These fucking RATS are everywhere. Literally, then claim they have a right to our land. They make US AMERICANS feel like shit. They took everything from you. They stole you future, they are rewriting our history and changing our language. I fucking HATE mexicans, and I know deep down Whites ARE GOING TO DO NOTHING to stop their invasion until we are literally to weak to fight and then eventually they win any war. We need to do something TODAY, how do we fucking get rid of these RATS from our country?
Spic hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
There's literally nothing wrong with spics.
BASED DACAryan esoteric immigrants will have to build a POWERFUL redpilled wall to keep the Amerimutts out!
…that a flame thrower can't fix.
Ay Caramba, the gringos know! Andele andele, shut it down ese
Hey beaners, you know we hate you right?You might hate niggers and that's cool and all, but you're going to hang right with them come the dotr.
Zig Forums is a white man's board. \
I am glad that the spic mods aren't here anymore to fuck up the thread. I know I can't prove it per say, but I created that one thread about wetbacks that they both stickied and bumplocked, changed all the uploaded files to this retarded youtube video, and altered anyones reply into something gay if they said anything bad about spics. idk about anyone there but it really made me think.
As a white man from the southwest I can assure you that nobody hates spics more than we do. We live on the front line of demographic replacement and the cartels gangs.
God smiles when spics die.
Except for the ones breathing.
Why do you love Spics Imkampfy?
I hate niggers
I hate spics
But I dunno which one is worse
Both are vermin who need to be exterminated.
REMINDER: There's no such thing as a "white latino".
Tons of the white supremacists on 4pol are SPICS, mainly chicanos (as it could be seen in the Zig Forums meetings).
Also, a lot of Latinos think they're white for some reason. The same people who are on here defending the notion that Mexicans and Latinos are white ARE Latinos and Mexicans. Alot of times they have American flags and they live in cities. These people have a low IQ. This leads them to believe that they think they're "white" just because their skin is lighter (eg: Argentina and Uruguay).
Pic very related: South Africa has more whites than all of Latin America COMBINED.
Once you are OK with classifying spics as white, then IT'S OVER (See: the caste system in colonial Latin America - especially the "criollo" caste).
South America has more whites than North America at this point.
yeah, nah
Nice try juan
Spics are a very different type of subhuman that most on Zig Forums have had the fortune of never meeting. Because spics are derived from a different strain of shit than what niggers are made of, spics possess a different set of subhuman traits. Make no mistake, all subhumans are unclean, prone to rape, murder, steal, but spics are a type of slow burn on white countries like the US. I sometimes wish I had the time to blog this all, but if there is one or two things I can emphasize so that Zig Forumslacks who might encounter spics will understand, I'll try to mention it in one post.
Spics are some of the ugliest pieces of shit you will ever see. They're so varied in their disgusting appearances that you can never anticipate what level of human mockery they embody. The same applies to their level of intelligence. Spics are not just slow-witted and devoid of most emotion, they're a parody of human personality. Forget what you've read about "NPCs," spics are so cowardly, so insecure, and exceedingly mundane that it would only be pitiful if it wasn't for the fact that for every one that is like that, there is another committing some heinous act with a deranged smile and unironically laughs at the idea of law and order.
This is where things get complicated. Aforementioned mundane spics are the majority of spics when they're not committing a crime. Now we get to the semi-intelligent spic. It's one thing to get entrenched with spics with barely any intellect, it's another to get stuck with a semi-intelligent one that is incompetent in many unique ways. These spics are a variation of the faux-advocate complex. They are your worst enemy because they represent and embody a bad ally. Their insecurities are tenfold of their lesser intellectual brethren, and they're just intelligent enough to carry a conversation but have nearly no capacity to converse over anything worthwhile. Now imagine the terror of calling any of these your co-workers or neighbors. These are the spics that leftists fall back on as proof of "good spics," their counterpart being the "based negro," and being shown around as some kind of trophy shitskin. I can't emphasize enough how awful these shades of semi-intelligence are for not just in daily activities but also in subtle but important aspects of life like morale and support. These spics are so aware of their incompetence that they're overflowing with insecurity and it will spread to those around them like a mind virus. Whites who made the grave error of calling these spics friends will soon be taken over by it and exhibiting excess amounts of insecurity like the spics themselves. Bad influences rub off on people, and semi-intelligent spics are the plague-bearers of this.
