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I hope (((their))) ABC crashes and burns, and Virginia Trioli gets pack raped by a gang of smelly sudanese bulbheads.
That’s amusing, I worked with a guy five or six years ago who reckons Trioli isn’t the complete lefty fucktard she pretends to be…
If that were true, to be honest it would make her even more of a cunt.
Brisbane antifa protested an Un-Safe Schools rally held by Fraser Anning the other day. He had some goatfucker with him so he can't be racist.
The same association laws that prevent bikies from associating in public apparently don't apply to boy raping faggots that want the authority to indoctrinate other people's children.
Goddamnit that shit just depresses me. At least I live in amongst a billion maoris here in brisbanes south west and they hate this faggot shit as much as we normal people do.
Did you lot hear about this:
Blokes getting fucked by the NSW police because he is selling toy guns lol.
I miss Ned tbh, he wouldn't have stood for this.
when will you cunts start murdering these kike golems in the streets?
based asio agent
They are protesting against a guy who is against pedo shit?
Sorry ASIO, I'm busy this week. Why not give the Israeli embassy a call. I'm sure they can arrange another 'white' fella to rally drive through a pedestrian crossing. Give those diversity bollards a workout.
The government put a school program in place 'safe schools' advertised as an anti-bullying program. It's a tranny and faggot indoctrination program. Drawn up by a lesbian commie and two faggots, one of the faggots is a pedo apologists that's written papers on boy fucking for one of our universities. Deakin, or Macquarie.
Based and redpilled, the only ones advocating violent removal of communists and traitors to the country and our race, who will make sure your children are indoctrinated into trannies, are ASIO agents. The real path to victory is making strong community bonds in form of pool parties with a sphincter exploration initiation ritual in the local park. Can I get Blaire's face tattooed on my ass too?
ASIO = Australia's Special Israeli Orifice.
don't you have some kids to traffic mate?
I don't know, don't you have some blacked porn to jack off to while somalis rape white women in Melbourne?
nah too busy sniffing your mums brapper innit
I'll tell you what. You go first. Show me how it's done mister 5 eyes. I wouldn't want to set a bad example for other race warriors.
Nah m8, I'll be sitting in my room all day being angry that I'm getting fucked in the ass every day but doing nothing about it. I'm not even an auscuck.
le asio pretending to be mossad face
le reddit cuckchan homosexual face
You seem awfully invested in this Australian thread. Why don't you tell us about yourself. If you're a shill, you can stage a narrative. If you're attempting to shitpost, you can farm plenty of responses.
The floor is yours. Entertain me.
So many ASIO niggers ITT.
I'm just here to laugh at you pathetic, helpless cucks who sort of know what's wrong with the world but aren't willing to do shit about it. Some of you who go out and put posters or have rallies are ok I guess since you're risking your social status and jobs but you subhuman lemmings that are using the
excuse to jerk off while the proverbial Rome burns disgust me on a deep level. It wouldn't be a problem if you at least did something without openly saying anything on a chan or your faceberg or whatever, but chose to discourage everyone else from action in order to bring them down to your level, thus making you feel better about yourself.
if i say i'm 1/100th abbo, do i get to kill endangered and protected animals too?
And here you are, are wasting your time on a bunch of strangers who don't even have the balls to do what?
Why would I need to change my IP to laugh at you pathetic faggots? I'm just having a laff at your expense. You'll probably wait in your room for as long as you want till it all blows over. If one side wins, you'll try to pretend like you were with them all along, if the other wins, you'll have an enlightened chuckle as if you didn't throw in your lot out of wisdom and not cowardice.
You first. Show me the kike golems you killed.
Strong words, if you're planning to kill the kikes running Australia into the ground, don't reply to this post.
nice dubs
Fuck oath their are some retarded asio niggers. They're afraid and they should be. Hell every video game I'v gone into and by chance come accross all of the faggot highschoolers spam 4cuck pol memes and Hitler did nothing wrong.
We've won the youth. It's over.
Guess I'm the retard.
Because I haven't been issued my shiny S.S. uniform yet and commissioned a command of 200 elite soldiers. I don't do things small scale, mate.
Based zoomers. The majority of the people behind the increase of Australia's population are non-white/born overseas but at least we've got some edgy teenagers on our side. Time to crack open a cold one and wait till baste gen Z take back the world for us.
Do you have a high enough record killstreak in cawadooty to deserve 200 elite soldiers tho?
I killed 300 kangaroos a couple of weekends ago.
Sorry, forgot to mention that also involved dragging each one of them into the back of the ute and dumping into a well. Good practice for the real thing.
Dang, that's bound to give you a few prestige levels. You've got my buttplug, commander.
