Bezos' Decision To Raise Wages Is Largely A Machiavellian Distraction
If Walmart matches this it's bye bye mom&pop
Bezos' Decision To Raise Wages Is Largely A Machiavellian Distraction
If Walmart matches this it's bye bye mom&pop
30k is just enough for living expenses, health insurance, and health insurance deductible and taxes. Then you need to come up with money for repairs and replacements and retirement. Children, entertainment? What are those?
This is actually shittier than it looks.
They get their pay raised to $15 an hour but they lose out on the employee stock purchase plan, and will no longer recieve bonuses based on performance.
So in the end Amazon is actually saving a bunch of money as well.
Jesus. $15/hr is just a little bit faster on the same treadmill. Not sure that's gonna do a whole lot of good.
No shit they are, you really think a kike would do any of this for the sake of their employees?
It just sucks that only mega-corporations can match this. This would be reasonable, but nobody has any wealth but the monopolies.
good news! All existing stockholders the ones who primarily comprise the group who helped it get $1T market share will see their investment truly come to fruition due to the goodgoys buying in at $19k a share!
Jesus these kikes are audacious.
they only exist right now bc of subsidies
Imagine having to all of the sudden pay all of your
Anyone wanna redpill me on Amazon's jew connection? I thought Bezos was a nord who was adopted by a cuban or something.
Don’t sail cold waters mate. Stay wherever they are warm.
Until all of that raises due to the "increase" of "purchasing power"
They planned on it ages ago. They increased prime again to cover it.
Kill yourself.
Those are a thing of the past. Under corporate feudalism it just doesn’t make any sense to support a middle class. If $15 an hour can keep people alive then it is enough. If people stop having children in one economic zone then more can be obtained via immigration. In fact such an outcome is desirable, the newly minted citizens won’t have the expectations of home ownership or quality healthcare.
B-but your future small business… you were almost millionaires…
Thats your precious capitalism. Every market ends up in monopolies. That isnt yours in any way. As well they might be run and controlled by the state, so you would own and control them.
It's being done to hurt us on purpose. It will have two effects that help the tribe.
1) The minimum wage hurts us in the short term so automation will take away tons of jobs and leave many more unemployed, low skill people, a demographic that skews towards everyone but whites. Fast food chains are seriously pushing this now. They previously did not because the cost of entry was too high relative to the long term savings when compared to minimum wage. With a $15 minimum wage the entry cost for automation is peanuts compared to human labor. Middle class whites will then be forced to even further subsidize the existence of people who will pop out even more kids after they can't feed the first one while the more financially responsible whites have even less babies.
2) With a $15 minimum wage we can not compete with other countries for production of basic goods. With even less factories we will be even more vulnerable to places like China with factories everywhere. When it comes time for a war we will seriously suffer production wise, and if it's a civil war it's not like some rebel faction can take over an area with some factories and start producing for their side of there's no factories. The government would be able to get whatever it needs from the outside, though.
There's more to it but fuck if the left just can't not destroy everything they can find.
This is corporatism which is the logical conclusion to Laissez-faire Capitalism. We need keynesian Capitalism but retards will call you a commie for it.
Why do I need mom and pop retailers if I can just buy directly from the warehouse and have it delivered by drone to my house?
The what now?
Chainaaaa having a shit ton of factories everywhere comes at a cost. Have you seen their bodies of water? Absolutely disgusting.
$15 an hour should have been done 10 years ago. We need at least $20 an hour now to live a decent life. The capitalists are always too little too late.
I'm curious how many of the products sold by amazon in the us are made in the country?
Because you're a nazi and amazon will refuse to deliver to you
If the federal government raises the minimum wage to $15/hr without adjusting the SGA there will be several class-action lawsuits. Just to give you a picture of how fucked the entire US will become:
The SGA caps supplemental income to $700/mo, and limits hours to 20hrs/wk. A $15/hr federal minimum wage is going to completely fuck over a couple hundred thousand people. Fuck over as in get them kicked off SSI, get them evicted, force them out of jobs, etc.
Popcorn time!
imagine how stupid you'd have to be to be a communist. literally trading one oligarchy for another and calling it "worker control"
yeah, but no one ever did keynesian capitalism, in truth. not "properly." And, I'm really not sure that his ideas, which were pretty corporatist tbh, really apply anymore. Keynes's main insight, imho, is that you need to protect fixed capital from irrational swings in the market, thereby accumulating capital more quickly and reducing its "cost" (ie. profits). He even says it in the General Theory and I'm not sure why no one ever quotes it. He literally says something like, "my plan is to make capital so abundant that it cannot garner rents" or something like that.
