Dr. Tony Martin and his fight Agains the Jews

This is one "Le Based Black Man' i don't think the r-donald cucks will want to touch, if they are anything as murdoch murodch cartoons portray them. So, who was he and why should anyone here care?

He was a negro professor at Wesley in African Studies (Alma Mater of Hillary Clinton BTW). It was one of schools where females went before they forced the Ivies to integrate. I believe it's still all-female until this day, while they forced even The Citadel to let in women.

Anyway, Dr. Martin came across a book by "Nation of Islam" which went into the Jewish role in the slave trade. Book was called "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews." The irony of the book? It uses ALL JEWISH SOURCES, and nothing else, in explaining the Jew role. So they are all Jewish sources on their own role in the negro slave trade.

Martin used one single reading from the book in one class. The Jews at the Hillel foundation foundation (the headquarters of Jewry on campuses) and, as usual, the Hebes went insane.

A female Rabbi went into his office to berate him and DEMAND he stop teaching it. They got one of their house negroes (Henry Louis Gates) from Harvard to denounce him. They took ot the largest ad in the history of the NYT– in the shape of a Star of David– to denounce him. Inters-tingly, never once did they argue with his facts; just very loquacious, round-about bullshit about his character.

Now, were this a White guy, tenure or not he'd have been gone. The best way for the Jews to del wit this, of course, would have been just to shut up and no one outside the campus would ever have known. The Jews could not allow that. If this book (published by "Nation of Islam," and in case you didn't know, Louis Farrakhan is a great counter-semitist, actually quite skilled at arguing with kikes, and want the same thing We want– separation of the races.

His mentor, Elijah Mohammed, was of course a good friend to Rockwell and the one who let him speech at that conference from where that famous picture emerged.

Dr. Martin (died a few years ago) was a black nationalists and, like Farrakhan, desired separation of the races. He went to conferences with the IHR run by David Irving just to piss off the Jews (harder to call them "White Supremicists when one of the main speakers is a negro).

We was never "Brilliant" imo but certainly smart for a negro and incredibly brave to take on the entirety of organized Jewry alone. The NAACP and the rest all r for the hills. Only black org (only one not dependent on Jew money) was Nation of Islam, which did support him.

Will post a few of his speeches here, see if anyone has any interest. I respect him since he openly admitted what we all know– SEPARATION OF THE RACES is the only viable solution. RIP Dr. Martin.

Other urls found in this thread:



Fucking Jewtube…even the embedded videos cannot be watched here. Let me add a few more just as links for the few who really want to hear the entire story, it's fucking fascinating, how the Jews handle it when one their negro golem suddenly breaks his chains and turns on them:

Dr. Tony Martin - Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade-

David Irving & Tony Martin: The Jewish Role In The Trade In African Slaves-youtube.com/watch?v=e1UkVfwjCCw

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BTW, he suddenly died shortly after videos of him catching on online. Just a coincidence.

fuck off and back to reddit

If anyone is genuinely interested in this man's work and just how crazy he was driving the kikes and you can't find what you want on YT, just ask and I'll check my bookmarks for all I have on him.

Keep in mind, firstly, he was a negro nationalist who desired racial separation. Then, in the book he was teaching from "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews", a book which you can find on the net. If you find it and take the time to read it, you'll realize that EVERY SINGLE SOURCE they use is a JEWISH SOURCE giving the info on Jewish inolvment in the negro slave trade. It's literally JEWS writing about their OWN ACTIVITIES– but daring to teach even one article from such a book is clearly "anti-semitic."

The temerity of these kikes is fucking breathtaking.

Always one fucking Jew, who can't just take it for what it is. And to answer your Jewish equivocation, apparently the Jews saw it as a VERY nig deal since they went so far as to assemble the Mayor of the City of Worcester, 3 shabbos goy Christian preachers from all the big Christian religions, and a rabbi to denounce him in front of 5 Tb channels from City Hall.

I'll also remind you, to ignore this kike and that he is indeed worth listening to since, like most he, he desired RACIAL SEPARATION as the only possible solution. He wasn't a "le based negro with Trump hat."

