Sabotaging Dems in midterms

Good old fashioned doorknocking is still one of the most effective methods of boosting turnout for elections. Right now the get out the vote operations for midterms are in full swing for both parties, both prompting people to vote as well as collecting valuable voter data for these PACs to use in the future.

this seems to be the primary one for the Dems

Anything we can do to undermine and sabotage their efforts and compromise their data is going to go a long way to suppressing the Dem vote in the midterms. I urge the master trolls and hackers out there reading this to do their thing.

Anything we can do to repossess funds from any leftist PACs should also take strategic precedence. I think more effort needs to be out into finding ways to repossess kike assets in general, idk why its not discussed here more.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Start using the term Social Terrorists to describe anyone remotely left or sjw like. Use it like the left uses racist or alt-right. Brand them as the bad guys and we'll win

Just put up signs around the neighborhood saying that anyone who votes is subject to random drug testing by the local police.

I don't want to sabotage them or suppress their vote. I'm perfectly happy with letting them do that all by themselves, like they've been doing. Using their tactics lowers me to their level. Thank you, but I'll stick to calling out their bullshit where I see it and using my own voice to try and convince others of the truth.

Any success built on lies is hollow and easily destroyed.

Well, well, well…

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Fuck off leddit.

Hey fellow Zig Forumsacks, I just had an idea! How about we just blow up our local polling stations with suicide vests? That'll keep people afraid to go to the polls!

Got it. Orders understood. This is kinda like how they tried coining and using fake news to describe anything not mass media intelligence insulting tripe. Then it got turned exactly around on them!

If you're writing a news article, put a cap of my post in it too, you fucking yids.

Kek do this in the ghettos
Make it a niggerfied sign that reeks of a woke nigger trying to keep the hood safe from the police oppression
Do it early in the morning right after sunrise while the sun is out to avoid any niggers at all witnessing your community service. After all, true charity is anonymous.

political parties are for bluepilled faggots

Not like they arent doing this to themselves regardless

wtf I hate voting now!

Total war means using every means at our disposal to hinder and thwart the enemy. The time for violence is not yet upon us. Until then, the battle is practical politics.

underage retard or shill
One party lets in less niggers and mexicans than the other. It's that simple. No, flooding white countries with darkies isn't "Accelerationism", it's flooding white countries with darkies.

Fuck off back to leddit, moshe.

knock knock


They do a good job of that themselves

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We need to channel the silent majority just like during the election. We also need to start getting the Hispanic vote. That’s why both me, AND my Mexican-American wife will be registering, along with our 4 kids.

They're targeting white women. All efforts should be at turning white women against their hatred of white women. Start with niggers and white women guilt.

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This poster is a shill. The left vs. right party fight is a bread and circus distraction. This poster just want to silence anyone who acknowledges this with strawmen.

Getting people to vote for politicians who promote things that shift the overton window in National Socialist favor has nothing to do with party politics. Both parties agree that national Socialism is the greatest evil in the world. The parties and their leaders want us gone.

Picking the party that, in your words, "lets in less niggers and mexicans than the other" is simply choosing to lose from the outset. The correct choice is not to support anyone who approves of immigration. It's about the individual politician, not the party.

Good. Make sure you remember that when the bullets start flying your wife and children will be killed and you will be castrated and thanked for your participation. You will receive no further help.

You Commie internet police and your fucking scripts.

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absolute insanity. they can think of nothing else. nothing else. jesus f. christ they are a national security threat.

Hello, shill. I'm not going to argue with you.
Something many anons don't understand is that shill are here from "both side of the isle" as the saying goes.
People wanting you to tow the republican party line because of Trump. People coming here to stir shit purposefully. Feds coming here to try to honeypot anons.
They're all here all trying to influence you in their direction and suppress National Socialism.

Attached: 15141.png (436x716, 348.38K)

Don't bait me.

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This whole thread is full of Democrats looking to say Russians hacked the election or tell you to stop voting against them.


bump :)

lel did you forget to change proxies?
where the fuck did russians come from?
you're a dem shill pretending to be an user!

Don't argue with the shill.
They get more money the more replies oyu give them.

Go vote and then stand near the polling station with signs telling all the people going in to check their (((privilege))). False flag as Jewish stooges and watch them lose.

Do you have anything useful to say besides "don't vote"? It's a bread and circus show after all, so what exactly is the harm in participating in it besides losing an hour every year? But go ahead, divert from my questions by claiming I'm a shill or the same user you were talking to.

Aside from the fact that if you even bothered to read my posts that you should focus on candidates and not party politics?
Was there any point in the entire thread I told people not to vote? That you should vote for National Socialist interests, not the party line and whatever they shit out because they want us gone?
Are you just shitposting?


All the degenerates will move to Canada if we say no now.

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dub dubs checkd

Can confirm. College is a cesspit of pushing agendas onto white women.

Due to the state of this country's political landscape, what many might argue is deeply corrupted (self-incriminated), I no longer consider party when voting. In 2016 and this mid-term (2018) my vote will be cast based on my principles, values, beliefs, ethics, and moral virtues. Whichever candidate produces the result which most closely aligns with these will get my vote.

It so happens that this mid-term will be quite easy, personally I believe every democrat in Congress should be dismissed, for the simple fact their actions to obstruct and resist progress does not serve the people (their constituents).

Currently Democrats in Congress are openly and covertly resisting both the Majority held Republican Congress and the President by means of obstructionism. Obstructing every policy and action, while keeping government impotent for four years. One might posit this Democrat obstruction a conspiracy with the purpose of impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful functions of many departments of the Government. Following this line of reason Congressional Democrats are criminals who should each be charged with "Conspiracy to Defraud the United States". Through deceit, craft and trickery these dishonest Democratic Congressmen are defrauding the United States.