As if anyone needed more reasons for why spics are awful, I say this: kill them all. Do not pick and choose your flavor of hell. A semblance of competence or mundane brown npcs is not a life worth living with. Spics form an abstract kind of hell that is a parody of any lovecraftian horror that doesn't skip the horror. They will drag down any white that chooses to call them neighbor through sabotage, be it direct or indirect, because they can never be white. Kill them all.
"Esoteric immigrant" leftypolist is still lurking the board so long after the globalization raids. I feel violated just having to share a space with this language rapist.
^A subhuman right here if there ever was one.
That is literally spic-tier thinking.
Projecting a bit much aren't you, pablo? He gave a great description on just how subhuman spics really are.
Every spic with the exception of zimmerman is subhuman trash.
The speed of spic insecurity-posting never ceases to amaze me.
Because there are never onlookers who are appalled by a thug's grosteque verbal bashing and calls for killing of an entire group of people based on race.
It is YOU who's projecting.
I'll have you know my great grandfather was a pure-blooded Spanish knight
How are flavor of the day race hate threads about politics, mods?
Feels fucking good, man.
an indiivdual nigger is far worse than an individual spic, but the spics are the ones that are taking over demographically 'cause niggers kill all their babies and each other
they are extremely rare and don't necessarily speak English. I've seen literally one, some ~40 y/o with a nice bum that wore yoga pants all the time. I taught her colors and counting to ten in English
it's much less than that, probably ~50% or less
breh! except for me it's portuguese mother, british father
Kill yourself, you disgusting semitic fuck.
Not in this timeline.
we should hate all non-whites you fucking faggot
You can have the board, we're taking the country of United States anyways.
300 years ago.
Ok, so we hate Mexicans. Not all Spanish people, because hispanic people were originally white Europeans. But of course you're just here because you're a neurotic jew who is afraid of the entire fucking world revolting against you.
read the title of the board you dumb spic
Kill yourself, D&C jew.
If it ain't White then it needs to leave, is my metric. There are very few Whites Only places on the entire interweb, even the implicit ones have all been infiltrated by mystery meats and even worse jews whom you can't in anyway slight them or gain the ire of many of the other Whites in the group who don't see what's happening.
Good luck, you stupid fuck. Even this board is owned by jews.
There are literally none on the clearnet. This alone is the one website where you can express these views, and they are spending billions to stifle it.
people like you are killing this board
I repeat, kill yourself you disgusting semitic shitstain.
Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.
Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!
It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine!
I hate spics more than any other group of people besides jews honestly, they are far worse than even niggers. The rate at which they brown a city, county, state and then county is insane. 5 years ago in my 100% white small town 8,000 feet up in the middle of nowhere I saw a random spic family in a cafe. Fast forward 5 years and they already make up at least 40% of the population here and there's signs in spic language, taco shops, police sirens(which were NEVER heard before) and everyone is trying to flee again from this shitskin menace. At least niggers will keep to themselves and mostly cluster in inner city ghettos in larger cities, spics actively seek whites out to parasite off of and attempt to ethnically cleanse.
>4chan semite D&C kike reddit Schlomo paid shill jew Shariablue Chaim who will never be white (((you)))
never post here again
Stop falling for D&C kikery if you still are…who benefits? Don’t let the kikes distract you with the problem (((THEY))) created. Demographic decline is just one of many symptoms of a disease; that disease is
Let’s cure the disease and cure all the symptoms by default. They have you pointing fingers at the symptoms. Focus on the real enemy, the real enemy is the jews.
Reported and filtered. Your cuckchan tactics have no use here, you retarded inbred JIDF agent.
