The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.) -

The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.) -

A lot of this may seem obvious to seasoned anons, but we've hit peak exposure, and newfags are at an all-time high. We need to teach these retards how to filter shills on sight, instead of emotionally lashing out and earning some nigger in Tel Aviv his 0.5 shekels. If you notice any of the following quirks in a poster's language, they're an outsider, and you should filter them. You can also announce that you're filtering them by copy-pasting their ID number (not quoting—remember shekels). This will encourage other anons to filter, severely limiting their power, and forcing them to either give up or hop IPs.

This is a very contentious example, because shills love to claim that they "have always typed this way" and that "it's only natural that you put space for readability". It's also very likely not exclusive to Reddit. Let's look at the "paragraph" argument first.

This is bullshit. These low-IQ mouthbreathers don't even know what a paragraph is. A paragraph starts with a sentence that sets the tone for the rest of the thought, and then expands on that thought through the following two or more sentences. If someone shotgun fires one sentence after the other, with a space inbetween each line, they're likely a retarded, shitskinned nigger, and you should filter.

The actual name 'reddit spacing' likely came about because of pic related, and the way that Reddit internally formats their posts. While I don't doubt that we get tons of redditors washing up on our shores every day, I have to insist that it's also largely an IQ issue. Remember, tons of kids graduate high school every year who literally do not know how to construct a proper paragraph. And I'm talking over a decade ago—who knows how bad it is today. You would think that the kind of person that could even find this place would've dropped habits like that years ago, but I guess we're too infamous now.

I've also heard the argument here that 'reddit spacing' could be attributed to boomers, and not necessarily subhuman shitskins. While this sounds like a kike argument, it does have its merit—boomers are incredibly stupid. They've been out of education for over two decades, and they haven't honed their language on the internet as the younger generations have. There's a very real chance that "reddit spacers" are actually just your retarded old dad who types with his index fingers.

This is the holy grail of the communist ad-hom repertoire. They're literally using Soviet tactics against you—look up the term 'sluggish schizophrenia'. It's also ironic, and is probably projection by the kikes, because they are by far the most genetically predisposed to the disorder. Any time someone accuses you of having mental illness?specifically schizophrenia?for no real reason, they are a hardcore communist. DO NOT respond to them.

This is a communist attempt at cultural appropriation. The chans, starting with 2, have always been Japanese culture boards. If someone finds your appreciation of the culture "weird" or "creepy," they are a low-IQ normalfag who doesn't understand that their favorite culture is run by child-fucking goblins. Anyone who asserts that anime is not part and parcel with board culture is an obvious outsider. Also note that kikes like to call anime, "Chinese cartoons" in an attempt to infantalize it.

Aside from the obvious fact that many anons here are not those, the opposition loves to use this ad-hom to pit women against us. Obviously, women are led by feelings?not logic?so the kikes choose to prey on that and tap into their "thinking." If they can get our 'better half' to hate us and think we're "basement-dwelling virgins," they've won without firing a single shot. Needless to say, the argument has no weight here, and it's an instant filter.

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Insincere flattery—the main survival tactic of the kike. When they approach a given target, the first thing they do after crying about the six gorillion is to prostrate themselves and become sycophantic. Of course, they plan to reverse these roles as time goes by and make you the sycophant, but this is just the beginning. They will worm their way into your good graces by pretending to think like you, and to have the same values as you. Then, when you think you've made a true friend, they will already be plotting on how to take advantage of you.

This is something that I've noticed Sam Hyde pull a lot, and I think it's one of the main reasons he has the cult of personality that he does. The way he communicates with fans gives off this incredibly saccharine, insincere vibe.

A corruption of "my man." Also an example of being overly ingratiating. Someone else pointed this out in another thread, and I found it very important—there is a concerted effort by the communists to take away the word 'man'. Presumably because they want to make an amorphous, genderless blob out of the populous, but who's to say? Anyway, if someone says anything other than "my man" or "my nigger"—no, NOT "nigga"—filter them.

