Fortnite Is As Addictive As Heroin


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Its not even a fun game.

Correct and correct.

Complete bullshit, I'm sure that even guys on this board know people who tried that dogshit game and then uninstalled it after an hour.
The game's rise was very suspicious, but I don't know if it's the jews or the chinks who are responsible. Anybody have a link/story to put the pieces together? Who paid off all of the celebriniggers to play it? I've been meaning to look into it for awhile but I've been busy.

If you're addicted to heroin, being sober for more than a few hours makes you shake uncontrolably with cold-sweats, vomit, and double over in agony with full body muscle aches for days.
If you play Fortnite, and your mom takes it away for a day, you just whine like a faggot while you keep yourself busy playing phone games instead.

Fortnite basically ticks all of the boxes for massive success - it's balanced enough to have a competitive community, accessible enough for casuals (perhaps most importantly, it's free), goofy enough for kids and streamers, it has an absolutely fuckhuge amount of microtransactions and they're constantly putting out new content so nobody moves on to the next thing - or at least they all come back for the new content. It's basically the current epitome of the freemium model, which is modifying their angle from "it's okay if I spend $1 on fake money in Farmville every day because it's just $1" to "I might be spending $15/week on Fortnite but look at all of the skins I have in the game; I actually got something for my money". The parasitic companies behind these games basically changed their business model from charging people a little bit of money for absolutely nothing to charging people a lot of money for digital jewelry.

Absolutely not, Fortnite couldn't even keep me hooked for more than an hour

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Not only that, but people are locked into playing the game for the exact ammount of time it takes to unlock everything they've already payed for, creating a community of people essentially trapped into grinding for shit they've already paid for.

This sounds like a bizarre marketing ploy.
I'm not sure that anyone outside of East Asians can become truly addicted to a video game.

What ever Blops 4 will be the next big meme soon anyway

I used to play SimCity for days on end. I got over it though, mostly with discipline.

This, pretty much.

they're not moving on to the next big thing because there is no next big thing to move onto. CopyPasteOps4 and Diversityfield5 Trannyrobots edition as competition? Not happening. PUBG? Why pay 40 bucks for almost the same thing?

How's it compare to PUBG? Am I going to run around for 10 minutes then get headshotted by a Chink hacker?

I think it's time to say goodbye to World Of Warcraft.
sage because this thread belongs in /v/, which has become Zig Forums anyway.

Fucking normalfag and their shit tastes. Why can't there be a AAA game that pushes gfur? Not that bullshit like Morenatsu either, the stuff that real furry artists draw?

Until then, fuck 'em

Literally everything is a Skinner box booby trap.


Yet another reason I'm MGTOW.

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Heroin is not addictive.
This has been proven in multiple studies.
When prescribed in a medical setting, addiction never occurs, even after prolonged use spanning months.
Study after study shows that opiates prescribed in a medical setting do not lead to addiction. Even those addicted to opiates, when removed from the environmental conditions which led them to seek the escape God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, engineered into opiates (the sap of the poppy plant), this is demonstrated excellently in the study of returning Vietnam combat veterans, cited in the aforementioned essay.
The point here is that anything can be "addictive", anything can serve as a way out, a cushion, a pillow, succor for painful, hurtful, torturous social conditions, of the kind so many of us find ourselves in, thanks to the jew.
Computer game, drug, food, exercise or sex. Anything which can act as an escape from the jew-tainted world, can be misguidedly misidentified as "addictive".
If a game is effective at protecting the player from the jew-engineered environment, i.e engaging, immersive and interesting, it will seem "addictive".
The truth is that if the social conditions driving people to these escape routes were corrected, then all of these supposed demon-addictive-and-evil-things, would cease to be resorted to, and would once again be seen for what they actually are - tools -, tools to be used when relief from unbearable conditions is required.
Opiates have been used throughout human history for this purpose, whether to relieve unbearable physical pain, unbearable emotional pain, or ease the sting of grief.
The jew wants to take away this gift from the creator and force the goyim to seek refuge in entertainments and succor for which the jew demands a high price.
"dates" with women (prior to the jew taking over male-female social interactions, 'dating' was free - a shared activity doing something you both find interesting), now thanks to jew propaganda, if your idea to entertain your girl doesn't empty your pockets, it is (she has been taught) "cheap" and "insulting".
Throughout human history, there has been a small subset of our people whom, by reason of quirk of constitution, or horrific childhood events, has required the soothing juice of the poppy to function normally, to feel at peace and contribute to society.
In the last century the jew realized that if it outlawed opiates, it could force these tortured souls to seek succor in much more expensive, jew-provided "remedies".
Psych medications, prozac, Hollywood movies, compulsive shopping. How could they allow the simple sap of a hardy plant which can grow anywhere, and that could provide better relief for free or approaching free (opium was far cheaper than beer in Victorian England, didn't destroy the body and didn't rob the mind of awareness), I say, how could they allow opium and opiates to remain freely accessible and lose all that money?
Now these jew-run computer games serve the same purpose, on a monthly plan, to be taken away whenever the jew feels like it.
Thanks jews.

