National Libertarianism an idea that focuses on the libertarian ideal of a small government and virtually unlimited personal freedoms for citizens of a nation, as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s rights. However, the “National” part comes from the fact that, differently from the U.S. Libertarian Party, National Libertarianism focuses inwardly (Nationalism) rather than outwardly (Globalism), and outright rejects anarchy.
We believe in personal freedom, but we also believe in law and order. If you abuse your freedom and screw with someone else’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, we’ll throw your ass in jail. You want to smoke dope in the privacy of your own home? Have at it. But if you give dope to a 10 year-old who can’t make an informed choice, you’re a monster who’s going to a cage.
We believe in national self-sufficiency; the idea that a great nation should be able to provide and manufacture what it needs from its own resources. We believe that all of a nation’s citizens make up the body of the nation and have something to offer it; a National Libertarian doesn’t believe in “African-Americans,” or “Japanese-Americans,” or “White Americans,” or anything else—we believe in Americans. And we don’t believe in “Make America Great Again,” because we’re already the greatest nation the world has ever seen—we went from nothing to an empire in a human lifetime (1776–1848), and by 1944 we were the most powerful nation the world had ever seen. And have you ever wondered why most modern countries have a President as their head of state? Because we invented the concept in our Constitution 230 years ago.
Libertarianism is inherently open borders and pro globalism. Even Mises admits you can't have Libertarianism without the free movement of people, internationally. Karl Marx even supported it because he understood that it was naturally internationalist and would erode borders and identity over time. Libertarian Nationalism is an oxymoron and your meme ideology is something you don't even fully understand.
Pretty sad when everyone is so retarded it makes these fags look sane.
Matthew Cruz
What you can learn from this thread and board: Every single entity in the right-wing spectrum no matter how exposed or obscure is stupid fake gay and a paper tiger
Libertarianism does not answer the jewish question and it does nothing to safeguard the future for the white race.
Caleb Cox
The constraints of your state form are defined by your own overton window. You veiw selling dope to a 10 year old a radical idea and therefore you make it illegal. That's not libertarianism. Also, nationalist countries have to be authoritarian in order to enforce state obligation. The closest anyone has achieved to the perfect harmony of individual freedom and state obligation was Adolf.
David Flores
Libertarianism is shit because it has no defenses against cultural subversion and other subversions that dont cause physical harm (eg- blacked porn) sage for civnat tard thread.
Leo Thomas
I disagree completely. I'm a pro-border, anti globalist libertine pirate. The political pole goes from authoritarian to anarchistic, fascism to barbarism, controlled to free. Just because an ideology falls on the freedom side, doesn't mean those people don't want a group or affinity identity. OP is mostly spot on.
That part is not. Libertarian doesn't mean no authority structure by default, just a minimal one based more on natural rights. You don't need to enforce state obligation if everyone voluntarily agrees to it. State obligations, keeping of the peace and so on, succeed or fail on the merit of the obligation.
Completely wrong, again, you're assuming Libertarians don't want to protect their affinity identity or the members of their community.
This, fuck off, OP. Libertarianism is nothing new to the people here. It was just an earlier stage in their development. I used to successfully defend anarcho capitalism, but then I realized there's some greater than being left alone, and it's called family, nation, race, and the heritage, traditions, and meaning those bring with them. Everyone has a standard they wish to defend, Natsocs just care about more than short term hedonistic individual pleasures, like libertarians.
Parker Jenkins
The absolute state of lolbergs.
Colton Collins
Got new marching orders at temple, moshe?
Andrew Jackson
No such thing. Fairy tale bullshit. The only rights you have are those you can defend and take with force.
Brilliant. Write that in crayon and post it on the fridge for your mom.
Jackson Thomas
Nice try merchant, except that National Socialism is the only rational way to solve this kiked earth.
The White Extinction problem is at a level removed from the socio-economic model used by a people. You're putting the cart before the horse. The OP didn't say they don't care about whites, just that they don't care about any race over a National Libertarian Identity. It wasn't singling out whites. White people's biggest problem isn't other races, it's other Whites. Whites are in the situation they are in because other Whites sold out their own. You can worry about, or raise the number of Whites, or any race for that matter, once you have a National Identity again that regards High Values. You'll extinct the White Race because you keep falling for divide and conquer.
Completely wrong, they are the only rights you have. Rights are yours Whether you can defend them or not. Ironically, your second sentence is mostly accurate and is almost a Natural Right unto itself. It would be better stated as; The only natural rights a person will maintain are ones they are willing to defend by force when necessary.