There's a time and place for casual, more conversational typing, and that's among contacts on your phone or buddy list. There's a reason that TPTB want a smartphone in the hands of literally everyone including penniless niggers, and it's because they want to portion your attention span into small chunks, and degrade your ability to communicate. It's really not fucking hard to capitalize the first word of a sentence, and to use proper punctuation and paragraphs, but if you ignore that enough, it becomes habitual. And don't even get me started on spellcheck/auto-correct—that's literally giving free brain real estate to your phone.

Unlike other things I've mentioned, I wouldn't advise immediately filtering someone for this because again, it's habitual. Do try to encourage other anons to drop the habit, though.

There is literally no reason to ever use these. They make you look like a buffoon, whose thoughts just sort of trail off instead of ending definitively. I mean seriously, their actual intended use is for the omission of data. This is almost exclusively the domain of children, women, and faggots, and is almost always backed up with some nigger-tier grammar. You can really tell when someone mentally hasn't moved on from high school IM/text speak if they just casually throw ellipses everywhere.

There is also literally no reason to ever use these. Trump does it as a subtle troll, because he is a master of language. What it does is essentially infantilizes the conversation. Women frequently use them because they are infants in adult bodies, as well as shitskins—often Pajeets—because brown men are the most effeminate in the world. Essentially, using exclamations means you're either a faggot, a woman, or the top Twitter troll on the planet.

Speaking of Trump, the commies have an overwhelming, almost cultish hatred for him, and they very clearly want us to share in it. They invented these nicknames because they love to ascribe all sorts of jewish kowtowing to him—which is meaningless horseshit—because anyone with a brain knows that the president of the US is automatically playing second string to Israel. There's no secret to this—he literally has to play ball with them right now if he wants to get anything done.

What Trump HAS done is shift the Overton window dramatically, and has basically made it normalfag-approved to call out pedophile kikes in Hollywood and the like. This is extremely dangerous in the hands of the goyim, and that's why the establishment is throwing their entire weight at him right now. Too bad we have another four years to go, and a whole fresh can of whoopass to open.


the dumb-asses dissing Tor posters, they are probably paid

Look, I caught a jew immediately.

Aren't you doing it?


Quality post thanks OP.

first of all, stop spoon-feeding noob trash, lurking the required 2 years allows a faggot to navigate the site. second of all:
go fuck yourself faggot. muh overton window is retarded and useless.

This is one angry jew.


i had heard tor was compromised
and now i know

Keeping imageboards linguistics a secret was great, until everyone forgot to kick the out the newfags, and topics were drowned in shill noise to data ratio. I don't know what the answer is, but right now the shills are loud as fuck, even though they stick out so clearly.

Dont engage shills, FILTER, know how to sage, and drop redpills in slide threads

there are no angry jews right now because T_D cucks arent putting any fucking feet to the fire.

Believe me, I'd love to keep this shit under wraps, but we're in do-or-die mode here.

This got lost in translation.

Did I say that schizophrenia was the holy grail for commies? This might tie for first. TPTB absolutely fucking HATE autists. Autists have the following qualities:

Don't ever think for a second that autists aren't public enemy number one for these NWO types. We are very literally the final boss of the internet. The reason these kikes pump billions into researching/infiltrating us, the reason that 'autist' is now the number one insult on the internet, the reason they are literally shitting their pants trying to understand—it's all because we're autistic.

I've also heard the argument here that the explosion of autism in milennial white boys was likely the result of some CIA/Mossad/Tavistock (GATE) fuckery. Purportedly, they were trying to raise some sort of goyim super scientists to use in their projects, but most of them burned out in public school and ended up disenfranchised NEETs. And here we are today.

In any case, when you have vampires like Kikenwald going on CNN and calling us out wholesale as basement-dwelling virgins, you can tell they're in full-on damage control mode.

The problem with specifying all of those things is that they could be stated by a regular (albeit retarded and newfag) user, not necessarily a paid shill - that's why genuine shilling is so hard to detect, because it's often plausible deniability. Yes, you can say "FOUND THE SHILL!" and call it a day, but you'll never know. Witch hunting for shills just ends up with the board spiraling into retardation (see: kampfy banning anyone who disagreed with him, then claiming they're a shill).

