Gab's Stripe account suspended

Stripe suspends Gab payment account.
Awaiting details.

Attached: Gab frog.png (1008x769, 51.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stripe is using adult pornographic images - legal - as a pretext for this suspension of service.
Gab has NSFW setting available for all posts.

Visa/Masterkike don't let you run cards for "adult content" without going through a "high risk" payment processor and paying 10-14% in cc fees.
Sneaky way for them to go after Gab's funding considering they aren't a pornographic platform as much as say, Twitter.

Good. Fuck gabbai. Stop doubleposting, you yiddish shill.

gab dindu nuffin

Attached: Gab-maymay.jpg (1946x1970, 1.47M)

The creators were fucking stupid if they didn't think this was long overdue. If you want to accept money, use cryptocurrency instead of using credit cards as a crutch. proving once again they are operated by the mentally retarded.

These fucking shills man.

"Don't use the one free speech platform we have! It is jewish! Also it is under attack from turbo kikes!"

gab is centralized shit, use mastadon or gnusocial

So if that's the case, how does Reddit or Twitter not get banned? They both allow NSFW content on their websites.
Rhetorical question. The law will always be selectively enforced to benefit the Jew.

And? Fuck those kikes.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1410x465, 158.21K)

Oy vey, you need to get off easy to access platforms goy! It builds barriers to entry for people joining and drives them away so you need to do it go-guys!

Fuck off moishe, gab works because it is centralized. All social media platforms have to make the barrier to entry as small as possible to reach critical mass.

Yes, And? Kill yourself moshe.

Attached: Mmmmm Nothing Like a Fresh Cup of Kvetch In the Morning.jpg (586x634, 67.74K)

So you want people who are literally too retarded to figure out something as simple and normie-friendly as Mastadon? Enjoy hanging out with sub 80iq numales bruh.

Good. GNUSocial is the future for twatter-esque social media. Gabbai has always been just the same shit as Twitter but run by redditors.

I will not check your dubs, you disgusting newfag.

Attached: gabbai.png (1208x840 215.64 KB, 185.63K)

Shamash was around a lot longer than the kikes. Yet another thing they stole from their betters.

So where's the proof that Andrew is Jewish? Putting echoes around his name with no linked proof that he's actually a kike doesn't work, nigger. Gab is also an english word. Fuck off with your bullshit. If it's so controlled, the kikes wouldn't be doing everything to tear it off the web. They'd leave it. So I guess that blows out your honeypot narrative since a honeypot is usually left intact to gather information on those who join it.

Attached: whatisgab.png (736x806, 28.04K)

They really want to discredit this. Gab isn't DDG, they're a new company and allow a home for people who got banned from Twitter.
The more people bitch about Gab, the more I think they're doing the right thing.

Good luck convincing Zig Forums this man isn't a kike.

Attached: torba.jpg (320x568, 21.7K)

I always thought Torba was a Spanish/Hispanic name.

You mean Sephardi.


Attached: gab torba.jpg (1024x989, 130.45K)

Torba is a Sephardi surname.
Sephardi kikes are Jews mixed with Spaniards.
Fuentes is another example of a Sephardi.
Not every Jew has a big hooked nose.

Attached: torba surname.JPG (1000x490, 47.11K)

According to this, the surname is mostly distributed in Poland and the Ukraine. The argument over the nose is moot as kikes have a distinctive shnoz you can't miss. So having a big nose doesn't automatically mean he's a kike. So aside from the (((because I said so goy))) argument, what proof is there that Torba is a kike?


Pic related. May this woman's condition be your own, chaim.

Attached: deathfromwithin.png (560x259, 88.21K)

>using (((gabbai)))
This isn't a fucking meme anymore. If you so much as pretended to understand that the jews are behind everything, you're on a list. Might as well go full retard and point out jews at every turn.


This Admin kike doesn’t know what a European looks like.

How about you address what I said nigger? I want Torba's geneaology, and the outright admission he's a kike like how the rest of them love to do when accused of being white. I'll wait even though I know it won't come.

Pilpul isn't welcome here, you semitic pile of shit.

Proof, or fuck off. Your move.

