Based Nigger Gasses Kikes and Doesn't Stop At Typhus
Jews Have Hooked Noses, Israel Is The Problem Of Middle East, Based Malaysia Nog-PM
America and malaysia, how come it is always the mutt countries that name the jew?
because mixed race mongrels are very very angry about being mixed race mongrels.
I love how they blast it all over their story-telling machines for the world to see, like we give a shit.
He also pointed out they could not have millions of chinks moving to malaysia and building Chinese only cities. This is the plan the jews have for the nice parts of london. so of course the rothschild script bbc presenter countered him on this.
She also called him out on cancelling (((debt to finance planned infrastructure))) from singapore and china and even called it out as colonialism via the backdoor. Everyone knows Singapore is the trading outpost of the jews in asia along with hong kong.
You don't have to be of any specific race to hate the jews. The prerequisite is simple: contact with jews.
the board is called politics, not retarded burgers discuss fox and friends
Hong Kong was horrible back when the Brits still had it, I can't imagine what it's like now.
It's called politically incorrect, faggot.
Carry on.
You know I really wonder if those still work, I hope they do.
Yeah, they do. :]
fuck off degenerate
nobody gives a flying fuck if a jew is "offended"
We know you can't offend the jew
they'd have to resemble something human to do that.
I'm sure they're lying about what the based PM said, anyway. They can't tell the truth to save their lives.
That's cringy as fuck dude.
actually its pure genius because when the Qtards go searching twatter, they find him.
You can't think with respect for yourself or others if you're going to battle the jew. They know nothing of the term.
and you will never be human and I will never respect you as such.
you are a parasite that will never know virtue and always squabble in despair about how tough your pathetic life is.
God hates you. The God, not your bullshit antichrist deceiver. Enjoy your time here, it won't get better when you're gone.
You can't redpill qtards. Don't argue on the level of idiots, spend your time on smarter people.
Oh the irony seeing as you fall in line with what Israel tells you, and how Iran is so evil
This shouldn't even have to be said but here we are
Have you guys heard of GEMATRIA Effect News?
Or the Book of Enoch that says the False Jew will rule in the End times?
Or Ezra and the Judgement of Isreal? (Watch this 1st)
They were both taken out of the Bible 500 years ago.
I've got a bitcoin against yours that you can't show me where in the bible it says the false jew will rule in end times.
Why so many chinks in Harrow?
Coz when they get in a cab they say Harrow!
Akschhually iran is the biggest threat to the whole wordl because they've had nuclear bombs for the last 30 years and haven't used them even once. Pool israel has to live so close to such demons. For more info please attend the mandatory holocaust(tm) classes.
Do tell me, which quote has me saying that, oh kike, oh oppressor, oh evil one?
Why hasnt he been suicided yet
Gee golly holy shit
a thread died for this
Inescapable shame makes some speak the truth. Pure countries can play pretend because they don't understand the scope of the change.
dumb kikes
if a was one i'd be more worried about the goyim learning to spot me by the hanb rubbing
big noses are not something that people can change about themselves, maybe someone with abig nose ain't no kike, but if you see someone rubbing his hands while thinking of money then you know for sure it's a kike
The reason why this is a decent thread is because this guy actually names the jew in public and has decent political power. The only other person to come near to this level of madman is some of the iranians.
UAE,Saudi arabia,china and so forth will never name the jew and "redpilled" trump is constructing an israeli embassy with us taxpayer dollars in jerusalem right now and actually increased already sky high us aid to itsnotrealanddoesn'texist and cut aid to palestine.
The only reason you hate this thread is because you are a dirty kike working for the IDF somewhere in peta tikva
Can't tell if this is sarcasm anymore.
Fuck off, kike.
Swedes pretend everything is ok, nogs can't understand any better and mixes are either nogs or ashamed of themselves.
it is but normie retards believe its not
The prime minister's nose looks pretty hooked too
pretty based desu.
no, Russia is behind it ya stupid goys- I- I mean guys…
Russia BAD, and DRUMP, its the current year.
yes but what about the dooktato implosion
The Dooktato Implosion is here. And it is real. You know nothing.
why are we forgetting the dooktato implosion
Everything is meaningless beside the dooktato implosion.
what is a dooktato
i am frightened
I cannot be held responsible for the leakages of anything dooktato related
can't nuke the dook
fuck the dooktato girl
darmor is a punk ass busta
what a blunder
are those (((her))) real tits?
what could possibly be causing the huge emergence of Gnosticism?
Fetch me a mind, will you?
god I hate dooktatos
Don't implode my dooktato.
Don't you mean "Mark Ass Busta?"
damor is a mark ass busta
the dooktato posting shall come to a close due to lack of participation
keep flailing eurostanis
lol who is this, SwedishMeatball? Atlantic? one of the KKK?
so did she ever decide if she was going to rehab tomorrow or not? >protip: no, she was just saying that for attention
Sometimes i believe that everything is genetics, negros are stupid and whites sell their people, every race has his problems.
They don't. 这里的一切我们都读
What in the everloving fuck happened here
I've seen other posters claim they worked for the Chinese government and their job was to read English language websites and give reports and speeches to party officials summarizing people's opinions. What do you do? What's your interest in Zig Forums? What other websites do you read? How long have you been reading Zig Forums? Is the
filter still in place for the general Chinese populace and you're exempt because you work for the party, or can anyone in China now read about those events? Does it ever get tiring, reading this shithole website? Just curious, we don't get many people from your part of the world here.
What the fuck is this shill
Just jews ov veying.
All of the people criticizing the Malaysian PM are the same people who were silent when Israelis carried out assassinations in broad daylight against people in Malaysia. I AM ANGRY
IP hopping kikes spamming images of an ugly whore to distract and stifle our fun, typical.
Please explain, I'm scared.
Maybe, but at least they know how to handle glow in the dark CIAniggers
Just say no to the jewish/ abrahamic mind virus.
Praise Godin. Praise KEK.
Oh well if thats all needed to convince you I have been sent to muh China by my employer and you gotta lol about all the "censorship" and "blocked sites" fakenews and claims thats pushed unanonymously by jewish mainstream media and government.
I have more sites and content blocked by German ISPs and cucked and jewed services detecting my German IP than in China. Oh and here in Germany I dont get results for Hitlers birthday on the first page when searching for the letter "H". Germany is censoring the letter H. How silly!
Now watch the shills calling me the shill.
This guy is one of my most favorite non-whites. He also called out the kikes in 2003. Dude is 93 years old, still calling out the kikes. I love it. I wish one White leader of a Western country would fucking do this.
Exactly. Most recently, Guatemalan mestizos got sick of their shit and kicked them out.
As a mixed race mongrel, this.
Imagine that you had, plastered across every millimeter of your skin, a reminder that the Jews caused you to suffer.
Imagine that your mother, being a misguided kike-loving Christian, cut off a segment of your penis, so that you would be reminded - every time your penis shifts into a certain spot in your underwear - that the kikes caused you to suffer.
The mixed race man and woman have a stronger reason to hate the jew than the white man. The white man is not affected to the degree of his own blood by the jew. We, however, are.
Everyone is affected by the kikes. Both Whites and non-Whites.
I have a question. What if somebody is not jewish but has a hooked nose? What are these people to do? Seems kinda fucked to be lumped in with the jew.
those that dared were thrown in a ditch by the kike mafia. We have to wait until the masses finally wake up from their slumber
Take solace in the fact you can be the last to receive a bullet.