Celebrating the American identity

European ethno-nationalism and European politics do not apply to the United States. I find it ridiculous people on this board are trying so desperately to draw parallels between the USA and Europe. As Americans we shouldn't hold on to the old world or put it on some kind of pedestal. We need to embrace New World idealism. I'm not saying to reject White Nationalism, I'm saying White Nationalism is better suited for Europe. It makes no sense in the United States. There is nothing wrong with admitting this. And should this great nation of ours collapse by our own devices, then we shall see who was right. Until then, we should not look to Europe or any of its leaders past or present for direction.

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Other urls found in this thread:


kikefree 13th gen American reporting for duty

God Bless America

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You need to try a little bit harder.

Fuck off, nigger.

How is it applicable to the United States and not Europe, the actual Whites homeland?

I thought this was going to be a thread about celebrating American culture. Instead it's a weird, noncommittal rejection of unity in favour of some vague concepts. "New world idealism" what does that even mean?
I strongly disagree. Our homeland is sacred and American culture flows from Europe.
Fuck civic nationalism. SAGE

Because there is no "white identity/brotherhood" in Europe. There is ethnic identity ala Brits, Germans, Dutchmen.
Since most white americans are a mix of to or more western European ethnicities we have a "white" identity. And it is only applicable to America, because the rest of the European descended new world kept their ethnic identities, for the most part (canucks are still English or French, aussies are English or irish, etc)

Afrikaners are an exception, because they created their own language, therefore becoming a new ethnic group out of their constituent parts (dutch, French and german)

yeah you're right, I saw the cowboy and was so eager to make sure the first post wasn't kiked, I missed the civnat BS.
America has more whites than the rest of the world. Why not here?

Posting hurts I can't make shit for posts this website is dying. Who the fuck is shutting this place down? Fuck it I'm out until this place stop shitting itself

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It's such a shame because America really does have culture and it should be celebrated. America has folk dancing in the form of square dancing, club dancing, and a few other things. She has traditional clothing that should be celebrated and regional differences to boot.
But instead we have this ridiculous debate between the "Amerikans are mutts" crowd who think that all Americans are uppity civnats jealous of Europe and then these "American values" crowd who confirm their insults.

Vague concepts don't hold nations together for long. Blood does. Every country that has tried to replace this fundamental concept has imploded. America will not survive as a "set of values" or as "an idea" because no one even knows what those values or ideas even are.
America will live or die as a people. And those people are White, or, dare I say it; European.

You don't need to go far back in history when it comes to white American ancestry to reach European roots and it's time you start respecting your roots as I do. I will never shit on ethnic Euros ever again, I will only shit on the ones of whom plunged Europe into the depths it's at now.

American historical White nationalism is an interesting topic that I was hoping to discuss as well. White Americans have a long, rich history all their own, and that I think is a mostly unexplored territory.

Maybe I'll make a thread about it myself sometime.
Anyway, reported for low effort slide thread.

Sanity. Breath of fresh air.

Of course it's dying. Civ nats are corralled onto /qresearch/ and here is for racists where mods allow threads like "ITT we hate x race" and shills drive out saner folk until the id rules with unrestrained hatred.

It's deliberate.


We are European by blood obviously, but I think we use that as a crutch too much. Like you said, we have a rich history of traditions that are in no way European. I would like White American to have as much weight and significance as white European, and I think it should. We are a people that can stand on our own together as White Americans with a shared culture.

There is no "American identity."

Your thread is most likely going to be gone soon, switching IPs or to Tor isn't going to save it.

Fuck off kike

Hi, paid jewish shill.

I'm with you for the most part. American culture and tradition are unique and should be celebrated. If I end up in charge of reviving America after we rid ourselves of jewish influences, I'd set about rejuvenating American interest in its own culture. I'd add dancing and song to the curriculum to recover after decades of alienation and foreign influence.
However, it's pretty clear that American culture stems from European culture. I mean, we didn't spring out of the ground, we came from Europe and conquered the place. And American dance and folklore is definitely European in origin.