This. The colorful and joyful presentation attracts kids and manchilds but anyone actually becoming addicted was a lost cause to begin with.
Basically it's no different from World of Warcraft or any other popular game that's a massive timesink and gateway to virtual escapism.

boomer gets

SimCity2000 or gtfo

>he even plays this shit competitively
When did everything go so wrong?

Waste of a good get tbh
Neck yourself

It’s like letting someone have access to your direct connection of your device to hypnotize you.

In fact it’s exactly that, and I got no credit for the idea.

What I did get is harassed all day again.

Its more fun then throwing a ball around

Fortnite confirmed for shit by beautiful repeating digits

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And both are shilled hard by the Chinese. What a coincidence.

Normalfags don't have a sense of taste. They literally just swallow anything the ZOG machine puts in their face. Truly a contemptible sort.

Women will always blame everyone and everything, except themselves for why men don't give them attention. MGTOW is right. Artificial wombs and surrogacy are the only ways to start stable family.


Kill yourself, jew.

It's a bit more complicated than that. Yes, they do swallow up everything but not necessarily in a positive context. Another user mention the new Battlefield looking comically bad, and many normalfags agree. This reinforces not just that Battlefield is shit to them but that other games are better merely by association. If I were in a financial position like Tencent I would make it my mission to internally sabotage as much of my competition as possible, and I'm absolutely certain the guys actually in charge think the same. Always remember that progressiveness never existed without someone pushing for it.>>12233362

No, you're fucking retarded. The fact that there is a huge contingency of NPCs/normalfags who still pay actual money to watch the new (((Disney))) capeshit proves that they have absolutely no concept of anything.

Except what I mention happens with things competing against Disney too. Do you think the Dreamworks face was an organic meme?

I didn't say Disney was a fucking monopoly, you pilpul semitic shitstain. All ZOG media is fucking trash, and they eat it up with a smile on their face.

Lmao at your life.
You don't belong here.

Neither did I. Why does someone pointing out corporate sabotage make you so mad?

Found the transhumanist kike.

I literally have no idea what your point is, and why you keep responding to me. I mostly agree with your points.

Must be just kek reminding us that our gamer days are over, no coming back from taking red pills.

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You gonna make me leave

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I didn't say next big thing, I just said "next thing". The fact that Fortnite is constantly putting out content and rewarding grinding and consistency means that even if a Fortnite player gets caught up in some new AAA release for a week or two, eventually there will be some impetus to return to playing Fortnite more - especially given that it's shilled far and wide across normalfag media. The reason Fortnite has been as successful as it has and has sucked so much money out of so many people is because even when someone stops playing it they're still very likely to come right back sooner or later and drop more money to get caught up with the cool kids. Fortnite isn't going to last forever but this insidious business model has more than proven itself viable for now.

If they're so contemptible profit off them for your own plans, maybe even something good for them if you have morales anymore. Being frustrated with something you have the ability to profit off of seems very anti-utilitarian.

What, in your mind, is the barrier between the 'next thing' and the 'next big thing'?

This is the single most jewish sentence I've read here in weeks. Kill yourself, Chaim.

I hate the jew, not the golem they created and profit off of. To steal from a jew, that's real pleasure.

Not really. Soon as they sold out for the BR I dropped the cocksuckers. Then the bugs got a hold of them. No way in hell I'm giving them any loot.


No, you're a purely profit-driven yid. White people don't think like you. Get the fuck out of our countries.

Sim city 3000 my dude. It’s the reason I love jazz.
Sim city 4 is great for the custom content, too. Unfortunately the early 2000’s were the last years of truly down to earth games, especially in the business simulation genre.
Paradox Cities:Skylines will never be as good as simcity, because of its altruistic view of how society works. It’s very Scandinavian, while sim city had malleable quotas of poor - middle - upper classes that had to be balanced. No utopias, someone will always get the short end of the stick.
The gaming industry has ironically become more debased and political the more corporations and the industry as a whole has had their pockets lined with cash. Fortnite is souless corporate trash, micro transactions are a symptom of this. Games nowadays reek of artificial quotas and hardwired expectations. These (((esports))) contests were the inroad for big money to destroy what was once a highly creative and fulfilling industry, but in the end Electronic Arts was what started it all.
It’s very sad, seeing what was magical become an empty shell of what it was. It’s like punk rock, they cast themselves as outsiders while their songs and performances made those at the top filthy rich.