Stop trying to equate it to false Utopia, consensus is a hard concept for you hunh?
You should be happy to find another avenue to Nationalism not further propagating divide and conquer. OP makes a post clearly trying to unify similar disparate groups on this board and you shit on it instead of seeing it's potential. Makes me think you might be the merchant.
>white peoples biggest problem is (((other whites))) FTFY. >>>/trs/
Ethan Brooks
Blake Smith
but lolbergsteinism is shit and always was and always will be. its the right-wing of philosemitism. you cant be a lolberg and a Nationalist. we already did this and you lost. give up your jewish ideals.
Oh my god dude are you that lolberg sperg who used to make all those awful awful awful lolberg nationalist threads and the threads about rejecting 'White Genocide' as terminology, getting btfo again and again but protected by kampfy? Daily Reminder that 'natural rights' - 'rights' of any kind - literally do not exist outside of philosemitic fantasy.
Ayden Roberts
Yes, the greatest piece of shit and a blight on this planet, spreading war, globalism and jew banks everywhere.
Samuel Rodriguez
Holy shit I missed this part. Which is nothing. Literally nothing. Its fucking civic nationalism coupled with this gay identarianism shit.
I often hear members of these 'white nationalism' movements/organizations of the current year +X discussing the concept of 'identity', which I find disagreeable.
Identity IS a factor of what is of import, in actual terms, which is a matter of biology, not of mere internalized self-description, ie 'identity'; this distinction is important, as merely maintaining an identity into the future is not a means via which to maintain, to secure, our people into perpetuity - we are not a mere identity, we are a biological clade of beings, and this material reality is intrinsic to everything about us and our culture, the summation of which being that from whence our collective identity derives.
These lolberg spergs have drunk deeply of the waters of jewish libertine values, of the parrallel streams of atomized lolbergism and hollow civic natioanlism/identarianism, and they just can't seem to get it out of their system. Instead they want to force others to embrace the faulty ideas and empty notions which these soulless bugmen have internalized so deeply.
Chase Morris
Yeah, this country has been absolute garbage since the early 1900s.
Joseph Robinson
Libertarian nationalism is a contradiction in terms.
Xavier Morales
Are you Ernst Junger
Although I am an anarch, I am not anti-authoritarian. Quite the opposite: I need authority, although I do not believe in it. My critical faculties are sharpened by the absence of the credibility that I ask for. As a historian, I know what can be offered.
All the systems which explain so precisely why the world is as it is and why it can never be otherwise, have always called forth in me the same kind of uneasiness one has when face to face with the regulations displayed under the glaring lights of a prison cell. Even if one had been born in prison and had never seen the stars or seas or woods, one would instinctively know of timeless freedom in unlimited space.
My evil star, however, had fated me to be born in times when only the sharply demarcated and precisely calculable where in fashion…. "Of course, I am on the Right, on the Left, in the Centre; I descend from the monkey; I believe only what I see; the universe is going to explode at this or that speed" - we hear such remarks after the first words we exchange, from people whom we would not have expected to introduce themselves as idiots. If one is unfortunate enough to meet them again in five years, everything is different except their authoritative and mostly brutal assuredness. Now they wear a different badge in their buttonhole; and the universe now shrinks at such a speed that your hair stands on end.
Joshua Gutierrez
>>white peoples biggest problem is (((other whites))) you said it, not me. It wasn't just them though.
why would I want anything fashy, it's the opposite of freedom. I want strong Independent Unified citizenry out of Pride of accomplishment, not Obedient Statesmen out of Fear of Punishment.
no dumbass, give them a generic Proud Accomplished Identity based on solid values, current American identity is trashy/nonexistent
Still trying to equate Libertarianism and Judaism. Careful, if you try any harder people might think you're trying to claim Libertarianism for the Jews.
No, not civ, cause it's anti state by nature, but you're right the identity needs to built on strong principles.
Don't even know who that was. Is there a better term? Genocide and Extinction are different. Extinction can include Genocide.
yah, that part was wrong. It does need to be made great again, and I'm not even maga. It clearly is all fucked up, and not great atm.
He was overrated and became completely cucked as he grew older. Converted to (((Catholicism))) and cried over the 6 gorillion Jews.