Fuck off Pablo Jose Rodrigo Mendez IV, if you ugly aztec homunculi swarthy subhumans weren't such good golems we'd have a much easier time dealing with jews.
t. Beaner
Go to any elementary schools near you and see all the little spiclets for yourself.
The demographic replacement will become more apparent in the next decade when these kids enter the workforce.
They are also not that smart, you can see it in how they behave and react to scenarios in public and at work.
And this is because of the jews going out of their way to genocide white people. This isn't cuckchan, you stupid pile of shit, you have to make your bait a little more nuanced. You literally are too stupid to meet that paygrade.
I just wish they can stop acting like monkeys and go back.
Anyone that isn't a Europoid is a problem Hernandez.
No, I'm not saying that, you pilpul kike. I'm saying that the spic invasion is the fault of the jews. If you blame the symptom rather than the cause, you're a fucking retard.
You mean the symptom that is setting down roots, actively taking recourses from white Americans and irreversibly changing the culture?
I'm sure if we disappear all the Jews overnight tomorrow all 60+ million Mehicans will go back.
Tell me more about all the other races that aren't Meztinos causing the white man problems Paco.
Literally yes. There wouldn't be a (((government-backed incentive))) for them to keep coming here. What do you think would happen if there were no jews, and all the wild west types over there just said "We will literally shoot you if you cross this border?"
They would gladly do that, but your jewish laws are holding them in limbo.
You mean incentives like clean, crime free streets, jobs that pay good money and a functioning infrastructure?
They stay here because it's a nice country made by white people.
You're utterly fucking retarded. I have to assume you're a boomer. Mexicans and other undesirables aren't incentivized here because they think it's a working infrastructure. They are literally being baited by the (((democratic party))) into thinking they can outvote whitey. Either you're an utterly fucking retarded 50 year old, or you're a jew. Wake the fuck up.
OP is a spic, amirite?
Spanish people are from Europe. They are white europeans.
Hispanic is a person who speaks spanish: either from latin america (mutt) or Spain (white)
That is literally what I said. Are you fucking retarded?
That's rich coming from one of you, inhumane, soulless white-skinned animals. You have the problem that are Central Americans now thanks to your own past niggertry in that part of the world. I really laugh at your self-victimizing words and how they sound exactly like what a nigger would say in any situation involving whites, according to you own little minds.
Your brainwashing makes me really sad for your existence.
Fuck off shill. Also, fuck spics.
This is a jew. He wants people to hate spics so we don't focus our hate on jews, who killed JFK, caused 9/11, and are responsible for our materialist existence.
Underrated post.
Kill'em all
Nice bait.
not exactly, my dear assblasted CHI friend
Elaborate. What does CHI mean?
So people that have Iberian ancestry and live in America aren't white? Shhhheeeiiiiitttt gonna get me some welfare
you can hate both
Trayvon pls
Explains why when they escape they actually contribute to society a bit more than your standard spic.
The LA schools after the immigration act of 1965 now looks like Mexican schools with exchange students.
Taco niggers are disgusting abominations who literally destroyed every neighborhood I ever grew up in. They are a disease that exudes mexico. Everywhere they go, they turn into mexico. When the first beaner moves in he acts normal, but it doesn't take ten years after that for the whole place to be overrun by naked burrito goblins running around and loud beaner music played from noon until midnight. They shouldn't be deported, they should be murdered, so this time they can't harbor a 200 year grudge against our great-great grandchildren. DEATH TO ALL BEANERS
This is a jew that is utterly fucking horrified of the fourth reich.
Nike: just do it.
The eternal mestizo and other spic variations must be made obsolete to reverse their invasion.
1) whites must automate everything possible and own the means of production
2) whites must boycott conventional food production as much as possible and instead source their food from permaculture style farms run and worked entirely by white families. Corn and soy industry must be reduced to a tiny fraction of what it is today.
3) whites must commit to hiring and employing only other whites for everything possible.
4) whites must become less materialistic and mindless consumers to decrease demand for beaner labor throughout all industries.
5) whites must provide for their own poor outside the government and ban all welfare.