During an expedition deep into enemy territory (Fitzroy), I saw an ad for a Vic/Gov website where public questions are to be answered by aboriginals: deadlyquestions.vic.gov.au
I think we can give them a more diverse set of questions than what the identical trotskyite otherkin they're aiming for can offer, what do you reckon?
brehs whats happening 4chans?
required watching for you fags
how are you fucking clickbaiting us on fucken Zig Forums you cocksucker faggot
You being a kiked out faggot doesn’t make someone else a nigger.
Trips confirm.
It's pretty depressing walking around in Melbourne city, the gooks seem to outnumber us 10-1. The cunts responsible for this should be hanged from lamp posts.
looks like there are a couple decent ones so far. unfortunately it seems all the answers are in video form by some australian spics
I asked 3 questions and all are "under review." Tried to word them as unoffensively as possible, but I suspect none of them will ever hit the page.
You need to learn how to make a proper thread, cunt.
my questions have been under review since this morning.
disclaimer: im burger.
asked them if the aboriginal peoples are petitioning the government for free ciggy's so they don't have to beg for them on the street. also asked them if the government should be researching alternative fuels to gasoline so that it isn't so available to be abused.
hello you upside-down faggots
t. correct way up northern hemisphere
just dropping by to see what you all think of Antipodean Resistance? they seem bretty baste tbh, like an aussie NA.
moarpheus and the other namefag shill who's name I forget always screech about them being glowniggers, but NA weren't glowniggers
hope you gaylords are enjoying your summer while we freeze up here
shouldn't there be cctv footage from the station?
australian woman living in nyc walking home at 2am attacked by nog
Edgy kids who like stickering & hiking and use discord way too much. They're alright, but don't have much clue what they're doing. I doubt they'll grow to the level of NSM or even NA, but wish them all the best.
Hello ASIO
With discord I 100% agree, their hearts are in the right place and at the very least they are in the best position to actually become Zig Forumslacks or more.
tbh I see browsing anonymous imageboards as a retrograde step if you're already active IRL. Not that you can't do both.
Burger here, is ASIO the equivalent of the CIA for you?
use google you fatty
oof, not smart, that won't end well for them
they seem to do a good job at triggering people, their artwork is pretty top titties
I imagine a number of them were Zig Forumsacks originally, I know the leaders and lots of members of NA were Zig Forumsacks
agreed, imageboard essentially fill the void of having sufficiently repdilled people to talk to IRL, once you have that, imageboards are a bit pointless
It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge
It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal
It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave
It's the JEWS in the law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler tying Vicpol's hands with regards to policing Sudanese gangs with fear of racism
It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees
It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it
It's the JEWS making an alliance with Muslims to get more Muslim refugees into Australia
It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos
It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC
Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty
Spigelman is no longer on the ABC board, hasn't been for a while now. But they snuck another jew on there recently, (((Joseph Gersh))), appointed by Turnkike, who will run from 11 May 2018 – 10 May 2023.
Way ahead of you there: en.wikipedia.org
Thanks for this. Looks like a complete mega kike too, going to be looking in to him.
Senior partner and Chairman of the Management Committee at the Melbourne law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler
Gersh Investment Partners Limited in July 2000
Member of the Payments System Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia
President of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria from 1990–1993
Vice-President of the Australian Institute of Jewish Affairs from 1987–1992
He's literally checking all the boxes of Media, Banking, Law, Real estate kikery in Australia. No wonder the ABC keeps running stories saying there is no housing bubble.
I like the smiley face on it, like its mocking them that they cant be useless drug addicts anymore.
We now have a list of senators who are not inherently enemies:
Abetz, E
Anning, F
Bernardi, C
Birmingham, SJ
Brockman, S
Bushby, DC (teller)
Canavan, MJ
Cash, MC
Colbeck, R
Duniam, J
Fierravanti-Wells, C
Fifield, MP
Georgiou, P
Gichuhi, LM
Hanson, P
Hume, J
Leyonhjelm, DE
McGrath, J
McKenzie, B
Molan, AJ
O'Sullivan, B
Reynolds, L
Ruston, A
Scullion, NG
Seselja, Z
Smith, DA
Stoker, AJ
Williams, JR
And a list of traitors and enemy agents in the senate:
Bilyk, CL
Brown, CL
Cameron, DN
Carr, KJ
Chisholm, A
Collins, JMA
Di Natale, R
Farrell, D
Faruqi, M
Gallacher, AM
Griff, S
Hanson-Young, SC
Hinch, D
Keneally, KK
Ketter, CR
Kitching, K
McCarthy, M
McKim, NJ
Moore, CM
O'Neill, DM
Patrick, RL
Rice, J
Siewert, R
Singh, LM
Smith, DPB
Sterle, G
Storer, TR
Urquhart, AE (teller)
Waters, LJ
Watt, M
Whish-Wilson, PS
I'm especially disappointed in Derryn Hinch. Have a drink you cunt. Have another one.
Might be good to have A4 IOTBW papers faxed to them on halloween.