He realized what Jefferson realized over 2000 years ago: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of history than that the negroes are to be free. Nor is it ant less certain thaT the two races, equally free, CAN NEVER LIVE UNDER THE SAME GOVERNMENT AS EQUAL CITIZENS."

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*200 obviously
bunch of other minor spelling and grammar errors but not going to delete entire post and then change them for this…

Another great speech Martin gave on Jewish role in slavery at IHR: Facts Concerning "Jews" Control of Slave Trade ~ Professor Tony Martin RIP:

Addendum– if you are on speaking terms with a negro or a SJW, play dumb, drop whichever tape of these you consider the best and watch as their fucking brain circuits overload and explode right in front you as the cognitive dissonance tries to find a way to fit this into their understanding the role.

For SJW types, make sure to mention he was a Professor Emeritus and taught at Hillary Clinton's Alma Mater. It's a shame he died young, he'd have been fucking great on podcasts interviews, or even YT interviews like molymeme.

Say it with me now



I'm down with black separatists, Malcolm X, not nigger luther kang, OK?

Download it now before jew tube shoahs it

>that was an absolute (((Cohencidence)))

you mad bro?

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Why would I be mad? I can’t even tell when you fags grab me. Shits weak.

Well you’re speaking in gestures. No clue what you’re saying

Wtf Florida

This is, IMO, his best one as he describes a process never before done in American History– the Jews went to the American Historical Society and had them issue a long "Decree" stating that Jews had NOTHING to do with the negro slave trade.

It refuted no facts contained either in Martin's books or in "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews." And according to Martin, it was on a long scroll similar to the ones he saw in old Robin Hood movies.

Think about this and consider how it relates to the books by Professor Toaff and Professor Israel Shahak (of you are too lazy to really read entire articles and books, Ron Unz recently did a great article on this whole thing a few months ago).

At the time when the case of St. Simon of Trent took place, Jews and Jew Magicians trafficked openly in blood, ad by far the most sought after blood was that of a "goy child" with a rabbinical seal.

The Jews in question were tortured, but here is the key– under torture, the Jews revealed a prayer unknown to even askanzis in the area of Rome and which the Christians surely would not have known. Translated loosely, it means: "Take this, crucified Jesus. So may all Christians perish, by land and sea." The evidence is not refutable.

100 copies got out before the Jews realized what was in there, got someone to "SHU TIT DOWN!" we can assume threatened Toaff and his family and had him edit entire book, recant all he had said, and promise to donate all the proceeds to "holyc0$t survivors."

Here I wil leave a bunc h of leaks for those with a high enough IQ to understand this, the implications, and want to read more about it:

Israel Shamir: The Bloody Passover of Dr. Toaff (Shamir is a Jew Convert to Russian Orthodoxy, a journalist, editor for wikileaks in Russia, and a fairly close friend of mine for over a decade):



Full text of Dr Israel Shahak– Jewish History, Jewish Religion (intro by Gore Vidal):


***MUST READ******

"Oddities of the Jewish Religion," by Ron Unz(if you are too lazy to do all the research and put it all together for yourself, this is a great, short read that ties it all together an IMO the best thing Unz has ever written or even published:




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Have them all user. Smarter than that. you LAWAYS have your YT vids DLed before you post on here.

You're the type of asshole kamphy would and should have banned. If you don't fucking know a goddamn thing about the topic, instead of seeking attention like a fucking infant, SIT BACK AND SEARCH and try to fucking learn something asshole.

Please post pdf of "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews"

I found an abridged highlights version.

Addendum- Israel Shamir has the full book detailing the Jew trade in Christian blood on his site. If you want the link to DL it, just ask.

AlsoVERY HIGHLY recommend reading Israel Shamir's article on Toaff, which I have liked above, and as many of his articles as you can a day. He's always on point. Sort of like Brother Nataniel but instead of becoming a sort-of raving nut after his conversion, he began to use all his talents to expose Judaism for what it is:


Going to look for it tomm– after the Jews moved into bethlem for one reason or another ~ 2005, the kikes in a tank shot a tank shell that blew off the entire top of the Church of the Nativity. I'd REALLY like for this pic to go viral.

Obviously, there were no "Palestinian Snipers" hiding atop a steep Church steeple. It was pure talmudic hatred. And the Chrstian-Zionst Christ cucks in this nation STILL keep worshipping these fuckers thanks to scum like John Hagee.

