Tranny statistics thread

Tranny statistics thread

Now that these demonkikes are teaching children in our schools, the system is indoctrinating our children with tranny propaganda, and even kidnapping children to put them through gender mutilation programs, I figured it was about time we pooled resources and gathered as many statistics on trannies as possible.

I'm thinking specifically:
- Suicide rates
- Pedophilia related crime rates
- Operation regret rates
and so on.

I know that there is a statistic like 95% of prepubescent children lose 100% of transgenderism symptoms post-puberty or something - this would be a great one to use but I can't seem to find the sauce. I'll check my documents though

I'm planning to make some normalfag friendly propaganda from the info. As much as I like the Iron March propaganda and the visceral disgust reaction it causes, it can't really be distributed with minimal risk of being vanned in most white countries due to hate speech laws.

Images related I don't actually have the posters saved on this machine

Ideally, normalfags would be distributing this propaganda of their own accord.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1931x1772 961.89 KB, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump need more photos, can't work right now I'm in court gas the gays it's a fetish.

Attached: family environments.jpg (963x908, 149.45K)

100% are great people and you should let them raise your kids.

In Thailand ladyboys usually become suicidal after 30 when whatever looks they had fade.

The ladyboy wall is 10x worse than the normal female wall.

This is what the poor deluded bastards who get the surgery have to look forward to.

Attached: Hairballs.png (1269x1927 182.11 KB, 1.4M)

The spoilers are for your protection.

Attached: neo vagina.webm (686x589 160.59 KB, 77.16K)

It's important to know the morphology so you know which are simply fags, and which are autogynophillic fetishsts.

Note: Autogynophiles are almost always heterosexual and identify as "lesbians" after their surgery.

Attached: Autogynophile panel.png (1600x2382 464.95 KB, 1.01M)

Good stuff, got any similar easy to digest infographs?
With sources prefferred or I wont be able to shut up soyboys.

So it's a thread about Zig Forums ?

This is literally the worst thing you could ever hope to see on this site.
Do not click.

Attached: beautiful.webm (720x1280, 7.24M)

Attached: 1429070788877.png (640x350 137.3 KB, 81.51K)

another one for this collection

Attached: 1531837802342.png (1063x357, 25.58K)

well, I'm the resident Zig Forums tranny.

I don't talk about this stuff ever, but if you'll bring it up, I guess I have something to say:

Don't treat such a small, pathetic minority as your enemy.

Propaganda is adorable, but you have bigger fish to fry than queers. Stop the source, is what I'm getting at.

End feminism in media, and end forced inclusion in business.

That's all I gotta say. stop the source, but don't go hurting me. I'm on your side, except for just this one thing, you know?

But if you can't give me a fuckin' break about this, despite where I'd like my allegiance to lie, then that's just a damned shame, eh?

1. We don't have tranny threads very often.
2. This propaganda is to wake up normies who are being conned by mass media.
3. Disseminating this propaganda IS how we attack degeneracy in media and the ideology of forced inclusion.
4. We only despise trannies when they're advocates for transsexualism, especially when it comes to transitioning children.
5. Otherwise we simply pity you.
7. This is not the place to defend yourself or shill for acceptance.
6. Stay in the closet.

>resident Zig Forums tranny
>I'm on your side
That better be a joke, or else I will track you down and end your miserable life. The very thought of such existence in here just makes me throw up.

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Every cars has a transmission. What is this about people?

You faggots can't even conserve sex between a man and woman. How the fuck will you go after some mentally ill shitposter? Now stay in your single mother's basement vaping away while faggots, niggers, and other goyim further destroy what your White antecedents built for you.

I don’t think that the weirdo population here is only restricted to a single person.

Damn degenerate

i've been archiving shit to use against homosexuality/transsexuality. here it is if you want:

Looks like Zig Forums is triggered and trying a stealth raid.

Attached: leftypol girls.png (191x255 31.46 KB, 11.8K)

Thanks. The LOH has a section on trannies too:

lol is this real?

Sex between you and dindunuffin THOTs is illegal in most of the (((EU))) and (((American colleges))). It'll soon be outlawed in all of (((Jewmerica))). But keep triggering the libs online.

Real shocker, huh.

This vid isn't actually leftypol as far as I know

Then what side are you?

My only concern are the 14 words, and for the reclamation of Europe.

There is no other side than that. I am not in some religion nor do I believe in any temporal creeds.

I live by nature, so I do not take drugs or modify my body.
I simply dress cute, and follow the path of evolution and nature.