Remember goy Bezo's is raising the wage he pays because he loves you not because no one wants to work in an Amazon warehouse soon to be placed in your own personal shrinkage cont…I mean safety cage.
You don't, but what you do need is a thriving local economy. What should "mom and pop" do instead once they're out of business? Don't say "learn to code".
This becomes a hard issue. Objectively speaking, the small retailers, just like the small grocery stores, small service industry companies, may offer inferior price/selection. However, without gainful employment for our white brethren, (((they))) win. What do we do with these fellow whites? Welfare? Government "make work" projects? I don't have the answer but it's clear that without a local economy there won't be many jobs…
So can anyone say why Amazon should not be super taxed and forced to increase minimum wage? Bezos donates to democrats, so why should the republicans protect his company with tax cuts?
Spoken like a true commie. Oh wait no one ever tried "proper" communism either!
don't worry.
we're going to fuck Bezos.
right now as we speak, the cyber thermite charges are being laid around the foundations of Amazon.
we're going to pull it and bring down Amazon.
AWS is dead.
you'll find out.
Mon and Pop stores should sell what they produce, not shitty chinese imports.
If local whites were truly united and the local government would care they could create associations.
Wizards of the West coast are trying to kill off the mom and pop trading card stores by selling directly on Amazon.
Why should Amazon be punished that they can offer more than a local mom and pop store can?
Opps. That was my first post on /r/conspracy within moments of the post being put on.
Does Amazon violate the Trust Laws?
Good goy. Buy from our Amazon warehouse. What you want a confederate flag? NO! What you want to buy a holocaust "revisionist" book? NO! What you want to buy an 80% lower? NO! Meanwhile the small businesses offering the same products without the politics are slowly going out of business. Many small businesses list on amazon just to get rid of old stock only to break even if they are lucky with all of the seller fees on top of percentages of the price and monthly fees to list products. Not to mention the automatic returns you have no choice but to accept if you wish to list on Amazon. The biggest scam they perpetrated was getting normies to pay for their service twice with prime and by using the federal gov services paid for by those same tax payers.
More empty retail spaces, less places for people to socialize, more money for Amazon, what’s not to love? Although I’m sure Hasbro hopes it can convince everyone to spend their money on digital ‘cards’ in Arena at some point in the future, that way they won’t ‘lose out’ on any sales to the secondary market.
Only if you rephrase "muh late stages capitalism" like you did. Articulate your point better and sound less like Zig Forums.
Factor in inflation and this really is like $10/hr in 2000.
Don't forget, we have to pay the unneeded individuals welfare to breed more unneeded individuals while immigration never stops.
wow, strawman much?
Actually, there's a saying: Keynes proved in the General Theory in 1936 what Hitler proved in practice in 1933. There's literally nothing communist about Keynes, but I suspect you already know that
but, its actually true and if you weren't a dipshit then you'd know this. Keynes designed the Bretton Woods system, essentially, but the US fucked the whole thing up (tho it profited the US at least in the short-term). Keynes may have made some off-hand comments like "even a broken window keeps the glazier employed" but in reality he never advocated building roads for no reason just to keep people employed – at least not when you could be building the Hoover Dam or something else that actually generates wealth. Last, its a well-known fact that Keynes also advocated paying down government debt when the economy is doing well, and it is also a well-known fact that basically no one has ever done this.
These are real, tangible applications of Keynes economic prescriptions, not some fluffy pie-in-the-sky theoretical discussion about whether some buttfuck country actually properly adhered to some retard ideology invented by a kike sophist. Pull your head out of your ass, man
few million user raise 401k max and SSI max contribution and it'll be a give and take
also tax the top 3% of wages at 97% again and there's some wiggle room
Define "more". I would happily sacrifice vastness of range for closeness of community. People aren’t happy. Consumerism does not correlate with fulfillment. I don’t need a billion products made available to me at razor thing margins.
razor thin*
I've been hearing more and more NPCs and their masters shill UBI.
How about we call NPCs bottom feeders since they'll be feeding at the bottom as the race to the bottom continues?
Taxing the rich of all of their income won't get us out this hole we're in.
Consider all of the unfunded liabilities and the 60 million illegals.