Proof of what? You being a pilpul kike? Kill yourself.

thank you.

Here's the Torba surname traced. It's Sephardi.

Where is the proof that Andrew Torba is jewish?

fuck gab. I got banned for posting that Judge's dox even though it is explicitly not against the rules. also got banned for a few days for posting that papa harold butthurt smack image – photoshopped so the ass is all red and therefore not pornographic bc is shows no vag

Welcome to 'gabbai', you stupid fucking goy.


He personally removed anyone saying "gas the kikes race war now"

Don't strain anything moving the goals, Levi.

Attached: TalmudChan.jpg (576x1024, 113.6K)

Based Ekrem. Won't support Jew puppet Trump

Attached: K6FPwqiK_400x400[1].jpg (400x400, 27.9K)

rite? between that and the fedposting I didn't even create a new account. if there's one time i feel bad about talking shit on shills, its the anti-gabbai shills who said it was a kike honeypot – turns out they were likely right

when did this happen? when i left the only retards who were left on the platform were GTK-RWN fedposters

why make that argument, though? i see no reason to believe Torba himself is jewish, but that still doesn't mean gabbai isn't a kike-fed honeypot. iirc, they also banned tor, a bunch of VPNs and force you to allow questionable scripts. that's evidence enough

And why is it always a roach involved in the jew scheme?

Attached: 325446_original[1].jpg (500x500, 73.12K)

What proof is there that Andrew Torba is jewish like you, moishe? Answer the question. Kikepedia is always blatant in showing noses, yet there's no mention on Torba's own article there. So where's the proof?

Attached: its almost sad.png (278x426, 180.71K)

torba's not jewish; he's homosexual

PS. support reactionaryhippie on soundcloud

Attached: torba-RH-doublenigger.png (1280x932 397.3 KB, 525.25K)

You guys are missing the point. It doesn't matter if he is a homo, a jew or a TRUNAZI. What matters is that you are trying to promote a centralize service which can be (((influenced))) and I have yet to see an admin who won't sell users out given the right (((incentive))). I know a lot of you are actual boomer retards but the future of the free web is decentralized if you have not caught on yet.

The Jew fears the turkroach

Attached: DY_1kH_X0AArpfT.jpg (720x385, 33.48K)

Fuck off kikefy.

Attached: Berkay make funnay.jpg (404x303, 36.2K)

Kikepedia goes out of their way to hide jew ancestry when they can get away with it or it fails to serve the narrative. Fuck off, jew.

I like Gab. I can spread hate and people who defend Jews are savagely attacked. Also because it's semi anonymous, not full anonymous, you build a reputation and the shills can be outted.

the past of the current web was decentralized, in case you forgot. but, what you said is more or less correct

lol. go back to making your pajeet no gf threads retard

meh, not really


Bullshit man, I've been scoping wikiJew for years and they DEFINITELY go out of their way to cover up jew ancestry on wikipedia pages - though, to be fair, jews themselves appear to go ever further.

Its amazing how badly Jews don't want the average person perusing their profile to know they are Jews, especially in the media and financial sectors.

I wonder what's involved in setting up a DNS registrar business and transaction business. Since that what they go for to cut the knees of wrongthink people and groups, then need to setup those on our own.

So again, no proof?

You are basically acting like feminist, THAT PERSON RAPED ME?



This is the best you've got?

No, my question is: do you have anything at all?

Did you expect us to give you any credence when you're reddit spacing out of your ass?

No, just you.

And again: do you have anything at all?

Kill yourself.

Reminder that Wil Wheaton got shoahed from mastodon for briefly forgetting to keep his turbo-cuckedness set to ultramax. That's right… a platform of SJW users that are to the left of Wheaton. Sounds like a great place for us to congregate, doesn't it?

So again, no proof, no nothing.

Only accusation, kike.