If you live by something other than the 14 words and the sanctity of Europe and its protection from foreign hoards, then I guess we're not on the same side.

The tribe defends its own, and we all have a role. If you are a straight man, then your job is to work to enrich the tribe, protect the tribe, and have a family. And I must do my part to benefit the tribe and nation.

In return for your services, you are to be seen as a hero.

What I do is help you get a wife, seeing as I am the trusted male among women who will not try to sweet talk or manipulate them. I'm not into girls, so girls do not have to be wary. Thus I can go to a woman on your behalf and get her to go on a date with you. Of course not you in particular, but I've set up romance between my man friends and my female friends before.

If you don't get that we all have a role in fulfilling the 14 words and our duty to Europe, then you are not one of us. We all have a role, and when we are working correctly in that role, we all benefit.

But there's the usurpation of these roles by the media. They make men into corporate slaves and feminine men who can work as the go-between into multilated, drugged freaks.

I truly have no intention of defending transgenderism, but at the same time, there must be a reason for it, and that reason must have a purpose. It must be to benefit the tribe.

Fuck off back to leddit, moshe.

End yourself.

no u

Maybe you'd be more productive, and happier, in another thread.

There will never be tranny acceptance among ethnonationalists.
If you feel like you're under attack it's because you are.
You belong in a mental institution.

Heh. I was trying to post an mp4 of some tranny getting bashed by one of their precious negros, but it seems Zig Forums doesn't like mp4 anymore.

You're a fucking idiot, and you have no idea the purpose of a tribe.

You are lost in fanaticism and you've lost the true meaning of Europe. Get lost, moron.

You're gay if you'd rather bash this head in than fuck it.

Not all of us hate Traps, trapanon. Keep expressing the idealization of traditional femininity, if only to remind everyone how ruined the western woman has become.

Attached: trep2.gif (450x337 1.27 MB, 1.6M)

Thank you. I can add this to my collection.

I still don't understand why people accept this filthy shit though.

Thank you. I can add this to my collection.

I still don't understand why people accept this filthy shit though.

"i just dress cute"
You are mentally ill. You aren't suppose to dress in feminine clothes. No matter what uncle Sam says.

Oh my god
These are horrifying

You are very brave.
So true. A Zig Forums tranny beats an anti-male all to hell.
inb4: Not a tranny-chaser, but I can identify actual enemies..

Another user for the bog, I guess.

Addicted to their death-oriented paraphilias.

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That's essentially what I do.

I am appalled at feminism and what it's done to women. I live as a proper housewife should. I cook, clean, and do womanly duties. I make a better girl than most girls, with the only difference being that I type in full sentences, unlike modern women who are essentially braindead.

But that's no reason to date traps. Here's my advice: 14 words.

Family. Procreate. Be straight for fuck's sake. Now is not the time for LGBT things. It's time for Europe to be repopulated. Maybe women can be women if men can be men.

That means you need to retake your own mind and understand the truth of nature and domination, authority, and raw logical intelligence and wisdom.

I'm the man who can look at a man and not see a competitor, and thus I can give them true advice, and I'm the woman who can look at a woman and see a flawed person, whereas men will see a woman and feel desires. My usual posts on Zig Forums do not ever mention LGBT issues, because such things are no use to society. I live quietly, and just want to be left alone, both by the media, and by misguided brutes who don't understand that we all have a role in the tribe.

Attached: tranny stomp.gif (375x375, 1.9M)

And how weak men have become.

I'll hold out for GMO Monstergirl Harems, AI VR Waifu Sexbots, GE Designer Babies, & Living Room Gestation Vats.
Organic Females are beyond redemption, doomed to obsoletion.

The fact that I'm actually witnessing people defending traps/homosexuality/LGBT truly pokes a hole in my heart, knowing that our generation accepts degeneracy like this.

How are you comfortable about the fact that you like things going up your ass, completely annihilating your social and natural status as a Male? Don't bring the "animals do it" excuse. Pigs roll in their own shit, that means it's natural and acceptable for humans to do it aswell.

What is this a poster for exterminating jews? Jeez the vast majority of kikes are faggots and/or pedophiles.

This is literally everyone's reaction when encountering a tranny irl. They're viscerally repulsive, and the disgust response can never truly be suppressed.

Attached: Thoughts 1520942778324.jpg (765x822, 143.09K)

anti-White, faggot…actually petitioning for faggotry and single parent households on a thread that is the exact opposite…so clueless as well.

men are still the engine driving civilization.

women only give birth to future men.

