now…

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Genuinely fascinating woman: Salvitri Devi. Probably among the the smartest females and best female writers of the 20th century, maybe ever. She was burn of a Greek Father and French Mother, so she considered herself "European" or "Aryan" rather than one particular nationality.

She spoke 7 or 8 languages, had masters degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from the Sorbonne (before ti was a commie hellhole), and her doctorate in philosophy. She decided to move to India in search of getting closer to the true roots of the original Aryans. She "married" the Hindu equivalent of a monk, but stayed a virgin until she died according to all reports. She saw herself as having a higher calling in this life than creating a family, and yes you can criticize that but for the 1 in 10 million geniuses who have her intellect, maybe she did need her time elsewhere.

Several very good books, I'll leave an excerpt on one from YT here (assuming the Jews haven't shoahed it Yet). After the war, she made what she described as "her pilgrimage" to the Aryan homeland trhough Austria and Germany. She was arrested for handing out leaflets in a train station encouraging resistance, and became close while in jail to several former SS- Men and German heroes like Hans Ulruch Rüdel, who remained her lifelong friends.

She died while in the UK, after I believe beig smuggled in by friends when the brit ZOG refused her entry. At her request, her ashes were interred with George Lincoln Rockwell (for those think Lincoln was a LARPer and a clown, he had the respect of former SS men and figures right up to the level of Devi so much she decided to be lain to rest with him for all eternity).

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That's just the natural order. Some women went leaps and bounds above what their genes grant them.

But sure, 99%+ of women would be happier without even knowing what politics is, much less being told what to think and what to feel about it by the media, and tasked with going to some (((women's march))) wearing cringe-inducing genitalia hats.

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Eish, forget to mention a few things. The Jews really hate her, despite the fact that she is widely acknowledged to have created many elements of "modern vegan" culture and "New Age" culture.

When most people hear "New Age" and "veganism" they think of, as Dr. Pierce used to say "The Jew sitting at the ticket booth, wearing his New AgeGuru hat, and ready t take your money."

if you are genuinely interested in her views on the Aryan Origins of things as derived directly from her studies in Sanskrit (on which she became an expert), go directly to her books, not to the Jewish bullshit books sold at the airport trying to once again take something Aryan in nature and twist i for their own profit.

Highly recommedn her book "The Ligtening and the Sun" and exploring of her theory of AH as a representative of the Aryan Hindu Pantheon on earth as "Man Against Time." Not enough room here to really explain her theories, and obviously don't trust kikeapedia…

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Fuck off.

t but yourself on that edge. Also retard, SHE NEVER WAS involved in politics, save when the Führer personally requested her to do some tours to raise moral. Not in the ZOG sense of having a whore strip for the troops, but in the sense of "if THIS woman is doing among the most dangerous jobs in the world at 5 foot 2 and 102 lbs, are YOU really weaker and not as brave as this woman?

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For assuming that I was insulting you simply by posting people you didn't recognize.
Whichever exodus happened when moot started posting cuck porn pics, that was when I came here. Like late 2014 iirc

They were both ascetics.

Another retard. She "married" a fucking monk, she was a virgin until she died. If you knew anything about rockwell and what he thought of race-mixers, if you really think he'd have gone within 20 feet of her, let alone agree to be BURIED with her id she was a curry burner, you're fucking retarded.

She was considered very beautiful by many, including former SS heroes. She turned down every proposal. Why? As I've already explained 3x now, you brainless scumbag, there is the rare 1 in 10 million female whose life is better spent in ervice to her people by writing books (wild guess" you
ve never read any of her books?) going to conferences, going to jail even in Germany where she made all her SS connections.

Sort of like asking "why didn't Nikola Tesla have children?" At the time of her choice to leave medical school for permanent flight training, there were more beautiful and fit woman in Germany to give birth to healthy childen than any other society in history, by far.

Now, should the AVERAGE female take this path to work for some greasy Jew in an office all day and have no kids, or 1, 2 at most cared for by a mexican nanny? NO. Woman like these are, as I've already said and which you keep ignoring, one in many million.

I appreciate this thread driving away the incels, some women truly did extraordinary things and deserve praise for it. In the american revolutionary war a lot of Bostonian soldiers were women who fought for our independence, and even in the civil war molly pitchers would load cannons, aid wounded men and take it apon themselves to fight the enemy.

Married and never had sex.

If yu've been here since 2014 ans consider what i sad to you "insulting," not sure what to say. As you can tell just by reading thread, have already had numerous kikes and other vermin attacking on any weak spot they can see, for simply suggesting that maybe 1 in 10 million or so females has a unique talent that, in some cases, can lead to her having an ACTUAL career and–in extreme instances– preclude her from having children or a family life.

