Obama knew about the china spy chip



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The story is in Bloomberg. Unarchived link:

1/2 image archive

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You realize anyone whose eaten rice in the last 5 years has one of these stuck to the lining of their colon, right?


It won't archive.

2/2 image archive

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.01 yuan deposited to your account


It was always the Chinese, Russia was a red herring.

I only eat pajeet rice, which is why I have a collection of monstrous parasites clinging to the walls of my intestines instead of ching chong chips

It's not really huge shit unless or until genuine consequences result from it.

Never, ever trust a chinaman.


'sup chinese shill?

Here's the relevant passage.

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See, the White House, in 2014, that was Obama. Obama, even before 2014, was aware of attempts to subvert the supply chain.

Meanwhile, Obama did NOTHING.

AND it tells us both Amazon AND Apple knew, and have not to this day admitted the truth.

Doubtless, Google, who is making the chicom censorship engine "Dragonfly" is equally aware, since they would be using supermicro motherboards in many cases.


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you do cook your rice don't you, american pig?
also american companies are tricking poos into growing their GM crops to save a few rupees so you're probably already full of new and exciting chemicals that aren't even considered to be testing for contamination of foodstuff

We already know Obama was a Chinese *AND* Russian spy, but the question is how did he piss off his Chinese masters during that last period he was in office?

Remember when he was sitting on the tarmac in Beijing and they didn't even have one of those stair-cars to meet the plane, and when he eventually disembarked through a ground level door there was nobody there to meet him?

I looked it up. He left the "ass" of the plane. It was 2016. So apparently they knew, by that time, of the discovery of their spy tools.

It would appear the Chinese were watching live feeds of US drones. There hasn't been a confirmation on that. However, they would have had their hardware implant in line to do it.

Why do you think the US fleet spend so much time at port this years?

Why do you think the US air-force saw so many "Accident" in the last 2 years?


Glad mine only hass pissraeli backdoors because of how old the fucker is.
Shit thread, moshe.


Also interesting.

After all, the Chinese only copy…

Fucking bump. It's nerdy, and it's

Again, pushovers never get respect

Just FYI, Texas and California have good size rice production. My prep stores come from Texas or Cali.
Polite sage for off topic

The wrond eye knows! Shut it down!

Is there anyone who corroborates this story, or is it just the NSA?

Also, anyone who doesn't think their CPU's firmware doesn't have an NSA backdoor…

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Interesting. You forgot the sage. What company do you use? I've been needing to get back to prepping.

This story is so fucking huge, because they said it couldn't be done. Trust your fucking chips, goyim!

This story has many angles. This proves your CPU definitely could have a backdoor, and, as you point out, it would only be an idiot who thinks theirs doesn't.

I'm asking if any company has come out to confirm the hack. Apple seems to deny it.

The article plainly states that none of them admit to it.

I'm hoping that this leads to a sequence of dueling revelations.

< China, pissed at their chip making headlines, reveals Western program
< Western country, pissed China revealed their shit, reveals Chinese shit
< on and on
Until we know all.

What is it with kikes and their belief that guilt only comes with an admission.

Just wait until their stolen jet tech starts falling out of the sky. kek

So why the fuck should I believe any of it?

Because this is exactly how Snowden stuff was revealed.

But you can reserve judgement.

The greater value here is that normies now can be convinced of the risk of trusting hardware.

And that we can point out that Trump, not Obama, did something about it.

Also, their beloved Amazon and Apple didn't even tell them how fucked things were. In other words, they are not transparent companies.

I removed my spy chips using the Over-The-Counter "Obama-Care Home Colonoscopy, Cancerous Tissue Sampling, and Rice Hull Removal" system


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Gee, I don't know. Why don't you explicitly say so and provide evidence?

The same chip is used for the "Presidential Alert System" in every phone device and everybody's upper colon. If Trump really wanted to, he could invoke seizures that would cause everything you ate for the past two weeks fly out of your ass at light speed; butt, he's not that kinda president tho

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It's funny, these gooks go on and on about their huge fucking brains yet it's like comparing an IBMpc jr to a smartphone.

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Unlike you, who are a shill, I don't think there's the least funny thing about this situation.

Maybe you should just fuck back off to leddit.

< minimizing it


I hate chinks almost as much as I hate kikes.

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More like Feinstein and the whole DNC establishment. The Clintons smile with glee at the chance to sell the US off to the chinks.


And we're all chinese jet pilots.

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Somehow Amazon is the only company with enough brains to catch this?-Including all the national security agencies.

Good they caught this. This will only give the U.S. a better bargaining position when we begin to really push China Man's shit in. Fuck the Chinks. Let they make our disposable shit, that creates carcinogenic pollution. We bring all the tech stuff back or to a better ally. It goes ignored that China fucks us every chance they get.

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I laffed

Amazon and Apple can't come out and tell the world "our servers hosting massive amounts of content have been hacked, continue using our services goy". Someone needs to get access to the compromised boards in question and send them to a security specialist to confirm suspicions, the cat's out of the bag now. If it's true the cover-up makes it worse since they're liars and fucked.

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Someone denying this hard that hardware like chips, CPUs and cellphones have backdoors is not an idiot, is just plain evil.

Please fuck off back to half chan, nigger

I said your CPU has a backdoor in my first post. I'm asking for evidence or some kind of confirmation about this specific hack.

It's not easy to hack a computer with a three-pin device. You have to know internal protocols or code for it to work. Honestly, it would be easier (and harder to discover) to hack another chip on the board than to do this.

When your country is the country running the fans to build all of that hardware, getting those specs isn’t that difficult.