Clearly, you can't.

the coffee I just downed almost came back up my throat.

you haven't provided any solutions. fuck off with your black pill bullshit.

I support your attitude, but still…never bring your private life into the web. You surely know the dangers of it.

Reminder that trannies are criminally subversive elements at war with normal white people.

Attached: Starbucks.jpg (1020x790, 61.11K)

Anyone got more sources I could archive?


That's why you invent critical theory. Then beauty is a social construct. They can implement the non sequitur of 'beautiful man tranny' as an academic truth. They want to legally enforce their ugliness as beautiful. It will never be organic, and thus they will never be satisfied.

Physically felt ill when I realized what this was talking about. These people are insane.

Fantastic post, thank you. I found this featured in the (((Washington TImes))) too

Is this real? This needs to be spammed on Starbucks Twitter. Fucking disgusting.

It is good and right for fags to defend themselves. There are people in this thread who wish harm upon gay people, and of course, we all know that school contains its share of bullies. They thread was not started by a tranny. It was started by the opposition to trannies.

Thus it is obvious that it is straight people who throw the first punch. All actions that fags take are defensive actions, no matter how insane or sick those actions are. You are the enemy if you throw the first punch, and it is always you who throws the first punch.

Many people will follow the Jewish Bible where it says that homosexuals and crossdressers are to be killed, and this will lead to our natural tribal process being dismantled.

The only strategy that will work against an endlessly recurring type-of-person that comes from the womb of Europe is unity.

Let the fags benefit the tribe. If they are the enemy, then they will unite with anyone who offers them aid. Who will offer them aid, if not their tribe?

Outsiders. Usurpers. The media. You know who.

We must take care of our own. If we become traitors to our own kind, traitors to Europeans, then we shall be traitors, and we shall have no honor.

1. That's a legit girl who did camwhoring. She flooded the cuckchan with her gifs for attention. Then she got too much attention and ragequit. Stop trying to make everything traps and gay, you projecting piece of shit.
2. She's a raging leftist and deserves the rope for being a traitor. She's also ~bisexual~, and is most likely anti-natalist as a result. She's got the Thousand Pill Stare
3. Traps are gay dude. You're doting over mentally ill dudes that are LARPing a supremely stereotypical view of women

Beauty is mathematically objective (sacred geometries and all that), no matter how much the jews whine about it. One cannot fight this fact as much as one can fight a hurricane. Nature always wins, much like truth and beauty.

If we don't restore healthy masculinity and patriarchy in our own lands, someone else will do it for us.

Attached: Where We're Goin' We Don't Need Jumper Cables.webm (854x480, 2.22M)

Are you out of your mind? This is why we should beat faggots more.

Yes we know. You have been actively advocating for ending 50% of the European race for ages now. Do you really think we don't recognize you and the fact that you are actively promoting genociding 50% of EUROPE. DIE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.

Are you naive or just retarded? Are you on Zig Forums to have petty arguments, or do you want to discuss solutions? I'm only interested in final solutions, and the final solution to the gay problem is to integrate them into the tribe as go-betweens for women and men.

Men cannot talk to women without a woman suspecting he just wants to get laid, and women are too meek to talk to strong, straight men. Only fags can talk to women as equals, and so if you reject the fag, you will lose your chance at their supply of women. Women trust fags, because fags don't hit on them.

This is a natural tribal mechanism that lets worthy, kind men who protect the weak and meek breed. Men who are brutish and cruel to their own tribal brothers will be spoken of badly in fag/women gossip.

This is more important now than ever, with our small-community relations destroyed by big cities and online dating.

Beyond just that, the fact remains that normies who do not take extreme views in either direction will obviously tend towards the view that lets them be at peace with their neighbors and surrounding community.

As for the tranny that slipped pills into people's coffees? Hanging is not enough.

But they are hanged for their crime of putting drugs in people's drink, not for being a tranny. Do you see now? There are mechanisms in place. Fags don't breed, so they don't propagate their numbers more than is natural.

The only remaining issue is eliminating media support, while keeping the media silent in both directions. That means no killing and no bullying. It is too easily reported, and will always make you look like the brutal chimp. Don't chimp out. You are a European, and that means you gotta deal with your femme Frenchies, and your girly Swedish men, as well as girly nerds who make up your intellectual class.

Newton was a virgin for a reason, of course.

There must be a balance here, and that balance will allow fags to be fags, but not spread their faggotry to the rest of us, and more than that, the fag will benefit the tribe by uniting men and women in a way that we cannot do ourselves due to our natural instincts.

