If white genocide is real then why are there more white people now than in the past and why is the white population increasing?
If white genocide is real then why are there more white people now than in the past and why is the white population...
this thread smells like (((Moldbug)))
How is poltards whining about muh white genocide different than jews whining about muh holocaust?
Shit thread. Gas yourself, chaim.
Because the Holocaust literally never happened as the jews asserted it did. They used the victim card from that to solidify their world power.
One is happening the other never happened.
jew thread #52235325.
Worried about the midterm moishe?
Whatever stats you're looking at are wrong. By every measure I've looked at, and that's many of them, the white, (non-Hispanic, non-Semitic…) pop is shrinking, fast.
White women aren't having enough children to meet replacement rates, and they are targeted with cross-racial dating propaganda incessantly, which does have a significant impact.
In contrast, mixed-race children are growing more common. If that's something for which you feel satisfaction, then you are a racist.
That is not genocide. Mixed race babies are a very small minority still. Most babies born in the USA are white.
Stop trying to play as a victim
Kikes love Trump. The most pro Israel president to ever exist.
That would be LBJ, followed by H.W., and W. Then Trump. Still pretty bad.
Read the UN definition of 'genocide' and cogitate on it, to the best of your ability anyway.
t. anti-White psychopath.
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White nations for EVERYONE
Neo-cons and liberals say that there is a race problem. They say that this "race problem" will be solved when the third world pours into White nations and ONLY into White nations.They say that this "race problem" will be solved when White people are turned into a reviled and hated minority in our own countries within only 50 years. They say that Whites must be replaced in our own homes and they call this "diversity"
What if I told you that there was a race problem in Asia and that we could solve this race problem by systematically flooding Asian countries and ONLY Asian countries with non-Asians? What if I said we need to systematically replace the populations in all Asian nations with foreigners and called it "diversity?"
How long would it take any sane Asian to realize that I'm not talking about solving a "race" problem, I'm talking about the final solution to the Asian problem? And what kind of psycho Asian man would not oppose such a genocidal policy?
Yet when I oppose the genocidal policies being imposed on my own race, neo-conservatives and liberals agree that I'm a racistnatsiwhowantstokillsixmillionjews who needs to be silenced at all costs.
Tell me how exactly whites are being genocided then? Every time I ask I never get a clear concise answer.
Now that white genocide is not real, next we will be told white people aren't real either.
The white birthrate in Europe is 1.1 kids/woman
The white birthrate in North America is 1.8 kids/woman
The only reason the population is increasing is because people are dying later in life from modern medicine keeping them around as zombie vegetables.
Even that isn't working anymore, because so many are dying from suicide and drugs.
Attention vamping by asking the obvious with a side of trolling anyone who favours Trump (even if only in comparison to Killary in 2016).
Low effort, best treated with redpills and sage.
Kill yourself kike.
Intentional destruction of any race of humans is, by definition, genocide. Exactly this has be demonstrated on Zig Forums more times than we can count.
Zig Forums has also prolifically produced memes upon memes showing that:
1. mixed race people are statistically less healthy and more identity confused
2. mixed race people are less happy and more prone to mental disorders
3. mixed race people are generally less intelligent
This is fact, nature, regardless of what 'oughta be', this is what is.
sure is cuckchan in here!
it really doesn't matter, Ari. When you're provided clear, concise information, your jewnigger brain discards it as irrelevant. 3 milliseconds later, you're asking the same question again.
This is a very devoted shill. Oh well. Here's a couple of links to whet your appetite.
white genocide has never happened either in any way you can prove. You can prove white genocide happened as much as someone can prove the holocaust happened. Whites are fine, the real shill tactic is running around saying the sky is falling ok n order to convince the people around you to live every day like its their last. That's why so many anons don't do anything. Why should they when it's all gonna end? I know it's a shill tactic because when I say have kids anons come around saying that's a bad thing. You can't want to save whites but say having kids is bad.
Nobody is trying to destroy the white race. You're a schizophrenic if you think otherwise,
Millions of white girls want mixed babies. But of course you will blame Jews for this.
Sorry jew, but unlike the holy hoax, white genocide is happening before our very eyes. and when we stop it, you jews are going to get put in real ovens this time.
You're certain?
My memes aren't handy. Anybody else wanna refute this?
Why don't you go out and stop being an incel and find a girlfriend and have 20 white babies if you are so paranoid. The fact is that majority of babies in the USA are white and actually increasing in percentage of number of births.
Because you fucking brainwashed the entirety of white women. I'd like to get a wife, but you purposefully made that impossible. You're literally asking for an angry user to put a bullet in your brain.