Party-enforced orgies and liberal identity politics fractures Party of Communists USA

Party-enforced orgies and liberal identity politics fractures Party of Communists USA

Jason "ROO!" Unruhe is here to inform us of the charges against the Party of Communists USA (PC-USA)

example of an IdPol-focused page:

ROO! is also inviting the PCUSA on his show possibly this week to defend themselves from these serious allegations:

Attached: roo.jpg (900x790, 123.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You reap what you sow.

hopefully they'll realize that having hedonistic sex is bad for both parties involved, even if nobody gets diseased as a result

we all know lefties are sluts. I hold membership in two communist parties(which I will not disclose the names) despite being natsoc. easiest sex i have ever had.

i do feel bad afterwards though tbh

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Belongs in /cow

And you don't change.

I thought they already disowned this guy when he came out as pro-white last month or so?

Someone post the cap of this lardass holding an airsoft gun with the obviously fake magazine pointing at the camera

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What a clown. I have long stopped arguing anything with anyone and have switched to a purely process driven approach.

Like how antisemitism doesn't actually have any negative effects for non jews, making all the hubbub about the past like the holohoax completely irrelevant since jews are eternally jewish, natsoc germany only lasted for a few short years.

ask and ye shall receive

Attached: Study- Leftist men are weak.webm (854x480, 6.28M)

It wasn't very different in the early USSR

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Found an old Dox. Not sure if he still lives with his parents, but he definitely was. Either way here:
Jason Unruhe

What are you planning to do with that? He's already a known public figure, it shouldn't be that hard if somebody wants to do something to him.

tor has cracked the case once again

should we try to weaponise turfs or just stand back at a safe distance?

People need to check this book out, it goes into detail the physiology of leftists all the way back to the French revolution to the modern day.


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That is just the Toxoplasmosis gondii you picked up by fucking degenerates speaking. Just wait until you can't get it up without attending a commie orgy.

It's just like the Spanish Civil War and OWS, they will never win.

Sounds like Mao, Castro's son (not Trudeau but the one everyone knows about), or the Soviet elites. All that's missing is the super luxury cars. This is the sad reality of communism, they are no better than the bourgeois they wish to murder and displace.

Almost as if Marxism is itself a branch of liberal philosophical tradition.

Soviet elites just raped and murdered peasant girls. Didn't need to pay them.

try giving your immune system a break

How is it? I have been thinking of attempting entryism in the DSA (as a natsoc).

Isn't there a law that says they can't exist on US soil?

So … they're acting like a major political Party! Good for them.

No, it's legal to be a Communist in the US. 18 USC § 2385 refers to foreign nationals on US soil. The CPUSA (the actual Communist Party) has been in operation since 1919, when the split from the Socialist Party.

he's nowhere remotely as bad as i am
i pose as a gommunist
so i can butt-fuck long hair gommie boys
some of them are seriously cute ok i'm sorry

Shit, so I can't kill them and get away with it?

That's rough.

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It's not illegal to be a communist, but the party doesn't have any rights in the US

This video is a parody. The guy in it is /ourguy/. He makes these unbelievable videos to make commies look retarded.

Is that part of the CPUSA platform?

lmao xDDDDDD

just checked original comment, how did that danty lad even think this was going to fool anybody

Is the "left" even real at this point?

I'll read the rest later, but first let me ask:

If this was amongst only the best, strongest, blondest members of the citizenry, would it be a bad thing?

This is why we need facism.

Where can we drop you off?

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I almost feel bad for him.

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Never gets old.

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Lol trolling a Leftist irl and I get the most trolly banner when I log on.

The left doesn’t play nice.

Sometimes i pity this neckbeard

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You can argue that the "whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States" applies to "or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name" and not the explicitly named "Communist Party of the United States" and that's how I choose to interpret that law.

We could also try to stretch it to cover organizations like antifa and maybe even BAMN

criminally underchecked

hilarious, from reading the comments on his video it looks like trannies will be the first up against the wall in their communist utopia

Holy shit! You mean communists are mentally ill degenerates incapable of long-term unity?!

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That's funny. This is why antifa these days is either androgynous, stick-thin pussies, actual trannies, or fat, hideously disproportionate women. Feminists, trannies, male feminists, and fags. Coincidentally all incredibly depraved, immoral people, so I'm not surprised by any of this. They could never hope to win. They're even more pathetic and weak-willed and simple than niggers.