If you can understand this, then there can be both peace and prosperity.

Otherwise, you will need to deal with a recurring enemy who cannot be stopped because only men and women who have families with children spawn fags.

The two points here are clear:

Unite with gay people so they can fit their tribal role.
End the trendiness of being LGBT that the media is creating.

Ah, I needed that. Even if it's not me pulverizing the tranny, I feel better. Have a nice day user.

then you should kill yourself
this is how i know you're not Zig Forums this is the bullshit sjw argument of "you cant say things about black people cause you're not black!"
Except trannys and faggots are going after my fucking children so they absolutely are my enemy.
Propaganda? No faggot, those are FACTS.
Facts say tons of fags are faggots because they were abused by a faggot when they were kids. Part of the source removal is removing fags like you so I agree, get rid of the source both kike and gay.
Except that doesn't end fag conversion from abuse, nice coverup of that nasty truth faggot but you get a crucifix next to the jews.
But you are a source, so we're gonna stop the source, your degenerate self included.
"i'm a baste black guy im on your side, except for the whole ethno-nationalist thing you know?"
"oh im a fag and i'm on your side except for the whole no gay marriage thing you know?"
"oh im a jew and i'm on your side except for the whole anti semitism thing you know?"
Neck yourself, you're not on our side and any factual analysis of your statements proves this is true.
I'm a WN lolberg but can give WN fascists a break because our allegiances lie more for our race's survival before our political system's survival. You are not on our side if you put your delusions above the survival of whites. Again, go neck yourself and join the 43% club. You will never "reassign" your chromosomes, you will forever and always be the sex you were born.

Well you forget that faggots are offensive by design. Being homosexual may be a defect in human procreation, but it's still a natural occurrence and nobody should be targeted for something he has no influence in. BUT a faggot on the other hand abuses his sexuality to create a character for the outside world, which is offensive to others and also insulting to homosexuality.

Don't put words into my mouth, you filth.

You are a degenerate fool who has forgotten your origins. There is more to Europe than brutality and war. There is elegance, poetry, and our excellent fashion.

Or are you just a mere chimp? You're pathetic, to be quite honest.

There is only one future for Europe, and that future relies on the masses being on our side. I'll warn you again: If you speak against your own brothers, even if they are gay or transgender, you will make enemies of the masses, and you will never win back Europe from the hoards.

You will make enemies with people who should be your allies, and make allies with people who should be your enemy. There are worse things than the occasional 2% faggot.

Your post is also riddled with propaganda and lies, so I'm sure your mind is too clouded to read full paragraphs. You fucking idiot.

DIE YOU FAGGOT! Zig Forums may be ok with you but I know that you are fucking mentally ill trash destroying parasites on humanity and child rapists. You are the agents of death in a normal society.

Yeah well those guys are the biggest pedofile child fuckers there are. Anything but semitic patriarchy which is stuffed to the gills with pedophile child fuckers.

Mental illness, everyone.

Child rape to propagate faggotry and trannyism is not "doing your part", erradicating that shit from existence is us doing our part.
the only trusted male among my wife is myself and a loaded gun pointed at snakes in the grass like you
my wife does not associate with mentally ill freaks, her ukrainian origin literally means you would have repelled her from dating me because she'd associate me with your faggotry. If you weren't mentally ill you'd recognize the fact that normal people are disgusted by you and do not respect you.
yeah you're gods chosen tranny, fucking delusional retard.

That's women's fault for assuming something that could possibly be incorrect. Even then, there's nothing wrong with that. Same thing applies backwards.
They don't want to, because they got traumatized when they were children.
Wrong. You can still get pussy without the need of fags, much better actually.
This is a natural tribal mechanism that lets worthy, kind men who protect the weak and meek breed. Men who are brutish and cruel to their own tribal brothers will be spoken of badly in fag/women gossip.

Have you ever interacted with a woman? Or are you pulling this out of your bleeding ass?
Should've been for the latter, but still suits me anyway.
Homosexuality is not natural, let alone have a "natural" number. Their acceptance lures the youth into their community. Fags may not be able to breed, but they definitely can convince heteros to be fags.
You're such a boring person.

I'm not European but I support ones that actually give a shit about their country.
And you need to be stoned for a reason, of course.
Wrong. There is no need for Fags, not even for this.
Not in my damn lobby.
Unite with gay people so they can fit their tribal role.

NO it is not user. If it was a natural occurance it would have genetically weeded itself out of the genepool already. It is a natural genetic DEAD END. It parasitically clings to heterosexual society via pedophilia which is the main way that it propagates itself in the world. DON'T BE FOOLED, it is not genetic.