If these place were going to have a longterm larget, taking down John Hagee should be it. He robs his naive fucking congregation blind while he has a private jet, and supposedly his wife and kids are all just as obese as he is.

Also rumors he often frequents whores which I'd like to confirm. He's fucking vermin, selling out his own people with an IQ too low to understand what is going on.

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They never revealed his cause of death either.

i think I heard of this guy a few years back

One the most revered jewish sages at 34 got it though, testing is showing niggers are somewhere inbetween.

True. I would not be at all surprised to learn he was poisoned by Mossad. If his teachings had somehow become embraced by Black History Depts all over the US, they Jews would have had BIG fucking problems.

Think "Crown Heights" but on a nationwide level…

QRD on Crown Heights– you
ll never find me supporting niggers, but in the ZOg you either have "Equal Justice Under the Law" or you do not. If they want to pass an amendment making Jews some sort of special citizens who are "more equal than others," le them do it, I can guarantee you the'd have al the votes needed to get it to a Constitutional Convention.

In that area, the Jews are allowed THEIR OWN POLICE FORCE and their OWN AMBULANCES. You have these Orthodox Jew is little police, gold-cart type buggies (only sealed) paid for by the NYPD and wit the NYPF logo. And of course, since these leeches are on gib and study their talmud all day, WE fucking pay for it.

So that night a kike in a station wagon runs over a black up on the sidewalk. A Jew ambulance comes and instead of taking the black, who was dying, they took the kike in the kike ambulance to let him be treated for bruises.

The kikes rioted that night and eventually killed one nigger.

Are you posting in the wrong thread friend or have I completely missed what the fuck you are talking about?

obviously, the NIGGERS rioted, not the kikes. If you want to see what the kikes little police vehicles look like, look for the film "Defamation."

BTW *FOR NEWFAGS* IF you want to learn about a year worth of shit worth knowing, bookmark this thread or copypaste it with the links and spend the next free weekend you have watching the videos/reading articles here.

I can prmise you that you will understand Jews and Negroes after pursuing all the leads in this thread far better than you ever thought possible, and that it will totally change your perceptions of things you thought you were sure of.

at the 34 minute mark of the video martin talks about a jew sage saying nogs are inbetween human and ape, martin position of course is it's made up hokum but today's testing is showing that's pretty much right.

Let me answer one more question:
"Who the fuck do you think you are and why are so many posts in this thread from you?"

I consider myself sort of like "Frame Games," the Lawyer who hoes on JF Gariey's show every Monday.Main difference between us being, I AM NOT A JEW, though I've been studying Kikery since I first found the GLR comic "How Odd of God to Choose the Rats" as a computer brochure at 13.

My grandmother had been born in Lithuania and had a lifelong hatred of kikes which I never understood, and always wanted to. I any event, over these past ~20+ ears, I've accumulated a LOT of info, much of which I know from memory and much of which I have bookmarked for easy reach when needed.

Maybe, if people have any interest in the research I've done on Literally every aspect of Jewry, I should and will will start a blog. That' all. Just wanted to get that otut of way b4 I get accused of "shill, slide, etc.." – all the things kikes or idiots like to throw at you when you try to make complicated threads with nuanced messages.

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Maimonides you mean? Yeah, probably it is more or less right. The irony is that he is still taught in almost all philosophy classes last I checked since is among the only medieval "thinkers" the Jews can claim. Any other would have been gone.

Those are some fine boobplates.

Also, glad you are listening user. You will earn A LOT about how jews work if you listen to that one and the other where Martin talks at the IHR. They really are completely shameless and think they run the world.

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I assume you know, but for those who may not, those are Pole girls who dress up as the Winged Hussars to commemorate the night the Holy League–under the command of King Sobeiski– raised the 2 month siege of Vienna by the Turk.

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Yes, who doesn't know the famed Winged Hussars. Pretty symbols of Europe in the 16-17th centuries.

Are these Albanians ladies? Very hot and sexy!

Actually knowing the truth about luther king is that he was a sexual degenerate commie and isn't as peaceful the msm make him out to be it was till the very end of his life when he spoke (((against))) them and died.