It's hilarious how these stupid fucking commies don't realize what their own ideals beget. They want to prize and admire commies of old and try to be like them, while not realizing the basis for their ideals inspires hatred for whites, and thus their brand of white communism could never exist again so long as we're a diverse society. Worst part is, although that's the communism they want, by virtue of simply supporting communism at all, they're merely exacerbating the situation and driving the movement even further from that, because, as I said, communism itself inspires this hatred through invocations of class and race as class. A white communist is the dumbest piece of trash on the planet. By virtue of their skin color they are the "bourgeoisie." The only way they couldn't be would be by removing the racial element, and the only way to do that is by physically removing it. Any white person that propagates communism is propagating their own genocide. A separation purely on the basis of ideals can only exist in a homogeneous society. In a diverse society, ideals geared toward grouping people will inherently be defined by race or ethnic group; hence "white privilege" and "you can't be racist toward white people because racism is blah, blah, blah, and white people control everything." Every single white communist is the "bourgeoisie" and would 100% be genocided or put in a labor camp. Those morons need to realize that.

I see a 97 IQ that thinks it's a 145 IQ.

You just know their communist state is gonna go to shit and then there will be a Stalin type person to come along and restore order and recriminalize homosexuality.

I see sub 100 IQ’s running everything

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It is called the great leveling of the planet. And its purpose is to utterly destroy progress on Earth or conversely to destroy all life on it. They don't care because the only thing they know is envy and hate.

―t. George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier

gtfo retard

I hope you catch Hep C from on of your skanks and die of liver failure.

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Yes, these would be terrible even under the besf circumstances. It destroys any chance of proper pair bonding from occuring and regardless of the fact that they could lead to pregnancy, the child is fucked without committed monogamous parents psychologically capable of assuming traditional roles.

Party enforced arranged marriages might work but anything else is degeneracy of the worst sort.

I knew I wasn't the only one who does this.

Aww he thinks he's scary! How cute.

no proof of this, nor do you provide any reasoning that says that "pair bonding" is especially important

Look at how his wrist is about to buckle.

This bigot doesn't believe in nationalised tranny parties?

this. and, did you hear him repeatedly say "men who identify as women"???


But is it legal to be a national socialist?
If not there is some serious double standards.

History repeats itself. Communists keep trying to reinvent the wheel.


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It’s as bad as weak fat guys with AK’s trying to be scary.

Wake up, you shit your bed!.


Gas yourself.

Checking those quads

Thus the need for sensible, humane, and effective eugenics. Reestablish homelands for the Volk, then use positive, traditional culture and, over generations, eugenics to cultivate human greatness within the Volk. Things should be so much better than this.

AKA, the kalergi plan.

Look around you?
Ever heard of how dysfunctional the children of single mothers are?
learn2science, indeed, bluepill faggot.

gas yourself

Checked. These things don't write themselves. We need fascism.

Really makes you think if supporting homosexuality, feminism, open borders, miscegenation, "social justice", and other forms of degeneracy should be even a part of true Marxist doctrine.

One shouldn't give them credit for even understanding their own ideology. Truly, either they want to be different or they think they'll get free things.

Agreed. Although an even bigger question about understanding modern commies is, why did they even start supporting said modern degeneracy pushed heavily by mass media kikes and then pretend it's something the same mass media kikes supposedly despise because they are all "White racist capitalists"? Was it something being tought in the Frankfurt School to love race mixing and "Muh Stronk Wymyn!!!: The Ideology"?

I believe it all begins at the school and child media level, with subtle indoctrination. Having just graduated from a New York high school a few years back, it's not as bad as people say, but propaganda is far from absent. The real problem lies in the movies and television shows children watch. Though minority characters appeared in the shows I watched, they were just that, characters. Today, these characters typically receive little characterization in the fear of offending a minority. This can also be seen in many comics Marvel is currently pumping out.

My one AP biology teacher (likely centrist) made a note of how far PC culture had corrupted us. She asked one question to the class where the correct answer involved the word "retard," as in slowing a process. No one said a word. She always refused to move on until someone said the answer. After five minutes, she gave up.

How i am glad i am not a communist right now. This is utterly disturbing.


Thank God it's fake, he completely fails at finger discipline as well when he drops it down into both hands around 0:40 This goon would be the first to let off a burst into his comrades.

Don't tell the enemy he is making a mistake.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are having transexual aids spreading orgies and spending all their money on prostitutes.


