The perfect political system to implement NS?

I want imput from some of the smarter polacks around here. How woudl yo ustructure the political system and country to make it as resilient as possible to jewish tricks nad traitors and implement NS?

And no, don't just say "look at natzi germany", because that was 70 years ago and it could be done better.

Waht system would it be? Democracy? Republic? Autocracy? Would you divide power (executive/legislative)? What would be in your constitution? How would you protect it from tampering? We already see that the constition can be worthless when it's ignored.

The only way I can curretnly think off is that there are unchangeables in the constitution. Sacred, core values that CANNOT be changed by anyone. Things like, only native population has the right to vote and hold positions ,etc..
In fact, even suggesting their change would be treason. And children should be thought early what these are and why they must never be changed.

One issue is bearocratic corruption. When you have senators and the like, they usually have insane amounts of freedoms - political immunity, high pay, no oversight/accountability to speak off. And as time goes they vote more and more for themselves. Name me one time a senate didn't vote for their own pay increase! Lazy fucks can sleep during votes or not show up at all and still get paid.

On the other hand, putting all power in the hands of one individual has issues of it's own. So Zig Forums, what would you your ideal political system?

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Murder everyone who disagrees.

Reported for low effort slide thread. Fix your many your spelling mistakes and put a little more effort into it and try again if you are genuine. We expect more here.

First, you make it unlawful to conduct retail outside of a 500 mile diameter.
Next, you force 20% income tax, the only tax, for all states; states pay 20% to fed.
Last, you outlaw loan apr, capitalization, and false interest rates.

Not gonna report the thread, since I like to see discussions and adding on to natsoc and improving it, but try a bit more harder than come back.

It worked for >35,000 years and still works today

All this bullshit about what ruler to pick is moronic at best. Unless your a nigger you don't need a ruler. Tribalism worked just fine until weak men started getting a say in the transgressions of strong men. Fuck the weak. They should rot and die out of the gene pool.

Pick your tribe. Love your tribe. Support your tribe and respect other tribes. That's the natural law of the land.

It's not a slide thread, you faggot. It's a discussion thread. You know, something that's been sorely lacking lately , as everything is one-off news threads that don't really matter. EVerything is reacon, no real discussion. No real thinking. Yes, another white killed by a black thug, do we really need a thread for every single crime commited? Pointless threads about e-celebs or articles from some sites no one heard off?

Also, fuck you for being a grammar natzi. So I made a typo? Big deal. WTF have you ever contributed here?

Tribalism doesn't work for a large, organized society. For small villages it can work (but even then there was a leader), but not for large nations with millions of people.

Thank you for the contributions user.

Its the only way tbh

I disagree you also have to realize the normalfags or "npc's" have no thinking of their will this is what kikes took advantage of in talmudvison and the other medium
while normalizing many degenerates, we lost control of the common folk who think being killed off is a good thing.


Fuck off.

There has been some user, they are not getting enough of attention as of late, but are still being discussed by a few posts here and there,

Fuck large societies
Do you feel tied to people on the other side of the map? I sure as shit don't.
Tribalism doesn't mean you can't have millions of people, it just leaves each tribe to care for their own. Socialism on the scale it was meant to be. No ruler, no taxation and if you want something from Florida and you're in, say, Missouri, you reach out to the florida tribe and trade.
Mercantilism is the death of the white man. It gives the power to the weakest link in society. Whites are the strongest people on earth by way of survival, ingenuity, creativity and self-sacrifice. Also, look at every worlds strongest man that ever lived aside from a couple niggers who didn't win.
We are a tribal people and that's why the jew hates us. Left to our own accord, we do just fucking fine, unlike the nigger who ends up canabalizing each other. Spics did fine on their own after we taught them some shit, they'll be fine, too. Chinks, just like us, just want to be left alone.

Tribalism is the natural order.

One more thing to also consider is the internet now gives each tribe a way to stay in contact. Before, a large army could come and take out a tribe at a time not alerting other tribes of their coming.
Mass communication was the lacking aspect of times past.
Imagine having a inter-tribal party customary to finding a wife set up during spring harvest. Those were the moments we all have been yearning for. It's so ingrained into us, it compels a feeling words can't even explain.

We need to go back to our roots.

Direct democracy is the only way. You can't bribe and kill 51% of the voters. They can be wrong and tricked - not as often as politicians - but even in those cases, with real democracy, there is no waiting 4, 8, 12, 16… years to undo the mistake.

what happens when 51% of the population is women and the question of welfare comes up?

Weak people should not breed. They should not infest the gene pool. It's cruel to humanity to allow bad genetics to carry on. Who's going to police your society? you don't think they could be corrupted?
Come on, think into things.

Welfare? Corporations stole all our savings, destroyed our food supply, destroyed the environment, destroyed news and entertainment, sent brave men to die for nothing and you're worried about welfare? Assuming you're not thinking way too highly of women's capacity for generosity, If welfare is the only issue they are wrong about it, then the system easily becomes the best ever invented.

Judaism for white people.
- Kept them around for 3K+, even after a lot of persecution.
- Weak people need to fear, and said fear can be used to channel them towards something better than themselves. You cannot expect geniuses to lead a tribe in every age.
- You have to combine pride in one's roots with a "higher" destiny, to make sure your tribe does not become lazy.