Don't listen to him. Humanity has only one enemy. Also ask yourself who benefits from agitating Zig Forums discussions and driving wedges between allies?

Humanity has only one enemy. And it is faggotry.

I assume you're talking about gay parades and that other degenerate filth.

If you want to know how I live, as a transgender person who is on Zig Forums and here happily, I wake up, bring my husband his coffee that I've made him, and if he wants a pancake or a sausage, I'll serve that as well.

He goes to work, and I begin to tidy up the house, while also writing poetry to him, praising his work ethic and intelligence. I honor him, and let him know that he is worthy. I then attend to my own duties, such as checking my stock prices, writing my book, and ensuring that the plants are watered.

I dress modestly, as I am aware of how the townspeople could be offended. I cover my arms and my legs, and ensure that no one will be offended by my existence. And they are not.

I get along fine with the local butcher, and the farmer's market understands that I need the best ingredients because I make the best dinner feasts.

I try my hardest to be the most ideal girl, while maintaining awareness that I am not actually a girl. That isn't to say I won't be flustered if someone is rude to me about it.

Luckily, I live in the sort of small town where it's normal to arm yourself, so politeness is key to a continued existence, but of course, I'll fight first to defend political incorrectness.

Faggots and trannies are not our allies they are literally kike enemies or the victims of the kikes who are mentally damaged by child abuse to repeat the same behaviors because their BRAIN is literally traumatized by pedophilia.

No, the enemies of humanity are not people, they are ideas.

It is dishonor, cowardice, foolishness, and being a traitor. Those elements, and likely more, are the true enemies of humanity.

To attack or assume the worst of your own people is to brandish all of those traits.

This. Every notice how heavily invested ALL SEMITES are in homosexuality and pedophilia. It is embedded in their institutions and their culture. It is endemic in EVERYTHING THEY DO…they are a plague upon this planet. They must be exterminated because they are nothing but parasites.
Are our so called 'leaders' are infested with this sort of vampiric semitic filth.

Attached: homo pedo agenda.jpg (2036x1140 159.83 KB, 480.03K)

The enemies of humanity are ideas? In that case, the idea of homosexual men is the enemy of humanity.

Holy fuck
I've never felt so repulsed by words

Attached: 2759085ac5c50dbd7cd02c66c03db72382bfa387c91e96bc4d3dc3cc151a1749.jpg (543x960, 60.47K)

For them, but no danger to us.

Explain the existence of gay animals in nature.

That's not faggot behavior, tho. Faggots are fanatically extroverted, they are attention whores nearly all the time, creating not only fake personas out of themselves, but alter their voices to get attention. Like, no amount of dick in your ass makes you talk like a eunuch. That's just them being annoying assholes.

However, those facts are not facts. They are lies.

You are believing propaganda. I've even seen this question asked here, anonymously on Zig Forums or /b/ here, "What made you gay?"

The answer is "I've basically always been that way."
If pressed harder: "Nope, never abused."

I'm afraid you're wrong and misguided, and trying to see the conduit between men and women as the enemy, when they are your hope for breeding. Women and fags are friendly towards each other. Every straight woman has a gay friend, and gay people have lots of woman friends.

If you are the enemy to a gay person, the woman will see you as the enemy by proxy, and you will not breed.

If you do not breed then you are the vampire. You are the one pointing at Europeans that profess a common cause, and saying, "Enemy!"

And thus you will die alone. You need to become stronger. You need to take hold of your masculinity. Leave men to do their thing.

You focus on you. Become powerful. Strong of mind, filled with your passion. Find a woman and breed her. That is your job. You are a man, so you must do that. You must find a woman, and make her your true love, and leave me out of it.

If you see a fag: Ignore them or ally with them.

They are not your enemy, unless you make them an enemy. Otherwise, you have a fag like me offering you advice about falling in love with a girl. You hear that elsewhere? No, only poetic French fags talk about love and passion despite having no interest in it.

You need to see the truth here.

Homosexuality, trannies and pedofiles are extremely damaging to boys and men sexually. They 'get off' on power, it isn't even about sex, it is about damaging MEN and LITTLE BOYS destroying them. Because it is a lifestyle of hedonism and orgy it has nothing to offer hetersexual society. They simply suck up resources, bring disease, and damage and main and then just laugh it off after they have horrifically destroyed everything in their path with disease and death.

