If Zig Forums was to attend an upcoming jewish NGO conference to stage a political demonstration, which conference would it be? Which jewish organization is the worst?
ADL is responsible for censoring the internet and covering up the white genocide in South Africa. +1,000 in attendence.
AIPAC is responsible for dragging american goyim into wars for Greater Israel. 18,000 in attendence.
bump for exposure to wage slaves just getting home from wage slavery jerbs wondering what is the latest habbeing
Christian Barnes
ADL because if you attend the AIPAC one it'll have slav-jew hybrid bodyguards that will pummel you the second you shout anything and ADL is fucking with the internet and will lack upper body strength and mettle. This better not end up on the fucking news and you better just be there for peaceful trolling. I want an unbroken chain of jews false flagging themselves and getting caught with nothing to point at and say 'white supremacists attack jews its anuddah shoah!'
Last time any white person attacked a Jew in the UK was throwing bricks at synagogues in the late 40s, no deaths - because Zionists torture-killed British soldiers. I'm guessing one of those (((KKK or Neo-Nazi))) serial killers in the 70s was the last time it happened in the US. Basically don't be a faggot OP, only ideas and memes can defeat them.
Ryder Perez
What conflict was this?
Jonathan Price
ADL, this will make people aware of the Jewry that goes on under their noses
What's weird is I made a military history records request and someone with my great-grandfather's exact name and who got the exact same wound type (artillery shrapnel) in the exact same battle in WW1 was wounded by a sniper in 1948 and our family were puzzled and had to confirm he never served in Mandatory Palestine.
It doesn't show the injury account but I'm guessing based on the odds that the mixup included a British soldier who was crippled by a sniper bullet, there must be a lot of injured Brits from that insurgency not in the tally. I don't understand that conflict, it was probably Diaspora jews directing the British government to prevent the creation of Israel because they didn't want to bleed numbers within western countries.
I finally got around to reading the protocols of the learned elders and I honestly find it hard to believe it was a hoax by some Slav. It actually makes a good case for why goyim aren't fit to rule themselves and gives on-point observations about how easily herded they are. If you look at even WW2 propaganda, if the protocols was propaganda it was lightyears ahead in terms of subtlety. Not to mention it predicts (as in says this is what world jewry will carry out) the world wars, the wall street crash, credit cards and exposes Freemasonry as a jewish puppet mafia (this was only confirmed in a hidden camera sting of a 33rd degree initiation ceremony in Turkey, where they chant hebrew and drink the blood out of gushing live goat that has its throat slit on an altar with star of david - 1997 - nearly a 100 years later) and that they maintain rule with a network of blackmailed criminals 'withholding police records of sordid crimes of the worst order they would never want revealed so that they are under our control forever' how the fuck am I supposed to believe this was a hoax when this was proven to be true in the 2010s in the UK parliamentary pedo scandal over a hundred years later and proven with Epstein's island being rigged with hidden cameras in court papers?
youtube.com/watch?v=EjJeQSfFhj8 - Tory whip (middle man blackmailer for MI5) admits to holding paedophilia over the heads of members of parliament to affect policy
For T_D faggots that screech every time Epstein is mentioned here you go youtube.com/watch?v=0vh0AklSXkU why would Trump draw attention to Lolita Island if he was part of the activities? Sleep easy
Lucas Torres
Hunter Clark
Didn't think the conflict would be that soon since the British army and allies just did all of that dirty work in Germany for the jews.
Josiah White
"If" my sister had a dick, she would have been my brother.
Nathan Myers
that's wrongthink, user. according to your new jewish World Order, there is no such thing as gender
Hard to choose, but probably AIPAC because they are so obviously a foreign entity controlling your country. ADL are slimy but protesting them won't do much since people will just think it's a racist protesting those who fight racism. They are much more subtle a threat. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conference_of_Presidents_of_Major_American_Jewish_Organizations There are at least 51 such organizations (those that go to the above conference). As of 2014, member organizations included the following:
Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi)[9] Ameinu American Friends of Likud, a group supporting the right-wing Likud party that has been a leading force in Israeli politics since 1977.[10] American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors America-Israel Friendship League American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) American Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Sephardi Federation American Zionist Movement, a coalition of Zionist groups and individuals, and the American affiliate of the World Zionist Organization.[10] Americans for Peace Now AMIT Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Association of Reform Zionists of America/World Union North America, the Zionist arm of the Reform movement and an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism.[10] B'nai B'rith International Bnai Zion Central Conference of American Rabbis Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America Development Corporation for Israel/State of Israel Bonds: Since 1951, Israel Bonds sales have helped Israel’s Finance Ministry support projects in key sectors. Bond sales have exceeded $25 billion.[10] Emunah of America: Chapters and divisions around the United States support Israel’s largest Religious Zionist educational and social welfare organizations.[10] Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF): Supports social, educational, and recreational programs and facilities for Israeli soldiers and supports bereaved relatives of fallen soldiers.[10] Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Jewish Community Centers Association Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs Jewish Labor Committee Jewish National Fund Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV) Jewish Women International MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement NA'AMAT USA: This group has pursued its goal of supporting the women and children of Israel for the past 80 years.[10] NCSJ Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia National Council of Jewish Women National Council of Young Israel World ORT - ORT America branch Rabbinical Assembly (RA) Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) Religious Zionists of America (RZA or Mizrahi) Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union or OU) United Jewish Communities (UJC) United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO) Women's League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ) Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) Workmen's Circle (Arbeter Ring) World Zionist Executive, US Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Naturally, the kikes to this day do everything they can to frame the narrative on that one.
As to OP, I'd choose the ADL because it's more specifically anti-Jewish than anti-Israel, and if you attend the AIPAC one, interspersed with anti-Israel lobby chants will be a bunch of shitlib nonsense like "my body, my choice!", "Israel is a racist apartheid state," etc. Most people who oppose Israel do it for the entirely wrong reasons. It's, ironically, the result of Jewish subversion in other areas that turns these NPC's against Israel, because Israel is so obviously the opposite of what they teach us we should be (open borders, anti-racist, pro-miscegenation, etc.). They have the right opinion on Israel for entirely the wrong reasons.
Yes, they sold out their own people for a few shekels, and Soros and Rothschild are involved. Average Jews don't know yet. The teevee and corporate news tell them everything is fine!
Choose a smart approach. You go in there with 1488 and they will solidify against you. You go in there with evidence, pamphlets, banners, open the average folks' eyes to what their leaders are doing, and you get Jews to go 1488. It will be hilarious.