Tribalism in the sense you're talking is inefficient and impossible. No leaders? So anarchy?
How do you control a territory the size of Florida without organization and leadership?
You invision thousands of independant vilalges with no leaders - who would defend them? How would you raise, organize and lead an army?
There's a reason unified Nations curbstomped tribes all over the world. You might as well plaster a giant big "conquer me" sign on yourself.

Wait for leftists to chimp out and kill white people.

Come out killing leftists and look as savior.

People fall into their natural order.
Leaders lead, warriors protect but they aren't protecting a bunch of nobody's they don't know.
War for what? There's no inter-tribal war between whites.
Nations are to protect the mercantile class, not the people. "Israel is our only ally in the middle east, but we had no enemies in the middle east before israel."
I'm not saying revert back to the stone age, nigger. I'm saying tribe up. Take the best of this bullshit failed society and bring it forward back into our natural order. I can make gunpowder in my garage along with many forms of explosives. We're not helpless without the state, we're more powerful.

Start with Natsoc Lite (TM), even furries and Antfia could join it. Welcome everyone except for agents of subversion. Any color initially too. This is to build a support base against the (((mafia))).
Make 'Extortion Laws' the highest of all penalties. Death and dissolution of their assets to anyone who engages in it. This will remove (((bankers))).
Start implementing Natsoc and separatism, cultures for races. Start cleaning up degeneracy.
Start implementing gene detection for psychopaths. This will remove (((parasites))).

Everyone is happy.

OP, please make your spelling and sentence construction better next time. Everyone can be picky about it here.

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Put the Nürnberger Gesetze in the constitution, only give full human rights e.g. permission to possess firearms to your people and no one else, faciliate transnational trade entirely through barter.
The law should be biased against foreigners depending on their genetic and cultural deviation from your people and their collective criminal history in your country, that way you can keep the nips and remove the nigs.
Genetic foreigners should never recieve full citizenship, but their descendants can do so after several generations of breeding with native partners (the number of generations being dependant on their genetic proximity to your people), citizenship should also be accordingly tiered to enable lawful bullying and easy deportation of lesser men should the need arise.

Attached: detailed-political-and-administrative-map-of-switzerland-with-all-roads-cities-and-airports.jpg (1800x1182, 1.23M)


I prefer the question, how would we fix America or any European country. Whereas it's fun to LARP about dream societies, you have to realise that things like that just don't come to fruition.

1. Repeal 1965 Immigration Act. This is the biggest one. For any new or youngfags. Before the Act, America could only take in immigrants to a total that was limited by the amount that was here. So for example, if 5% of people were German, only 5% of immigrants could be German, if only 0.1% of people was Mexican only 0.1% of immigrants could be mexican and so on. This was the largest success jews had in making America 56% white and it needs to be removed.
1a. Retroactively take away anyones citizenship who got it from the 1965 Immigration Act. This would remove the spic problem. This would apply to children and grandchildren of people who got their citizenship from the 1965 Immigration Act. Frame it as "We made a mistake, fuck off now"
Political Reforms:
1. If you have dual citizenship, you're not allowed in office, anywhere. We effectively have to find a new American government as most of them have dual citizenship with our greatest ally. This is basically a fuck off to Israelites.
2. Vote reforms. Women voting is cancer. Blacks voting is cancer. Both are incompetent when it comes to politics. The single largest factor, irrelevant of whether a country was communist or democratic, and the creation of a welfare state is women's suffrage. Women vote with their hearts, not their minds.
To fix this issue, without upsetting the tradthots reading this, we institute one vote per family, father votes. This means that women can feel as if they do something by having pseudo-political discussions with their husband, but at the end of the day, he decides. To add to this, add the clause that you have to:
- Be married, this prevents blacks from voting, or, at best, returns them to stable families so less crime. It also prevents undesirables like faggots or thots from voting
- Have 2 children, birth rate problems fixed
- Add the clause that if you divorce, you lose the vote for next election. Divore down at least 50%.
- Add the clause that if you abort, you lose the vote for next election. Abortion down at least 80%. Don't make it permament as then blacks will spend more time thinking about it. If it isn't a black will say "fuck it" and get an abortion, losing the vote but in her mind she'll just say "one election, whatevs". They think in the short term and this limits their votes. Additionally, this stops the thot who gets 20 abortions from ever voting.
2. Repeal gay marriage. Gays are disgusting, enough said. With the voting reforms, this stops gays from voting as they can't marry.
3. Take away gibs incrementally. If you take them all away at once, you'll get the biggest chimpout in history but over the course of 10 years you'll get blacks to either die or start working.
4. Increase the tax on companies who hold more than 3% of control in a certain field. The amount is negotiable, but the idea is to limit the power of shit like Disney by massively increasing the tax. Obviously, this includes closing the tax loopholes. If those companies move away then good, fuck them. They weren't American anyway and I know that at least one healthy American man will step in to pick up the slack. Capitalism inherently makes monopolies, however it still is one of the best systems, so this tax is to stop that from happening.
5. Kill all affirmitive action, kill all pro-minority laws. Doesn't need explaining.
6. Remove all hate speech laws, I don't like this whole idea of we'll just replace the current dystopia with one friendly to us that some retards have. We can debate commies and leftists and when that happens we win every single time. There's a reason that right wingers aren't allowed on media and why leftists refuse to debate. It's because they lose.
7. Kill foreign spending, I have no issue if somewhere like Japan gets a tsunami and they ask for help so we help them, but kill this every year x country gets y dollars. It could go for Americans
8. Nationalise social media. This would be Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. They cannot select what to ban anymore since they have to respect the 1st Amendment. Liberatarians will never get this, but it is impossible to surpass these companies as the appeal of social media is to be able to talk to people and you can't just cause everyone to drop Facebook and use gab or some shit. Even then, the idea that Facebook rose because it was the best one is false. It rose because all the jewish media outlets like NYT advertised it because they are of the same tribe. Since these companies cannot be beaten through the market, beat them with the cold fist of the state.

