Libtards storm Senate building, Amy Schumer among those arrested

According to a release from the Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy, the protest was to be held as US senators and key staff review the FBI's supplemental report on Kavanaugh and allegations of sexual misconduct made against him.

By the time protests got underway it was clear that GOP senators felt confident Kavanaugh's confirmation was all but guaranteed.

Attached: amyarrested.mp4 (360x640, 1.97M)

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I'd better hear a SPECTACULAR explanation for how attempting to conduct a coup isn't high treason, and why this bitch and all of her friends shouldn't be hanged.

Sorry for redditspacing in OP. Didn't format correctly when I copy/pasted. Here are some more pictures of the salt overflowing in DC

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Probably a good thing none of the accusations are credible then, what with there being no evidence and every named witness saying it never happened.

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>Amy (((Schumer))) arrested
That'll do pig. That'll do.

bumping for salt

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How bad do you guys reckon the shitlib chimpout will be when Kavanaugh gets confirmed?
I don’t even like him, and I just want to see the fire rise.

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Where is Pinochet when you need him.

oh look it's (((woody allen)))

It'll do, but I would rather she resisted and caught bullets.

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Well Chuck Schumer did lead this whole shitfest. You can expect his ratlings to show up.

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linda sarsour is there i see

I wonder (((((((((((WHO)))))))))) paid for all those shirts. Someone did


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Its actually amazing how quickly the public's perception of Jews changed.
Jews have been the most hated race on Earth for thousands of years and now Americans applaud and cheer them for being Jewish.

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That's an unfair comparison for Miss Piggy, a cuter girl than the other.

Oh, hey Linda Sarsour. Why aren't you with your mentor Siraj Wahhaj Sr., accomplice of the '93 WTC bombing; and daddy to Siraj Wahhaj Jr. who ran a Muslim compound in New Mexico, who's disappeared.

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Using people in wheel chairs as human shields is a subhuman tactic. Are they even disabled?

Believe what? They were fucked into wheelchairs?

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Not for another 40 years at least.

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Totally organic, goyim! Listen and Believe!

You ever consider how some of the most famous racially motivated lynchings were the direct result of "believing women" who were assaulted by non-whites? Would be awfully humorous to play that against these people

Chuck's niece was arrested? Good

It's fake. Most people still hate jews deep inside.

It can turn around again just as quickly, and kikes like her making it obvious which side all kikes are on is actually a great aid in making that happen. You won't find many people angrier than me that she got any applause at all, talentless hooknosed sow she is, but there is a silver lining to her blatant declaration of kikery. Don't click on these unless you want to puke.

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Now it isn't, pigkike

Well man just look at the pics in
not really a coup this is just pathetic liberals doing their astroturfed campaign

one is a tranny. they put their 'most oppressed' out front.

"manipulators often play the victim role"

She doesn't look anything like Chuckles, maybe she was adopted.

We shall mail Pig memes directly to her $12 million penthouse over and over and over until she finally moves out of America like she fucking said she would in 2016

Have it sent to her via the jail. The staff gets to go through it all first.

All giving the black power salute.

I'd bet on Cuck Schumer first.

Good for them for actually making some noise and doing some sort of a protest. I mean, fuck them and all that, I hate them and wish them the worst, but they're doing a lot more than gun owners will do over Trump's bump stock ban that's coming up.

Keep it in the other thread, moshe

huh? That's my first time writing this, nigger.

And nobody will be prosecuted to any significant degree.

What's green and Smells like pork? Kermit's finger, and we all know where it's been.

Where are the women?

I wonder how often Brett stops to ask himself what the fuck is happening to him.

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Their orbiters let them have the day off.

Women don't lie about that user.

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This. If she is out of jail already there is always her home to send them to. I wonder if theres any good memes of Miss Piggy behind bars, or in jail. Or wearing an orange prison suit.

Chuck Schumer is her first cousin. And they're Jewish so hes probably her father and boyfriend as well

It's the holocaust meme. I am sure there are other things but that's really the big one. Which is why as more and more people get disinterested in listening to these kikes whine and complain about the (((600 gorillian))) they lose more and more of their power over White minds.