FUCK! The one good thing stormfront ever did was getting the domain name "martinlutherking.org" and using it to put REAL info up there about the nigger: his plagerized thesis, his commie links, the FBI bugs from the night before he tried, when he could be heard with White coal burning whores yelling "I'm fucking for God!" and " I ain't a negro tonight!"

Of course, now the Jews have, without any legal justification taken the domain name away. amazing. We no longer have free speech here in ZOG user. Once they begin to move in on the 2nd amendment, then rebellion becomes a DUTY.

From the NYT:

"A committee of scholars appointed by Boston University concluded today that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized passages in his dissertation for a doctoral degree at the university 36 years ago.

"There is no question," the committee said in a report to the university's provost, "but that Dr. King plagiarized in the dissertation by appropriating material from sources not explicitly credited in notes, or mistakenly credited, or credited generally and at some distance in the text from a close paraphrase or verbatim quotation."

Despite its finding, the committee said that "no thought should be given to the revocation of Dr. King's doctoral degree," an action that the panel said would serve no purpose.

But the committee did recommend that a letter stating its finding be placed with the official copy of Dr. King's dissertation in the university's library."



Are you a troll or genuinely stupid user? Why in hell would muslim albanian vermin be celebrating the salvation of Vienna from Muslims led by the Polish king commanding The Holy League?

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No, rebellion point happened a long time ago, well before everyone here was born.

dat first pic wow

We need to upload martin clips to bet and other nigger websites. I don't know why someone hadn't done so already, but we can rectify that.

You may be right. i go Dr. Pierce's "The Chinese Invasion"(hint: he isn't talking about any "Chinese."

EDIt: was about to post link from YT, but apparently, "The Chinese Invasion" is already gone. Fucking ADL kikes. Reminder anons not to ever embed here, or the kikes will remove it.

You're more right than you know user. We've already lost the First Amendment for all intents and purposes. They've proven that a commie can assault a Trump supporter with a lethal weapon and not be punished, and that Spencer (whatever I may think of him) and others can be legally punched since "they are Nazis."

And then when one poor kid is surrounded by these ANTIFA scum, gets afraid and hits the gas and one cunt has a heart attack, they want to (and do) use it as an excuse to take down every fucking rightwing site in the country.

And Sessions in the Justice Dept does fuck all.

A bit OT, but there's actually a second pic of that girl somewhere, don't think I saved it for some reason, but the dude did take one more of her. With all out collected powers of autism and perversion, haven't been able to find out who she is or if there are more pics of her.

do you have his phoney, whore? call the nigger, and get your roasty Zig Forums'd, niggerfucker

we ackshually agree? wtff?

Ah, she's from Melbourne, Australia according to a reverse search. Which explains why she doesn't have the sickly wan pallor of a Brit girl and such good skin.

I'm 99% sure whatever perv took it also took another pic, if you want try reverse searching that image and add "Melbourne Tram Girl."

he is a great artist

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(((Nation of Islam))) was started by jews

>(((Nation of Islam))) was started by jews
Absolute bullshit. Or I can tell, if it was somehow started by Jews as you suggest, it must be one of their most bitterly regretted psyops. Farrakhan calls for Whites and blacks to separate, calls Hitler "A very Great man," and published a book naming the Jew as responsible for the slave trade using their own sources.

Before Malcom-Xmas died, he was constantly naming the Jew, as was Farrakhan's predecessor Elijah Mohammed. Honest question– after reading all the detail in this thread, you must have some idea you aren't deal with a retard. Why do you Hasbara scum even bother?

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Just imagine, some naive "awakened" Americans look up to a negro speaking history.

Hint Americans: you have no allies in other races in the end. Message from Europe

Zevi only converted islam for show to avoid getting beheaded. The tribe detests all religions. Anything that offers fundamental value, the tribe detests. They're satan on earth.

This doesn't even make sense.

embarrassing attempt. I don't think even plebs at the_donald would fall for that one.

Not as "naive" as you apparently think Shlomo. if one mainstream negro entertainer (like Kayne West) with enough money, othing to lose, and a few crews loose EVER retweets Tony Martin, the negroes will be going into your neighborhoods and hanging you from lampposts if the ones with high enough IQs to figure out what you actually did lead the others.