9. Repeal all copyright laws, apart from selling something that is already made by someone else or using the same name to intentionally fool customers. Here the idea is to kill companies like Google who hold a million copyrights for things that don't even exist yet, and also to stop so many companies making video games and movies.
People who real passion for it. I've worked on projects I know will never make money because I enjoyed doing it. We want boys playing outside, not rotting in front of an LED screen. The obesity epidemic would be solved with this.
10. Repeal gun control laws. Institute shooting classes in schools.
11. Bring back social, if not legal, apartheid. People already self-segregate. Blacks were better off under apartheid and whites were too. Bring it back.
12. Kill the Federal Reserve.
13. Forbid jews from owning anything in Media, Financial or Political institutions. There is no two ways about it. These people will always seek to destroy and so they must be physically kept from doing it.
14. Go back to a manufacturing industry. Service industry is worthless.
15. Ban NGOs from giving money to parties. Parties are to either be self funded, or have donations limited to $100 per address.

This would fix most issues with America and European countries. Some points are less important (7,9,10,11,14). The voting reforms are the most important as men are the only group that reliably votes right and respects authority.

You are living in fantasy land as much as the ultra-progressive it seems. I'm looking for solution that are feasable, not dreams and unreachable ideals.

All of the infrastructure needs to be maintained, the national efforts organized and the people defended. Organizing and gatering an army takes time. Supplying it takes a great logistical effort.

This is somewhat of a hypothetical situation. Not "how do we fix USA", but rather - if you were the founding father of a new nation, how would you structure it?

Some of the core and most holy laws should be:

1. Politicians cannot grant themselves immunites or pay raises, nor reduce penalties and sentances. Attempts to do so are high treason.
2. Only native people can have full voting Rights, firearms possesion and can hold high officers or positions critical for the functioning of a nation (telecomunications, media, transportation)
2a) non-natives can get some of the above rights only if they somehow made great contributions or sacrifices to the nation. This would be a rare honor, usually given post-mortem.
3) Any migration is to be kept to a minimal level with strong prefernce for countries that share racial and cultural bonds.
4) Absolutely no dual citizenship or loyalty in any high office.
5) Any attempt to alter the core laws is the highest treason, punishable by public execution.

Not bad.

I'm not as sold on the "have to be married to vote". 1 vote per family ain't bad. This requires further thought. Hmm…household or family? If you move out and are self-sufficient and contributingmember of society, I dont 'see why you couldn't vote.

You aren't contributing fully to society unless you have children.

Have you considered making it compulsory for people in office to have children. I'm sick of the Theresa Mays/Macrons/Merkels who gleefully fuck up their countries for their ZOG masters knowing that their offspring will not be around to bear the consequences. Politicians need skin in the game. That is what attracts monarchy to so many reactionaries.

Children are not the only contributions.
Some of the greatest scientist and philosophers in history didn't have children

No, without children there is no reason for people to look towards the future. I don't believe anyone who says "I am working towards a glorious natsoc paradise" and doesn't have kids because at the end of the day, that person is a dead end. You'd have to do something really monumental to say "Yes, this was worth more than me having kids", something on the scale of being as famous and revolutionary as Hitler. If you're just another guy with a stable job, a car and a yearly holiday. Even if you have the right opinions, you're not doing much.

That's too easy to subvert. What makes gay not self-sufficient? Why can't trannies not be allowed to be self-sufficient? They work and pay taxes too. You get the point. Also statistically married people vote right, unmarried vote left. I also think that it will cause women to settle down sooner, which we all want because women settle down sooner = children sooner = more children per family. No one will ever convince me that women in the workforce wasn't a jewish trick designed to lower birthrates.
Also a family is 1 mother, 1 father + children. It encourages families to stay together as the single mother epidemic is disastrous and this is also made to stop that. I prefer ways like this as it's not taking anyone's rights or money away rather than just making the stereotypical hellhole that left wingers like to say a country run by us would be.

That's good. I'll include that next time someone asks. Traitors are the biggest problem because it's too hard to easily root them out and you don't to go too far and create a dystopia where we basically have the NKVD but rightwing and no one trusts each other.

This statment is rediclous and narrow.
Just because you cannot imagine anyone having a thought process different from your own. Sad really.

Because OBVIOUSLY I cannot love my nation, my people, my wider family and want to see them thrive. Obviously.

Gays did go into fake loveless marriages before, you do understand that?

They should have had children though. Its a waste of good genes otherwise.
In a perfect world the state would look after them so that they could focus on their work.

Yeah, but tell tell me what are you doing by not having children. Are you a scientist about to discover how to make a power supply better than nuclear? A doctor that will cure cancer? Even if you own a successful firm and employ several people, you could be doing more by having kids. Another thing is this. To have children, what do you need? A wife, a house, a stable job. Obviously there will be people who get pregnant at 17 and fuck their and their child's lives up, but that's the exception, not the rule. We want people who have a family and a job to vote, those people vote right.