This SHOULD NOT mean that 80% of married mothers belong in the work force, as is currently the case. Look what it's doing to birth rates in nippon and korea, and that's WITHOUT the pernicious influence of the eternal Jew and the constant " hate yourself and your people" propaganda we get in the West.

The irony is that in 50 years, North Korea may take South Korea's place as the technological powerhouse on the peninsula, since they seem to be actually having ids to help with farm work, at least in the country side….

The only women worthy of respect are devoted mothers.
Anything else a man can do, usually better, too.

Ursula Haverbeck is really good, but that fact that she is as exceptional as she is is just a testament to how far men have fallen all over the world.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but she married a brand of "hindu monks" who don't have sex for her immigration card. Again, will bring up Rockwell. Do you thin the guy who drove "Lincoln rockwell's HATE BUS– we DO hate race-mixing" would have ever agreed to be buried next to a curry burner?

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But he wasn't buried next to her. Again she got married but never had sex with the man.

pic related: a good mother and wife

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You're the one that made the "jews are the real german" shit aint you.

< finding validation in women
lad, women used to be a product you could buy…

What was it that she said before she put the kids to sleep? "I can't bear to raise them in a world without national socialism" or something to that effect.

As for me, I'll say Marie Curie and Jane Austen. Curie won two Nobel Prizes, one in Physics and the other in Chemistry, and she actually earned it unlike most women in academia. Austen wrote literature that is no a part of the Western Canon, and I thoroughly enjoy her work. It provides a perspective on social affairs of Regency England that, while womanly, is also respectable and entertaining.

You're either too dumb or being intentionally obtuse. You can't seem to realize I
m talking about the .0000001% of females so far out on the edge of the bellcurve as to barely register. NOT the average female. What sort of a mother fo you think…Savitri Devi would have made, whp kept live venomous cobras roaming her house that only she knew how to tame?

Oe Hanna who had probably the most dangerous job in the world outside of direct combat and constantly lost comrades who were melted alive by the peroxide jets they were experimenting with on gliders?

So, let's say she gets pregnant wit her first kid. On order for their to be any sort of afety, she cannot fly for 9 months. Well, during a war for the survival of the German Volk, one of te nation's most experienced test pilots is now out of commission for 9 months. Is THAT fair to the nation that paid to train her since 1933 and to the people in the numerous cities cities who would have died had their fighters not been tested first by Hanna and others and then rushed into production?

These are the sort of things you should leave to people with higher IQs who understand the consequences to debate.

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Her ashes were put inside his grave with his prior permission. I know the entire story through Bowden and other people who knew them both. There used to be a fairly large community of former Waffen SS out somewhere in arizona (I'd never say where). It was big enough that once a year, around Oktoberfest they'd have a gathering where the'd wear replicas of their old uniforms and have a "DJ" play German music from the late 30s/ early 40s. it was a lot of fun and i met a ton of amazing people, including some who knew Hanna.

Mixed opinions on her morally, some did not like that she left Berlin in the final plane out with her lover and did not try to take out more civilians. But no one I met who knew her– either directly or by reputation– questioned her competency as a test pilot.

Eleanor of Aquitaine (b.1122 d.1 April 1204).
Married aged 13, lived to 82.
Bore 10 kids, only one died in infancy, 3 of her sons became kings, had the last aged 44, he became King John of England.
Led armies & was part of the 2nd Crusade, developed trade agreements with Constantinople & the Holy Land, had a hand in establishing Admiralty Law, exceptionally beautiful even as she aged, skilled in astronomy, history, arithmatic, languages, music, hunting, all the domestic arts.
One in a million collection of genes, 100% candidate for cloning in a future eugenics plan.
Imagine having women like that by your side, shared vision, putting everything they have into the future, supporting and contributing, not competing and ballbusting.

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Hanna Reitsch

Leni Riefenstahl

Salvitri Devi

This is a good thread. Well done OP.

Unfortunately, after some thought and examination of my files, I don't have anything to offer. I don't actually respect m any women.

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A fucking rad one dude, jesus christ, can you imagine a nazi cobra army?
I was planning on teaching dolphins to speak English and using them but cobras would be way better. Fuck I wish my mom was Savitri Devi, instead of some hateful bitch with no cobras and a penchant for Salem Lights.

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I'd put my knowledge of history against your own any day, as measured by either GPA in Undergrad or Grad school, standarded Sat II tests on US and Euro history, AP Us history Exams, you pick. Find an arbiter we both trust, put up $5,000 via bitcoin. Whoever has the superior grades has the entire sum go to a charity of his choice. Deal? You're clearly certain you are smarter than I, so you have nothing to fear, correct?