Brainlet shill thinks switching to Tor is more likely than switching VPN IPs when Tor's more obvious.
Don't you like me redpilling people about this honeypot?
Does pointing out how discourse is dictated here threaten your containment area?

You've got it completely backwards. Europe is a patchwork of various nations with distinct languages, cultures, and ethnicities. You can only call them "white" against the backdrop of the rest of the shitskin world; any alliance is a temporary one. American whites, on the other hand, do not have a European nation they can call home, or any of the associated nationality distinctions. We are de-racinated. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to develop White American Nationalism, rejecting immigrants from ALL nations. "White" is a reactionary category and while useful during the expulsion phase, is not useful for nation building because a "nation" requires language, culture, and morality (esp. Christianity).

The responses I always see to threads like this convince me that the average poster is Leftypol cosplaying.

Cry about muh hatred some more, fag.

This used to define American philosophy and epistemology.

Now we've become the same sort of ideologues that we used to detest in Europeans. It's the same sort of tribalism that resulted in wars over there for 700 years.

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Literal TORah kike.

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I actually agreed with you on these two points ,
but your behavior is quite execrable and only serves to prove my argument about shills dragging this place down.
What do we see here? The first one to come in to shit up the thread and shut it down.

Free speech is just so un-American, isn't it?

Again, cry moar.

And it was trash, like everything else that ever came from America

, said user via American-developed technology, on an American imageboard, via the American internet.


The world didn't need your mutt bullshit, and krauts produced the first practical computer. Krauts sent people to the moon.
Your internet was developed as a mean of military control after you saving kikes and commies from extermination. Which backfired in your mutt face.

America was largely founded by white protestants, meaning sobriety, hard work, individuality, decency, and a spirit of discovery and wilderness adventure. Americans feel ashamed about gibs, and take pride in personal accomplishment. Europeans are mostly Catholic/Atheist drunkards and perverts who collectively hate work and only leave the city if someone provides a tourist facility for them. They take pride in ancient history, and see no shame in taking something that wasn't earned. Really not compatible cultures at all.



Yeah, we sure didn't have any notion of keeping the US European. Nope, not at all, we wuz civcucky from the start.

How about you fuck off.

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We should use the idea of the Amerikaner ethnicity to distinguish ourselves from the various European peoples, the Aussies, and the Kiwis. I've tried using this is the past, but it doesn't catch on. So long as groups like the NAACP, the ADL and LaRazza exist in the US, it is necessary for us to have groups that push for our ethnic interests.

Americans like you are extremely pathetic, please don't ever leave your containment nation

Arguably, Americans have some of the "best" genes, or at least the genes that created this unique culture.
Our ancestors were the ones who braved the oceans to settle in a new land that they were forced to tame.
That is an evolutionary pressure on the people who came here unlike anything seen on humanity in millenia before.
The first selector was in who actually left the old home and came to the new one.
The next selector was in survival, just surviving in this new land.
The last selector was in who succeeded and reproduced the most, once here.
A side note is that once here, all historical prejudices of Europe eventually went away and English mixed with Germans who mixed with Celts who mixed with Italians, etc.
White Americans not only tamed this land, but our genetics were shaped by it.
American whites are not the same as Europeans anymore. We aren't better, but we're certainly of a unique stock and we should absolutely focus on finding our own way, unique from Europe. Europe should do its own thing, and America should as well.
I'll support every white European in their endeavors, but I'll never presume to tell them how to run their shit. I'd only ask the same be provided for white Americans from them.
We just need to fucking unkike this country, because the Euros are not wrong that we're the most fucked by the kikes right now.

You are all deluded. We are all our blood and we always will be. Each of our tribes has certain virtues that are deeply embedded and which it values more than anything else. I have not bothered to narrow things down too much and there are always exceptions, but by and large we can see which virtue is most to do with which tribe, and from there we can see how all of their decisions have been formed.

