This is one "Le Based Black Man' i don't think the r-donald cucks will want to touch, if they are anything as murdoch murodch cartoons portray them. So, who was he and why should anyone here care?
He was a negro professor at Wesley in African Studies (Alma Mater of Hillary Clinton BTW). It was one of schools where females went before they forced the Ivies to integrate. I believe it's still all-female until this day, while they forced even The Citadel to let in women.
Anyway, Dr. Martin came across a book by "Nation of Islam" which went into the Jewish role in the slave trade. Book was called "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews." The irony of the book? It uses ALL JEWISH SOURCES, and nothing else, in explaining the Jew role. So they are all Jewish sources on their own role in the negro slave trade.
Martin used one single reading from the book in one class. The Jews at the Hillel foundation foundation (the headquarters of Jewry on campuses) and, as usual, the Hebes went insane.
A female Rabbi went into his office to berate him and DEMAND he stop teaching it. They got one of their house negroes (Henry Louis Gates) from Harvard to denounce him. They took ot the largest ad in the history of the NYT– in the shape of a Star of David– to denounce him. Inters-tingly, never once did they argue with his facts; just very loquacious, round-about bullshit about his character.
Now, were this a White guy, tenure or not he'd have been gone. The best way for the Jews to del wit this, of course, would have been just to shut up and no one outside the campus would ever have known. The Jews could not allow that. If this book (published by "Nation of Islam," and in case you didn't know, Louis Farrakhan is a great counter-semitist, actually quite skilled at arguing with kikes, and want the same thing We want– separation of the races.
His mentor, Elijah Mohammed, was of course a good friend to Rockwell and the one who let him speech at that conference from where that famous picture emerged.
Dr. Martin (died a few years ago) was a black nationalists and, like Farrakhan, desired separation of the races. He went to conferences with the IHR run by David Irving just to piss off the Jews (harder to call them "White Supremicists when one of the main speakers is a negro).
We was never "Brilliant" imo but certainly smart for a negro and incredibly brave to take on the entirety of organized Jewry alone. The NAACP and the rest all r for the hills. Only black org (only one not dependent on Jew money) was Nation of Islam, which did support him.
Will post a few of his speeches here, see if anyone has any interest. I respect him since he openly admitted what we all know– SEPARATION OF THE RACES is the only viable solution. RIP Dr. Martin.