These fucking RATS are everywhere. Literally, then claim they have a right to our land. They make US AMERICANS feel like shit. They took everything from you. They stole you future, they are rewriting our history and changing our language. I fucking HATE mexicans, and I know deep down Whites ARE GOING TO DO NOTHING to stop their invasion until we are literally to weak to fight and then eventually they win any war. We need to do something TODAY, how do we fucking get rid of these RATS from our country?
Spic hate thread
Mexico also have a problem with jews, better to redpill them. Many good latinos
The only good "latino" is the one that does not live in America, jose.
At no point did he say that they live in America.
What is this neo-con bullshit?
This is now a jew hate thread and we hate OP for the kike he is
I can't get off. i cant stand these filthy fucking bean bags in literally every shitty hole you can possibly imagine in southwest united states. You ever hear the cutrate fucking mariachi music these roaches listen to nonstop? I'm serious whoever thinks any fuckin beaner coming over here is going to benefit this country has a hooknose
t. Spics
You will never get rid of spics and niggers until you get rid of the jews. Deal with it.
-t tel aviv troll
As a white man from New Mexico, nobody hates spics more than I do. Every time a beaner dies god smiles.
can't we just have a thread where we complain about the filthy dogshit that you step in called a mexican? ffs man leave us alone.
I used to have to drive through there alot. there is a reason NM has one of the highest drunk driving deaths. its because that state is filled with mexicans who 1. dont know how to drive and 2. thinks its acceptable to get behind the wheel when they are plastered (which is pretty much whenever they are awake)
lol it's you gringos fault for having mutts with the most Noble savages
don't try to come at me about how attractive their women are either because anything over the age of 16 has already been impregnated at least once and none of them know how to maintain proper pH so they all stink like leftover fucking taco bell food.
Sure but who is to blame, what is the root of the problem ?
You're not on reddit.
1 peso was deposited into your account
jews ruin everything and you are ruining this thread by talking about jews. are you a jew?
Mexicans are the turks of the the Americas.
You're not on reddit. Your spam doesn't belong here.
Wew, look at all of these 56% mutts
It's honestly unbelievable how fast they brown up a city, county, state then your country. I live in what used to be completely 100% white in the middle of nowhere almost 8,000 feet up, yet one day I saw a beaner family at a local cafe about 5 years ago, now at least 30% of this place is beaner, there's a new taco restaurant, and the papers started having spic languages in them. I fucking hate them so much you don't even understand, they are worse and more savage than even niggers. At least you can mostly avoid niggers since they tend to cluster in huge cities among themselves, whereas beaners actively seek white folks out to parasite. There's no fucking escaping them.