Let us separate our people into two main groups for simplicity: Germanic and Mediterranean. The Germanics are concerned with individuality and purity before ANYTHING else; we can see this as far back as the writings of Pelagius where he advocated pseudo-Puritanism (and was combated by the Mediterranean Augustine), we can see this in the Anglo-Saxon hatred of hypocrisy which has shaped the political landscape of the UK for hundreds of years (see the expulsion of Queen Matilda, the establishment of Common Law, and the general attitudes towards individuals like Henry VIII or George I) and is still deeply important in England and America today (Theresa May is reviled as a 'remainer posing as a Brexiteer', Kavanaugh is attacked for supposedly not acting as a man of his position should [be it suspected sexual assault or alcoholism], Trump is constantly called out for being hypocritical). In a more general sense it ended in Protestantism as the religion of near every Germanic nation, Puritanism being the extreme form which is - obviously- obsessed with 'purity'. Their concern with the individual is exhibited in ideas like 'meritocracy', a desire for social mobility in the form of the middle class, and even when it comes to 'collectivist' ideologies like socialism; we find that Germanic socialists are more concerned with the individuals rights to bugger the anus than they are with any collective ideas.

In contrast the Mediterraneans are far more focused on the collective, and also on the 'abstract'. We can see throughout all of history that in Mediterranean nations it does not matter what a person does or how they act in private, so long as they appear to be acting in good faith. Recent examples like Berlusconi show how the Italians have no issue with fornication; in France it is acceptable to have a mistress so long as your wife never finds out, and historically we have many individuals with depraved private lives who are nonetheless accepted in wider society (Lysander and Crassus come to mind). Unlike Germanics however, Mediterraneans do demand that their leaders aid their communities. Their personal character and private life is irrelevant so long as they give various forms of aid to the people; and so we have the Mafia accepted so long as they are generally aiding the populace, we have the Spanish (historically) accepting either Christian or Muslim leaders, it is all about the community for these people. Their concern with the overall as opposed to the specifics, what I see as an 'abstract' approach to life - is seen in their following of Roman Catholicism, of their massively fractured social structure (there have always been a lot of 'thinkers' willing to dedicate themselves to various ideologies, and still today we see Italy, Spain and Greece with huge Fascist and Communist movements, just as historically we saw all manner of heresies based upon obscure points (at least relative to the issues that the Germanics had), and back even further the Sophists and Stoics, and Democrats and Oligarchs and all the rest.

The Germanics in America were concerned with individuality, purity, meritocracy, Protestantism and fairness; just like the English, the Germans, the Swedes and the Dutch. The Mediterraneans were far more focused on the community, and ended up being hostile to the Germanic ideal that the US was founded on; supporting all manner of social welfare, de-emphasising the good character and individual excellence required for various positions (affirmative action and its pre-cursors), being for various degeneracies (alcoholism, prostitution, immigration) and of course being Roman Catholic.

In the case of the US I think that the Mediterranean influences have been disastrous; though equally in the case of the ancient Roman Empire the Germanic influences were disastrous. I certainly prefer these two peoples to any other, but even they cannot get along well and we can see clear differences between the two, and it is reflected geographically in Europe at the points where the two peoples meet (and especially emphasised in Switzerland where the German speakers are Protestants who are radically against immigration, yet for individual rights [including abortion and guns] while the Italian and 'French' regions are Catholic, pro-immigration and anti-abortion.

Seeing the world in this way also gives some good insights into history. I am near certain that Ireland is a Phoenician (Mediterranean) colony because of how the people act, so unlike the rest of the Germanics.

Any uniqueness to America's "roots", identity, culture, architecture, etc is in small groups scattered across the country such the Amish or Mormons. The rest as it has always been is a jewish oligarchy supplanted by niggers being circus monkeys for entertainment, asphalt, and cosmopolitanism This is as an American, but will likely be called a shill or jew anyways.