It is not Republicans who are hurt by these unlawful acts, but the American people. At times citizens were vulnerable both fiscally and physically when Democrats significantly delayed the appointments of our Secretary and Undersecretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for international markets, Council of Economic Advisors and many other important positions. Our courts are facing a vacancy crisis never before seen. God forbid you need justice in this country right now, our constitution speaks to due process and protecting us from denial or delay of justice, yet Democrats are impairing American justice, criminal!

With this the backdrop for the coming mid-term election, there is a zero percent chance that I will vote for a Democrat, for the simple reason that it will risk more obstruction, more resistance and more delay of our American story. Each and every one of the Democrat conspirators should be held accountable.

here in WA state they held a presser where the colonel of the national guard admitted that employees from amazon and microsoft are helping "secure" the elections

spead this shit around please, this election is crucial for us and we need all the help we can get

this faggot says that amazon and microsoft are helping with a smirk on his face

The US is almost majority non-white, when will it be the time? Oh thats right, never because of faggots like you.

Yeah fuck those dems fucking our shit god damn dems we need to show those dems whos boss, they're behind it all!

fuck off back to reddit


The Jews may control the republicans, but they can't use those republicans to push for every single thing they want, because if they do the illusion that there are two different parties will break down. The democrats are the preferred candidates because they can more easily push for everything they want. Voting for republicans slows them down.

Also, when white male republicans win it trolls the hell out of leftists, which is a worthy cause in and of itself.

Interesting in how anyone explaining that democracy is a jewish fraud has been deleted leaving all the based NeoCommunist "Vote Republikike goys" posts alone

Anyone know where 8ch/pol/ has gone as it now seems to be redirected to Reddit's The_Donald?

Get the fuck out

Let's not. I don't endorse what the OP is suggesting.
The clear enemy is the Jews, and the Jews control both parties. Still, I think there are good reasons to vote (see my last post).

I'm a natsoc oldfag who has been posting here since the first exodus. The "do not vote" people are largely shills. I haven't seen any of them provide a reason for why voting is bad. It's all one-liners with them. Conversations with them always degenerate into who the real shill is.

So you think the jews were "slowed down" when Bush or the ZOG Emperor's favorite president, Reagan were in?

Thew jews own both parties, and use them to push for different agendas. War with Iran is currently at the top of their list, and the Republikikes would be the best shabbos goyim to make it happen.

If you were really "le natsoc oldfag" you would know we don't capitalize "jew" here, and wouldn't be making that pathetic argument in your previous post.

the midterms will be rigged,

I expect TRiUMPh,

red tsumani

Effective unless faggots want to get used to saying "Speaker Pelosi" and Chairwoman of the (((House Financial Services Committee))) Maxine Waters.

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I think that politics were entirely different back then. The things that the left pushes for and believes in today would be considered "crazy" only a few decades ago. Today, the left is far more openly radical, and that does matter. Even if the Jews control both sides, the platform that a candidate runs on is still important, because the Jews must maintain the illusion of choice. For example, the Jews could force a republican who ran on the platform of being pro-gun to flip around and vote against gun rights, but if they play that card too often the sheeple wake up to what they are doing. That’s why you don’t see all republicans suddenly flip on an issue at the same time. It’s much easier for them to go after guns if they get leftist candidates that are openly against guns rights into office. Voting against their “preferred” candidate slows them down and the clear leftist bias throughout western civilization should make it obvious who their “preferred” candidates are.

Why would republicans be the better choice to make that happen? Hillary was openly for war.
Can you hold a civilized conversation?


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Because the Demokike base is still mostly anti-war. Trumpniggers are the only demographic of voters who support a war with Iran for Israel. Whatever happened to "America First"?

Attached: Trumpniggers Iran.png (684x504, 16.52K)

People like you are what allows the enemy to win. They do what it takes, and you sit in your nigger-trashed country, watching it burn with a sense of superiority. Your vanity is fucking disgusting, and of no value to the rest of us.


Don’t hate the poverty fighter.

The democrat base only really seems to be anti-war when it's the other side that is pushing for war. When Hillary was pushing for war in Syria they had no problem voting for her. Literally all it would take is a “muh Russians” connection to Iran to rally the democrat NPCs against Iran.

Historically the democrat party has been just as guilty of warmongering as the republican party. The Korean war began and was fought under a democrat. It was ended by a republican. The Vietnam war began under a democrat, continued under another democrat and a republican, and was finally ended by a republican. The Persian Gulf war was republican. The Bosnian war and bombing of Serbia happened under a democrat. The so-called war on terror was started by republicans but continued for 8 years under a democrat. The kikes will have their war regardless of who gets in, and I don't support Trump. I think he's a kike puppet like the rest.

You are hallucinating.

We are negotiating with Iran just like we negotiated with North Korea.

Voting dems this midterms
Fuck Trump ZOGniggers

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Jesus Christ, they can't keep no lying to themselves.


KEK. Where was that antiwar sentiment when they were carpet bombing libya. Both parties are prowar and the shitlibs hide it.
Voting R is the path to acceleration because they've convinced their retarded minions that Trump is actually a fascist. Shitlibs had something to hold onto when the muh russia investigations began and considered 2016 a one off. If R's hold both chambers and increase in the senate expect a full out insane asylum across the country.

Faggots like you are why we are still hiding on 8ch and banned from every platform.

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That's nice.

What federal crime did he suggest?

First page was funny. Couldn’t make it to the fourth