New Books by James Mason

Everyone here is probably well aware of the Atomwaffen Division and their involvement in the occult, but I'm too damn curious about those new books by James Mason.

Has anyone here actually read any of the new books by James Mason? What were they about? Are they worth reading?

Also, pdfs when?

Attached: James_Mason_books.jpg (1811x900, 990.82K)

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Fuck you Satanist pedo faggot. We're not into your shit. And we're not playing into shit that will make normies think "nazis" are pizzagate Jihadis!


I'm genuinely curious about these books and wonder if anyone here has read them, especially with all the controversy surrounded Atomwaffen Division. You're going to tell me Zig Forums isn't the least bit curious about a guy who'd been a member of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party?

At least two of the new James Mason books are about Christian Identity, so the "satanist" argument doesn't really work.

Go back to reddit, TRS, or whatever community you come from where saying "fag" is frowned upon.

You're disingenuous as fuck. You Counterconspiracy faggots are worst than Lefty shills. At least they're honest about what they believe.

I'm not part of Atomwaffen. I enjoyed James Mason's work before Atomwaffen and can see myself liking his books after them.

Sounds like something out of a Wolfenstein video game, and thus I will avoid wasting time learning what the fuck it is.

What is James Mason doing now?

That's true. Satanists, Communists, Zionists, Pedos NEVER try to infiltrate Christianity. That NEVER happens. You're right. What reddit board do you suggest, funny cool fitting in guy?

Attached: christian as fuck.jpg (482x352, 119.07K)

According to Rope Culture's interview with him, he now works as head of security at a local K-Mart:

All these genuine posters…

Can we go one day without two or three deep state shill threads being left up mods? Anchoring isn't deleting. It's sliding

Attached: alt right 2.0 siege neo nazi satanist pedo 2.jpg (455x715, 113.46K)

Fuck off kike. This is a revolutionary natsoc board. Go suck Trump's dick over at Breitbart or daily stormcuck

That's right. It's not a revolutionary synagogue of pedo satanist board.

We're going to hang you (((Siege))) faggots right next to Joe Biden and the rest.

Attached: biden creepy joe 3.jpg (618x482, 45.35K)

Believe it or not, it's entirely possible there are people who are just merely curious about the airfare. Everyone who discusses James Mason isn't a shill, you absolute autist.

Funny coming from a follower of admitted pedophile andrew anglin

He's an alt-right fag from TRS or DS.

Honestly, I don't care to speculate where this retard comes from, but screeching "SHILL", "SATANIST" or any other such drivel is counterproductive.

Fuck off Satanist

Yeah, I dont believe it. Nobody real would want anything to do with gay Satantic douchebags encouraging terrorism for the (((deep State)))

Not a genuine post. Nobody likes you or anglin here.

Not a genuine post. Nobody likes you or alt-kike here.

Whose productive? Not our's. We tell the truth here.

Next they'll call me morphius

Attached: alt right 2.0 siege neo nazi satanist pedo.jpg (1488x1488, 396.79K)

This may be difficult to comprehend, but SIEGE was popular in the days of WN1.0. Tom Metzger, Dr. Pierce and even Alex Linder either actively or tacitly promoted it. Much of it still holds up years later today. SIEGE is a decent read and makes good points.

Sadly, a good share of it didn't win the A/B test when it came out and a good portion of it has not aged great in the age of the Internet. Thus, some of it badly needs to be modernized. Still, I wouldn't quarrel with any of the substance of it.

it's more about organizing whites while America descends into brazil 2.0 so that they can seize power once the federal government can no longer manage itself

Your constant whining about satanism outs you as a disgusting christian rat, so the majority of what you say is irrelevant as your dying kike cult anyways. Do you really think you'll vote your way out of your planned genocide?

Embedded: James Mason essentially fucking you and your "muh satanism" in the ass. For anyone who isn't a christian and has a sense of humor this video is pretty damn funny Mason has a great way with words.

You can fuck off back to TRS too