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NPR, Domenico Montanaro: Poll: Amid Kavanaugh Confirmation Battle, Democratic Enthusiasm Edge Evaporates [3 Oct 2018]

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Fucks sake…
Alright, let's take a look:

Well I'm already turned off.

That's pretty big as these polls go.

the kav hearings are pissing off all the white people that actually vote

Reminder: Accurate to within +/- 4.2 percentage points.

Conclusion: The only thing this poll, assuming its methodology wasn't so flawed, can be shown to evidence is that Republican voters were mildly activated by this whole thing, as were Democuck men, ie, male feminists and jews are now kvetching more than they were before this all went down.

Hilariously, Democrat women exhibit a statistically negligible response, and Independents can't be shown to have changed pace either.

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Yeah, that seems to be about the sum of it.

White people and liberal male feminists were activated by this whole thing, liberal women didn't really care… This makes me think this poll is full of shit m8.

HAHAHA holy shit, I didn't realize I was looking at the full Democrat line - liberal female investment WENT DOWN in the wake of this!?
HAHAHAH yeah fucking right dude!

People know righteous fury when they see it.

Half those women just got the gut punch from a father's scolding when he finds out you got knocked up because they were a bigger slut than their mother. If they had fathers that is.

Or this poll is a ploy by the media who oppose you, trying to pull a 2016 Hillary Clinton Syndrome on you by getting you to think investiment is up and so its less important for you to vote.

That'd be my guess. The idea that liberal female 'enthusiasm' went down in the wake of the Kavanaugh thing seems about as likely to me as Ivanka Trump having been a virgin on her wedding night.


Forgot pic

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You should fuck off back to leddit, moshe.

You should fuck off back to leddit, moshe.

It's known that college graduates tend to vote liberal, generally, and the increase in liberal soyboy enthusiasm could be plausibly explained by them trying extra hard to "prove" they're not like "the bad man" Kavanaugh. We already know they're a bunch of virtue signalling faggots; they're now signalling that much harder.
For women, other polls had come out beforehand suggesting that more women were likely to be distrusting of Ford, on average, than men. These figures align with those earlier reports: a good-sized increase in enthusiasm for Republican women and a (statistically insignificant) decline for Democrat women.
I'm not saying we should take this poll at face value and trust it 100%, but it's not like it's a complete farce.

What the fuck is this? Are R women more politically aware than the men?

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Men are more likely to believe a woman's sob-story than women are.

The graph is more of an assessment of political awareness I believe. That said, to be a woman and right-leaning already filters out most of the politically-unaware women.

I wouldn't say the average Republican woman is right-leaning, but rather a true centrist, while the average Democrat is left-leaning. We're not in a healthy society with a true center, we're in a society that has been shifted left through decades of propaganda and indoctrination. Right is center. Far-right in Germany, France, Sweden, UK etc. is actually center. This is how fucked things are.

Not White Male college graduates m8. They're strongly right-wing, Trump won White college-educated males by 14 points in 2016.

So, now you're defending this MSM poll on the basis of… another MSM poll? I'm sensing a bias.

It really is man.
Its methodology reeks of the shit we saw in 2016, the variables are all over the place, not to mention there's no clear indicator as to what the meta-methods were, which can be/usually is fucked up to boot.

I'm saying this poll looks sketchy as fuck, and given the context and content, I'm inclined to think this is false data, probably aimed - as I said - in the vein of convincing the right that support is increased such that they are less likely to view their vote as imperative, a lesser form of what transpired with Clinton in 2016 ("Trump has zero chance of winning!" = "Every Trump vote counts" / "One missing Clinton vote won't hurt…").

Stop. Trusting. Main. Stream. Media.
You fucking idiot.
No offense.

Yeah, so, I'm supposed to buy that this whole Kavanaugh thing made libshit women less feverishly assmad with Sandy Vagitis and made Republican women feverishly assmad with tribalistic defensiveness?
Seems sketchy man, I dunno…

That I don't buy at all, especially from the left.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's a HUGE leap.
In my experience, right-leaning women tend to be in a relationship, and their husbands are politicized whereas they are not. Politicized women tend not to be qenuinely right-leaning; most of the ones you'll find are doing so to fill a niche for social or financial gain.

You're not wrong. It doesn't matter how "far right" some politician goes, it is never anything unreasonable. The furthest far right you can go is just basic common sense like "protect and cherish your people". Meanwhile far left is things like the S.C.U.M. Manifesto.

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So white men are awakening, but that awakening is being diverted away into voting for the (((Republicans))) and when the voting is done they'll lull back into a false sense of security until 2020.
Politics is a shadow theatre, do not get too invested in it.
To me Kavanaugh does not seem to have much of an ideology of his own, and if we are to have /ourguys/ in politics they should be strong-willed fanatics.
Kavanaugh just seems like he will do anything that his neocon friends tell him to.
He worked for Bush and he helped pass the PATRIOT act. He is not /ourguy/ and he won't ever be.
I view him essentially as a normie.
People like use the term righteous fury.
To me, Kavanaugh in the hearing seemed weak and emotional. He's not worth obsessing over.
Trump is the same, you can like them, but never ever trust them to do what you want them to. They won't.

>So white men are awakening, but that awakening is being diverted away into voting for the (((Republicans))) and when the voting is done they'll lull back into a false sense of security until 2020
No, not diverted. Voting is the only feasible option right now, and voting for the person whose policies most align with yours is the best option. It's a must, even if your reason for voting is to disallow entry to people who are openly anti-white (Clinton). Also I wouldn't call it a false sense of security, but rather giving the person you voted for a chance to honor what he claimed to stand for. Anyone who says you can't vote your way out of this is a fool. You can. The same way we were voted into this situation. We need organization. We can manipulate the democratic process the same way they do. We need to kill this bastardized concept of individuality that poses an individual must have no group identity. That's not what individuality means, but it's how it's pushed. We need to organize. If we organize, we can use the voting process to push things further and further right. Trump is a step to the right, actually, even though he's a centrist. People don't have a false sense of security about Trump, they'd just rather hope he does right by them than say "fuck it, I'm going to end everything I know and take up arms against this system." Voting is 100% still an option. We're not even remotely organized, so anyone implying otherwise is speaking to our complete cession of everything we have to an enemy that is organized, even if only from the top-down through propaganda and finances. If we don't vote, they win. If we organize and vote, we win. Basically, the key to everything is us readopting an identity and organizing. Then we can vote, we can wage civil war/revolution, whatever. So long as we're not organized though, voting is a must because, at the least, it still slows their process, or in some cases halts the entry of someone that is explicitly anti-white.

Why is this thread anchored anyway? Shills = mods here too now?