The real definitive shit to watch out for are procedural threads. Not regular or sensibly repeated threads (IE: Generals), but mindless shitflinging like "Why are Americans so retarded?" or other threads that contribute nothing. Pics related is a good example of this kind of shitposting. Some of it's started/maintained by bored trolls, but it's a lot more likely they're specifically paid shills here on Zig Forums.

The thing about shills is that just ignoring them doesn't actually help. When you ignore them and don't post in shill threads, they still get bumped. Innocent (albeit newfag) anons will take them to actually be "board culture" - especially the well poisoning types of threads that masquerade as "our" type of content (see: MGTOW, or other reddit-tier bullshit). The lack of counter-presence hardly helps to alleviate the presence of shills. However, you don't need to sperg out and type out an essay every time they shill. The best thing to do is have a ton of images and copypastas to easily dismantle their bullshit. Remember, shills often only use a handful of talking points - making it easier to disseminate counter-points. Furthermore, shills will almost never argue. They know what they're peddling is garbage, so they'll pilpul around your arguments or ignore them entirely. Thus, the best course of action is to drop an easy counter-point that deconstructs the same, tired shit for anons to read. If another user has already done this, support them and move on. Each time this is done, it is imperative you use the "sage" function so as to not bump the thread (ever). Yes, it seems redundant, but the shills are adapting - they know if you ignore them, they can gain in power. They rely on anons sperging out or simply calling them a shill, knowing that it falls off them like rain on a raincoat.

should be your course of action, every time. Unless it's a flat out garbage/shitposting thread (IE: "white bois b jealous of BBC!") - then just report, filter, and move on.

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Don't forget to 六四天安门事件



Funny thing, the shills aren't allowed to read images. Once you realize this is happening everything starts to get really really weird.

My guess, they also can't see your text. I figure it's auto-filtered.

Sure, and all those /x/ and /fringe/ threads aren't being posted here to divert attention away from actual problems at all. Nope, nothing to see here.

You regurgitate talking points of some of the most retarded and recalcitrant elements on this board. What's YOUR agenda?

I don't believe this. You haven't shown me sufficient evidence.

Bot shills, yeah, although I guess that's redundant if they're Chinese.

Are you fucking kidding me, you stupid boomer fuck?

user, are you willing to back up and properly argue those statements?

Wait, so we have to accept Imkampfy posting lolis and Jap degeneracy or we're Communists now? We have to accept people who masturbate to smiley-face badly drawn cartoons as real men?
Not all of us were born in 2001, OP. And chan culture was never a about weebs.

But it is infantile as fuck. You anime fags are the same people who scream about American culture like star trek, batman, or starwars being posted here.

Attached: cia anime pol.jpg (648x905, 113.6K)

(checked, but fuck you)
This is why people hate the jews. They sweep in, poison you, and then tell you that your culture isn't good. Fuck the jews.

Except that's all jewish bullshit, and anyone who follows those fandoms is beyond help.

Can't kick them out if they're allowed by the rules.
Changing the rules. Codemonkey doesn't want that, though. So you know what the answer is.

You won't ever do, so you know what's happening. You think people are actually going to fight back in real life, much less on a fucking imageboard?

This, and your entire post, make me feel less alone. We're a dying breed, user, and the board rules reflect that.

Depends on what you'll accept as arguments. I suspect "Nothing short of a tape recording of Soros telling people to spam /x/ threads".

But, in the spirit of honesty: There are actual real life conspiracies going on right now, directed against the people of the first world. Look at the refugee "crises", look at the war in Syria, look at the shit the Deep State pulls. Yet you will never ever see /x/ faggots bring these up. It's always something so outrageous that it just "happens" to make Zig Forums as a board look like kooks. The more people here spend time discussing muh secret nazi moon bases or how Atlantis was totally real and the origin point of the Aryan race, the less energy is spent on those other conspiracies.

Also, you'll notice that /x/ types never actually want to discuss or argue anything. They don't post here asking for help finding proof or so people can look over their theories and find possible flaws. They do it because they want attention and, more importantly, legitimization via associating with a wider audience. They are in essence no better than the trannies that reaffirm each other about how cutting your dick off is a good thing. This is true of every crazy political minoritiy by the way - They only ever care about themselves and being affirmed in their behavior.