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Thanks user. Yes, don't interrupt them cutting off their own dicks. They'll just be less likely to breed. A lot less likely.

I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm enjoying the shit show.

Nor am I, I liked your post

A reminder that this is what we're up against.

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Thank you please connect me to the hive mind
Take me back in time
Time to purge the (((crime hive))) with my rhymes

Kav's the finest and sublimest
His record's impeccable
He's the cleanest as they come
Man you know it's all NSA T-reckable
Deflect and collect 'ya paycheque Brian (((Krassenspyin)))
"The POTUS elect's a reject!"
Always cryin' on twitter lyin' tryin' to embitter
Man at least he ain't a quitter
Like a broken record
(((Paid motherfuckin' propaganda emitter)))
Hope you brought'cha shittin' pants man
I brought a pretty big fan base
I didn't come here to dance
Just spittin' bantz
(((You))) better make haste
But (((you))) know there's no escape
I'm throwin' this proverbial turbofan straight through your propaganda shitter

#declas #declassthewarrant
#itsover #DoItPotus

Supreme court justices
Do you know what justice is?
No cussin' on the television?
Cover up the lust and sinnin?
Trustin' all the lyin' women swimmin' in attention?
I forgot to mention that (((they)))'re shimmin' in a wedge and
a societal incision
Awareness is my vision
Deranged rap messiah?
I don't need no (((arrangement))) or (((audition)))
Callin' out this motherfuckin' (((paid protest division))) and I'm winnin'
Had enough of this war now peace is the mission
I'm tired of your (((ideological schism)))
Don't (((you))) dare co-opt my rainbow prism
Or my pony dash
I don't give a damn about your (((-ism)))
Or your phony (((cash)))
Can't you tell?
Had enough of your abysm
It's a livin' hell
Eye to eye logical like 'ya ova and my jism well
I fuck your (((Orwellian anti-love league feminism hell))) until it's over
You know I ring the bell like magic
My favorite girls always finish first without fail
(((They))) might leave your daughter in a hearse and escape jail
It's mother lovin' tragic

Who's worse?
Us or (((them)))?
Me or (((Eminem)))?

Unlike (((you)))!
You know I speak the truth!
Apocalyptic lyrical hail!
I'm burnin' down the veil of secrecy!
Redpill dispensary!
A miracle it's plain to see!
No more (((common decency)))!
Truth hits like a GRB!
Gamma is my bipolar manic frequency!
The mic spontaneously ignites in my vicinity!
High upon the threat matrix…
Panic level to infinity!
And I'm only gettin' bolder…
Fuck your (((mind tricks)))!
Still there is no fear in me…
My fusion's gettin' colder…
Approaching singularity…
More efficient with my rhyme licks :P
While my picture speaks for me
Come and test me
Try to let my spirit free
I'm just chillin' and grillin' G

I see you mimin' like you got my six?
Chimin' in with missing dicks?
Manning never was a chick
Nor will he ever be
(((Weaponized dysmorphin')))?
(((Orphan sacrifice)))?
(((Subsidized abortion)))'s nice?
Fetal tissue and a couple blood bags on ice?
Not your average (((pizza))) delivery
But that's the broken world I see
I facefuck your poor beliefs as I confiscate your (((foreskin face cream)))
So you can begin to contemplate the (((crimes))) within this motherfuckin' time and space dream
You know my mind is free

Bat mecha sharpie cow?

It will come soon, once we get things going to get countries back to it's traditional state.

Absolutely incredible clickbait title. Good job OP.
It's long past time to enforce the communist control act.

I wonder if they screen for HIV at these parties

I honestly think Lenin would shoot himself if he read that.


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the androgynous kind are the best

Friendly reminder that passing traps are /ourguys/ and should be coopted on every occasion. They are perceived as a credible threat by most women, de-leveraging the chad-cornered market a little.

Zealous anti-degeneracy is strategic inflexibility. To fight the jew you have to employ jewish tactics, merely denouncing it won't do anymore. It's like when hitler sent Jehovah Witness to pacify eastern territories and remove orthodox church influence.

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Criminally unchecked white dubs

TRSodomites get the rope

You're as much natsoc as you are Chinese. Your actions speak louder than the "titles" you give yourself. In fact, there are more substance of you being Communist than anything else : you have memberships, attend meetings with them, and exchange STDs with them. No one should ever trust you.

Storytime anons