Behold, real american culture.

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Colorado, I don’t even have that car anymore.

i agree my friend

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Pretty officer lady though. Would wrestle.

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Not even American and he's a laissez faire faggot.
Part nigger who made the FBI into a Jewish secret police force
Liberal niggerfucker
One of the biggest perpetrators of white genocide in history

Lol. Britkikes are the biggest hypocrites on Earth.

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Come on that’s an excellent song

stopped reading, have have LARPing

Better idea you spend a month as Kek

have *fun larping

I died in the club and resurrected

15th generation here fucking newcomers

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That's called respawing, that happens to me sometimes too. I got "suicided" two months ago, and then woke up again on my bed… it was a pain going back to where I died just to pick up my green card and my license.

Posting American music

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The American identity is based on consumerism and jew-worship. There's nothing to celebrate.

Am I just retarded when it comes to figuring out generations or something? I'm descended from original settlers of this land, and I only count 9 ancestors back to the earliest date of European settlement that isn't the Vikings a thousand years ago. So does that mean you're memeing/you're a prairie nigger or am I just a retard.

Maybe your ancestors just had kids later in life. Many of my ancestors were subsistence farmers in the Ozarks for centuries for generations before the Revolution so we didn't really have much to do in the off time and the extra labor was needed

That could be it, a lot of mine had surprisingly long lives, they go back to original settlement of the East coast. Either way like you I feel a connection to this land since my family has been here for centuries at this point. I mean obviously I'm still 100% European after doing a DNA test but I have no direct connection barring blood to the old world, no family ties or people that'd know me or my family back there. I've been learning German since I'm Anglo/German so I cover both my language bases, but it's still unfortunate I have no ties to the old world other than my race.

This is the only recording I know of the the famous Rebel Yell the Confederate soldiers liked to do during the Civil War. Remember, these are veterans almost 70 years after the war ended.

It always astounds me how recent our Civil War was relatively speaking. Even though I know the date, its crazy to know there were Americans alive through WW1 that saw our country at war with itself.

You know nothing.

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My ancestors were the first Europeans to permanently settle west of the Mississippi and we even have our own almost extinct version of French I'm trying to learn as much of it as I can I managed to track down a book of our old Folktales with the stories in both English and our French and it's a strange feeling to have to buy the stories that should've been handed down to you

Apparently, the last verified Civil War veteran died in 1956 at the age of 106

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Implying mutts are americans.

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Man that's awesome, unfortunately even though I have a long history here I don't know as much as I wish I did about my ancestors which pisses me off. You should definitely pass down those stories and the language to your children, keep the tradition going even if it wasn't for you.

That insane, I can't imagine living through such dramatic changes in the world, living through the civil war, both world wars, and the korean war. I'd imagine that poor bastard would've been depressed to see his country fall so far.

Meh, I'd rather not. Sounds too close to libertarian to me. Although Andrew Jackson and George Washington are fine fucking demi-idols to worship.

Thanks, I plan on getting more copies for my siblings and cousins too. Now I just need to track down some of the music.

Mutt identity.

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Fuck off, frankly.
Before 1965 the USA was about 90% White and 10% black slaves or their descendants. (with maybe 1% jew invaders that snuck in as "white" in the late 1800s) The blacks were ALWAYS almost entirely segregated from the Whites. Then the jews orchestrated the "civil rights" era of "blacks need to invade White communities and get free shit from Whites" and the 1965 White genocide invasion act.
The USA is a WHITE Nation. The non-Whites here are invaders, obsolete farm equipment, or tragic mixed race persons. The handful of natives have their reservations.

The history of the USA is WHITE HISTORY.
The USA is a White country that is in the process of being debased, destabilized, degenerated, and destroyed by non-White invasion and jewish media/ government control.
Also, it's not about hate, you faggots. It's about HAVING A PEOPLE and OPPOSING THE ONGOING GENOCIDE OF WHITES AND WHITE AMERICA.
Or are you CivNat shitters arguing that opposing genocide is "hate?"