About your second point on gays entering loveless marriages to vote. I understand it perfectly, there will always be loveless marriages or domestic abuse, unless you want to set up cameras in every house, we'll never fix it. We want to lower the number of these cases to as close as 0 as possible. That's why the voting reforms are set up for families, it encourages people to find a partner they like as they know they'll stay together for some time, rather than jump from spouse to spouse, yet it also encourages settling down so that we don't get shit like career women who are 40, infertile and ready to marry. The best we can do is create the atmosphere that gays aren't welcome, we want them to stay in the shadows and in back alleys, not on the main street. Until you create a radar that detects gays so they can be deported to a very tolerant nation like Pakistan, we have to deal with the fact that gays are an abnormality that exist.

You can do more? One can always do more.
I just find it pointlessly restricting to limit voting like that, on the assumption that only those people vote "right".
There is only an informed and uninformed vote.

The notion that marriage is a requirement for voting can result in either rushed marriages so people can vote (bad) or less and less people caring about voting. And people with no family can fully devote themselves to the mastery of the raft. You obsession with breeding is totally unnecessary. A stable population is desireable, not to breeding like niggers - and a healthy enviroment will lead to enough population.

Also, one of the core OP questions was distribution of power and responsibility, which is a difficult issue in itself.

yup! there are too many that see the world as a single-system; and then there are those that see the globe as their oyster, separated only by their status as 1 of 7 economic blocs

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most people aren't that desperate to vote
already happened
But many of them will not and its better to just draw the line somewhere to prevent them for subversions for short-term gain

I completely agree with him that there should be one vote per family. That way the fate of the nation is decided by people with a stake in the future and skin in the game.

Also >not to breeding like niggers
How else are we going to populate the ethnoglobe?

BUNK! While Hitler is the go-to guy being portrayed as the genius behind a political ideology specific to a single-group, or the bane of all evil; he was just one person among millions working towards a goal

Birth rates have been decreasing steadily, the point where they start decreasing is women in the workplace. Look at Japanese birthrates before and after women at work, in less than a decade they fall to below 2 children.
Good! That's the point. Unlimited democracy does not work, we get the rat race we are in now. We want to limit as many people as possible from voting, but if you do it on a career-basis or wealth basis, those systems are too easily corrupted. The one thing that everyone has the potential to do is start a stable family, this carries with it a measure of responsilibility, that's also why you need 2 kids to vote in the scenario, it's to stop people gaming the system as maltreated children can always be given into care homes with parents being allowed on visitation. If you needed 1 kid to vote, you would see a lot more cynical people just getting a child to vote, but 2 children is a measure of responsibility. The first one tells you it won't be easy, so that you have second thoughts about the second one if you really are in it just for the vote.
We have 2 nations A and B.
In Nation A, only 20% of people can vote, yet of those 20%, 95% vote right.
In Nation B, everyone votes. The nation is 75% leftist.
This is the problem. Whites are a global minority, and soon to be minority in American. We want to retain the power, even if we don't retain the majority. We both know that you'd prefer living in Nation A aswell, even know you can't vote in there.
In Theory. In theory communism works too. Seriously, think about someone who would be unable to qualify to vote. Would you want them voting in the first place? I don't get the obsession some people have with voting, even now there are people who can't vote, should we lower the age of voting to allow them to? Why is it that someone who spends 17 years and 364 days on this Earth can't vote, but an extra day will allow him to. Having 2 children and being married will mean that you have a certain amount of maturity amount you at the minimum.
We are discussing it now.

You mistook my point. I'm saying you have to do something that will make you as great or famous as him to get away with not having kids. Cure cancer or beat nuclear power. Then we'll talk.

What does that mean? Why is it greentext? Who are you quoting? Why do you agree with me at the end?
Also this part " and many are likely incapable of producing an Aryan" is wrong. Hitler didn't want to kill everyone who wasn't an aryan, he just saw aryans as the race that should lead. The way you phrased it makes me believe that you think an aryan was blonde-blue-eyed and six feet tall and that anyone else shouldn't be allowed to breed. Germany didn't do this, Germans could breed all they wanted, whether they had black hair or blonde. The whole "kill all people without blonde hair and blue eyes" is a jewish meme intended to make fascists and natsocs as unreasonable, bloodthirsty, crazy and just generally make them be excluded for public discussion.

or better yet; convert the minds of 10's of millions of people that have been duped into believing the illogical and unreasonable tenets of that social&cultural engineering required to remove identity, culture, a sense of homogeneity, and purpose
- What does that mean? Why is it greentext?
-profit-Who are you quoting?
My inner-NatSoc
- Why do you agree with me at the end?
Agreeing is not allowed on this board. We must argue in jewish pilpul fashion about everything, and refuse to accept "Yes, we agree"
- "and many are likely incapable of producing an Aryan" is wrong
There are two uses of the word within the NatSoc community, one of which is more common than the other. A) Aryan as in "Noble" or B) "blonde-blue-eyed and six feet tall". They're truly not interchangeable; however, there does exist the presence of both; wherein the blonde-blue-eyed and six feet tall Noble individual is highly capable both above and below the neck. He or She is the antithesis/anathema of the jWO-drone-like global citizen. And finally, yes, we agree

Hitler initially was caught up in the romantic notion of aristocracy, but upon meeting royal families of several countries, decided that hereditary positions resulted in incompetent men having power. Republics are prone to corruption and inefficiency, while democracies are prone to dying because people want free stuff and will go 22 trillion dollars into debt and import tens of millions of nignogs if it means getting "free" shit.

