Before anything happens, whatever you personal beliefs , the lemmings need to be taken away from their distractions in order to be motivated into action. I have made a bunch of sticker size 800 x 800 images as a starting point but i encourage everyone to improve my work.
I am english so my images primarly focus on British media outlets and British sporting leagues, i have left one blank for other annons to localise the campaign to where they reside.
It doesnt have to just be television , add any distraction you can think off
Attached: tv poison.png (1000x1000
33.06 KB, 59.88K)
I support the idea here, and have previously considered how best to approach a campaign like this. The shortest, simplest, most direct message/hashtag I was able to come up with was ==TURN OFF TV==. Can't be boiled down much further than that and the meaning is immediately clear. Feel free to incorporate that however you see fit, if you can use it. I should have time later this week to help put some posters together.
i guess the mods wants these here in your misspelled thread
Angel Brooks
make the propaganda look more aesthetic look at some smoloko stuff for color and emphasis but probably dont use happy merchants if you want to normalfags to circulate your propaganda among themselves
This is actually really good. (((Pride))) colors, a good narrative, no buzz words for (((pundits))) to cry about. Replace (((pride parade))) posters with these in your city.
James Martinez
This is quite literally the shittiest attempt at an OP I have ever seen and I don't mean that to be offensive - the effort is noted and appreciated but still. What have you even done here to convince any normie to follow your boycott? You've just inanely declared there to be one and these slogans - perhaps trying to follow on the success of simple designs in the past, are pretty much just NPC tier signs. You know you can do better than that and yes, talmudivision has to go.
Jayden Ramirez
I rather have the normies completely shift over from cable to the internet. Yes they will use platforms such as Amazon, but it's impossible to get your foot in the door of TV.
Charles White
fliers need to be b&w. light on the black
Austin Long
Bump for effort. Here's my input. You should consider using a BOLDER font if you plan on having these stickers printed. There are several free bold headline fonts out there to utilize that are great for stickers and banners.
When someone glances across a sticker from afar, they'll need to be able to see the main heading and hash tag. Not everyone has perfect vision, so consider your audience, which could be anyone walking by. All I'm saying is, thin fonts on small stickers are not ideal from a marketing perspective.
Another note, 800x800 pixels will not suffice for print. Consider transforming your designs to 300 DPI and going with a standard print sheet size in your country, such as 8.5x11" in the USA.
Try the "Montserrat" font family. It's one of the most popular free fonts right now and is currently used by a myriad of websites. It could be a subliminal recognition if someone saw itbecause it's used by so many websites.
One of the reasons I stopped watching television was when I saw a short program on television about stopping watching television. In it was the simple fact that if you watch 4 hours of television a day, over a week you will have spent 28 hours, more than an entire day without sleep. Even if you only watch 2 hours a day, it is 14 hours, more or less a full waking day, each week. Didn't like the idea of it taking up 1/7th of my life.
Lincoln Collins
public protest makes external in anyone who reads it feelings which may previously have been internal; coward normies may have felt but could not express or admit said propaganda message to themselves; this is atleast half the reason the left relies on protests; it doesn't change people's minds, it gives affirmation and support for already likeminded but not fully-awakened members of society who may not want to join the vanguard, but nevertheless find comfort in the awareness that someone is out there fighting for what they also believe is right, and will work to support in the future any group associated with that propaganda.
People being "pushed", as you say, into different political positions usually happens because of a) an in depth intellectual study b) personal acquitance with a political fringe or thought leader.
Good thread, fuck television, fuck bbc, fuck npr, have a bump. Can we make lefty and righty flavored versions of each of these? We can easily package the anti-isreal one from a human rights angle, the poor palistenians angle for example…
what did kek mean by this?
Ryan Carter
This is a classic , retro is in with the kids,Theres still liberal people out there who still will claim theres any ring wing media on tv , average uneducated liberal will prob still wear this on a shirt.
Doesn't slattery have some koshertified app or some shit? I've got a dumbphone cause I don't like CIAniggers having their tentacles up my arse 24/7 so dunno how well it works. Anyone know?
Tyler Sanchez
Looking good we need to somehow spread this boycott to the mainstream social media platforms for a good effect though.
TV began to die the moment people realized they could watch anything they wanted for free and without adds on the internet shit like Netflix was just another nail in the TV's coffin and now even netflix is dying young people don't watch TV anymore, they stream, watch youtubers, fuck around in their cellphones, there are shows and movies they like every now and then and they can all be streamed and downloaded on the internet TV will die with the last of the boomers and maybe a few from Gen X
Michael Ortiz
I get trying to be minimalistic but this is literally just you putting letters and a singular channel logo on a white background. The images need to firstly be attractive, secondly it needs to be catchy (having a hashtag doesn't make it catchy no matter how large you make the letters) and most importantly needs to be something that people would want to save and spread around.
People won't just choose to ignore something they willingly paid for, I favor a campaign targeted at women to destroy or disable a television a day until jews sanction boycott and divest from America.