Wouldn't this also affect other welfare programs like daycare , WIC and EBT? Most programs are capped by a certain income and the size of household.
Most Amazon employees do not get those anyway, they're usually part time.
A lot of the full time positions start at 12 to 13 and climb to a ceiling of 16, 1 dollar each year.
This bumps every employee to 15 instantly.
true. but I suspect you mean
yes it absolutely would, esp if capital gains were included. iirc, someone did a study that showed that the Tobin tax would stabilize markets AND fund the entire federal government. Henry George's Land Value Tax would cause infrastructure improvement to essentially pay for itself, and was proven to be economically efficient.
California could balance their budget on top of eliminating property taxes if they were to kick out every illegal.
Bernie is an irrelevant brainlet
You have to be lying user, most shit-tier jobs raise .10 a year and .25 cents a year if you are lucky.
Also /222/ respect lel
even tho this is just a slide thread
no Zig Forums posters are here anymore
where have you been, this is just shill virtue signal land now
They could. Do it.
In the meantime, people need to quit thinking in terms of "minimum wage" but more in terms of maximum wage.
500000 people working 80 hours a pay period costs a company a bit under 15 billion a year before benefits. Jeff and his board take home that amount per year in stock options and have assets valued much higher than they would be if they paid full capital gains, had the option of increased 401k (reducing federal tax liability), and were mandated higher SSI payments in addition to ensuring their workers had a semblance of creature comforts and didn't have to piss in bottles while also paying the usps their share for essentially subsidizing a trillion dollar company
don't get me wrong, man builds an empire man should be entitled his share but to build an empire on the backs of subsidized corporate welfare, niggers gon keep nigging
I'd like to see the numbers on that… not so much bc i don't believe you, but more because i like numbers and that sounds interesting. please delivar
Nah, I've worked at a warehouse before.
You start at around 12 dollars, for 90 days you wait for a chance to be a full status employee which bumps you to 13 dollars, which is part time.
Full time employees start again at like 12 as a seasonal, then eventually become a full full-time with another dollar bump, then after each year you get another dollar capping at about 16.
Becoming the full or second stage version gets you any benefits, the part time benefits are really basic, the full time give you some extra medical.
The medical team gets offered amazon stock.
Because weather
Because infrastructure
Because redundancy
Because competition
Because nazi's will be blacklisted from their beast system
I hold 264 shares of amazon, about to unironically sell 100, SPOOKTOBER started today.
Local consumers would still need to be willing to pay a price premium for these locally produced goods and services, as small retailers by definition do not have economies of scale.
Yes, and the extra costs from patronizing the local economy would represent a shared investment in the future of the locale. Ideally this would be at least partially offset by the thriving local economy increasing income for all workers in the community.
I would happily pay extra for… well, everything… if I could live in an ethno-community of hard working white people that was united in a shared purpose of building a future for our white children.
this is probably one of the most intellectually stimulating breads i've ever seen here tbh.
also subsidized housing
many amazon facilities are surrounded by it
when the next year rolls around and annual income certification begins shit'll get real hairy
a household of 1 would be pulling in almost twice the limit after taxes
numbers please. this is a no talking out of your ass zone. ps. ridding CA of slave labor is essentially a tax on the wealthy anyway
B–b-based Boynie? :^)
Currently working at Amazon. It's nowhere near as much of a slave camp as people make it out to be in the news stories, at least at my location. It's standard warehouse work that requires you not to be a lazy fuck, but it is low skill so it's expected you'd get the bottom rungs of the workforce among the applicants complaining when they have to lift a 10lbs+ box of Soylent. Maybe I just got a good location + managers because the only complaints I have about the job are that corporate has its head up its own ass, HR is a cringy pozfest with motivational unicorn Rick and Faggy memes promoting local pride parades, managers care more about quantity than quality, etc. etc. No different than most current year careers.
Funny waking up to this in the morning. They raised the wage at some locations by less than half a dollar a couple weeks ago. Had a meeting and everything. Yesterday, when they said we'd all be meeting again in a couple days, I swore that they were going to announce mass layoffs for the building. They're really cutting corners this year by having employees take on more tasks than usual.
if monsanto can write their own protection bills imagine what amazon can do. Bezos is on a board advising the Pentagon and Amazon has a $600 million contract with the CIA.
I just heard it. Perhaps we ought to do some research?