Logan Price
soooooo basically you're still the run of the mill civcuk lolbergtarian (((american))) with "muh freedoms" attitude you unironically believe in the (((american dream™)))? it was literally created by jews in the early 20s and the poem on the statue of liberty was writen by a jew. civic nationalism is an oxymoron. in order to have a nation you must have a group compiled of persons from a similar backround. saying all americans are the same is like saying all men are the same.
Christian Diaz
VS Hmmmm
Elijah Jackson
Choose. You cannot serve two masters.
Julian Brown
They are directly equivalent, yes. There's no 'try' here: Lolbergsteinowitzism is Jewish as fuck, to its core. I don't have to - it was their baby from the get-go. The fact that you don't conceive of that just shows what a braindead kike-taught loser you actually are.
Oh god you're a legit child sodomy water park faggot. Daily reminder that in your optimal scenario you would be utterly destroyed by someone around you, because your ideals are autistic nonsense, and then a state would be formed amidst your ashes. Identarianism without ethnic and/or racial priority is trash for losers.
Funny because you're spewing basically the exact same rhetoric as him.
Jesus Christ you are one cringey as fuck LARPer. You'll never be a real pirate, because you're a massive pussy, and the moment you dealt with real fucking pirates you'd be pouting about the NAP and shit while they sodomized you and burnt your house down. Pirates were fucking scumbags, here's you LARPing as one, and funnily enough I'm inclined to suggest the most authentic thing about your LARP is that you're also a fucking scumbag, just without any of the even-vaguely-admirable aspects of actual fucking scalliwags.
Matthew Price
americans really are insufferable. you guys are so obsessed with "muh freedoms" that you completely purity spiral and try to achieve as much "rights" and "freedums" as you can, you are nothing more than liberals trying to fight non existent oppressive forces. you become so obessed with the concept of freedom™, that you cannnot discern the difference between big government and state because through your beady eyes its all just oppressive. newsflash you dont have a textbook full of rights to be free, if anything the concept of "rights" is arbitrary outside of your most basic ones. its just a product your shitty capitalist government is trying to sell to you americans so you can feel more liberated.
Caleb Martinez
solid posts
Tyler Davis
Count how many errors you made in your "argument/rebuttal", then count mine. Must be hard when you can only resort to shit slinging. Come back when you can use your big boy voice.
This isn't a classroom, nor is it cuck/pol/. Make a fucking comment in the vein of what was directed at you, you piddling little faggot, or go back to whatever cumdumpster you slithered out of. And don't come back.
i know its not all americans, its just the vast majority of the "right" in america. upon visiting and traveling this country Ive realized that it is beyond saving since this is the general consensus Americans harbor. hopefully when this country finally collapses the original American spirit and values will be reestablished again.
Carson Harris
The libertarian party and agenda is dead. Greedy immoral globalist capitalists, neckbeards, and potheads. You can have libertarian aspects to an all white nationalist society but why you would hang the anchor of libertariansim around our necks is beyond me. Lurk until you're serious kid.
Jonathan Parker
If you actually believe that user, you need to do some more traveling.
That said, I don't want the original 'American spirit and values' to be re-established, because they brought us here. I don't want to go back to some previous time, when it was theoretically better - there is no going back. There is only going forward, and looking ahead, I want to create something that espouses the beneficial conditions of that former state where able, but I do not want to return to such - after all, the original American spirit/values didn't include the racial component in the Founding document, so, right off the bat, it was a failure.
Everyone thinks being Libertarian is incompatible with being Pro-White. It's not. In fact, it's a very useful back door to the Ethnostate we all are fighting for.
White Supremacy is just the Free Market application of Eugenics.
Charles Jackson
England is far worse than the US. Every time I visit England, it's like stepping into the land of the soulless.
Brandon Parker
It is, explicitly. To be a lolberg is to place greater priority on your gay principles than on your people. I've heard dozens of your faggots try to claim otherwise, and end of the day, it always turns out the same.
You're like the Communist trying to shill that your personal brand of Communism is totally different than all other brands and you're not like the other Communists. And I know better than to believe that.
Violates the NAP.
Colton Fisher
ive done lots. ive been to different political rallies and meetings and have seen the same shit over and over again. I understand there is a minority of educated americans, but they will never preservere. there will be no civil war no HAPPENING, revolution and contrarianism is capitalized in america (MAGA hats for example). no one cares about REAL politics just the basic shit that makes them look edgy and cool. im not saying i want to, i just want to go back to that faustian spirit we had
Sebastian Roberts
The foundation of all Western Civilization is Epicureanism. Caesar was Epicurean. The Renaissance happened because of the rediscovery of Epicureanism. The Enlightenment happened because of the rediscovery of Epicureanism. The Industrial Revolution happened because of the rediscovery of Epicureanism. America was founded upon Epicureanism. Thomas Jefferson literally wrote "I am an Epicurean". The United States Constitution is an Epicurean document. Western justice is based on Epicurean ideals. Science and the scientific method are directly taken from Epicurean ideals.
