Are you naive or just retarded? Are you on Zig Forums to have petty arguments, or do you want to discuss solutions? I'm only interested in final solutions, and the final solution to the gay problem is to integrate them into the tribe as go-betweens for women and men.
Men cannot talk to women without a woman suspecting he just wants to get laid, and women are too meek to talk to strong, straight men. Only fags can talk to women as equals, and so if you reject the fag, you will lose your chance at their supply of women. Women trust fags, because fags don't hit on them.
This is a natural tribal mechanism that lets worthy, kind men who protect the weak and meek breed. Men who are brutish and cruel to their own tribal brothers will be spoken of badly in fag/women gossip.
This is more important now than ever, with our small-community relations destroyed by big cities and online dating.
Beyond just that, the fact remains that normies who do not take extreme views in either direction will obviously tend towards the view that lets them be at peace with their neighbors and surrounding community.
As for the tranny that slipped pills into people's coffees? Hanging is not enough.
But they are hanged for their crime of putting drugs in people's drink, not for being a tranny. Do you see now? There are mechanisms in place. Fags don't breed, so they don't propagate their numbers more than is natural.
The only remaining issue is eliminating media support, while keeping the media silent in both directions. That means no killing and no bullying. It is too easily reported, and will always make you look like the brutal chimp. Don't chimp out. You are a European, and that means you gotta deal with your femme Frenchies, and your girly Swedish men, as well as girly nerds who make up your intellectual class.
Newton was a virgin for a reason, of course.
There must be a balance here, and that balance will allow fags to be fags, but not spread their faggotry to the rest of us, and more than that, the fag will benefit the tribe by uniting men and women in a way that we cannot do ourselves due to our natural instincts.
If you can understand this, then there can be both peace and prosperity.
Otherwise, you will need to deal with a recurring enemy who cannot be stopped because only men and women who have families with children spawn fags.
The two points here are clear:
Unite with gay people so they can fit their tribal role.
End the trendiness of being LGBT that the media is creating.