If we find that statement is legit then we have a slogan to meme. DEPORT THEM ALL.
yeah… that means its bullshit. please quit repeating nonsense. this place used to try to keep post quality somewhat high. thanks
Some faggot's opinion (which is nothing more than the result of this afternoon's nap) isn't worthy of a thread.
Old Commie jew has been going after Amazon, HARD. He even has a bill he gave the acronym, BEZOS. That is fact. So the logical interpretation here, is that it's a PR move. As a business, you would never willingly raise wages. You might as well make a donation to gay niggers with AIDS. Walmart doesn't have to follow suit. Nor does anyone else. Also, it's very unlikely the feds would make such a huge raise at once. This would be horrible for stocks and Trump wouldn't be for that. We know what happens when this is done from places like Seattle.
I read they were looking to hire mad seasonal workers for the holidays
lolokay. so, you know illegals pay sales taxes, right? did your faggot ass retard website make that deduction?
holy shit you're a dumb nigger. you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger i have ever seen
Sales tax? Really nigger?
A 6% tax on some categories of discretionary consumer spending?
When they get SNAP, free schooling, free healthcare, subsidized housing, and are often paid cash under the table? Get the fuck outta here.
you kikes love to hide behind small businesses
You're filtered Leftykike.
Good. Serivce Industry is a subsidized by welfare as it's not possble to live and work without state assistance.
That implys the individuals get 35+ hours a week and not 15-20 hours at most.
It's not the market when Amazon uses money to lobby and buy regulatory action. It's crony capitalism.
I think you assume that everyone will get paid $15 an hour and go off programs. The fact is that lots of jobs will disappear at $15 an hour. Unemployment will go up and automation will go up. If you have little skills, you won't have much work on offer. The sad fact is there are plenty of people out there with no skills, and we import more from mexico daily. The poor / lower middle class will be destroyed.
Good. I support Amazon. Retail is a fundamentally parasitic and unproductive industry, so it is best if it is made as efficient as possible and free up that wasted labor to be put to better use. Mom and pop need to get off their asses, stop selling garbage at 500% markup, and get a real job instead.
One thing I hate is hope porn. Decimate it already. The only thing I ever see out of hackers is glory boy bs to score a bounty or a job at faceberg. Honestly, why aren't the devs at linux pulling their code and bringing these SJW corpos to their knees until they meet OUR demands???
Every jew company will be disposessed anyway.
Thanks bezos you faggot now everything is more expensive
The filthy jewish money doesn't care about it.
the quality of Zig Forums sure has tanked
WOKE qapital
Too immediate to claim. They could likely continue to offload and socialize expenses.
It does nothing of the sort. $30k a year is $30k a year.
Woah, that's a big one
That means there will be no incentive for employees to work hard when the lazy nigger who browses his phone all day is making just as much as them and there's no way to change that. I wonder if Amazon workers are smart enough to see the implication or if they're dumb enough to be distracted by the fancy new carrot on a stick.
kike shit, not a necessary expense
kike shit, you're not going to see a cent of that money while living poor your entire life with the false hope that you're going to see it all back eventually, not a necessary expense
Materialistic and hedonistic degeneracy that is mutually exclusive to your ability to live your life regardless. Stop being a weak willed degenerate, not a necessary expense
You can fucking EASILY live on 30k a year.
Also literally nothing matters except efficiency. Whichever is the most efficient and high quality system is the one that gets support.
If the local economy does not provide the highest quality goods or services for the lowest cost that I can access as the buyer, they do not deserve any of my support. I only care about the good or service I am buying out of cold rationality, emotional appeals will get you nowhere.
No medical, retirement and only exist to be a wage slave never getting past treading water, you find this argument of yours persuasive?
Are you denying that insurance and 401k's are jewish pyramid schemes designed to make money for having money? Are you denying that social security is running out of money and that most people forced to pay in at gunpoint by the government will never truly benefit from it?
I could see insurance as a pyramid scheme but 401k is simply an account they don't tax until you withdraw at retirement that you invest with for living off of when retired, particularly because social security is a pyramid scheme that has already run out of money. This is all well and good, but your argument isn't making anymore sense, arguing against getting paid enough to pay for insurance and save for retirement because you think both of those are scams. nonsensical.
You don't need insurance or retirement money if you are fucking responsible with your money and actually keep it instead of burning it for zero returns, you fucking kike. Then you have more money to actually use. Filtered.
And (((who))) do you think gets all that money in your (((401k))) when you die before or shortly after reaching the retirement age that cohencidentally keeps being increased?