Congrats on being a fucking retard. The point isn't that Every Single Instance of Anime Posting is imkampfy or some kind of CIA shill; it's that Japanese otaku culture is innately ingrained into chan culture (which you clearly don't know anything about, having come from reddit, you fucking faggot). As a result of it being an innate part of board culture, many niggers false-flagging as "one of us" ("how do you do, fellow anonymouses?") post obnoxious, elitist shit to turn people away from the founding, core parts of our culture. It's literally the same demoralization tactics used on America for the last 50+ fucking years.

Now get the fuck out.

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This is an angry jew who is upset that they're losing their grasp on the goyim.

Redditor confirmed. They all, to a man, say this exact same thing, every single fucking time. Copied and pasted. Identically.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

I just dont get it dude. Are you Japanese? Because it's not your culture.

Explain to me the attraction to badly drawn little girls who look a fucking smiley face? I dont know any weebs. I dont get it. Disney WAS art. Anime looks like shit to me. Ghost in a Shell was boring.
You know what else is chan culture? Pedo shit, Gore, and tranny streaming. That doesn't exuse the dengeracy of it all.
Explain to me what I post above you. I dont get it, man.

Attached: anime face.jpg (474x474, 17.11K)

Nice sensationalist redtexting, you stupid fucking heeb. You lost the culture war, now get prepared to die.

Kill yourself, CIAnigger.

Commit suicide immediately. Thanks for admitting that not only were you wrong, but that what I said is fact. You won't ever do, so you know what's happening.


Then explain it to me. Explain to me the attraction to badly drawn little girls who look a fucking smiley face? I dont know any weebs. I dont get it. Disney WAS art. Anime looks like shit to me.

Attached: american art form.jpg (474x266, 27.95K)

Commit suicide immediately. Thanks for admitting that not only were you wrong, but that what I said is fact. You won't ever do, so you know what's happening.

Notice also how this thread almost immediately devolved into irrelevant off-topic shitflinging. Almost as if somebody has an interest in diverting attention away.

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I'm not explaining shit to a fucking spook. You lost the culture war, and you should literally be killing yourself right now.

So why can't you prove any of your own claims, shlomo?

I notice two things:

1. People asking questions about OPs claims

2. People screaming reddit.

Look at this post
This user was right. Yet they scream at him "boomer!".
OP is right about the "schizo" insult, but it's always done by the (((esoteric))) shill on here who is allowed to post druid/pol/ Crowley BOND goymason shit.


I dont think that's too much to ask.

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Yes, they absolutely are - the thing is, most of the time, those are false flagging shills. The point of those threads is to poison the well of the board - to make us seem like crazy schizos, and thus giving them the ability to call us crazy schizos. This is a tried and true tactic of ideological warfare. Pretend to be your enemy, so that when the time comes to bring them down, you know where their faults lie because you were their faults.

Right. Those aren't "/x/ types", those are shills. Fun fact, about a year (maybe even less) after /x/ was formed on 4chan (it had been around a little while longer on 7chan), it got raided hard by dedicated groups of shitposters. All the tactics were the same that you now see widespread on every other image board - indignant ignorance of board culture, circle-jerking, tripfaggotry, outside organization, well poisoning, repeated procedural threads that contribute to nothing… etc. I'm absolutely convinced there is a literal conspiracy to destroy imageboard culture, and it found its roots in /x/ in early 2008. Whether it's from an alphabet soup agency or just a really dedicated group of bored trolls is beyond me - but they're obviously successful at what they do. I wish I had taken screenshots of this shit when it was happening - had I known what I know now, the pattern would be much more clear.


Why can't they answer me Zig Forums? Why would you masturbate or call these drawings your wifu? Why does thinking that's degenerate make me a Communist?

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Good, I'm glad we're on the same page.
I'm fully aware that "fringe theories" have always been part of Zig Forums but usually you had a at least a few rational people around as well. When was the last time you saw a Space Elevator thread? Hell, when was the last time you saw a thread concerning any science? I remember one about GMO crops and an actual real life farmer coming in and explaining his point of view on all of it, calmly and rationally. This doesn't happen anymore.

