Science WINS again GTFO all the same tribe


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Brain Scans Can Detect Who Has Better Skills
""Experts Say newly published research represents a step toward systems that can assess levels of expertise and competence using neurological data""
"Posted on Oct.3rd, 2018 by Daniela Hernandez"

Niggers btfo.

Liberals and jews are funny with how stupid and facetious they are, and if not facetious, brazenly dishonest:
They will always harp and bitch and moan about how we need mroe scientists and tech in creating a more fair society, but when they actually get it all they can cry is
I can't wait for rahowa tbh

It is all but a pale reflection of what could be. Imagine all these things used for the good of our people. not to reinforce the binds holding us all to the yoke of hebrew 'supremacy'.

Trips demands mandatory brain scan testing for all college admissions.

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That would be so much better than the GRE I'm totally down with this suggestion. I would 100% rather have this done that those dumb computerized tests.

WSJ paywalls everything. Where's the study?

So, what brain scan type are NPCs?

The nigger IQ bump will come preinstalled on every one. Can't have them looking… below average

It enrages me when liberals cry for years about SCIENCE YES and then when genuine technological progress is made that is nothing but hard empirical facts, they revert to emotional arguments because they become butthurt little faggots that niggers and women are factually inferior to white men. They can't handle the truth, so they destroy it when it does not suit their agenda.

Remember in horse racing they used to have those weights to handicap something excellent so that horses that were mediocre could still compete? Like making something refined and beautiful run the same race with a fat assed 160 pound fucker on their back? I am sure that they will justify this the same way. Looking at someone like me they will have to add an extra 50-60 points to make the nigger bump a proper handicap. They are going to have to install a fucking joan duh whale on my back to make it a fair (communist) measure.

There was a book we were forced to read in high school about a dystopian future like that where people who were better than others were forcibly handicapped, like stronger men had to always wear weights and smarter people had to wear distracting loud audio speakers. That genuinely sounds like the direction we are going.

Harrison Burgeron

It's already well below the stated 85, because below 70 and you can get onto disability for being retarded. Imagine the drain on welfare if all those niggers got access to that, given what they have already.

Yeah that's it. How fucking crazy is it that such a silly and hyperbolic story sounds believable now?

Yeah that's it. How fucking crazy is it that such a silly and hyperbolic story sounds believable now?

Facts and science are hate speech, truth and reason are oppression, and 2 + 2 = 5.

And (((Vonnegut))) wrote it as satire.

I'm starting to think that all of these dystopian future novels written by leftists are secretly projections of their own desires.

here we have a properly formatted OP sourced and archived detailing a new breakthrough in science that has political implications as its dystopian possibility is clear to see
and what do the polvols do anchor it while there are a dozen shit threads in the catalogue above this one, we really need a new moderator shoah

to say it in the words of the cripple boards die of over moderation sooner than of undermoderation
explain yourselfs cucks give one good reason why this is anchored


right under the banner shill

and you have to be a complete jew not to see the political implications of a functional brainscanner
possibly also too fresh of the refugeeboat to remember the space elevator threads

Be sure to out the mod that does it so everyone can see.

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checked and heil'd

war is peace
slavery is freedom
diversity is strength
facts and science are hate

Doublethink. The key to being "progressive."

I'm just going to make my own board and make people show me their DNA samples in order to be board volunteers. I'm tired of the kike on /v/ and I'm tired of the (((global))) moderation here. We need our own White moderators and we shouldn't be squeezing out board to death.

He's being sarcastic, Reddit. It's obvious without a /s next to it bub.

What is your board name?

Sad to see this interesting topic suffocated like this.

Me too, it had real potential.