/IOTBW/ 2.0 General

Let the triggering commence! We will wage a major IRL meme raid this Halloween! You know what to do anons!



Thanks, and have fun!

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I wonder why someone would try to poison the well with such an already innocuous meme.
really makes me think

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You cant post more than 1 image at a time you fucking retard, sop bumping your thread

Cuckchan refugees have their own cyclical sticky.

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Yeah, we can tell.

Kill yourself back to there.

bump noggr

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i feel like it should be changed to "white people are okay"
i think it's more open and less demanding on the person viewing it. just a suggestion, lemme know what ya'll think

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Clever, attempt at indoctrination through exposing me to nigger speak and hypnosis with assaults when I refuse


do not change the poster

Attached: OKAY TO BE WHITE PRESIDENTIAL ALERT TXT.png (1184x666, 3.03M)


Attached: halloween house ioktbw.png (1600x1005, 6.15M)

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fuck off you tiny antifa faggot
these posters are going up and there's nothing you can do about it
cry harder

Oh look kike4 is trying to protect his epic OPs again.

here is a summary of the shitty sabotage versions that shills are pushing; only use the original design and ignore everything else

Attached: shill_attempts.jpg (2000x900, 204.22K)

you're right about it being epic (pic related) and it will be protected from shills and derail attempts relentlessly all the way to the poster date on Oct 31

fuck off and die red scum

Attached: iotbw_massive_success.png (7537x7784, 2.79M)

thank you mods for keeping this thread clean

as you can see here: somebody has been very, very busy nervously shitting out sabotage attempts

what were the deleted posts?

shills (probably antifa or some variety of far left scum) saying that IOTBW is ineffective, or saying that it's somehow a leftist psy-op to make the right look bad, etc

standard shill bullshit

so the same tactics they used the last year. Will they ever learn?

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I put up some signs last year, one of which lasted until Florence hit last month (SC user here).
I just now replaced that one since it covered a Bernie 2016 sticker.
Another effective tactic is to print small ones and place them inside paper towel/napkin dispensers.

Attached: small.png (640x360 74.21 KB, 3.06M)

It's okay to turn on the gas


Attached: idea.png (813x251, 44.17K)

Nothing wrong with brown!

be cognizant of where you print, that is easily searchable

Attached: easy_peasy.jpg (782x1024, 178.48K)

Do you advice doing this outside the /anglosphere/ ? People do understand english but it would just seems extremely autistic and unnatural IMO.
What do you guys think?

Sure, why not?
It could cause some asspain for millennial roasties out "looking for new experiences" and roaming bugmen.

There was some success with posting "People are reading Culture of Critique" in international circles. I saw some in Poland, Germany, etc.
Worth considering, just translate it to your language. Not the same message exactly, but it appeared functional.

this is perfect because you can wear a disguise on halloween and its normal. If you drive somewhere to put up the signs, make sure no cameras can see you park because if people in the area get their asses hurt bad enough, they can look at security cam footage from a store and see your plates to ID you.
the butthurt will be monumental on Nov 1st.



Remember printer dots, used for tracking:

buy cheap printer for cash
use until out of ink
throw away printer and get new one
rinse and repeat

"Printer Dots" or "Printer Steganography" is commonly done using yellow dots.
Print a test page to ensure these are yellow because I'm not sure they always are, then just remove the yellow cartridge. Printers are CMYK anyway so you'll only need the black one

Attached: stegano.jpg (638x479, 96.99K)

newsflash dumbass, you cant print w/o removed or empty cartridges in modern printers.


How about posting some real info like this:

Revelation 3:9 - Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

not some "Its okay we exist. please don't kill us" faggotry.

I do it all the time with one I bought 10 years ago and have done it with some of the newer ones as well.

"IT'S OKAY TO BE" FAG here. call me a shill all you want. but read my goddamn argument first.

I posted a new thread last night about a MEMETICALLY STRONGER operation, but fag mods deleted it. (great job preserving free speech guys)

Here's my reasoning:

1. We still will rely on the SUBLIMINAL WHITENESS of the paper. That's what will trigger the Media/those SEEKING TO BE OFFENDED

2. The statement "It's Okay To Be" is a logical precursor to "It's Okay To Be White".

"Okay to be." doesn't imply superiority. It's a purely POSITIVE statement affirming the HUMAN RIGHT TO LIFE. That's why it frustrates the left/antifa/luciferians.

3. "It's Okay To Be.(PERIOD)" doesn't encourage deviant behaviors. We all have the right to existence, but it doesn't negate responsibility to behave MORALLY.

4. The fact that the MEDIA will tie it to IOTBW will show the public how the LEFT uses GUILT BY ASSOCIATION. It's A STEP BEYOND them hating white people. THEY HATE LOGIC.

5. THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE DONE IN THE DARK LIKE SCARED FAGGOTS. If anyone asks what you're doing. Just say "Dude, it's okay to be"

6. We could even wear White T-shirts with "It's Okay To Be." while we do it. This would be the equivalent of a simultaneous rally all around the world. It's the same principle as "Let's Take a Walk"

people will FILM US doing this. THEY WILL CONFRONT US. We can completely TROLL THEM


The Media will lose it's mind.

Or we can be lame uncreative faggots who can't refine our operations and evolve.


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-05 01-48-00.png (1600x900, 171.42K)

In my country there's a saying - the better is an enemy of the good.
IOBTW is good. Let's not fuck it up.
friendly sage

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*on WHITE paper*


Attached: OK TO BE.png (1600x900, 132.79K)

The fact that ya'll are AFRAID to post IOTBW during the daytime helps the left portray us as SUBVERSIVE and evil. We become an EGREGORE of negativity even though our message is positive.

We need to be ASSERTIVE and OPEN. IOTBW is poisoned in the public mind because we did it IN THE DARK


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-05 13-32-32.png (1600x900, 130.08K)

I'll just hate you for that, use Artix.

This is the same principle as Million Dollare Extreme naming their TV show WORLD PEACE

Adult Swim Cancelled World Peace

We're going to get the media to say "IT IS NOT OK TO BE" and show them as the stupid death cult they are.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-05 13-39-52.png (1600x900, 343.91K)

this is the burner baby.

They will inevitably tie "IT'S OK TO BE" to white nationalism for two (laughable) reasons

1. The white paper.

2. The use of "OK"


If we do this right, We'll get the left to say that the written word "OK" is a slur.

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As opposed to tape you can get a basic staple gun for cheap. Speaking from experience it is far more silent and faster than the tape.

I remember you, you are the faggot that came to Zig Forums a month after iotbw ended then tried taking credit for it, even though you admitted to not understanding the tactics. Since then you have been spamming the board telling anons to change the message constantly.

nope. started visiting Zig Forums to post Diane Feinstein threads on September 30, nice try though.

Attack my arguments douchebag. I support "IOBTW". And if thats what we decide on, I'll be posting "IOBTW" fliers during the DAYLIGHT anyways.

No Idea is perfect. And as social attitudes change, there is nothing wrong with adjusting tactics for MAXIMUM BUTTHURT

"is far more silent"

It's pussies like you who are too afraid to engage with the enemy publically.

We need to be OVERT not COVERT to confront this ORWELLIAN attack on language

"is far more silent"

you recognized the contradiction right?

How do you SPEAK OUT by being "silent"

I don't think there's any need for subtly on this one, I think we should be as transparent as possible. Shortening it to conform to political correctness is just conceding the point. The intention of this ploy is not to make people aware that it's okay to be white, everyone knows this, but to rouse public outcry and demonstrate just how anti white the media is. Making the message easier to swallow only makes it less effective in letting the left redpill people for us simply by virtue of them being unable to control themselves. This isn't a message- rather, it's a trap.

I know the value of not changing the poster but black background with white letters is pretty funny.
I'm going to print a few off.
As well as hundreds of the original poster of course. Got a whole city to blanket.

Fair criticism, I appreciate you for entertaining the idea.

My point is, however, that everybody is afraid to do it in the daylight. And that's the only way to be effective

We have to be upright. Not stoop to subversiveness like the left.

I unfortunately think that because we did it at night last time, "IOTBW" will still be seen as subversive.

"It's OK TO BE" has no possible wrongful connotation

"Shortening it to conform to political correctness is just conceding the point."

so does only posting fliers at night.

"the intention… to rouse public outcry and demonstrate just how anti white the media is."

If we remove the "white" and the MEDIA still flips out, won't that prove even more how anti-white they are?

Not only do they hate milk. but now they hate white paper.

Okay. Your current chance can be countered by someone simply walking by and writing in the word black to change the entire message. It doesn't do the subconscious stuff, not have any teeth in order to get media attention and expose the left. It doesn't redpill people when the left try to take it down either. It misses every point of the original iotbw campaign including it being in Halloween so anons can stay user since you want anons to get into fights. The reason this one is changed is in one of the images that you posted, it is for merchandising. You are hoping the message changes so you can make some money, even if it involves killing the message and rendering it useless. You even get noticeably angry at basic advice to make the job easier for anons so they can post more posters in a night. You make it very clear that your goals are to sabotage iotbw, and nothing more

The original was effective, you are some college leftist hoping to catch an user in the act

You go ahead and hang your posters at night, I'll go ahead and put them up at my college during broad daylight. Besides, I'd argue that if people thought that we feared persecution just for saying iotbw it might actually help the message. I could also see it being construed to the lemmings as being underhanded, as well.

If you don't feel comfortable hanging these posters up during the day, then don't. A few posters isn't worth your livelihood. But for those who aren't afraid I encourage you to hang the original poster, as long as most people hang up the unmodified one the context will still be there. I believe unity to be very important to any movement. Remember, as well, that this is Halloween and you can wear disguises without suspicion.

