Time magazine cover: Dr Ford's message

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They're going to look pretty stupid when she's convicted of perjury.

Forehead should say "indelible in the hippocampus"



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Looks the like the cover of a 60's album you'd listen to while on an acid trip.
As soon as this whole bullshit circus backfires and/or proves unfruitful, the dems will do their best memory-hole it and pretend it never happened.

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fpbp, came to post this, but the media will try to play her perjury trial as that evil Drumpf trying to get revenge which will anger even more people and alienate them from the news media

all according to the plan

Never forget.

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Trump will stand back and make the senate do it. They have to, their hand has been forced. Everyone knows that if they don't throw this cunt and her lawyers in prison no one will ever be confirmed again.


Eat well for a few days and then go back to training. Not everyone has an inefficient body

…Wow…This is Powerful

Their own psychology rats them out. They literally are presenting her as mentally unfit.

It's missing her fear of flight. You know, the one tthat makes her freak the hell out that she couldn't originally show up in front of congress members, other than the vacations across the Pacific and elsewhere that required flying that she was perfectly happy with.

This is actually a glorious gift to us. This gives us a chance to demonstrate how liars are. How they come in at our vulnerable points. How they pathologically lie, and in public even. How they fool many, easily, by telling them what they want to know.

Oh my how hard times will be over this for the dems.

Because we now know 100% she lied.

We know she was a dog, and never became attractive. She was always an ugly fucker who was kicked out of parties for being a four-eyed ugly loser.

She's the sort of woman that would drug and rape a guy to get pregnant, then accuse him of rape if it comes to light.

herself. She Cosby'd herself. I guarantee it.

At the very least drank to be a drunken slut.

She was a dog. Nobody would fuck that ugly dog.

Hence the drugging mentioned earlier, the alcohol is there to rationalize it in her mind that she's not a slut, just drunk.

I look forward to her being dismantled, in public view. This shall be delicious vengeance.

They'll have a bit of work to do to make a dent.

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If only all sluts and whores wore red A's.

Daily Reminder
When somenoe who is not in-the-know says something that is a paraphrasing of a Hitler quote, be sure to point out to them that it is, in as-supportive a manner as you can.

My father basically quoted Hitler as to this quote the other night, I laughed and said I agreed, then noted that what he said was basically a direct paraphrase of Hitler's sentiment here, then read him the quote, and he had to nod and agree, while expressing a degree of awe that A) Hitler said that and B) Hitler was right.

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It all theater. You call leftists retards when you also fall for everything. They control every single action you take, you are an essential part of their scheme, and you prevent actual solutions from coming about because opinion one haver and opinion two haver screech every time somebody gives information that conflicts with their world view. Kill yourself
100% of people who comment on the scripted story of the week have none of the facts in front of them to make a legally correct conclusion. I'm not talking about the fixed legal system, I'm talking if you looked at things from an unbiased perspective and did a thorough investigation instead of going CONSPIRACY THEORIST or LIBTARD when you were wrong about something. Thanks for making me repeat this info for the 6 trillionth time. You really care about people.

True but it's also unavoidable. It's another collection into the insane leftist mind, this whole debacle has secured the democrat party as the party of freaks and crazies. Someone post that free bleeder freak again.

Thanks for stopping by Zig Forums. Try not to kill yourself. Or don't, nobody cares.

So you sucking dick is (((their))) fault? Who knew we'd finally agree on something.

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Leftists are retards.
No man makes it 52 years on this planet without a single incidence or accusation of sexual misconduct after having nearly raped a girl in high school.
The narrative the disgusting sabbateans want us to believe does not add up. You don't go in, guns blazing, into a rape situation then just go 36 years without a single other incident.
Trump chose Kav for this exact reason. He knew he was as squeeky clean as it gets and he knew the dipshit lefties would take the bait.

If I have to serve a master, it better be a smart mother fucker and given the failure of the left to realize they're being played, I hope they get fried by the trump jews.