Kill yourself. All jews will live in the desert.

mostly on serial killers and whatnot though. the joke used to be that jews would find anyone rich/famous with a german or polish sounding name and claim they had jewish ancestry. that was the very first criticism of the wikipedia jews, iirc, even before muh israel garbage

also this
if you have some actual proof Torba is Jewish, then let's see it. Until then, we'll just have to assume he's a good goy doing the bidding of his jewish investors masters

this looks suspiciously like dysnomia posting… perhaps i'm just paranoid tho

this is how retarded you all have become

So in the desert you shall die, kike.

Off with you.

Vast amounts of personal experience perusing wikiJew. And only one IP in-thread, you IP-hopping nigger.

OP, stop IP hopping and bumping your shit thread

No, actually, mostly media and finance, as I said previously.

I've not seen that.

I've not seen that.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I never said he was, I simply noted that wikiJew IS prone to efforts, by the organization itself and the jews themselves, to conceal jewish heritage of certain individuals.

Yeah, I got no issue with that really. There's plenty of those.

Thanks for admitting he's a jew and that (((gabbai))) is a honeypot.

Wait, what? That's not logic.

not really, as I said previously, newfag

probably because you were still in diapers, newfag

shit that happened while you were still in diapers, newfag

then STFU and go find a wikipedia thread to bloviate in, newfag

Well, nice shitting up a whole thread, then, over some retard garbage, newfag

Did I reply to the wrong post? What I said stands.

Nope, just annecdotal experience perusing jews on wikiJew.
Are you suggesting what I'm saying as regards wikiJew being prone to concealing jewish ethnicity of certain people, especially in media and finance, to be inaccurate, or are you just autistically asking for evidence of something for which you know exists while knowing it would be difficult to acquire hard evidence of without extensive investigation and research?

What is this trash?

Yes, really. As I said previously.
Prove me wrong.

No, really, what is this trash, besides the assmad kvetching of an autistic jew?

I wonder if you'll get banned for this.
Somehow I doubt it.

Attached: do not announce reports.JPG (977x444, 58.4K)

And then there's shit like this.

Attached: 1424796471229.png (814x7975, 1.54M)

Kek. Nice.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1716x261, 31.73K)

I'm constantly getting non-connection errors here on this website. The jews are going absolutely fucking apeshit trying to shut it down. Watch the web in the coming days, user.

Reminder that you can't "get kicked off mastodon" because you just open an account on an instance with mods that aren't retards. How are you this uneducated about the future of the web? Have we lost all the literate people and kept all the hicks we are stereotyped as?

So, as an example, I'm working my way through the wikiJew edit history of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.
Anna Boden is a Jew. Yet, there is no mention of it on their shared wikiJew page.

One might think that's a reasonable expectation, but when one begins to look through the edit history, it becomes clear that there have been a great deal of edits, many extremely autistic… Yet the fact that Anna is Jewish never seems to show up.

It also begs the question of whether or not wikiJew edit histories can be relied upon to be accurate as-goes what edits were made and when, which is of course dubious as assertions go.
The point is: Here is the wikiJew article for an extremely Jewish woman and her bugman husband, both in the entertainment industry, and there is not a single mention of the fact that the woman is Jewish, nor does there appear to have ever been any such mention, despite the fact that there has been extremely-hyper-autistic bugmen and bots editing the shit out of it on and off since mid-Summer last year. I guess I'm just supposed to believe nobody ever thought about it and it was just yet another cohencidence? Seeeeeems dubious.


Actors and the like are pretty open, it's the old money that likes to hide.

gab is centralized. Therefore, there is no way to know if something is deleted, if something is hidden from view, if there are any of the various shadow bans or region locks.

There's nothing that can be proved about it. It's just mini me Twitter.

Yup, a couple of shitskins trying to cash in on the various exoduses.

Actors maybe, but directors, writers, producers? No man, especially the first two.

As someone who has put a lot of time into trying to find information on people - I'm the autistic fuck that usually winds up going through these 'lists' and shit that kikes will put together, in order to demonstrate how overwhelmingly jewish they tend to be - I have found that media (esp. behind-the-scenes) and financier kikes are very-likely to have their jewish ethnicity absent from their wikiJew article.
Whether its removed or (((somehow))) never gets on there to begin with, it is what it is.

