my university is psychoanalysing me and making me see a psychologist, also suspended me for almost a year and working against me.
When I threatened to sue them they let me back in, but I was told I was on a "watchlist" by mutiple teachers.
I think I am going insane. I am 100k in debt and was almost finished but this bullshit has cost me 2 years of delay. Also they said it was my own resonsibility
also I don't have money for a lawyer and I called one and he said if I don't have hard evidence I can't do anything.
Easton Scott
Just say you have autism and get your retard card.
Henry Hernandez
Also, Zig Forums isn't your blog nor is it a help desk.
Landon Flores
Nice blog, maybe you should explain what happened instead of complaining about the side effects
Matthew Clark
Blake Russell
Hello doctor Ford. I believe you. Even though you present us with nothing to work with, to reconstruct what happened, to form an educated opinion on the matter - trying to offer help where possible. I believe you regardless. If you came looking for a helping hand you are in the right place. We are very friendly.
Luis Evans
This isn't your blog. Kill yourself.
Gavin Gonzalez
Are you white, or is this some kind of streetshit scam?
If you are white, be proud and never give up. Sieg Hail
Ian Stewart
Joshua Lewis
Had a similar problem, fixed it by offing myself. Try it.
James Moore
If you kill yourself jews win
Nathan Carter
i got caught with a blowtorch i was using to freebase drugs in college and got v& hard for it. talked shit with a shrink for like two sessions, told her I was smoking e-juicenicotine concentrate with the base kit and got let off.
stop being such a socially inept sperg, read GLR's musings re: psychologists
Carson Clark
lol stop reading comic books, its turning you into a faggot. Get your house in order and prepare for balkanization of USA within 10-20 years.
Jose James
Jonathan James
Ryder Robinson
not everybody is a from a poorfag family who needs to take out jew loans to pay for collage
Carson Flores
Hit the gym user, you will be just fine. Hard times create strong men
Charles Morris
you're either a poorfag or you're bourgeois and part of the problem. reminder that national socialism is a worker's movement.
Aaron Gray
So you spend your parents' hard earned cash, cash that they spend their lives generating, to go to a kike brainwashing facility.
How about you actually give some context instead of some incoherent complaint?
Angel Fisher
universities are not law enforcment agencies, this ability by them to do this must end. as far as i know dead marxist deans can't hire marxist teachers that in turn make marxist students
Asher Thompson
lol stop live-action roleplaying
So your plan is to hide while non-whites take over the country, great.
Is that why Hitler ditched the mostly working class SA for the mostly middle-class SS?
Bentley Lopez
just work hard and immerse yourself in studies do your best, then work hard to find a good job. after a year or so of working hard in that, work hard to find a better job and so on. you will rise up and be well over the heads of these people within a few years.
Kayden Parker
Have you ever heard of personal responsibility, or does that phrase not exist in your mind? I've got no sympathy for students who willingly go into thousands of dollars of debt and think everything will be fine and dandy. Also, fuck your blog. We don't need these low quality threads here.
David King
Reminder that only jews say this.
Joshua Wilson
Reported for wasting a get.
Justin Parker
Oliver Mitchell
no, my plan is to have all the food and a large family while the niggers and city dwellers starve and kill one another.
Eli Butler
>going into (((university)))
It's the future you chose
Samuel Thomas
im sorry to hear that. in my case they threatened to deny my diploma for telling off a teacher, but they caved after i threatened to sue for something i paid for and earned. it was fucking lame. the entirety of the US "education system" needs to burn. every level of it is fucked.