Dilbert Creator Scott Adams' Stepson Dies of Fentanyl Overdose
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And? What the fuck do we care?
dob jej teshaun
wife's son
No one cares. Your zionist neocon civnat means nothing to us.
The fuck is an 18 year old doing with hard pain killers?
What did Adams do to you?
>He's a (((huwite nationalist)))
white males overdosing might as well be called a natural death honestly
Even when jews murder his child, this cuck won't learn.
C'mon nigger-tier IQ man, how does Scott Adams harm you in your day-to-day life to justify your reaction to this thread?
Make me aware of his shitty mediocre comic.
He created the 4D chess meme that gets spammed in every fucking thread.
Were they Scott's patches? Or mom's?
No one cares about your kike ecelebs here.
I never liked Scott. He was so hopped up on the efficacy of techniques of persuasion that he couldn't see beyond "winning." No doubt that had an impact on his wife's son. The man's an unrepentant sophist. How many people has he killed besides this child?
stay mad : no dad
Haha, he can thank (((Jeff Sessions))) for that one.
Every time I see one of you fucking niggers, it's always the "us", the "we", the "everyone here".
As if you command the narrative and can dictate what the rest of the board thinks and feels. You look so out of place and so fucking (((jewish))) your posts resemble hyperlinks to the Israel embassy website.
What you can take from this is that the pharmaceutical industry still kills people to this day. Prescribing painkillers in lieu of proper treatment is NOT proper healthcare. The addiction that ensues is a horrible natural consequence. Even the purest man will succumb to the Opiate demon after enduring enough pain. And then it will escalate until your inevitable death.
This case and many like it are a serious reason for people to go after the pharma-kikes and Doctors pulling this shit 24/7.
He's clearly pacing us here with RWDS, he is still for drugs liberalization and really you need to be hardass to reach there.
In commiefornia how not?
Too bad that you aren’t on reddit, because we don’t support your kike shills here.
What do you recommend as a solution? Perhaps you should lead by example and "go after the pharma-kikes." It'd be a great story of inspiration.
Be easier to go after Scott. Shkreli proved that you may get one, but you'll never get them all.
We can't demand that other people fight with us.
Scott is the kind of person that never saw true (((evil))) and is naivety, believed words and persuasion could fix the world without bloodshed. You could call him a "pacifist", but I saw in him the same worries that afflict most of us too. He simply wanted to try a different approach.
I won't blame anyone for trying to be diplomatic. I'd wager half of Zig Forums was like that once. Eventually, you sadly learn that won't be enough and it takes a toll on you. A toll most people with families are unwillingly to pay.
Eat shit, fucker. 6 posts in, and all you managed to convey through them was:
It's been some months since I saw someone posting so much shit, without backing it and expecting others to believe their bullshit.
If you feel like you don't really have to contribute anything to the discussion, the thread or even the board, kindly take your ass back to halfchan and keep posting with the 1-line/5 words, no-effort shitposters.
You’re not on reddit. We don’t care about your jewish paid shill.
Fair enough.
I didn't even know he was married. Does his girl friend know about this?
His claim is that the yellow menance… I mean, Chinese, are flooding the market with bad drugs.
It just seems so fucking retarded to make a sage post with nothing but the word "sage".
There's also one thing to consider.
Scott's been aware his soon had an opiate problem. And he was talking about Fentanyl (particular, Fentanyl smuggling from china) recently.
It's the traditional story of a father with a kid addicted to opiates discovering an awfull truth and trying to campaign about it.
I'm trying to search with of the streams it was and a timestamp, but at some point, I remember a "guest" or friend, or someone told him he was talking about messing with big business and that might put his family in danger.
There's a chance this overdose was as accidental as the accidents people suffer when working for Hillary.
And you're not on reddit either, that's why you can't click a little arrow next to my post on 50 proxies and censor my post.
You're on an image board, you sack of shit. You either respond and argue your point, or you come out looking like a fucking retard that would feel more at ease in tumblr or some other safespace where he doesn't have to deal with ideas he doesn't like.