The ideal way to run things from my view, is to start with a competent and altruistic autocrat, and have him appoint a successor at the end of every term limit (10 years? 20 years?). But even then, I'm worried about having incompetent, corrupt, or -worst of all- traitorous men in power.

This doesn't work. When people's views shift significantly, it doesn't matter what the law says.

The Polish had a good way to fix the king problem. They elected their kings for life. That's how they got leaders like Stephen Báthory and Jan III Sobieski, and avoided the problem of poor genetic inheritance.

Attached: John_III_Sobieski.jpg (1825x2253, 2.17M)

or better yet; convert the minds of 10's of millions of people that have been duped into believing the illogical and unreasonable tenets of that social&cultural engineering required to remove identity, culture, a sense of homogeneity, and purpose
Do it then. Oh wait, somehow you're waiting for your boyfriend to bring dinner home instead of rallying on the streets.
No, from your post, A was correct, B was not. You're fucking retarded if you actually think that Aryan is just the physical. It's like when a redditor or a woman tries to sound deep when they speak about something utterly worthless.
What are you saying? You actually have not said anything in this sentence. It's like if I were to say niggers are stupid, but just phrase it like someone attending a university literature course. What is the point woman?
No, you've still not given me a good argument as to why unmarried people and those without children should vote.

I like the idea of elective monarchy but how do you stop someone from buying votes with promises of future power

The point is you can't predict the Human mind itself, I guess many of Godsend ones are seen in war time, Patton, Rommel, Hitler all have been through war and knew the cost.

As Mussolini told every nation should go on a war in atleast 25 years.

OP I wouldn't stress about anons giving you shit, you got a good discussion going.

Make it to where only voters are land owners or those with assets. If you are a net negative gibs me dat, you are not allowed to be votin on dat. This cuts out…

Niggers, most spics, illegals, single mothers, etc.

Yes. NSoc needs a uniform tribe. That is impossible in the US now. I agree with most of this poster's ideas. The flourishment which would occur if most these ideas were implemented would be astounding.

I just asked my boomer Limbaugh dad some of these. The responses are astounding. Damn they are so permanently damaged. I hope new generations aren't falling for the cultural marxism.

Brilliant. That'll make a stable and healthy nation.

Such a society would be very poor because there would be almost no economy if each town was its own petty kingdom and taxed goods that traveled across their lands. Oranges from Florida would never reach Maine. Olives from California would never reach Ohio. And any nation that didn't adopt your ideology would be easilly able to conquer your disunited tribes.

Hitler in actuality appointed strong leaders and let them lead. He was known to have created conflicting positions where two people were tasked with accomplishing the same goal, and they would actually end up butting heads and getting into conflicts. Whoever was the better man at his job would naturally be the first or most successful in completing it.
They would often complain to Hitler and he would do his best not to intervene, things normally just sorted themselves out. There was a series of lectures on National Socialism by some guy (he had a neutral/hostile position, like someone trying to be objective but failing) on TPB but thats down now, so I dont know where you could get it. Pic related.

Attached: the-early-history-of-national-socialism.JPG (794x190, 40.73K)


Attached: 000.jpg (855x1249, 581.7K)

War is seductive when the heater is on, and the pillow is comfy.

Aside from patton's guilt of attacking germans, wouldn't he be a neocon? After the destruction of Europe then you want to take on Russia? Patton had some good points, but his warmongering was a mistake and misplaced. History user should know more.

War is terrible for nations. War kills off the best and bravest and wastes decades of resources that should be spent on enhancing the cultural treasure of the people.
Build walls, not wars.

Everyone knows he would have had children with Eva Braun if they won the war.

Also your vision of muh constitution conflicts with the 25 points which demand the central government have power to do whatever it wills. Goebbels has a quote I wont be able to find about how it would be desirable to be able to morph society into anything, that there be no limits on the changes in societal structure that could be made. It was built on a strong aryan nationalist foundation, they truly could do anything or be anything they wanted.

And if the jews subvert the central government?

What Jews. Its part of the 25 points only a member of the race can be a citizen and participate. They had a political sphere and a cultural sphere, and very few non-Germans were permitted into the cultural group, to participate in German cultural activities and such. None were allowed in the political if I recall. See the race laws, note the difference between a member of the political and cultural community.

Attached: race-laws2.png (500x500 1.66 MB, 172.56K)

Also, Russia and Austria used to buy off noblemen in Poland to get them to support their favourite candidates. I'm not saying that it couldn't be done, but it did not work out well for Poland… I mean, look what happened to Poland.
Also, historically Polish lords used to try to elect weak and ineffective kings so that they could control them more effectively. This is why most Polish kings in the last days of Polish independence were weak cowards.

Maybe. But my point is that some people devote their lives to the service of their nation and people. Actually, many great leaders (both heroes and villains) don't have children. They devote so much energy to their cause that they forget to live.

So in short, it's impossible for the jews to subvert the central government.

Sound like bullshit idealistic bullshit.

What about plain bad people who are "aryan"?