Epicureanism is LIbertarianism before kikes ruined it. Epicureanism is the most widespread western religion until (((Christianity))) forcibly converted them by the sword. National Socialism is completely compatible with Epicureanism.
The Hebrew word for Heretic is Epikoros. The arch-enemy of Jews is Epicurus and Epcirueanism. They have done a phenomenal job burying it. Whenever white men rediscover it, we flourish.
Im not english, and technically it isnt if you look at demographics. America has been a jewish playground since the late 19th century britain hasnt till fairly recently. people like mosley made it into government, commander rockwell did not.
Eli Wood
And right here, the post becomes lower tier. Glad I could teach you all a lesson, try harder next time, and don't make it so obvious. I clearly kicked your asses, it was fun, thanks for the warm up. Keep digging your hole deeper though, it really helps pol recruit people to your cause. Have fun shilling to yourselves, and go ahead respond to this post, instead of getting back on topic, I don't mind leading you around, you'll just prove my point.
annnnnnd once the jew realizes no goy will accept his cucked philosophy he turns hostile. gee what happened to all that "ideology to save the white race" that loyalty was never there was it schlomo?
Jacob Johnson
I think you need to do some more traveling my man.
Maybe not in terms of demographics, but the English have a system in place that will make it much harder for them to perservere into the future and recover, because they can't speak, can't defend themselves, etc etc etc. And those demographics are a lie: English population is only like 50 million. The US has about 4x that many non-Hispanic Whites.
Oh, look, the Jew Pirate Pampers is running away like a little bitch while claiming he won. A delusional lolberg running away like a bitch!? WHOEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING!?
Blake Reed
You need to check your history, user. Britain has been the playground for the jews for centuries more than the US has. I mean the jews got kicked out in 1290 because they were seriously fucking shit up in Britain, they set up the Bank of England in the 17th century, they pretty much had an early form of globalism in the form of the British Empire, etc.
Connor Watson
well england is a smaller country and its projections to whites being a minority is much smaller than america. also they have much smaller population so its not really fair to compare the sitiuations i guess. yeah its pretty fucked in england with the whole loiscense shit. but the bill of rights will literally cease to exist (not that it really exists today anyway) once whites become a minority within your own lifetime.
Luke Cruz
i dont really know the history of england as much as americas. i guess what i was trying to say was that america has been fucked upon its early stages while england has known periods without them
Luke Taylor
No. Get out.
Xavier Jones
Fair point, I wasn't considering the fact the the US has had jews meddling since it's inception, whereas England did not. Still, right now they're both not doing so good.
Asher Martinez
"Rights" are nothing. It's an intellectual invention. A technique for convincing people that you don't need an argument to do, keep, or be free of something. "Rights" collapse as soon as another person doesn't believe in them, unlike gravity which doesn't care if you don't believe in it. You're like a baby. Grow up.
Maybe it's an insult to babies to compare you to them.
Alexander Morris
Checked. However, removing the welfare state and other incentives will, over time, lead to Whites out competing and out breeding lesser species.
Have faith in the superiority of you volk, know that given a level playing field, they will leave subhumans in the dust. Pic Related.
And it's the income tax that is stolen from Whites that funds the food stamps, the section 8, etc that is given to minorities so they can breed like rabbits.
Further, there are 39.88 million households in the US receiving some sort of means-tested welfare. Of those households, just 19.66 million–or 49 percent–are either native or immigrant whites (Note: Middle Eastern immigrants are classified as “whites”). That means the majority of US households on welfare are now non-white, even if you include Middle Easterns as White. Don't even get me started on how Hispanics are selectively counted as white when it's beneficial to (((their))) narrative.
It's called NATIONAL libertarianism, you dolts. Just like NATIONAL socialism isn't the same as socialism, both involves first kicking out the niggers and exterminating the kikes and then applying the economic model on top of that. It's quite obvious to anyone with a brain that such a libertarianism wouldn't involve the free movement of people. The problem with National Socialism is that it allows the state-sponsorship of defectives, just like any socialism. Whites are inherently individuals and we are all the better because of it; we just need a mechanism to keep the kikes from fucking up our high-trust environments.