Race is genetic.
White countries for White people and only White people and no jews. Anything else is White genocide, either fast or slow.

Sounded pretty good until you tossed out "muh christianity."
No. All abrahamic religions are poison.
Who was that guy with the big hat kissing the feet of black african invaders in Europe, again? Oh yeah, the pope. "Muh not real pope!" Whatever.
Point out a single christian denomination of significant size that is explicitly "Whites only" and a supporter of White Nationalism. There isn't one. They are all "muh all are one is Jesus" and "muh we are all the children of god" since that is what the Bible SAYS. Christianity is incompatible with hard-line Nationalism since christianity is a universalist creed.
Morality is very important, but Whites need a White religion that is explicitly for Whites only.
I figure something along the lines of Volkism combined with Ancient Greek philosophy and Ancient White traditional religions.
Besides, the idea of an "all powerful creator god" leads to the "everything happens for a REASON" and "don't fight, it's all part of GOD'S PLAN!!!!!!" way of thinking. No, it isn't, and nothing will ever get better for Whites until White people make them better through physical action in the real world. To begin with, Whites must learn to be tribal (IE, Nationalist and not faggy "civnat") again.

They created those schools of thought back when the USA was a 99% White country with some slaves/ descendants of slaves in segregated communities.
They were talking about White Nationalism, not "muh multicult diversity."

Our differences are genetic and culture, not christian BS.
Culture does matter, but it is the thin veneer applied on top of genetics.
Christians seem to think that everything boils down to "muh Jesus." It doesn't.


Only Whites and the north of the border feather indians (on their reservations) should exist in the USA.
Deport all the rest.



The idea that Thomas Jefferson was having sex with black women is a slander without any proof.
The genetic study that was done on "known and suspected" descendants was a crock. All it showed was that some people who MAY have been Jefferson's descendants had black admixture. That mixture could have occurred at any time in over 200 years AFTER Jefferson.
Hitler had one testicle and a jewish grandmother too, right?

False. The USA and the people of the USA were vehemently independent-minded and focused on self-sufficiency until the early 1900s. Even then most people lived on family farms and sought to cultivate self-sufficiency until the great depression wrecked everything and WW2 overturned society (many millions went to war, many millions went to factories, women in the workforce, etc).
There were also very few jews in the USA until the late 1800s. Hmmmmm…….

Tell me, how is that European breed Nationalism going?
Are the European countries secure and proud? Or are they apathetic, degenerate, and rapidly being transformed into brown favela shitholes?
That never would have happened if the European countries had worked together better rather than go to war with each other. The USA should have stayed out of WW2, but we, in fact, did stay out for years. WW2 was started as an internal European conflict between European Nation-states.
I support the White peoples of Europe and the securing of their homelands, but "pure breed" Europeans are in no way superior to "mixed breed (but still 100% White European genetically)" White Americans.

You're wrong about the American identity not being white– though it is true that it's not wholly european. America, at its creation, was nearly 100% white and is a mix of the best of Europeans to form a new collective of whites with a distinct genetic admixture of European roots. Our culture is a mixture of European traditions stemming from all European countries with an emphasis on individualism, frontierism, and the idea of American exceptionalism. We have a unique culture that echoes our european origins and picks the "best" ideas from them to create a new culture entirely. Our european roots cannot be ignored. While there is no American ethnicity, instead we must focus on our white ethnicity that we draw from our ancestral lands.

Though we our country has been perverted by the extreme wealth we have (had) gained, leading to consumerism and degeneracy– which also stems from the new exodus of non-european races and cultures– I believe that we can drive out the racial and culture invaders to reclaim our unique, American culture.