So thats why the trade war with national security reason and possibly the new mexico observatory shutdown.
Eletronic voting machines could bet fucked to?
My guess is Trump is preparing for coldwar.
Good, if he can use a non kiked CIA to fuck with commies, globalists, chinks, yuhuuu!

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do you mean "physically"? please fuck off back to 1986 nigger. Todays hack is not even discoverable. A hack of any alphabets goes unnoticed for so long, that they would rather pretend it never happened than admit it

Not if you are targeting military specifically tech by private contractors.

Many (most?) chips on your mobo are made in China, and they all have access to your address space. Why not just modify an existing chip? It doesn't even have to be the southbridge.

Military uses the same Chinese-made shit we all do

Also, this news and happening is defecon 5 tier and more important than anything in this board.
The state of this board is sad, this should be pined and encouraged digging.
And OP is low effort shit, i know.

Being a maganigger you absolutely wouldn't mind setting up shops in pajeetland.

Trump should do what Putin did. Switch back to electrical typewriters.

White people don't know how to make their own motherboards, whether its for a comp or a phone. Whitey's brain cannot encompass this concept

I just got here from 4chan lol

Most of hardware were designed by white people in western companies. The chinese industries are for mass production of electronics, not design.

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plebbitor detected. That is literally how you spell the word. Even if it wasn't, you would still be a giant faggot. Read a fucking book.

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Mmm, if that is true you got me, always thought the contrary, oh well.
Defecon 1.

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While this is true, there are a lot of Chinese-designed chips on your mobo that can be hacked like your Ra-link wifi chip or whatever. They're all on the same bus

Yet another benefit to the Keto diet!

You think those things survive people cooking thier rice?
That shit gets wet and hot, and the chinks aren't known for making durable products

post this elsewhere for those that understand the mechanics. they understand how to move offensive, from offensive to defensive back to offensive

Could be implants in everything these days, not just server and infrastructure stuff. Another danger is that various management engines and other hardware backdoors could be discovered and exploited. Positive Technologies, a Russian security research group, has made significant headway against Intel in this field, and that's just what they're telling us. Could be they keep some of their discoveries under the rose.

USA is pathetic.

That kid need to step it out

I feel like Israeli CPUs can do more harm

friendly reminder niggers




Reminder every chink deserves rope

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get fucked

Holy fuck, my personal server is using a Supermicro board. There's not a lot of players in the server motherboard business; if they're planting these chips on all consumer-level devices, the Chinese have an unbelievably wide attack surface.


This is infinitely more important than the wall.

Of course he knew.

Zig Forums, do we all remember (((who))) can access all Intel processors?

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The only modern CPUS that are secure and open source are the IBM power(x) CPU's. look up the talos secure workstation. This is a enterprise grade machine and will cost around 2k for the base version. You will need to use linux as a OS.

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Isn't x86 just an instruction set? Why do you need special hardware to implement it? Can you link to more information on this? When I search, I get results about the rosenbridge vector, but that's not an issue with current CPUs.

I don't know how much AMD is controlled opposition so that's why I only use WhitePowerPC browsing 8ch on a linux PS3 right now because its the same instruction set design paradigm as SS programmers used in locating jews within in all their records back then. There's a reason why (((Intel))) forced all consumer PowerPC products off the market, they're machines with no microcode just like back then. Jews ran big anti-PPC campaigns in the early 2000s following 9/11 and by the latter 00s all companies which had vested interests in RISC and PPC switched to Intel and ARM. ARM while RISC has always used microcode which is the bigger problem, CISC just means the chip manufacturer can convince you that microcode is required in the CPU for optimization reasons but RISC with microcode makes no sense since an instruction of that sort should be easily implemented and faster with physical logic than any secondary processor standing in the way.

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This issue with modern x86 CPUs isn't the instruction set but the added security chips they have to add inside in order to be allowed to display protected copyrighted content. AMD has a small ARM based CPU built into all their chips that they call the PSP and Intel does the same thing called Management Engine. This sites explains both

Reverse engineering or fixing bugs that are related to copy protection schemes is illegal in the USA thanks to the DMCA. This has been a major issue for the free software world for over 20 years now. Instead of trying to salvage the x86 architecture most people that want computing freedom have given up on it or are using older hardware.

Since POWER isn't intended to be sold to consumers it doesn't have any of this security built in and all of the code that runs on it is open for inspection. The CPUs are also built in the USA and so are some motherboards(the ones from Raptor computers are) which mitigates the issue of foreign backdoors being built in. The small amount of POWER users means that hardware and software compatibility is terrible, unless you're an advanced GNU/Linux user that builds and compiles his own kernel you're going to have a though time using it. On >>>Zig Forums there people that use POWER/PPC but it's probably less than 1%. It's also very expensive compared to x86 unless you're building a powerful computer or using older hardware.

Reminder that anyone using the word "chicom" on this board is a paid shill. US military is trying to start a new cold war with China so they can keep their military industrial complex scam running. Real Zig Forumsacks use the terms "chink" or "soulless asiatic bug" or "subhuman chinaman."

Reminder that anyone using the word "chicom" on this board is a paid shill. US military is trying to start a new cold war with China so they can keep their military industrial complex scam running. Real Zig Forumsacks use the terms "chink" or "soulless asiatic bug" or "subhuman chinaman."

I'm not against their economy exploding.

Obviously the intent is to continue propping up their economy too

Wearing that color means you want to be in it.

This guy. Works for intel agencies, cries about the military.

I'll let you figure out how you just revealed to all of us you're not only a newfag but also a teenager. Lurk for two years.

"Chicom" is a term used exclusively by old military fags because they are stuck in cold war paradigm. They think in terms capitalism vs communism rather than in terms of race.

That's a Chinese agent.