You sound like an underage child, the only thing Hitler did wrong was deport Jews. We wont be deporting them this time, as I said. WHAT JEWS

Attached: based ben gas all jews.png (500x500, 149.35K)

No, I think you sound like an underage child.
The jews that are in hiding, the jews that lie about their records? Or plain shabbo-goyim?

inb4 we will magically kill all of them and peace forever

And I sound like an underage child. Such naivete.

Like maybe this isnt clear. Under national socialism there is press censorship, the internet would be censored, foreign media would be banned and foreign criticism of culture inside the nation made illegal. National Socialism disables the Jews hand.

Jews are easily distinguished from whites if you actually have been looking at them for more than a month on cuckchan. We also have DNA tests. Race war is coming, system collapse is coming. If youre just interested in antagonism you can go back to lefty/pol/ kiddo.

Attached: Goebbels-Revolution.png (704x376 217.33 KB, 43.82K)

I'm simply pointing out your naivity, chump.

If your central government is subverted, you are all out of shit.

And if the central government outlaws you from looking for jews?
Can be faked, can be outlawed.

What then?

Attached: retard.jpg (364x394, 29.26K)

Ford anarchism to break down the old
Then elected monarchy

Or termed dictatorships

But also, ensure only citizens may own land, get rid of this international free trade nonesense, and work out a system that has all citizens vote for a face with a medium amount of power and 'qualified voters' handling the rest of the elected positions.
(prime minister + MPs for example).
Voting class is educational not genetic.
The ability to temporarily subtervert the masses has too much power, the founding fathers openly admitted that the masses were a major weakness of their system.
Centralization of power makes it easier and more tempting to subvert, too little and too much are both dead ends.
And finally this whole 'interpreting the law' stuff is bullshit. I have no idea how to fix that but lawyers playing twister with the legal system is madness.
Goldilocks zone. That can update to self correct for drift.
If we could nail down all the early warning signs for drifting to far in any particular direction it'd be brilliant.

What's retarded about it?

inb4 the central government can do whatever it wants, but it can't do the things I disagree with, for some reasons

That's you, naive retard.


How do we keep the monarchs or dictators loyal to the interests of their race first?

Keep the public armed to the teeth and let them know that if they betray the public then the punishment fits the crime. That's what happened in medival europe.

My fantasy land is about to become your reality once you realize America is gone.
Look how fucking hard it is to get Americans to kick criminals out of their government. How hard do you think it will be to curb stomp the fucking yids on the "right?"

Fucking pissrael won and you cunts can't even acknowledge it. There is not USA, it's the military arm of israel.
Those fucking parasites don't unlatch. The only way to get rid of them is to burn the structure down. The only way to get to the jew is don't participate. They feed on greed and all the other sins. How do you defeat the devil? Don't play his games.

Start with the economy, in the US, this would mean abolishing the federal reserve to start, move towards a labour backed currency. Prioritise industries that are strong because of the resources and skills within the nation, as opposed to good relationships with others.
Then move onto demographics, deporting refugees as a first step, and restricting citizenship more and more until you are able to have it 100% european / aryan. This doesn't mean we can't have tourism, but borders are very strong.
Because of money saved and basically 0 debt, invest in public services. When the economy recovers, use surplus taxes to incentivise births until the nation reaches a sustainable level. Completely end any form of welfare that does nothing but ensure the provision of unearned luxuries like electronics.
Nationalise the education system, but allow for private schools that cater to specific areas.
National schools would be like military style academies, students learn Language and mathematics first, fitness and health second, sciences next, and then culture. These five areas are studied rigorously and in depth for years, until students reach a mature age, where they can decide with their parents if they would like to go into work or continue schooling to persue a career in a talent, without the help of the state.
I will come back to this thread but for now i have to go running with the lads.

*Snap, I'm your genie and your wish is granted

Guess what?
jews do what they do and now we're fighting WWIII against the combined masses of Russia, China and every other non-muslim country in the world.
Congratulations, you just killed more people than have ever been born.

When are you faggots going to learn that the only way is to destroy the jew and the only way to destroy the jew is to not play his fucking game. Every time you pay taxes, you are paying a rabbi to suck a newly castrated cawk. There is no government that will work when jews exist. If they can't subvert that government, they will subvert all others and jew those people into your enemies. They can tempt weak people with money through majik.

No government will work. None. Parasites cannot feast on air. Think 2 steps into every "solution" you come up with, not just simpleton ideas.

First of all, I don't understand why you have to be so rude, I might aswell go to niggerchan if this is what i get for expecting decent discussion. I actually said in my post that the currency would be labour-backed, and central banking would be abolished, and that all non-whites would be eventually deported – and according to you this is "playing the jew's game". Do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

They're armed today in America and there is no revolt.
And that is not what happened in Medieval Europe. Not often anyway.
There are some instances of tyrannical kings being deposed… though rarely if ever by peasants. It was almost always the court that deposes kings.
And often when kings were deposed they were replaced by powerhungry men like Oliver Cromwell.

The thing about peasants is that they almost never revolt on their own. They're always used by elites to accomplish their will.

I'm not being rude, I'm just recognizing history.
What you're saying has been done and it lasted ~20 years. Believe me, I lust for National Socialist USA just as much as you. I yearn for a return to rationalization and I wish the same for all species of human-like beings on earth.
The problem with this is those who control the mercantile business, inflate its value and sell the illusion.
I know you are saying our country won't allow the inflation of value, but the other countries will. Eventually, the subhuman will buy the lie and we will be faced with another enemy of unbeatable opposition.