The proof of just how terrified you kikes are of such a situation is how the Jews and all their camp followers piled onto Martin. Don't worry jew boy: "Slowly. Deliberately. Climb up a rock here, over a tree there. I'll get there in the end, you know."

And though he feigned laughter, inside his heart was heavy, for the mongoose knew the serpent spoke true." -Old Hindu/Aryan Folktale

You'd be best to know what these things are that control your life.


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Can anyone find a pdf of that book?

Can I get a rundown on Unz? I've had some cursory experience with the site, how is he still allowed to publish what he has? It seems like the only semi intellectual site I've come across that can be taken somewhat seriously by normalfags and is not 100% white nationalist hail Hitler but still critical of Jews. That's like their worst nightmare.

which? If you tried searching and still can't get it, try seaching again ad then I can try. Pretty sure "Nation of Islam" still sells it on their site, but might need to load cash onto a card at CVS to buy it in cse the Jew decide they are "terrorists" but even so, it's a purchase of a product (and clearly not a "Dangerous" one if you in the Us, it's a history book). I'll search as soon as I can and see what I come up with…

Blacks are in a much more dire situation than even us, thanks to years of dependence on welfare and almost zero whole families I think the damage may be final. Due to their genetics there is a much lower chance of any of them waking up to what's really going on, even without those factors, but every once in a while an outlier pops up. They could certainly be a great tool to turn against the Jews; I think the biggest obstacle is that blacks are the opposite of individualistic and breaking off from pop culture trends is not likely.

Ron Unz is a secular Jew who made a number of smart investments in tech and now has literal "fuck you money." Since he's a Jew himself and apparently has the money to hire the most expensive Jews to fight for him without ruining their practice (since he is a Jew), the SPLC and others tend to be afraid of him.

He also allows leftists like Finkelstein and Chomsky to have articles up on Israel so they can't pigeonhole him on anything. TBQH, I didn't realize just how much money he must have until his article on the Jew religion this summer, when the Jews were barely able to get a popcorn fart going in criticizing him, never mind removing his domain.

Pretty sad statement on the the state of American, but like Irving says of UK: "British Justice is the best money can buy," and same goes for US.

In my experience, typically the blacks who are even somewhat coherent come from the Caribbean for whatever reason. Farrakhan's father was a light-skinned negro (mulatto or quadroon) was also from the Caribbean. I assume the population brought there came from a higher IQ population of negroes, whereas the ones in..Haiti for example must have come from a VERY low IQ tribe (also, obviously the fact that the Haitians killed every person with ANY non-negro blood in them (unless you bleve in the legend of the polish Haitian negroes) obviously dropped IQ a lot.

1:21 of Marin's speechThe Jewish Onslaught: "So far there has only been one one volume of "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, but the Jews better start bracing themselves for Volume 2."

Wonder if it came out? When I'm not so tired, have to check the "Nation of Islam" website and see if they ever got around to volume 2, since this speech must have been almost 20 years ago.

the DOTR can't come soon enough

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LOL! Yep, there IS a volume 2! As a service to the black community, I'm going to take it upon myself to obtain this book and begin feeding negroes quotes from it on twitter. Hope others will join me. This will be great sport.

And, if I'm right, Farakahan used to get fucking duffel bags full of cash from some middle eastern leaders before the 2008 crash (and from ghaffai even after) and probably gets them again, so "Jack" might get the lawsuit that finally puts his out out if he ever blocks someone for quoting a Nation of Islam book.

Anyway, here is the official unveiling of Vol 2:

Checked. Thanks, I just find his and the site's existence absolutely fascinating.
Btw you should start a blog or maybe a thread here on research of jewry. I've said this many times before, we need to be doing more research on the enemy. I have been researching for a while, and I still learn new and shocking things almost every day and have barely scratched the surface. One of my recent favorites was browsing around the Judaism stack exchange.

< attacking Christian whites

You old kikes. you killed 20 million white Christians, by your (((Stalin))) and his (((Communist))) (((Marxism))), by man-made famine, exile, and the gulags. We shall never forget your deeds.

The light of the Archons shines through the aeons, and we shall never die.