It's not a contradiction at all because the nationalism supersedes the libertarian part. Basically it can be summarised as libertarianism within an all-white nation. If your normal libertarian practices would require you to import muds or niggers, then you're not allowed to do them. Everything else is fine.
Luke Rodriguez
Complete contradiction of what was said in the OP.
And forced relocation or genocide of groups of people would require a strong government with the power to overrule individual rights, which is not libertarian.
Liam Hill
Which doesn't make any sense in context in a conceptual sense. Socialism can very-neatly rest into Nationalism though, especially the sort the National Socialists espoused. Your lolberg trash doesn't fit into the niche bro. Its incompatible.
Luis Martin
Too "fuck white poor people"
Reminder Pinoshit took money from kikes
Joshua Ramirez
Libertarianism is a blank slate ideology for real ideologies to displace. It's the starting point before people start having preferences. It's no fucking surprise the intellectual heroes of libertarianism are mostly jews. They want you to lack conviction so they can displace your weak position with forceful Marxist propaganda.
My point exactly.
Jayden Collins
Remember, those stats are at the household level, and from september 2015.
As far as your claims that level playing fields don't exist and that we must remove franchise from minorities BEFORE we can out compete them, don't succumb to the Black Pill.
Benjamin Cox
The ends of individualism is the death of the race
So what you're saying is, since the playing field isn't level and won't be leveled any time soon, white men should stop participating in the economy and let jews try to sell their mortgages and chinese junk to welfare niggers.
We already have all the personal freedom we need, guaranteed by the Constitution. We don't want nor need your transvestite changes. Japan, however, you could turn them on a fucking DIME right now. They just need a little encouragement.
John Cruz
Yeeeah man, I'm not inclined to think welfare usage has dropped over time in any real capacity, but I can see what you mean in terms of households, so fair enough.
They don't and never will. Which is a explicit fact of reality, as you can't out-compete someone who outnumbers you in a democratic political system.
Almost everyone I see telling me not to take 'the black pill' turn out to be bluepilled as fuck. No offense.
This is true. Oh man would that hur the Jews. White men are basically the only thing keeping the United States solvent at this time. I realize that's not really feasible, but still, if even like 10-20% of the White male US population didn't engage in the economy… Oh, wait, that's basically what IS happening and, contrary to all the bullshit the jews keep trying to sell us as to the economy being in good shape, we're something like 20 trillion in dept that we cannot and will not ever pay back, while our currency is entirely-dependent on our keeping the ME oil-barons under our thumb into perpetuity. Sure, I guess? What I'd really like is to get rid of the niggers and the jews and probably the chinks too.
James Jones
Are you done throwing your temper tantrum?
Carson Wood
But the Constitution is shit.
I know some people are still hopped up on the indoctrination, but the fact is, the Constitution is incredibly, INCREDIBLY flawed, and does not hold anything in it innately - Liberia has the same Constitution, and its meaningless. Consitutional values are what brought us to where we are today.
Jacob Ross
You do know that small town America of the colonial ere, where the people helped out their fellow townspeople and neighbors, could be considered a form of socialism, right? t. George Rockwell
Matthew Ramirez
Pfft, I dunno, how sandy is your vagina at this point? My guess: Saharan.
Anthony Murphy
This. Socialism is people agreeing to a certain way of life whilst together. Libertarianism is people agreeing to not have a cohesive way of life, and to live separately.
Lucas Long
Jeremiah Gray
This. A piece of paper does not give a nation its form, it arises from the people who created it. A nation without its original racial stock will fall away from its original values.
Any ideology or worldview that is based on an economical system, whether it be capitalistic or socialist, is unsuitable to us. It has to be based on the racial worldview.
Ryder King
No, it isn't and it's criminals that have brought us here. Watch as we use the Constitution to cleanse the nation of those who would tear it down and bring them to justice. That is the power of the Constitution, as-is.
Dylan Bell
Yes it is. On Constitutional principles.
And then I dismissed you as the gay LARPer you are, especially given its a (((Tor)))fag.
Dylan Nelson
Carson Jenkins
No, you don't. People rise to the ideals behind the Constitution and what it stands for. It binds us together, one country, one purpose, one truth. If you as a foreign nation try and fuck with that, you will die.
Sebastian Flores
There wont be enough cohesion to repel invaders. If Russia invaded tomorrow, many people simply wouldn't care.