Not just cash in, but alleviate pressure. All these people get booted off twitter, wat do?
Well, if you're a jew, try to make some money off it, sell the data to the highest bidder, use it for spying, and in the meantime it serves as a nice venue for the people pushed off twitter so that they don't get as-frustrated as they would be if they simply couldn't engage in any social media and so are less-likely to try to go after twitter or the like due to their isolation.
IOW: Gab was a pressure release valve, a place all the bad goyim could go where they wouldn't threaten the overall social media ecology and wherein they could be closely studied.

It would appear the study has concluded and they're closing up shop by rescinding the funding.

Using your competitors processor for your site… this guy is too fucking stupid to be a jew.

Seems like there's only so many processors that aren't 100% certain to shoah you at the drop of a dime, so there's only a few venues to choose from.
Stripe was one many seemed to rely on, and it seems that's no longer reliable.
See: this, also, bitchute.

Whoever the 'investors' for Stripe are, you can rest assured they're kosher and highly interconnected with hostile (((factors))).

Attached: (((Investors))).JPG (2407x1502, 258.45K)

(((Alternate Social Media))) like Gabbai, and Minds are where the 2020 Meme Wars will spread to, just an educated guess. It will dwarf anything oldfags witnessed. So I'm keeping digital eyes on the Jew who's watching any pro-white social media. Kind of a "who watches the watchers" thing.

>Oi vey, some centralized shit is (((shut down))) by other centralized shit.
Who could have seen this coming Zig Forums?

minds is literal shit

this vol needs to GTFO, and we need to stop arguing over retarded shit and start spamming the board to shit until that faggot is gone


Whatever comes next is probably where the TRUE Memetic Warfare will begin.

At some point, I think they're going to lose the ability to maintain this kind of "private corporations controlling digital public spaces can censor your speech in ways they could not in material public spaces", and they're going to have to ACTUALLY fight us instead of simply denying us the battlefield.
When they have no ability to simply silence our voices, and must engage us directly, you're going to see some serious shit - that's when the gloves will really come off, when the masks will be discarded and when the fangs will be bared. If we can get that, I believe, we will have take a major step towards eventual victory. So much so that I'm rather hesitant to even post this, now that I've manifested it linguistically.

Our enemy relies upon denying us the battlefield and thereby limiting our presence and strategic capacity thereupon, but once they lack that capacity, they're basically dead in the water. And I suspect they know as much.
The time of the private digitized public space being exempted from Constitutional law is nearning its end, and the people who've been winning battle after battle, war after war, thanks to such conditions, are, I wager, panicking.

I know, right? Sorry I had to do that to you, but you're a massive faggot anyway so its really not that big a deal as far as I'm concerned.

Took you long enough.

I mean, kill yourself for making this an 'us vs. them' thing. But yeah, that's all accurate.

It is an us vs them thing.
Its Whites vs Jews. Only one will survive into perpetuity, assuming they don't destroy one another in the process of settling the matter.

Didn't they cuck in the first week?
Wasn't there a stormfront or that landwhale that died in Charlottesville joke that they deleted on their opening day?
Fuck gab

Checked. You capitalized the word "Jew". Sorry, CIA, you lost before you even tried.

Gab and all of those sites are awful, Gab mostly due to it's kikery. Minds is Reddit shit, was ok actually, bitchute is based (so far) and wrongthink would be good if it wasn't centralized, It's ran by a few oldfags from here but I just don't don't want to get comfy and have it implode.
GNU social is the way to go unless they somehow shut that down aswell.

Jewish jews Jewing goyim for jewish rituals in Jewish temples to jewingly Jew the non-jewish non-Jews.
Fuck you and your faggotry, you dim-witted double-nigger.

Who knows?
Who cares?
Does anyone here actually use gab? Don't answer that, btw.
This is interesting from the perspective of the overall socio-political ecology, but as far as some sort of emotional or ideological investment, yeah, nah, fuck this shit.

The fact is its almost all trash because its expensive to get this shit in the works and all the money in our society that might be viable for this kinda shit is in the hands of people who want nothing to do with it (ie kikes and cucks), or people who will be pressured by people who want nothing to do with it into not having anything to do with it (ie Stripe).