Also, where in the fuck did i or anyone else in this thread claim to be a "neo-nazi?" An admiration for some aspects of the culture and an interest in their history is not the same as dressing up in costumes and LARPing, retard.

Also, why do I know you are short, fat, swarthy, disgusting, and have never had a piece of ass in your life? And YES, most women are shit these days– maybe 85%. That still leaves 15% who hav no interest in you. i've dated Germans, Boers, Maltese,French, Quebecois, Italians, English, Scots, Spaniards and one Nip, who invited me to go watch the cherry blossom festival wit her and I went, but never fucked her. Tell us of your experiences. i
'm going to guess…there won't be any and that you will immediately SHREIK that I MUST be lying be lying according to you, since no man with my beliefs can get laid ever, right?

Since of course, actual IRL females (of whom I suspect a considerable dearth in your life0 realy don't give a fuck about politcs or even talk about it. They care about your height, how /fit/ you are, your career, and your job prospects.

Real life is not twaater, with screeching feminist harpies, unless you actually seek them out. Girls want a male is fit, decent enough to introduce to their friends and family, loyal enough not to run off with a whore while she is pregnant, and wit a decent income, (a professional degree seems to help), and with good future prospects.

if you are a fucking loser user, even consider it's your own fault? And i'm taking as a given that 85% of females are no good, even though real number probably closer to 70%. What do YOU have to offer that would interest a female? Every ask yourself that?

Of course not. Let me know on that offer $5k in bitcoin. A neutral arbiter can control the funds, willing to go back as far as SAT, SAT II, ACT, UG grades, MA grades, Law School grades, you name it. i await your response.

Yeah, you know the difference between the two in that image?
The Northern European ones remembered Blood and Soil. The Romans didn't.

A better comparison would be with the fucking Italian Fascists you faggot, who basically WERE LARPing as the Roman Empire, including their absence of any view of BLOOD AND SOIL as being valuable, and their miscegenation fetish/love for kosher milkers.

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What a coincidence.
Was you dilation process canceled?

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Romanov Sisters– firstly, just finished a very good book on them (if you have amazon prime and sign up for audible, they give you a free book. This is a good one to get, although might rather spend it on $38 book on History of Crusades).

OK, firstly were very beautiful, goes without saying. Very kind by all accounts, and did grisly duties as nurses in WW 1 in hospitals. Very good daughters to a crazed mother and a weak father.

Were all virgins when the Jews murdered them in the basement of a jew's house with actual Talmudic quotes on the wall 9no, tha'ts not a joke or exaggeration). i think they deserve to be saints in the Russian Orthodox Church.

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Becoming a saint means that you have to perform a miracle in your lifetime. I think they are more of martyrs.

Two hour BBC documentary on the Romanov girls. It's actually pretty fair, though obviously they don't mention murderers were Jews. Definitely worth watching IMO.

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Shills are getting worse and duller every day. This is literally the first impression when one read into Hanna Reitsch. She NEVER denounced National Socialism.

Most men are too stupid to fly a damn helicopter and Hanna was a blessing to the German race. Go back to fuck some goat with your white sharia friends, subhuman.

you're thinking of the Catholic Church. They are officially Saints in the Russian Orthodox Church, and you can buy icons of them.

Also, consider that there were also literally 100 times more niggers fighting for the Reich than amerimiutts did, I say the niggers deserved their rewards, and subhumans amerimutts and anglos deserve to be bred to extinction by these niggers and pakis.

After the victory, America should have been given in total control of the Niggers to finally end the mutts reign and destroy this country…

Now this is really a commie tier spergout.

I thought that only Nicolai was made a saint. My mistake.

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Well, amerimutts were and are still forced to breed with niggers at gunpoint and their women smile at the prospect. So we are getting justice after all!

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Zig Forums in the current year is such a fucking joke

And more of it. It looks like commies are larping in /tv/ again. How long has it been now, over a year now? And yet Zig Forums can't topple /tv/ because they're posting most of the time outside of their board.

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But most of them won't be and that is the point, you dumb shit. 99% of cunts will be happier being a housewives with kids and vidya.

Entertainers are shit and should be considered the underclass. No shit. Thank you Japan.

If they actually produce something of values. Yes. Which most cunts never will.

Spin it harder. We don't hate women here, kike.

Just like Hitler said. That is why your coming global extermination will be merciless, kike.
Do you really think when the Hezbollah skin your worthless kind alive the world won't take advantages of this opportunity?

Even if you are thinking of Catholic, you have to perform 3 miracles, which can be after your death and through intercession. If any Russian bros in this thread know of any good icon painters, it would be cool to have an icon of the Romanov girls.

RIP girls. Find it a bit harder to be kind about the Tsarvich, since he was supposedly a sadistic and spoiled prick, but no one deserves to die like that, esp at age 11 or 12. Dr. Pierce has a good broadcast on the Jews killing them and following out the Talmudic injunction: "the best of the Gentiles must be killed."

