This is really solid.
I gave a lot of thought to the WQ because the Islamic model is self-evidently dysfunctional (and dysgenic, with cousin marriages and polygamy).
One vote per household (union of marriage/genuine widow/er, with issue) cast by male head fixes so many things.
Exceptional service to the state (medal-tier, or the kind of public service the British dishes out honours for) gets a vote for that individual, so your unicorn lady scholar or your monkish male genius is in with a chance.
The exceptional service clause would cover him, his Iron Cross medals put him in the running.
And baby Adolfs born into this system would have less heavy lifting to do and more time to court the ladies.
No vote in your household? Can't stand for office, period. That takes care of anyone rejecting the system.
Celibate types who want to stand (or the disabled who don't have much hope getting wed) have to contribute babies or exceptional service.
That's your wounded war vet coming out the army early with missing limbs and crapping into a bag, but he gets his vote and can participate.
Make starting a family before 23 the desired thing through ramming home genetic deterioration in eggs.
Teach ladies they are guardians of the future, with a duty to pass on perfect copies of their genes.
< the "removing 50% of your labour-force" argument/the nurses argument/what about rare exceptions?
Build a societal norm of women doing service to the community once they're in their fifties.
That's a hard time for women, going through the change of life, it gives them a new project after the kids have flown the nest.
This is the stage at which a lot of boomer moms develop chronic fatigue and other psycho-medical symptoms, the kids no longer need them and our present model of fucktoy femininity offers them nothing when boobs sag and wattles appear.
A well-planned NS society can do that.
< women are literally subhuman why plan for them once they're no longer fuckable/breedable?
It's women who enforce on women, this appears in its most extreme forms with deadly African fgm, the hack it off, stitch it closed "Type III" is almost all done by women.
Once they taste the benefits of increased responsibilities and therefore rights that come at 50+, they'll have personal skin in the game to raise their daughters to this system where age gives women a reward.
It also turns the "get your degrees and build up an ego gratifying career" that's promoted to waste their most fertile years and puts it where it should belong, when fertility is over and androgens start to rise.
This way the sweet spot for many healthy babies is safeguarded, without losing any contribution they can make.
It would be very easy to meme "You raised your family, now your nation needs you" to a 52-yr old woman who feels like one part of life is ending.
< What husband's going to fund the wife he got bored with years ago to become a teacher?
After the first child, award incremental credits for free education, so 4 kids means mom can score a masters for nothing, if she has the brains, and less academic women can get vocational qualifications free, that takes care of your nurses and various jobs women are better at, that require some education..
Genuine infertility? Pay their own schooling at 50, no black marks for that (adoption is also an option).
Promote volunteerism as well, to cut expenditure on nurses, teachers, social services, all those kinds of careers.
A woman who raised 4 kids herself on one wage packet for the household and is 55+ is a better assessor of what to do about a family where the kids always have bruises, than a childless graduate ethnic-minority female with a head full of marxism, and will know better what to do about the sickos and the degenerates every society has.
< How to get there
Clothing, social manners, chastity before marriage (which should be between 16 & 23 anyway) can all be memed if we can get media control back, if we have that any amount of change is possible.
Look how they're memeing to German women to wear headscarves "just because" and some are doing it, and then look deeper how many N. European women are dying their blonde hair dark, or cutting it, or wearing caps and beanies to avoid attention.
Attached: Adolfs-Mary.jpeg (474x329, 35.11K)