We wouldn't even need ICE or a Wall if whites had solidarity on these positions. The trail of beaner tears would automatically lead back to the shitholes where they came from.
You spics are getting the gas along with the kikes.
I completely know why Whites on cuckchan and here like to say 1488 and saying there "NatSoc" are completely missing the point what the main focus of the National Socialism evenwhich is to feel proud about loving your race and culture but the majority of your faggots are being the stereotypical racist that every jewish faggot likes to depict. Yeah sure bad niggers are going to nig and bad spics are gonna spic, but alienate every race those than European or european descent as "subhuman", you're no better than leftist fags who say that Whites are subhuman and POC are being "oppressed". Yes I understand that blacks, mexicans and any other race it's dark skin has lower IQ on average than Whites or Asians and blacks commit more shit ton crimes or that Mexicans illegals and some legal too drain the welfare and health care system to a fucking shrivel of itself but you shouldn't go out and say "HURR KILL ALL OF THOSE NON WHITES!! WHITE POWER 1488!!" rather to go to the main source of why all of these problems are happening to America, the Jewish swine. And no I'm not defending anybody's race including my own which as you guess it is spic. If you're all about saving the white race and going back to the way things were stop bitching complaining about the symptoms of a Cancer and fight the cancer itself. But if you continue doing this kind of shit. Tyrone is still going to fuck Stacy and you're still going to be here bitching and complaining about here why white women are not having a shit ton of babies and how the white race is dying.
We just want them out of our countries. Understandably, some think the mestizo menace may rear its ugly taco grease head again to threaten our race. Also, does anyone think beaners care to prevent white extinction? Why show mercy?
Again, you spics are getting the gas along with the kikes. Just because you aren’t Jewish doesn’t make you exempt.
That's what I've been saying for a long ass time. The main goal is kicking non-whites back to their own countries. I don't understand this "haha let's like take over the world" bullshit.
Kill yourself, you semitic pile of shit.
Well if you keep calling non whites a bunch of derogatory terms and stereotypes, no fucking wonder why they don't support the cause. Maybe you want the non whites an actual reason to support the cause try the one the hearts and Minds them then.
t. Shlomo Goldbergstein telling me that i'll get the gassings too
True, this is what whites on 8/pol/ or Cuckchan's Zig Forums should think. Thank you for being understanding.
Yeah I see this happening, fuck off you dumbass beaner, you're obviously not white. Neither kikes nor their golems are welcome here.
Kill yourself, kike.
The only cause they should be following, is fixing their own damn countries. Instead of flooding to other countries and dragging it down aswell.
They are a drain on whatever system takes them. Yet none of them have the mental capacity to realize any of this.
Cos none of them actually understand what it takes to build great countries, a dedication to your fellow compatriots and a willingness to actually work.
Sage cos fuck you for making reply.
Your brain is shit, and we don't need you.
It shows how little the scope of your understanding is when you can link my post and dilute its meaning to your, "you're just as bad as they are," false equivalence like a simpleton. And then to further reveal your low level of comprehension, your followup post gives away your delusion that nonwhites can somehow follow our cause. Let me elaborate just to show how completely wrong you are.
Spics are the people that are proud of how they are flooding into the united states, even with their low IQ and zero aspirations. As I mentioned in my post, which you were incapable of properly representing, even the semi-intelligent spic is a problem because they are an anti-ally - your worst enemy. The semi-intelligent spic is bad for morale and support and would drag you down.
Furthermore, both they and the feral spic both seek reconquista and settle for living off the poor immigration system of the united states. They're so petty and lazy but consistent that they're able to invade en masse and still cause damage just by simply existing. And that's apart from the ones that chimp out because, "gringos deserve it."
It just occurred to me since cuckchan crossposters like you are shitting up the thread, when's the last time a spic has called out the jew? Even niggers have managed to have a handful do that in recent times. Where's your redpilled spic, user? I'm not even going to advocate for a redpilled nigger as an ally, but with you claiming that spics can be allies, I'm showing how spics measure less even as far as producing one who is aware of the jew problem.
How can we connect 9/11 to mexican immigration