Attached: 8chan comment why epidemic of prison rapes by niggers.jpg (962x642 12.85 KB, 101.3K)

Animal might engage in a male on male encounter.
When a dog engages in a homosexual dominance display (which is often done without insertion because it is about power not pleasure) he finishes and is done with it.
BTW are you a dog user…that you can't control your behavior anymore than a nigger/chimp? See pict four

Quoting you verbatim is putting words into your mouth now?
Stop projecting faggot
Oh no we won't have the assistance of the mostly leftist less than 1% of the population tranny's! Truly it's a god damn tragedy.
You are not my brother, before we win back europe from the hordes we need to eliminate the traitors. Tranny faggots that abuse kids and turn them into faggots and trannys are traitors. You already exposed yourself, your allegiance lies with whites but only if we're pro mental illness and pro faggotry which statistically hurts our children. You cry emotionally but cannot argue with facts because to do so is to admit I am right.
Most fags are leftist so we're not even losing 1%, being anti faggot does not mean im pro kike or pro nonwhite, fuck off with this complete bullshit.
CDC facts on fag STD's aren't lies or propaganda. Facts on gay parents vs intact biological family are not propaganda or lies. Facts about kids sexually abused by fags typically ending up as fags themselves are not lies or propaganda. Trannyism as a social contagion is not propaganda or a lie, its a fact. Stay butthurt, from both facts and the daily anal pounding from Tyrone.
Hilarious to hear about clouded minds from the literally mentally ill. Quit projecting.

Pigs roll in their own shit. So therefore it is ok for humans too.


Jesus Christ, this fantasy larping is going beyond pederasty level.

Faggot behavior?

All I know is that the people in OP's image, that first image there, with the weird facepaint, is not me.

I am boring, I am modest, I am mundane.

But I would still be targeted. Those images imply that I would be a predator.

I am not a predator, so propaganda that makes me look like a weird clown freak rapist is unwanted.

I do not want people to see me as a clown freak rapist, because I am your typical nearly-libertarian-except-now-that-Europe-is-threatened person. The girl thing is last on my list of priorities.

I am about as boring as it gets, and of course, all the gay or transgender people who are quiet do not get noticed. It is only the most insane, loud-mouthed ones who do such a thing.

So to read posts that would call me a vampire, when the truth is that I only want straight men to date women and have families that continue to tell the glorious tale of Europe?

It is quite depressing. I want Europe and Europeans to win, but not if it means they will come for me right after I've only been on their side the entire time. I'm either on their side, or a bystander at worst. I do not assist the enemy. Instead, I see my European brothers on here getting the nooses tied, and all I can think is that I wonder if I'd be better off as a leftist. For fuck's sake, don't make me become a leftist. You know that's why all the gays are leftist. They get bullied or scared, so they go to the hand that's held out for them.

You must understand that I put my survival above the survival of hostile Europe. But if it comes to true war, then I put the survival of Friendly Europe above my own. I would give my life for my country if my country is truly mine. Truly Europe for the Europeans, including me.

But he's talking about (((feminism))) not females

Learn how white people talk, nigger.

You act like one, and you are one.

Hey you want to sit there and get mad while I mind my own business after you spent over a year calling me a nigger by all means you piece of shit Irish Kike.

I’m not yours. Your people would still be running around in wool skirts and fucking sheep if my ancestors never invaded.


being european doesn't make you one of us

fags get the noose on dort. god's law.

We are all predators you fucking retard. It’s why your eyes are on the front of your face.

Except you are. Hop little faggot, rope time.


You're speaking in bluepills here. You've deviated from objective truth, so you are now completely under control. The story is simple from here: A European saw their country under attack from foreign invaders.

But the European was attacked by another European for some reason.

Europe was renamed Judislam and all hope was lost.

It is the same person. Always attacking our culture. Learn to spot him. He made a really long thread about artificial wombs and faggot trashumanism for European men once. And when I called him out on it and said that it was anti-White or immoral or something he laughed at me and said, "Your too late, the payload has been delivered." So his purpose here is to TEAR DOWN Europeans, TEAR DOWN European Culture, TEAR DOWN European women AND MEN, and introduce DISGUSTING FUCKING FILTH as a substitute.
Who do you think feminists are in Europe.
They aren't Europeans at all. This is a kike agenda to destroy our people and then provide MGTOW and FAGGOTRY for men and LESBIANISM and FEMINISM for women.
But it is all the same fucking program. D&C.
Tearing down Europeans and European society and replacing it WITH THEIR OWN DISGUSTING IMAGE.

Found the Jew