We have 2 ways out. Kill everyone that is not us, or live outside of the jew influence. I simply choose the easier path. The Amish have done it successfully in the most jewed country on earth.
I feel that if Aryan men led the way to tribalist societies within a society, we could still pay our dues to the power structure and innovate our way to the next phase in humanity. I don't know what that innovation is, but maybe it's a real life ironman suit that is impervious to all known weapons? I don't know, but if we broke away and formed pocket tribes, stayed in contact with each other and were allowed to focus on our strength of ingenuity and creativity, we would eventually outpace the jew civilization we find ourselves contained within.
All it would take is a few shekels a month being paid out to the state. If they get their pound of flesh, they tend to leave these pocket cultures alone as they feel they are not a threat to the power they yield.

It's the "hidden in plain sight" rule.

Those who you kill have families that'll oppose you and try to have you assassinated too.

Which is why Hitler had recreational camps
To give them something to do instead

You still need a hierarchy in the tribe, and a leader will the natural consequence of this.

I would make voting under the premise of one vote per family unit instead of individual, as that will make the bond between citizens and government stronger and not decay into degeneracy.

That's still hierarchy though.

Well I'm personally not opposed to the idea of seperatism. I hope you didn't think that I thought it possible that we could ever get into elected government, especially since our platform is anti-democracy.
I was really talking of the ideal strategy - post holocaust. Of course none of this is possible with the Jews still around to exact their influence. The most realistic way forward is to walk away, and come back when they inevitably fuck up because of lack of resources or whatever else. It is painful to see them destroy our planet and push us to the ends of the earth just to escape the smoke, but if you don't then you risk becoming like them.
Also, when i realised how our situation really stands in the context of history and the esoteric, I stopped being so concerned about siegefags and the like, because accelerationism is on our side. Maybe I misunderstood the topic of the thread.

This is a lovely idea. Maybe 1 vote per household is what you meant by family unit?

1 vote per household is an interesting concept. I think though it shows weakness in that people who wouldn't otherwise be able to vote would be able to do so once forming a family. Foreign wives with dominating personalities and whatnot. Its so common its a trope.
I also worry that doesn't answer the educated voter question either.

I'd much rather we give a position with 5.5 votes to a prime minister/president that runs in a general election of all citizens and then a STV election with 3-5 MPs per riding elected by citizens educated on politics and history and given a 'voting degree' or whatnot.

Tl;dr: masses are easy to compromise families are the masses. This is a step in the right direction but fails to answer fundemental issues.

There's nothing wrong with hierarchy, so long as it's merit based.
In the military, men are adjourned into proving their worth through physical and mental trial, then brought back to their representative place withing the order.
A tribalistic society could operate much the same. A weight would be given to physical condition as well as mental condition and the best man would hold the position of leader of the tribe. NOT RULER, but leader. A mark to aspire toward.
Imagine 1000 of these compounds spread across the US with a total of a million members. A few generations in, that million grows rapidly only breeding the best stock based upon the merit system.
Within a few generations, the technology and physical specimens generated from the society would seem alien to the inhabitants of the outside world. God-like.
What's crazy is this is more realistic than not, when considering the history of man. For tens of thousands of years, we survived and thrived under this structure while for a couple thousand years we have regressed under imperialism.

I agree. My mistake, I see now that I had misread the original comment as "you don't need hierarchy in a tribe"

This is really solid.
I gave a lot of thought to the WQ because the Islamic model is self-evidently dysfunctional (and dysgenic, with cousin marriages and polygamy).
One vote per household (union of marriage/genuine widow/er, with issue) cast by male head fixes so many things.
Exceptional service to the state (medal-tier, or the kind of public service the British dishes out honours for) gets a vote for that individual, so your unicorn lady scholar or your monkish male genius is in with a chance.

The exceptional service clause would cover him, his Iron Cross medals put him in the running.
And baby Adolfs born into this system would have less heavy lifting to do and more time to court the ladies.
No vote in your household? Can't stand for office, period. That takes care of anyone rejecting the system.
Celibate types who want to stand (or the disabled who don't have much hope getting wed) have to contribute babies or exceptional service.
That's your wounded war vet coming out the army early with missing limbs and crapping into a bag, but he gets his vote and can participate.
Make starting a family before 23 the desired thing through ramming home genetic deterioration in eggs.
Teach ladies they are guardians of the future, with a duty to pass on perfect copies of their genes.

< the "removing 50% of your labour-force" argument/the nurses argument/what about rare exceptions?

Build a societal norm of women doing service to the community once they're in their fifties.
That's a hard time for women, going through the change of life, it gives them a new project after the kids have flown the nest.
This is the stage at which a lot of boomer moms develop chronic fatigue and other psycho-medical symptoms, the kids no longer need them and our present model of fucktoy femininity offers them nothing when boobs sag and wattles appear.
A well-planned NS society can do that.

< women are literally subhuman why plan for them once they're no longer fuckable/breedable?

It's women who enforce on women, this appears in its most extreme forms with deadly African fgm, the hack it off, stitch it closed "Type III" is almost all done by women.
Once they taste the benefits of increased responsibilities and therefore rights that come at 50+, they'll have personal skin in the game to raise their daughters to this system where age gives women a reward.
It also turns the "get your degrees and build up an ego gratifying career" that's promoted to waste their most fertile years and puts it where it should belong, when fertility is over and androgens start to rise.
This way the sweet spot for many healthy babies is safeguarded, without losing any contribution they can make.
It would be very easy to meme "You raised your family, now your nation needs you" to a 52-yr old woman who feels like one part of life is ending.