Also this.
He still manages to make a joke about it. Despite breaking down in tears during a stream.
The guy is a trooper. I'm pretty sure I'd only agree with 60% of his politics, maybe less, but he was always someone that love his job, and I'd pay him a beer any day.
Hilarious, take a page out of Scott's stepson's book and "battle addiction".
You are the worst type of poster.
The pharma kikes claim another young White life with their satanic meat grinding opiate-industrial complex. This will continue unabated until White men stand up and fight for their survival. These goddamn kikes will never stop doing everything in their power to profit off of White suffering for as long as they are able to do so.
Fair point user, it's possible this was a message to Adams to keep his political (and otherwise) opinions to himself.
And you're pathetic, your faggotry says so..
I'm guessing there will soon be a wordpress claiming that very thing in the near future complete with screenshots and video proof. But I don't know. I used to tease the guy mercilessly for always mentioning his coffee on every periscope stream. "Is that good coffee, Scott!? How's the coffee today, my favorite influencer?" Maybe his stepson learned to have an addictive personality from dilbertman.
No, I'm joking. That's an awful thought. To lose your kid in some sneaky rat poison way over your moderate political stances. Hell of a time in history.
I'm afraid if Scott tries something like that, the post won't actually submit, his modem will have connectivity problems, the power will go out and 3 gentleman with black suits will knock on his door.
I'm not even sure what people could do in a situation like this. The best I can advise others is to seek healthcare outside the US whenever a doctor prescrives painkillers. I do know of cases where people went to France/UK and the doctors precribed diferent treatments, one's that don't end with you trying to score drugs on the street.
But I also know of stories like this, where the parents get rowdy and start making noise until one day there's a terrible car accident and the noise ceases.
I got prescribed this and oxy when my spinal cord was severed. You get addicted immediately, and it eventually does nothing for the pain because tolerance occurs quickly. I was able to get off of it after 3 years of use and just deal with the pain of my severed nerves. Hard to do; almost as hard as quitting porn.
But yeah, this thread is kinda lame.
Holy fuck, I was just listening to him.
Mr. T Takes On Opium:
This is how pathetic you fucking civnats actually are.
Why do retards try to “score” Xanax on the streets? Just tell the doctor you’re sad and he’ll write you a prescription
I had to do this at some point too for kidney disease. Although I’ve been transplanted I still have all sorts of weird pain and really miss taking percocet pills until I couldn’t shit for a month.
< personal medical stories
Go back to 4chan.
Nardwuar still making the rounds I see.
Fuck you.
I seriously hope you don't do this.
Use Kratom instead next time, or at least use it to taper off the oxy.
Go fuck yourself
Too bad you cut your common sense off with that edge you're sporting.
Keep being irrationally angry though, it's fun to watch.
Off yourself kike
It kills headaches and body aches like nothing else. Fuck even using acetomenaphen
What kind are you growing?
Keep crying, you civnat faggot.
For anyone wondering why you should care: the opiate epidemic in America was started almost exclusively by jews. The owners of Purdue pharma which made Oxycontin are jewish, they knowingly marketed dangerous drugs to rural and middle class white America and now tens of thousands of whites are dying a year. If you claim not to care about this you are supporting a jewish created white genocide
I didn't say so, you did. It actually was an argument, Molyjew couldn't get you out of this if he was here to try his heeb word games on me. You're both brainlets.
Samsung SGH-T399N. Likely T-Mobile subscriber.
Metro pcs actually and it doesn't have service. I live in the bay area California fyi
Jesus, mod. How the fuck did you know his phone?
Raifat Thai, it's a green strain. I also grow cannabis and kava and salvia, all of which are legal to grow and consume in sunny California.
Look up regex. Info, it's just exif data. Anyone can do it. Open the image in its own tab and paste the url. I have my GPS turned off since I'm posting here otherwise he would have my address.