Magazine now available in glow nigger edition.

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Ugliest fucking cover yet.

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You just gave them something they would be proud to hang in their drug dens.

If you say so. Anything to make life easier for the DOJ's helicopter ride pickup service.

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Crowder interviewed several women attending Uni, and confirmed that while there is no empirical evidence, College 'Rape Culture' is not only "real", butt is as simple as staring at a woman too long

What matters in all of this is not the accuser, nor the accused, nor left vs right, or D vs R, nor the media circus, nor the controlled puppets in the senate, or the little scripted show graham put on, or the dick sucking the dems did for ford, and not even the "emotional" testimony of kav. None of that, not one fucking iota of it matters in the end.

What DOES matter, is the consequences of those words, and more specifically the impact it has on the actual people and what actions they take as a direct result of this shit show.

To be more specific we'll start with the leftists, the intentions and ideology the left put forward during all of this, which their followers have unrelentingly echoed and praised and are seriously taking to heart and starting at the ground level with, is what is important. Guilty until prov… guilty until GUILTY, that is the ideology the puppets in the senate put into play here, at a fucking governmental level they condemned a man and told the entire nation he was guilty and they believed his accuser without a single shred of evidence, and by extension there was literally nothing he could do, say, or show (and this proved to be true during the last hearing on friday) that would ever change their minds, and in fact the stronger he rejected their claims and any evidence he gave them that refuted it was only twisted into FURTHERING their assertion that he was guilty.

I mean, consider the cunts on "the view," goldberg in response to one of trumps kids (junior I think) saying he was worried about the nation his kids, specifically his boys, would be growing up in because of this, she said that you only think/worry about that if your kids have those tendencies (ie: you only fear this if your kids are rapists themselves)… his eldest son isnt even 10 IIRC, and the left has condemned him as a potential rapist, the boy cant even bust a nut and the left has labeled him a rapist in training already, asserted he is guilty by default, and all its going to require is some cunt to sneak in close, accuse him, and thats it, his life will be ruined because he will be guilty by default as per the senate condoning that mentality.

Meanwhile the right, refused to grow balls, they continued to echo that ford sounded credible despite the constant holes in her memory and story, despite no witnesses supporting her, NOTHING was in her favor. They continue to assert "something" happened to her, because they're all to afraid to say "I dont believe a single word she said, I think she is lying, I think shes making it all up and looking for five minutes of fame or some other benefit to which I am not presently aware, because people who lie do so to gain in some way even if that way is not always readily apparent to everyone, etc." And

THAT mentality is ALSO echoing downward. The right, in public, is GENERALLY not speaking up and calling her a lying whore like she is. Some are, most arent. Why arent they? Because they've been conditioned, by propaganda and their puppeted leaders, to simply accept any claims made against a person as "credible in some way," to believe that women dont lie about rape, and to not look further into the possible motivations behind an accusation. They're caving in to the left, again, and trying to appease them. This sentiment that you can win these people over in some way continues to propagate downward, stemming the backlash of those on the right, because they continue to believe the left can be salvaged rather than accepting that these people are fucked in the head, are liars, are schemers, and NOTHING you do short of killing yourself and giving them total power, will EVER be good enough for them. So theres no point in trying to win them over, the only solution is violence when its time comes… but the puppeted leaders on the right continue to delay this by refusing to have balls, so their followers wont either.

Those are the important messages being sent down to the respective sides. The left is emboldened to keep attacking, the right is pacified and kept cucked and useless. THAT is what all this amounted to. Doesnt matter if kav gets approved or not, doesnt matter if the cunt lied or not. What matters is how the events of the last week will shape society going forward.. and its not a pretty shape

A lot of truth in your words.


When you have a position you have responsibilities

the cosby thing blows my mind. girls knowingly get free drugs and get to spend time with a celebrity, then cry foul 40 years later and people actually take them seriously.

Faggot probably did digitally and had the fucking computer do it for him. Mine is much more powerful and indicative of what happened.