Actually, thinking about it, GMO conspiracy theories are regurgitating LEFTIST talking points and yet they are often accepted without complaint around here. "You'll grow a third asshole if you eat GMO!", "It's all done by Big Agro too poison us!"

All right, you need to shut your stupid fucking boomer mouth.

That's because (((esoterics))) took over

I could see you maybe masturbating or "wifu"ing something like this. But I dont understand the smiley face badly drawn anime Japanese girls

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Your question is sound, but conflating this retard with the rest of this board paints you as a shill.

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That looks like either Gil Elvgren or Fritz Wills. Both have made lots of fap worthy work.

Well it's in the fucking OP!

I could fap to it. I couldn't fap to Jap smiley faces. I keep asking for an answer and all I get is rage.

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you see the thing is, we're not japanese. nobody posting here, was ever interested in that part of "chan culture", and could honestly care less if it never was a part of it. if some of you REALLY want to post anime that badly and derail threads and turn them into a complete fucking mess because you just cannot help yourselves, go ahead, make yourself look like a paid shill. but keep it out of shit you use to red pill people, etc… unless you want to completely discredit whatever it is.

I'm the fucking OP, you semitic pile of shit.

Sieg Heil, not often you see Ironmarch OC here.

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Oh boy, a real one! Let's break down how user is being a fucking retard, and possibly even a genuine shill! Remember, the two are virtually indistinguishable - but this is irrelevant, as the approach and deconstruction is the same.

Firstly, let's look at their appeal to familiarity.
Classic manipulation tactic. They will refer to you - or another person who they're arguing with - in a somewhat friendly tone, especially when confronted. The goal here is to create a sense of diffusion of tension, while still inserting their viewpoints. What's telling here, though, is that we don't talk like that. Anyone who's been here even a fucking year knows this.

Then, their arguments to other user's points.

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That doesn't excuse your shitposting. It just makes you look like a fucking retard who is desperate to fit in.

I laid this out in the OP. You stupid fucking decrepit boomers can't fathom that Japan instills better values with their media. You're too fucking invested in this jewish bullshit.


Reported. :^)

literally fucking how. name one "anime" that's so traditional and FUCKING BASTE that more than 1% of Zig Forums actually watches that isn't just soft core porn shit like kill la kill, i fucking dare you.

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jejjed @ that image

Daily reminder you're castrated.

Nah, it's a MIX. It's not purely bot or purely shill. It's bot-shill. They handle it that way. Human-assisted. I'm guessing they detect resistance, or require periodic injection of humanity, to enhance realism.

It's a straight forward question. It's not white culture and anime doesnt' look like a real person.
That's not the point. I asked why you're attracted to foreign badly drawn shit that looks like a smiley face — IT'S THAT SIMPLE. There is plenty of degeneracy in fucking anime. Calling all of Western cartoon art "jewish" is a false equivalency and a real fallacy.
I dont see the difference in those fags you guys. That's why I asked why you like it. You're the one who brought up culture, Ben Shaprio. Stop trying to sound intelligent while ignoring the subject.

It was a straight forward question. You're just avoiding it.

I dont think it's healthy for you to have anime dolls in your house, dude. I'm not trying to "destroy us!".

You're worshiping a foreign culture. OK, fine. But what's the attraction to smiley face badly drawn gook porn?

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I've heard that Legends of the Galactic Heroes discusses politics correctly. Never seen it, though.

Sorry, I'm not imkikey. He's definitely castrated, though. Can YOU provide any evidence for the claims that faggot made, then? You seem quite invested in agreeing with his paid jewish shilling.

Legend of the galactic heroes

You're completely missing the point. You're using a small instance of a rice farmer who takes pleasure in 2D and propping him as a "Zig Forums" figurehead - as if that was the spearhead of this board. Stop talking like a shill who just got done guzzling the cum of ZOG.

yeah that's what i thought. your traditional anime is nonexistent. your thread was actually perfectly fine up until the part where you defended anime, you fucking ruined it.