I got it from, if you want to buy your own plant I suggest looking around a bit. The website I used May not be the best for you. Also keep in mind, red, green and white strains all do different things
Can you stop fucking derailing a thread on a man's sons death?
Oh I didn't realize you were so deep in conversation. Fuck off, alternatives to pharma is in the realm of this topic. How many times can we say it's bad he died? Now it's time to talk about solutions. One of which is kratom. Fuck off pharma shill
Can you stop sucking zionist cock? We don’t give a fuck about this. Anyone who supports jews should all die.
go fuck yourself you faggot nigger
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagag . Good parenting!
"Omg look how great my kid is im a great parent."
"Wow my kid isn't doing well. This definitely doesn't fall on me. If you run a business and it profits, you are good at business , but if you run a business and it fails, you are still good at business. Because narcissism. "
Daily reminder that accountability is a thing. So is hilarity. E celebs BTFO again.
Cry more.
Only an e celeb psycho would use their sons death for (((likes))).
Redditors using it as a "down vote"
Deaths like this are completely preventable. People who use opiates come to a point where quitting could kill them. They need alternatives that can reduce withdrawal while not getting them addicted to something like methadone. Luckily Many people have discovered kratom. So much so that the plan to emergency schedule kratom was indefinitely delayed due to the massive turnout and scientific literature regarding the Saftey and efficacy of the plant. It's the only time in the history of DEA and FDA a drug slated to be scheduled was not.
"The little boy I raised" yeah that's why you found out from your ex wife you cuck failure. People get married for attention then have kids for attention, then their kid ends up a failure. Just further proof that eugenics is right. Only master race should reproduce. It amazes me how many fats lowlives niggers spics drug addicts etc have kids, overpopulating the world with useless trash , then people are shocked that the human race isn't advancing. I don't have much to offerr in the genetics department so I do my part by not throwing trash on this trash Earth. The only person reproducing should be Samuel L Hyde. We need to form aan army and kidnap every woman on Earth, and have Samuel impregnate every single one of them whether they like it or not. This is the only path to heaven
Sage because it triggers you
This is the biggest fucking bullshit I have ever seen. They are whiney babies who are so pathetic they made up that lie that methadone producers profit from and push. I have heard of so many junkies dying and it's always an overdose. Never is it omg they didn't get enough heroin.
scary shit
This thread is stupid cuckchan e-celeb shit. Nobody cares.
Never post images you've taken online unless you want other people to know you've taken them.
Perhaps he should have used the power of persuasion to persuade his son not to take hard drugs?
I first read this as "scott adams is ded" then realized it is just his degenerate non-son who died
I like scott
pic related it is life is feels
Wowzers, these retards are just like actual refugees, loud and obnoxious, refusing to adapt to their host's culture.
Never tried that kind. Bali is my favorite.
Thanks for the link btw, how often could you consume kratom harvested from that plant alone?
Nope he should have used cannabis
I think if you care about this "news" you are fucking stupid.
F for his wife's son
you don't even know what the fuck that means
I have two plants the same size and as it stands now can't get a sustainable annual harvest yet. These trees can reach 50 feet. I've only had these about 8 months and they are both three feet tall. In maybe 2 more years I'll have a sustainable amount but my real goal is to start selling American grown kratom. I have the land to grow dozens of these trees. The powder you get from other countries is dangerous if you don't boil it. All kinds of jungle bacteria.
To him it means anyone he discovered online. He is too old for Dilbert so probably discovered him on YouTube or even just now so thinks he became relevant online.
Now he’ll throw himself into his work and US will at long last get the Iran, China, Russia thing started.
Sam I like your shit but come on now.
Adams has done great PR for our cause, no doubt. But he is a fucking narcissit cringelord and these details come as no surprise.
Why is it a bad thing to want a family that loves you? I want kids because I want the satisfaction of a family. Yeah, I want the attention from a family. It's a normal human emotion you fucking robot.
Adams is everything that's wrong with boomers. He has some really good takes and unique insight about many things, but the minute you talk about jews or race he goes 100% cuck.