< What husband's going to fund the wife he got bored with years ago to become a teacher?

After the first child, award incremental credits for free education, so 4 kids means mom can score a masters for nothing, if she has the brains, and less academic women can get vocational qualifications free, that takes care of your nurses and various jobs women are better at, that require some education..
Genuine infertility? Pay their own schooling at 50, no black marks for that (adoption is also an option).
Promote volunteerism as well, to cut expenditure on nurses, teachers, social services, all those kinds of careers.
A woman who raised 4 kids herself on one wage packet for the household and is 55+ is a better assessor of what to do about a family where the kids always have bruises, than a childless graduate ethnic-minority female with a head full of marxism, and will know better what to do about the sickos and the degenerates every society has.

< How to get there

Clothing, social manners, chastity before marriage (which should be between 16 & 23 anyway) can all be memed if we can get media control back, if we have that any amount of change is possible.
Look how they're memeing to German women to wear headscarves "just because" and some are doing it, and then look deeper how many N. European women are dying their blonde hair dark, or cutting it, or wearing caps and beanies to avoid attention.

Attached: Adolfs-Mary.jpeg (474x329, 35.11K)

No jews in constitution

You can begin by gaining a more discerning eye and realizing when you blunder through the spelling of simple words like a dumbass.

This is impressive. Your work or constructed from another source?

Wow… This discussion has went well.

A National Socialist State in the US realistically could never be achieve without major civil unrest/war and political upheaval. The United States would effectively have to be dissolved and states let go. The seceding states would form their own countries or unite with other seceding states to form a new National Socialist state; an ethnostate similar to the Confederacy. The new Fuhrer would obviously have to be of impeccably character like Hitler. Military background is a prerequisite (E.G. Hitler, Rockwell). The National Socialist program does not need amending. Rights for whites only. It worked for Germany it will work for the new countries emerging out of this failed experiment that whites allowed to be tainted by Jews and other non-whites.

Things for your consideration when contemplating civil war.
1. Funding - who will fund the operation?
2. Food - See above
3. Clothing, arms, etc…

The problem with any sort of uprising is the means of production will be shut down almost immediately and people will automatically seek funding which will revert the system back to the same controllers that controlled previous. Those controllers only have an interest in collecting their ill-gotten shekels.
If you resist their offers and just venture out across the country taking canned goods from the shelves, you will be met with a well fed, well prepared army of foreign invaders who took the shekels.

Now, are you ready to discuss tribalism? Growing organically from within the corrupted society? Its. The. Only. Option.

How would such a thing happen?
Unless you mean warlordism during the civil war?

You wish to implement Nationalsocialism?
What country, what people?
Let's go through with it then:

Democratic way:
If the ruling party had been in power for a prolonged period of time, it should be slowly transformed or taken over and slow changes to legislation shall be made, yet, question remains. Should the country remain a democracy? Should women be allowed to vote, or should be a more modern approach be made, by tying voting to civil service as it used to be the case in the past.
A reintroduction of old values might be extremely difficult and very prone to failure. Especially in mixed societies like the US… or Western countries in general. Why? They don't work, the apathy grew too strong to hold up traditions even less to return to those.

To be fair, this is a far bigger issue if applied generally. So give me an example country and I shall tell you your options.
I'd even claim that Nationalsocialism might not even be the best option, only at certain times, wartimes specifically

By being fucking smart? Trying to copy a nigger is anything is the height of stupidity, why the fuck would we copy their ways? Your idea is terrible, some of the most informed and smartest people on this planet don't have a family, and you would remove their voice simply because having kids seems to be the ONLY thing you value in people. Let's just fuck and breed all day. Like animals.

Birth rates fluctuate depending on conditions. That is normal. When there's lots of resources and land, they jump. When there's overpopulation and unhealthy enviroment to live in, they fall.
Change the conditions in the country, and birth rates increase. Like for example, how white birth rates increased after Trump victory - the wave of positivity had that effect.

I live in a 97% white country, faggot. Sucks to be you.
They key word in my entire paragraph you quoted was ASSUMPTIONS. You ASSUME group A will vote right and will always vote right.

In practice. Look into the history of some of the greatest philosophers and inventors of the West.
Why not force people to marry at gunpoint while you're at it?

Not really. How would you distribute power on the government level? How much power would the president/chancelor/autarch/furher have? The senate? Etc…

I does if you teach kids from young age and brutally murder anyone who tries.

No major country is suicidal enough to go to war with the USA, mate. There's a reason US troops are able to squat in Syria illegally without Russia or Syria touching them.

LOL, without any system in place there will be nothing to subvert. GENIUS!

Your fantasy land would crumble within a decade.

Attached: genius-meme.png (630x354, 55.88K)

It's already in place.
Johovas Witness

Each of these entities, and many others, have breakaway tribal societies. They'll be here well after any new "leadership" takes control of the masses and just continue on paying their dues to the new boss while behind their walls, they live a life of virtue. Nobody is going to go storm an Amish community.

You simply break away. The fact that I have to deal with people saying it's unrealistic just shows how strong the brainwashing is. It's more realistic than any other form of opposition in that it's already taking place en masse and it's something that people have done for 10's of thousands of years.