I am a 12th generation (purely white) American on my mother's side, and my father is a pure German, and it pains me to be forced to fight a silent, futile resistance against our nation's corruption because cowards like you refuse to commit to real American values. I've considered moving to Germany, like my father told me to before he died (when I was 12), but part of me knows that my American roots would always feel out of place and that I will never be purely German.

I'm willing to accept that nationalism (IE: German nationalism, etc) is primarily for European nations, but the idea of "white nationalism" comes from the idea of a shared, unified "white identity" - where multiple European ethnicities come together under a common banner (which is basically what America was in its founding). It's basically what "multiculturalism" pretends to be, just that it excludes non-whites (so it's RACIST!!11).

That being said, I'm also willing to discuss the idea that "white identity" is a bit nebulous sometimes and often not well defined (IE: do we consider Italians, French, Greeks, etc white?). It also doesn't address major governmental functions, and instead focuses purely on the idea of grouping and identity itself. But this thread isn't exactly addressing these things.

No, there is no American ethnicity.. yet. In reality all European nations (at least those you consider white) are melting pots on a small scale. In time I'm sure Americans will have shed most if not all of their 'Europeanness' and that's just the way it works. It is by no means a bad thing. If you subscribe to the idea of eugenics and bettering a nation's racial properties, expressions such as 'purely German' make little sense because we undertake to reach new levels on the evolutionary scale all the time as adherents of eugenics.

Ah sorry I typed "white ethnicity" but I didn't mean to. I meant that we are not one ethnicity, but have white ethnic roots. I neglected to proofread before replying, and quickly after posting I realized my mistake. Entirely my fault, and I 100% agree with your statement.

Also, I find it amusing how so many of you think European countries are ethnically homogeneous and that there have never been instances of exogamy in Europe. Not only do my parents come from different countries but also I've met loads of people whose parents opted for such marital arrangements so there's a fair share of Europeans who underwrite the same concept of 'whiteness' as Americans do when it comes to nation-building and so forth. Perhaps our mindset is not widespread on this continent yet but I have high hopes for it as I think it is one thing we could learn from Americans and put it to good use.

El goblino

No worries, pal.

America has been and should remain a WASP/Germanic country. Fuck off with your Civic Nationalism. The immigration act of 1924 should be reinstated.

And thus, by that token, 'purity' translates into a stale gene pool that is ripe with unwanted traits. Forget about purity, there is only good breeding and bad breeding and I think it's pretty easy to tell good from bad.


There is, and never has been a sense of unity between the whites of the US. The United States should not exist. The ant-federalists were right. There are many groups in this country, and they need to form their own identities to fight for. "The United States" is just more multiculturalist nonsense designed to destroy whites.


I have no place to talk about European ideas of ethnicities or whiteness, I'm American and it's not my place to get involved– in the same way that non-Americans getting involved in American problems is only distracting to their own issues. I simply took the general rhetoric and relayed it back, Germans, Celts, etc. are so obsessed with ethnic purity that for me, an ethnically mixed white American, to try to insert some common sense is pointless. I do agree with you, however.

I never mentioned the word purity, and the ethnicities of Europe have similar cultures and traits when compared to blacks or asians. Despite whether or not America should exist– which it only exists because Europe had become static and divisive– it does. There is an American culture, formed from many European cultures, and now that it exists I'd argue that it is distinct from, and as good as, any european culture. I get the sense that you aren't American, as I detect a sense of European elitism, so I suggest that you worry about your own nation instead of mine. You cannot understand what it's like to be an American just as I cannot understand what it's like to be Norwegian, unless I am one.

Though, I'd rather America dissolve and attempt to integrate back into European society (as wrong as it may feel growing up with American ideals) than live in this twisted, kiked nation that America is now.

Come home white man.

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Again, I never learn. I meant to address the second half to this other person, as well.

I'm Alaskan. We're as far removed from the rest of the states as another country.

You almost had me until that point.

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pic related, replace civilization with American Identity
What a shame

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samefag sage
cool 4th pic, never seen or read that before! Thanks!

it's the source. Too big a file.

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