The End is Near?

What do you think Anons is our civilization going to end soon or more likely not?

As far as I see and have my own reflections. I think that only western civilizations are at the edge of dying, collapsing at this point.
The world itself will not end but I have a feeling that the lack of our logic reasoning and recognizing the true and false informations is our biggest nail in the coffin.
Just look at your facebook home page. These peoples are deciding about almost every decision in your country via voting system.
Peoples nowdays will more likely listen to what they like to hear than even try to think on their own and even if, they are in situation where they agree to a theory of someone else, most of tchem will not even use their brain to check if the informations are correct.
Like literally noone is sceptical and noone check these days if the way of thinking and logic reasoning of an author is correct without any logic mistakes done.

What do you think Anons is our lack of logic reasoning, understanding manipulation, and mistakes that can be done by a person are few of our major problems nowdays?
It's not hard to teach though, everyone can learn it and I'm actually suprised why noone is teaching it in schools yet if the problem is so fucking big right now.
I thing even high schoolers can get it with no problem and it's just a topic for few lessons.

Just read about:
(I have no like for this topic maybe other Anons will help)

What's most important kids always check the source of information and knowledge. It will do half of the job for you.

Fell free to Discuss

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We have 20 years, maximum. You refuse to fight back. It's already over and ended in 1913. There's nothing to discuss.

Civilization is already dead. White people are all dead, it's over.


Fucking jew

We have 20 years, maximum. You refuse to fight back. It's already over and ended in 1913. There's nothing to discuss.

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Western Civ has already collapsed by any standard. You can probably fit the number of white men still living in the civilization of their forefathers into a school bus. The rest are cattle laboring to keep the Spic-Nig cycle running.

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We're just feeding the cows now

Fuck off, moshe.

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Personally, I have never heard of a school bus that can hold 180 million people, and that's just USA Whites.
Your attempts at blackpill are ridiculous.
There are more White Americans alive today than at any time in history.
They just need to be redpilled.

the sentiment in this thread is true western civilization by any standards died in the trenches of WWI, germany was the only country in that conflict that didn't suffer demographic collaps in 1918, quite paradoic as they were the losers of the war, however they were killed of in WWII
especially since the 50's onwards western (((culture))) has resolved around materialistic hedonism and the birth of 2 entire cohorts of weak men fathered by weak men who in the past would not be allowed to be married

so don't despair user what we are seein today isn't anything to lament it is just a return the the historic norm, we are going to witness a massive darwinian bottleneck where all the cucks alive today either die or fail to reproduce, in doing so crashing the cushy welfare state with no survivors
and all the gimmegrants will very quickly find out how nice life in the north really is without government gibs, i don't have any fear for places above 50° nothern latitude as all the shitskins will migrate out of their own accord
most of europe will end up lilywhite if with quite a lot less people in it (minus the caliphate of marseille) the us has a bigger problem tho

in short the coming economic collaps will be a cultural revival, much needed like the fall of the roman empire, just het out of the urban ghettos and have children

Kill yourself immediately, you fucking illiterate.


all of our ills are caused by the imposition of an artificial currency - manipulated, devalued, and used as a weapon against the very people who give it value
we must crash this system with no survivors

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You had me until "sceptical"

Now I'm skeptical.

read Glubb, fate of empires, 26 pages

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Hopefully global civilisation will end soon due to economic collapse and third world niggers like the Chinese fucking up their ecosystems.
Hopefully groups of white people can survive and create beautiful cultures and civilisations again.
Western civilisation is already dead, I just hope something happens which can revitalise and repurpose the huge numbers of white people who are doing nothing but just existing nowadays.

I just hope we haven't been mongrelised.
Jack London
Roger Pearson, Eugenics and Race (Institute for the Study of Man, 1967)
U.S. Senator Theodore G. Bilbo (1947)

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Civilization doesn't just "collapse"
It is always a long, drawn out period of decline and destruction.
Government doesn't just vanish overnight.

Do you even need to ask?

Any war with Russia would go nuclear, and would NOT be limited. Such a war wouldn't just end civilization, it would make Earth an utter Hell.

If Islam isn't actively forced out, it grows in its insistence. Islam stifles development or progress.

Planetary carbon cascade can destroy the planet within a few years. We don't know exactly how much atmospheric carbon is too much, but we do know for sure that we are playing with fire. Climate change deniers are either uninformed and/or misinformed

The development of independent, artificially intelligent police/war machines, with their continued evolution, leads them to be more efficient and capable until the point at which we humans lose control of them. By the time that happens, it's already too late.

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Depends on what causes the collapse.
Environmental and ecological collapse can cause immense disruption very quickly, especially on this planet of 7.5 billion.
Never before has the Earth's population been anywhere near this high, the green revolution which feeds us is destroying topsoil.
Millions of dumb nigger cattle in Africa and in the West are completely dependent on gibsmedats to even survive on their own.
Our cities are completely packed with numbers into the millions and we are long overdue an enormous global pandemic event.
Imagine in the slums of Pakistan or Yemen, nature is cooking up the most horrifying antibiotic resistant plagues and flus.
A pandemic on the scale of the two I quoted would number in the billions. A lot of people misunderestimate how fragile our current mode of existence is.

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Just a shame that germany failed in ww2 after getting out of the shithole that was weimar germany.

People don't realise that our system of living has never happened in human history before. Enough food for everybody 2x over. Vaccines to counter deadly diseases and the US enforcing peace worldwide. Of course, all of this is coming to an end.

Well, I live in something we call the real world, where you should have reasonable expectations about what people are capable of learning.

I am still in denial, stop it.

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I have 2030 in my head as the point of no return. We're in a real bad spot, but the main issue is technology. We're too enslaved to it, its too deep into our lives.