So all we really have to do is get Whites to be apathetic towards the holocaust. That would be the biggest win we could hope for short of glassing (((isreal)))

They forgot what white people do with things like math, reason, and critical thinking.

When they were not even allowed to set foot in the court.
Is this audacious kike saying we should cherish lies even if we know they are not true?

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Nice formatting, OP.

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And people should be punished without proof.

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To be fair, I could really do with spreading some punishment around. Being a nigger is proof enough for basically any and all violent crime.

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For what they did to Brett and his family he should do everything he can to make abortion illegal.

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Nigger sheboons resort to abortion the most and it'd be a damn shame if they didn't have the option to abort LaDonquavious the 8th. If the subhumans were all sent back to Apefrica and Spixico, and the USA consisted primarily of actual humans again, then I could buy into that idea.

It's amazing how motivated people get for $11/hr

As was discussed in the exoneration thread, the kikes have created their own personal supervillain in Brett. Even if roe vs wade doesn't fall, he will still do everything in his power to cripple their presence in the legal system.

A clever lad could meme that abortions are y pipo privilege and should legally only be available for big momma tak'sneequa and her brown sistah pacette. Libtards would pounce on this because from their perspective having children is a punishment.

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If a bunch of kids being tricked into slavery and drowning in the ocean can be officially considered a crusade then this can be officially considered treason.

Why do you people act like abortions are this massive problem like it affects you every day? It's a bullshit political circus issue. Any amount of time or energy spent against abortions is stolen from away from fixing real issues like immigration. You abortion autists i swear… is it just because it's a safe boomer topic where you can virtue signal?


you pay above the minimum people give you above the minimum

abortion being legal is good, your pics suck shilltard

kill yourself plebbit

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I like to think he's not retarded and he's able to connect the dots.

You are aware the reason why they're bringing immigrants in is because of the population decline and to fill in the jobs right?

They'd be doing it regardless.

duh, just put contraceptives in KFC

All the way back to the jews?
He would make an useful ally indeed.

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That's some weak gore, newfriend

Lmao at ur life, kiddo

Whether he connects the dots that far back is irrelevant, the amount of jewish arguments they piled on him over the past few weeks is enough to give him a accurate jewdar whether he wants it or not.

Wasn't that nigger Thomas put through a demokike shitstorm himself?
You think he can give the greenhorn some tips?

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Then why are you spending your energy in favor of abortions?

Nowhere near as bad as this but it was a bit rowdy.

abortions do affect people everyday. the implications are infact numerous.

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Which one is Amy Schumer again?

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All I'm saying is that nothing has to be changed except defunding abortion shit that's subsidized with our tax dollars.

Abortion and the degenerate attitudes of the women who receive them are a symptom, not a cause for the ills of our society. Look at single motherhood. Whatever imagined psychological stresses on society you think abortion may cause there are a hundred studies showing how single moms, a phenomena that's increasing at an alarming rate, are raising a generation of feminized drug addled losers. No, that's what we need according to you. More broken homes and broken people with broken childhoods. An actual solution may be removing the welfare state for divorced parents or those who've created bastards so that it's way riskier financially. This will incentivize not only staying together but more importantly seeking a more quality mate.

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The fist is the communist/socialist salute you fucking newfag.

That's a very good point. They push that Emmett Till story here every year, and that is a good example of #BelieveWomen

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kike, shill or sucker?

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They're not sending their best

That lard ass asked to be arrested. Some twatter caught it on video.

Someone in congress in fact already brought up To Kill a Mockingbird during the hearings in that regard.

That calender was the best 'fuck you' to the kikes and their whores I've ever seen. Probably the main reason Trump chose him in the first place. He and Pence both are fucking bullet-proof!

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The left, in one picture.

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So does this mean they'll stop protesting and offer an apology once the FBI confirms that Ford is full of shit?

Because it deletes niggers.

So many kikes here.

Check this nigga

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You better start believing in communist takeover's
We're in one.

Civil war soon. Second revolution to end the jewish occupation of America once and for all.

Wait, Amy Scumer's arrested?

People need to go check on that Ford woman, if she's out there or she's in jail?