Christchurch mosque killer’s theories seeping into mainstream, report warns ISD researchers are currently embedded in 50 extreme-right chat channels on applications such as Bongo Bongo Land, Telegram and WhatsApp, as well as monitoring groups, communities and discussion boards on 4chan, Zig Forums, Gab, Minds, Voat and Reddit
Conservative leadership race: Voters 'issued two ballots' Some Conservative members have been issued with more than one ballot paper to vote for the next party leader and prime minister, the BBC has learned
Hullo! Yes! Mark Collett is indeed a Hope Not Hate spy, without a doubt. Let me just take you back to 2001, when I first came across Mark Collett at the Northern Rally being held in Oldham 2001. Collett was giving a speech - a talk (I think he may have been head of the young BNP then I'm not sure) but all the same - he gave an excellent speech, I was impressed. This young man had qualities, abilities, he had potential. He was going to go right to the top in the nationalist movement, and you could see that that was happening, but Griffin had this terrible habit of raising his hand at BNP meetings. - "Mark Collett! The next leader of the BNP!" when nothing could be further from the truth and Griffin knew that. Why Griffin used to to that I'll never know, but anyway, it built up Collett's dreams and expectations, and there was other fallbacks that happened in the party like the documentary, 'Young Nazi and Proud', and the one with Russell Brand, and many many others were - he let himself down and he'd been caught with his pants down, and the Jewish journalists had been secretly recording him. Instead of Griffin versing him and warning him they'd be wired for sound so be careful what you say, he didn't. But on the same breath, you shouldn't have been talking about anything other than party policy and he veered off talking about girlfriends and Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany and Jews, and this Jewish Journalist was recording and okay, it's not the end of the world. So what happened then is the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) were maneuvering in the BNP (Adam Walker, Clive Jefferson) and they were getting rid of all the genuine nationalists and Collett was one of them. He was next on the chopping block. So when it was his turn, and he was kicked out of the BNP, he couldn't handle it (and don't forget, he was kicked out for legitimate reasons, for doing and saying something stupid), but anyway. So he's kicked out of the BNP, and what's he left with now? He's got no job. He's going to have to go back to mum's in Leicester. He's left a trail of embarrassing videos on the internet. He feels he's been betrayed and what he's done, is he's went to Hope Not Hate because he wasn't a strong character in that department. To deal with rejection and failure was in his eyes betrayal, so he's gone to the enemy. If you want to believe he just turned up with Eva, when there were swastikas all over her body, right on the eve of the Vote Leave campaign then be my guest. He's turned up with her with swastikas on to smear the vote leave campaign, and to hinder it. Of course he has! And he's now with Dr David Duke, right? They're doing this radio show or whatever. So Collett is indeed a snitch. I wouldn't be blaming Mark Collett, or saying he's accused of being a snitch it he wasn't. I liked Mark Collett. I got on with him quite well. We had great rapport between one another, but he's rolled to the enemy. I'm sorry, but he has. You don't turn up with this mysterious girl with swastikas all over her right on the eve of the Vote Leave campaign. He's turned up to smear the Vote Leave campaign, but he didn't, it backfired. Mark Collett is indeed a spy that works for Hope Not Hate.
Here's an extreme idea, why are little brown women so manipulative and coniving? They are just going to keep pushing the Overton Window til it smashes. If Defend Europa is extreme, what are they going to call actual extremists? They should be careful what they memi.
no idea how brown islamic women got that way tbh, you'd think they'd evolved in a society where such things would be harshly punished, usually with death.
Adam Kelly
Just don't say this with the implication that women should stay at home and raise children
Jack Lopez
ah fkn cunt border got in the way
Maybe its a cunning to avoid the snares of punishment, its glaringly obvious though even to someone who isnt Muslim
What these retards don't realise is that "populist vulgarity" can literally only subvert the prevailing PC order. In any other era, what these homos call "populist vulgarity" (in their enemies), would simply be called common sense.
Jeremiah Brown
they just overly police themselves
their attempts at playing the underdog are just embarrassingly pathetic
You can tell when a place has trannies because if you critiscise them you get banned
Nolan Clark
Polticising games just means that they will age terribly, on top of that the game isn't even out yet and it's already dated, "muh refugees" banners are already about half a decade old, and occupy was almost an entire decade ago so the 99% is also dated. At the very best the game will be mediocre, the series was dead from the first game, they are just trying to cash in on current affairs with their dead brand.
there's two more on newbrit both crosspost here plus whatever westie is
and let's not forget about LSC
Blake Carter
what's wack is that Ive seen those "painted" boards copy and pasted in different parts of the game. Now you may call that fickle but to me that seems like laziness when a good artist could do a new one nearly as quick
Dominic Gomez
I'm not a tranny What happened with him?
Carter Morris
Lad if a nonce posted here would that suddenly make us pro-nonce.
Dylan Lopez
Daily Reminder 16 years old is legal and fine breeding age.
Mason Williams
Yes but if you're 25+ it does smell rather noncey.
Nathan Stewart
Jeremiah Parker
Aaron Richardson
Even chasing 25yr olds is a little too young for me FML.