It's neoteny. It's exploited by all women of all the world, throughout time.

This is a yenta from the JIDF.

That's the only fucking anime Zig Forums weebs will post in defense – every fucking time! That's one cartoon out of millions.
It's like the whole "food variety" in multiculturalism argument.

It's in the fucking OP!!!!

Yeah, OK. I get that. But it doesn't look real. It looks like a smiley face.

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I pretty much agree with you, it's just you learn not to anger the manchildren who enjoy anime because they'll go nuclear on you. I don't really give a shit one way or another about anime I've only seen one or two that were actually mildly interesting, more serious and dark, the rest isn't much different from children's cartoons. I guess
while being infantile it is better than modern western cartoons if a grown man needs to watch children's cartoons for some reason.

WOW, something that doesn't rehash this retarded "style" in pic related. i can't believe it.

literally who?

Attached: eyes-anime.jpg (400x320, 75.67K)

Do you stupid fucking kikes actually think that you're swaying minds here? I mean, you did it with the NPCs, but you're too fucking stupid to affect actual geniuses.

This thread has been bumplocked for being irreparably derailed. In addition, the original thread topic was barely acceptable in the first place.

Definitely not in the side of defending anime but in the 80's the japs tried to be more realistic and manly in their childrens cartoons similar to how it was here. Of course the japs are limited by their racial affliction on how creative they can be unfortunately.

Thank you. It's sad that this was necessary however.

literally no u

The original point, as made in OP, was that shills will try to dismantle chan culture, especially anything regarding anime or Japan. Because they fucking hate Japan. Then you come into this thread (right here , to be exact!) to post shit about "lolis", "Jap degeneracy", "smiley-face badly drawn cartoons", etc, proving OP's point.

Truth is, most people here don't give a shit about anime in some form or another. Either we like it, or liked it, but aren't crazy about it. It's funny, because despite it being a founding, core aspect of *chan culture, it's not even that relevent anymore - yet like the frothing rats you are, you come in to try and shit on it anyway, as though it's some great blow to us to insult something you think we consider sacred.

Typical pilpul. Get the fuck out.

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Doesn't matter if it's in the OP, don't embroil that faggot with the rest of the board users.

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Ghost Stories is also pretty good

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Oh look, it's been anchored. You jews only win by throwing money at information and shutting it down. What a pathetic people.

Which includes brownies.

I dont like all of chan culture and asked you why you fap to smiley faces,

Zig Forums is beyond chan culture. It's not a fucking /b/ or /anime/ culture



I fucking hate the mods they always end up deleting or anchoring threads that have potential, the anime bullshittery would've died out eventually there is only so much that can be said about it.

This is literally how they SHUT IT DOWN. This thread is the prime example of it, really.

I will not stop existing. No matter how hard you cunts try.

mods are weebs. They were offended. Like you guys because I asked why you like SMILEY FACED FOREIGN GIRLS

AND NOBODY COULD ANSWER ME — Had to call me reddit. I was honestly asking.

this thread would have been perfectly fine had anime not been mentioned. OP fucked up, he can't help but spray his asperger juice everywhere.=

There. That right there is how we know you're yet another rat.


again, it's just a loaded question - built off some inane assumption, backed up by circular logic.

Well I'm not a weeb but I don't doubt a mod or multiple are rabid weebs, at least one or more of them are also rabid christian rats that also silence or anchor any religious discussion since the masses usually start shitting on their kike bullshit right away.

I asked once and was attacked! You still cant explain yourself

why can't moe fags just fucking go to /a/ and post their shit there? why do they have to force it down everyone's throat here? it makes no fucking sense.

They seem to really dislike the fact that their favorite asian children's cartoons have all the same art style and are extremely simplistic.

Kill yourself, you rabid jew.

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There's nothing to "explain", though. Here, let me state it much more clearly:
Nobody gives a shit about "smiley faced asian girls". I don't even fap to 2D, so fuck yourself and your retarded assumptions. We're shitting on you for the retarded assumptions and loaded questions.

This is why your people have been thrown out of every fucking country you infest, fuck.