Stay safe guys, we don't need more broken whites.

I'd wager that you're a shill trying to derail this activity by removing absolutely any meaning the posters could bring. If I saw a sign saying "It's okay to be." I would think absolutely nothing of it, since there is no context to it. Lefties might be retarded but not retarded enough to go crazy over the color of a font.
Don't change the message, that's literally all over the OP and the subsequent messages. That applies to you too, faggot.

If countered, so what? it's okay to be black. "okay" doesn't imply superiority. Just a basic level of respect.
But it does work subconsciously. And it will trigger the retards, while simultaneously making them look more unhinged

The left will try to take it down, which will redpill people. IDK how you're not seeing this. The left is more retarded than you think.
It also takes advantage of it being halloween, so you can wear a costume and be anonymous, but you're failing to realize how we've already lost if we cant post this poster during the day.
You're also forgetting the memetic potential of confrontation. I dont want people getting into FIGHTS. But if some idiot throws a punch at you for posting an "its okay to be white" poster, we'll have so much more media focus on anti-whiteness.
And no dude, I'm not merchandising you retard. Look at the image again. It's an online teeprinting mockup site. If i was id be smart enough to set up an online shop of my own.

really? was the original that effective?

here we are a year later, white identity is further challenged; sp we keep doing the same thing.

what's the definition of stupidity? doing the same thing and hoping for different results?

you give the left too much credit. They are retarded enough to fall for this.

The context is the event happening on the IOTBW anniversary….

This statement is unifying regardless of color.

When the Media takes the bait and attacks it for being a white-power dogwhistle, It will actually make non-white people realize they are being tricked into hating whitey.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-06 00-45-01.png (1600x900, 145.55K)

it is very easy to be clandestine around cameras because of the activity(ies) of the people around; specifically in libraries, on buses, trains and other high-traffic, high-visibility areas

Attached: Halloween-Bilder-Ausmalen-Casper-Geist.jpg (800x800, 85.19K)

This is good, but is there any propaganda ideas we could do that involve the word 'preference'?
I know it brings to mind relativistic arguments, but it's my personal driving force and everytime I've used it in an argument to advocate for whites, it's went down well.
Although I'm not American, I'm drawn to white nationalism. I prefer it's leanness and it's bluntness.

You smell like a shill but maybe you're just a newfriend. Lurk 2 years before posting.

Attached: wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg (625x796, 68.78K)

deal, ive said my piece.

You alright?

Nah, I won't actually. I'm tired of this reactionary shit I'm forced to put up with.
These posters are great, I'm just suggesting a new idea in this propaganda thread, deal with it.

Also, I've been here longer than you.

same thing man, tired of people shutting down fresh ideas/input

Usually I ignore reddit posters.

We have a poster & flyer thread for that.

Attached: George_Lincoln_Rockwell_nation_of_islam.jpg (1600x1118, 255.71K)

don't change the template. this phrase hasn't reached the same level as WE WUZ, so shortened versions will be completely ineffectual until the idea is taking up so much brainspace rent-free that people can't help but recognize the beginning words.

Look mum, no spaces.
I preferred the board when there were limited threads and freeform discussions.
I bet you two would prefer no replies. I guess I should make a blog post instead. ;^°

I have no bloody printer.

Would simply drawing the phrase be good enough? It would keep its simplicity I'm sure.

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FedEx or UPS office user. Just make sure to pay with cash. I wouldn't want you targeted for thoughtcrime

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don't let "good" ideas die on the vine. we know about those that lurk here that are Jedi-mind-warriors looking to destroy or appropriate according to which method better serves their needs
instead, try it yourself. when you see media coverage of your idea; it's a win

Attached: casper.png (624x788, 133.93K)

I'm looking forward to a Blacked Christmas campaign. Whites will lose their shit over this.

if you really can't. Then sure, theres nothing wrong with it.

Just stick by the rules and you should be fine.

Any user who does not know how to do it, or how to bring up the courage. Check here:





More excellent material can be found here (antipodean-resistance.info):


Made myself some 30 posters.

Now we wait.

Attached: rockwell (2).png (412x492, 68.64K)

(yeah, he's long gone and likely a fucking jewnigger; but anyway)
12243701 "I'm looking forward to a Blacked Christmas campaign. Whites will lose their shit over this."
Those Black'd whyte wimminz are all yours Haime. There is already a coordinated, organized movement for men to reject 'The American Woman' model. She's a lost cause. And there is no female equivalent

reminder to only use the original design
posters go up on campuses and public spaces on Halloween night (Oct 31st)
no vandalism or illegal activity

Attached: iotbw_poster.png (3508x4960, 77.37K)

Okay, shill.

Where would be the best place to post them publicly? A bus stop, perhaps?

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