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Trump went to a rally in Mississippi and mocked the shit out of that bitch, and the crowd cheered. The left shed their skins during a midterm election and reminded everyone that feminism is a gross ideology for insane, ugly, lying whores. Take you tldr blackpill and shove it up your butthole, chaim.


It looks like (((Andy Dick))) and (((Dana Carvey))) fucked (((Amy Schumer)))

This is our sacred hatred. It's what propels us forward, day by day. It's why we work, it's why we labor. It's also why we engage in special projects. My own, a certain "snowden-proofing," and also to learn Hebrew.

Partially corrected for accuracy.

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So… jews.

Tell me more about the before-times grandpa! Did the pleasant glow of the NBC Nightly News fill your mind with wonder too?

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Suddenly Republicans are the cool jocks who get plastered and get str8 A's.

The media is going to either go ape shit or give it the silent treatment. They already have 0 credibility that's why it's so funny when they just up and declare her credible without anything to corrobarate it.

Aww, that's so inspiring. :^)
Here Zig Forums, I made one too!

I can't believe this faggot is talking like a word cloud is something artistic or amazing in 2018, where does Time find these losers?

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Her face is worse in word form. These loons have an obsession with being at the forefront of radical 'moments in history'.

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for better or worse, the entire episode continues to force the leftarded cunts to out themselves

bretty good user.

That's pretty fucking good, user.

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Cool reindition of ancient meme.


I'm in an intro graphic arts class and this is literally my next assignment. This hack probably was paid pretty well for this uninspired trash.

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Fuckin' ditto

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He's a real piece of shit. Did you see how he looked like Darth Vader, being Kavanaugh?

Unrelated, but incredibly important, if intrusive:

her whole bullshit was orchestrated by (((rats))) which means they are worried about a right winger fucking up the kill whitey agenda.

All jews must die.

These ppl need to be put on display and hanged.

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As do… the bug people:


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I don't get it, the U.S. gets different covers from the rest of the world. So what? It's propaganda.

Need a new Kavanaugh (Ford) Thread.
Possible Titles;
Soros-Funded MoveOn Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C., Preps ‘Emergency Campaign’ to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

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Stop touching my pussy caffeine-a-thon

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>"The J*ws are still completely in control goyim!!!! This is all according to our their plan!!!!! STOP FUCKING CELEBRATING AND MAKING FUN OF US THEM STUPID FUCKERS SHUT UP REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It makes me so happy seeing these mindless NPC bugmen to be so demoralized and desperate.

I demand nothing short of mass suicides.

More like they don't want to be screeched at by the mindless cuck drones and have their lives ruined just for stating an opinion based on rational thought.

Reported for anti-h'white (making fun of a beautiful Irish woman)

An old washed up bitch lying her brains out. Such momentous, much history. Wow.

You might be on to something. Reposting this stuff here from the original trial thread.

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This chick is no Anita Hill. She is screwed. In ten months who will give a shit about Ford or Time?

Time to die

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Amy Schumer was at the protests.

if she was arrested then all you need to do is prove where ford is right now.


Tell Ford that Amy gets early release if they do a photo op together.

The pic is so fucking trashy I will consider it modern art.

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These people have completely lost any self awareness they ever had.

Jews just can't help themselves, can they? I guess there's only one solution to our little aesthetic problem.

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She's a lying opportunistic cunt, that's her "legacy".

This whole "believe women" thing needs to be exposed for the actual chaos it can create in their "progressive" society.

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signal amplify

Lefties are so fucking dumb.

This is the depths we need to go I guess. We need to defend the nigger perspective of them being "unjustly" targeted by whites to undermine the notion that whores can't be lying rats.

What if Schumer and Ford are mysterious clones of each other?


It's twisted, isn't it?

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If the left was winning there wouldn't be so much salt piling up on the streets.

I've done that.
Feels good, man.

They want that chaos because in their mind it will be whites hanging off trees.