Tatiana's last words to her English tutor in the final letter the Jews allowed to get though was a letter complaining about the dust in the carriage, how the Jews wouldn't let them go to the windows, and the last words of the letter were "…don't forget me." RiP Tatiana. The Jews will never be forgiven until the balance sheet has been evened.

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yes. get fugged murica.

No. She shouldn't have killed her children. One of them might've been leading Germany out of this mess right about now… Even the smallest glimmer of hope in the face of overwhelming disaster is preferable to death.

She would have been nothing without her husband. The whole thing should always have been named the Curie family. But the retarded poles in their eternal retardation created the first femminist figure. As always.

Mussolini's children got away because he wasn't as important. But children of NS ruling class would never have.

Yeah she should have let her children live for the amermimutts and russian mongrels soldiers to rape and torture.
Sure dude, if that's what you masturbate too nigga…

The Quandt son survived…

> She was killed by Jews (or jews LARPing as (((neo-Jews))),
= the definintion of the first (((christians))).

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Why are burgers so fucking dumb and unable to search the interwebs…

indeed. one of the few standing up to the globalist cabal

Best Nationalist

Aren't you slaves banned from America's internet?

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I think first and second wave of feminism was alright and only Jews and incels oppose it. White women deserve equality. After all, we're in this fight together. The thrid wave pink-haried nut jobs who corrupt the true message of feminism are the problem here. It's wrong to put all feminists into one bag and label it all as a wrong think. Before, women fought for equality and now some women fight for supremacy. Jews corrupted what feminism was previously all about. Only weak men fear strong women.


It was her husband's life's work, she was his assistant. After his death she became poor and took credit for his achievements and discoveries.
Pierre Curie, assisted in part by his nameless wife.

There is nothing equal in nature, just variations.
No one fears strong women. They're more rare than a dodo bird. Acting strong isn't strong, it's beta female.

Gave yourself away too soon. Piss off.

That is what I said. If she was ever to be credited, it had had to include Pierre as the major contributor at the very least.
But thanks anyway, pooland.

strong women cook food and scrub floors.
strong women obey their husbands

A. not a burger
B. Yeah dubfuck, I understand the concept of searching for a product via the net. I wanted an actual religious Orthodox Russian to give the name of an icon-painter known for either his artistry or miracles said to surround his icons. The idea was to get a genuinely good one by a famous painter even if very expensive, not a piece of shit. Get it brainless scumbag?

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it wasn't a counter-argument, it was a follow on.
Nice hair-trigger though.

Same to you.
Hair trigger is good
Kikes won't be able to escape when the day comes

I don't agree here. And i doubt any of the woman in this thread would either. the woman highlighted in this thread are the rarest of the rare. THEY do deserve special rights and considerations in careers. the problem here is that one cannot make make a law that put into writing exactly what a female genius is and when they deserve to be treated as Hanna Reitsch and not as a housewife.

It can really only work under a fascist system.

You completely misread my post.
It seems we agree though so w/e. The 'mgtow' reaction to feminism is just another side to the same coin. I wouldn't doubt that the purveyors of feminism planned it from the very beginning. The 'rat utopia' experiments are very enlightening in that regard. The crucial point of that, that most everyone seems to ignore is learning to counter such social decay through technology, and planning. The world we live in can be thought of as a continuation of those experiments, taking off where Calhoun left off.

But explain what equality, what form it takes that they didn' t have and needed to function as women, loving wives and mothers, sisters, and occasionally maiden aunts or studious spinsters serving the community?
Did lack of it make them worse at being mothers?
And how they now have it (whatever it is) and we're all better off, them included?
A lot of what's called "equality for women" and lauded as revolutionining things from the early 20th century are things all the poor lacked before, and all lives improved when we got them, like clean water on tap, access to healthcare even if broke, understanding disinfection and how disease spreads.

This is the literary equivalent of the 300 confirmed kills pasta.
Regardless of whether you were right or wrong in the first place, by posting this you elevated yourself to absolute cancer status. "I scored 9/10 on a government approved history test in primary school!!!! Pay me $5,000!!!!!" then you go on to use the pink card, like a vacuous cunt. You sound absolutely saturated by reddit, and are convinced that you had performed a master-stroke tactic in your retarded and infantile post.
Truly pathetic and deserves a screenshot.

Hair trigger is for pussies and tumblrites.
The day won't come by itself, do something about it.

Numbers of nigger fighting for Germany: One

Koko the gorrilla was a good girl.

The Boomer battle cry of spoiled brats who give no credit to others. Also rerailing thread

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Come to (((Jesus))) little girl.

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