Beating Finance Jews at their own game
Lets talk outjewing the jews at investing.
Beating Finance Jews at their own game
Lets talk outjewing the jews at investing.
buy low sell high
buy low sell high
buy high sell sober
buy niggers sell cotton
There are anons who will not agree with me, but Bitcoin is worth holding because the upside is so enormous. I do think (((they))) have been acquiring some and will be obtaining more, but it puts a control on the issuance of money.
If there is momentum behind it, there is no reason why anons shouldn't be riding that wave.
Roth IRA is pretty good I think
America's biggest mistake
Buy crypto, the bottom is in. Seriously don't miss out
buy blow sell high
Get fucked faggot
That's all true but it has become a pump and dump shell of it's true purpose. There are some better coins but if they are not adopted it's an issue.
Just like worthless fiat, it has no value unless accepted for value.
Buy the S&P etf in dollar cost averaging per month
Buy some silver since the price is dirt cheap now. If you can afford it, but platinum since for some crazy reason it's even far lower than gold. Remember to buy it in dollar cost averaging
Save some cash and buy TIPs if you're Murrican.
Lastly, buy a global etf like VT or SWDA
If you like, skip the silver and gold.
Buy and hold and never look at another stock in your life since you own every single one.
WARNING : Buying the S&P means buying Apple, Google and Facebook. If you're adverse to these companies, then don't buy the S&P. Consider buying a global etf or healthcare etf like Vangaurd VHT instead
That's not how it works. Only currencies which have an endless supply (FIAT with the kike practice of printing extra). The reason gold is a good holder of value is because it's scarce.
* Only currencies which have an endless supply (FIAT with the kike practice of printing extra) have value as long as it's accepted.
It's a shame Zig Forums wasn't into crypto earlier on for exactly why you describe. However, a lot of Zig Forumsacks did get into it post-election
It's no different if it's sheckelcoins or bitkikecoin.
They have no value unless accepted.
Go take you cryptogoy and buy a plane ticket at a shop right now…. yeah.. not accepted for value is it now?
It's a natural law that associates anything of perceived value. In the same way gold is useless if I need to eat and no one wants gold for food barter, therefore it's not accepted for value.
Crypto was obvious if you paid attention, but you needed to have the sheckels there and then to invest.
Kek though, was mining BTC when it was viable on GPUs but never got serious into it as the value back then was utter shit. It was more of a curiosity. I think I have a 0.1 or so BTC laying around somewhere..
That said I'm not sad or bitter, instead work and learn in different ways and they are all coming to fruition shortly to get me out of this shitty system.
It can't be counterfeited. That's very, very valuable.
To people who work to create a product worth trading, of course. Not valuable to jews at all.
4.5x Return/20yrs
8.5x Return/2yrs
Yes lack of counterfeiting is valuable but not when one can control more than half the market with careful investment. Only coins with this in mind will be worthy of long term consideration.
Bitcoin is not, it's slow, expensive to transfer and the first step. It's certainly not the solution.
Don't get me wrong I far prefer barter (like NS Germany did) or crypto but we have a while to go before that is a viable alternative.
It's creeping into games now so will be come more mainstream as time goes on. 3rd rally maybe mid next year if this go well..
Simple. Stock up on material things of need (food, supplies), etc in bulk and cheap. Unless you can physical touch it, its worthless. If everything goes south, the kikes will get paid and the investors will get stiffed.
Prep for the worst and dont play their game.
-50% Return/20yrs
I wouldn't hold it iiwy.
Investing isn't jewish, it is European.
The jews just emulate what they can't create. Same for Africans and Chinks. Japanese are Euro-mixed for thousands of years so they have rich culture of honor and creation.
As to beating them.
Develop it and sell it as homestead to European and Persian families.
Use software-like license to restrict resale and control value.
Change real-estate market forever by doing so.
But you should get into the logistics of the industry
t. QC chemist for a medical marijuana operation in a medical state
It's currently ~200-300 USD/oz for high end shit in same weight as what a troy ounce is.
It's the same price as gold you fucking torkike.
It takes 3-4 months from seed to make 1oz of gold.
Bet it costs you 5x as much to mine that shit.
This. Diversify.
That's like entering a casino thinking you can beat the house.
*Fs, same price as gold in 98 figures.
I've been to some places where it's literally worth the current price of gold also though.
What im getting at is market demand, supply and quality/processing is determining the value in that market.
It can be extremely lucrative for some in all areas of the supply chain from agriculture side to processing.
I guess we should buy (((stocks))) and (((real estate))) instead?
how do you not pay $X over spot on silver/gold?
On the off chance this isnt trolling.
There is a very easy way to out jew the jews in any field, be it finance, political manipulation, ect…
We simply work together rather then against one another…
Though I'm sure no one here would get what I mean.
Sure it does, there is value in 24/7 moving money around at way below market fees to anyone on the planet w/o the need to go through government approved intermediaries.
Illegally mine it and smelt it yourself probably.
there is literally nothing wrong in buying land, unless it's for speculating.
play jewish games win jewish prizes
All cannabis stocks except Canopy or Aurora (or even Tilray since I hear Thiel is in on it) are all pink sheets reverse-takeover money laundering operations. Things got so bad they now stop leafs at the US border and deny them entry (moral turpitude) if you're invested in these things (they check your phone).
t. dual citizen cannabis market analyst
Be very careful about the border. They can't keep me out (dual citizenship, thanks mom) but they will hassle you. It's not legal US federally but it will be soon; one of the sticking points of NAFTA was the Canadians wanting to keep it off the table.
Craps are the only game approaching even odds. Don't even think about the slots or card games.
Nope, cant do, commies will come and take your sock drawer too, so impossible. Better to play the jewish capitalist game, where jews have and can print any capital they want.
Impossible, since finance Jews literally create money.
Shitskin detected. Persians will never be White
Don't mindlessly consume things you don't need.
Eat healthy, avoid unhealthy foods (you should know what I'm talking about now). They own the medical system and that's one way they can screw you out of your savings.
Look into trade school instead of college. There is so many reasons for this but it comes down to this: trade jobs are in higher demand now than brain jobs. Too many young kids with STEM degrees fighting over the same jobs, when they could learn a trade and easily get a decent job.
how's the weather in the local synagoge?
neither does US dollar. It's all fiat ; in my very humble opinion, one must invest in land properties and useful materials / tools, with the downside that they will depreciate with time (except land, land is the very best investment possible)
If you niggers insist on your ShekelCoins for fucks sake DON'T FUCKING KEEP THEM ON THE EXCHANGES YOU FUCKING RETARDS.
First we have to crash central banking.
With no survivors!
That sounds the most jewish thing ever lol
Buy a precious metals etf. You'll still pay commission to the broker and annual management fee.
Or go mine it yourself.
DNC shilling
Tangible assets seem to be the only way to somewhat avoid investing directly into the antiwhite agenda. It will matter who you buy them from. Pretty much any lucrative stock bond or fund is going to be extremely globalist and pozzed.
This sucks and if you are really principaled this will cut you off from massive potential income.
Highly jewish tbh