Played fortnite for about a year and I finally got tired of it. Keep on being contrarians faggots, you aren't impressing anybody.

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Popularity. A "next thing" can be anything that someone gets distracted by but "next big thing" implies that it stole at least some of the thunder of the preceding "big thing".


Then by your metric, Fortnite is the 'next big thing'. Are you literally retarded, or are you just being intellectually dishonest?

Running the business is different from getting screwed by the business.

Fucking hilarious, you boomer shithead. Never post on this board again.

You see that’s where your ignorance is showing, the gaming industry operated for roughly 15 years outside of mainstream political influence, outside of concerns about excessive violence, smut, and Satanism. Someone could start in a garage and make millions just by having a good product, there were no barriers. Now that’s different.
These mega corporations do not operate like normal regional business, they view themselves as gods that must shape society, and thus perceptions of what reality even is. Capitalism II and Rollercoaster Tycoon could actually teach a kid the basic principles behind business and marketing - the golems of today, the zuckerbergs and the EA titles offer absolutely nothing but a distraction.
Starting your own business and being your own independent man is noble, no matter how distorted our financial markets have become. If you’re successful, and don’t sell yourself out to degenerate hazing sex rituals to be so, you’re now a threat to the system, just like the gaming industry in the 1990’s.
Why was doom blamed for columbine? Control.

You're doing the 'MUH BILL GATES' argument, you stupid boomer pile of shit. That narrative is utterly impossible in the current climate.

Yes, this was noble in a sane society that wasn't utterly debased by the jews. In our current predicament, if you're a businessman, you're literally a crypto-jew.

My brother kept trying to get me to play that shit, fucking COD was better because at least the matches didn't last 45 fucking minutes with 30 of those minutes being a running simulator.

Epic is owned by the Chinese though

Do you offer anything but whining and defeatism?
Hard to tell.

It's not defeatism to fucking slap a boomer upside his head and tell him that he doesn't own his own business—the jews do. Fuck you for even asserting that I'm on the side of the jews.

You are. You’re blackpilled. You use information that would normally serve to outsmart to destroy.

DId you have anything meaningful to say, or should I file you under "stupid fucking cow NPC boomers who sold out their progeny"?

anglin atleast try to behave your age, you are 33 years old now.

You're off by a couple years, but if you think boomers are 30 years old, your brain is completely fucking frazzled by jews. The youngest boomer right now is 50.

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How could anyone get addicted to fortnite. It's one of the shittiest games I've ever played. It's very basic and minimalistic. It's barely even a game. Its more of a game mode that is a side part of a full game.

The jews are getting really desperate.

WoW was much more addictive due to it preying on the social aspect. That is, the people you would raid and play with a lot caused a social dynamic, so for some people you would cut yourself off from a social network.

That coupled with all the other addictive cycle stuff in that game.

DotA / League are also more addictive but at least a game only lasts like 30 mins in that instead of the 4-5 hour sessions that were mandatory in WoW.


God this board is absolute shit

people who play (((fortnite))) are NPC's

At least I am not a man child.

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Yeah, we don't want you.

Wow what a convincing argumentguess we shouldn't have kids and while being outbred by niggers and spics.

They are teaching kids to love to Fortnite in the schools.

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Yes, yes it is.

You're getting angry at the people who are invading, and not the jews that are causing it. Either you're absolutely fucking braindead, or you're a kike laughing all the way to the bank.

Both of them are threats user.

Kill yourself. You have absolutely no understanding of geopolitics.

That's even more disturbing than Obama's Niglet Guards.

I understand what you are saying, but they are both threats with organized and welfare from the jew and that is simply a fact.

No, go back to your fucking neocohen forum. There is nothing but the jews trying to destroy the white man. You are utterly fucking retarded if you think the symptom (spics) are the same thing as the cause (jews).

user I know you're a /tor/pedo but I think you're just lifting the arguments for cannabis. Also, if you distill anything down to it's most concentrated form its going to be bad; pain killers, corn syrup, dabs, cocaine, etc.

He is. It's the Thomas Szatz / Stanton Peele argument about all drug addiction being psychological. They're right.. in the context of criminalization for the user doesn't work.

this board really is full of bullied school kiddies, is it

Kill yourselves while you can, jews.

If you can't realize the two are threats with kikes in charge, then that's simply on you.

They are the same threat. How are you so fucking retarded? Can you even tie your own shoes?