Brazil Elections


In case you missed brazilian elections are in the midst of a huge happening.
The Trump phenomenon is in full effect, and if not, even better.
The lefties are in suicidal watch.
One of our main discussion places 27chan just went down.
So I welcome refugee anons to meet in this place, we can't lose momentum now…

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Other urls found in this thread:

I also have tons of useful info, I'll be posting them gradually, feel welcome to do the same. if any monkey lucks out to see this
And moreover, I've noticed large part of my friends are completely oblivious to things as well, so today I'm going to compile info about PT's government plan and takeover.

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Bolsonaro is going to win?

Very likely, with the alternative being civil war.
Also for any refugees, I just found >>>/27refugio/

Good luck brazil, I'm kinda interested because Bolsonaro is making it sound like there will be a coup if he doesn't win, that could be fun.

This is why all the shit threads are popping up.



more shitty threads?
pic related were public protest supporting Bolso, one day after the lefties protested in a feminist movement against him entitled #elenão (not him)

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Huezillian politics is such classy, this candidate for example is utilizing a record of herself killing a robber to campaign.

Mobilize the masses to attack artists. They are the ones openly promoting marxism and terrorist attacks.
Before even going after leftist teachers, brazillians need to start killing leftist artists.

Isn't this the guy that literally got stabbed?

really makes yah think

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Wait so, Bolsonaro either wins or theres a civil war?
Do you think the lefties are going to do anything crazy?

Man, I'm so out of the loop when it comes to South America, shit's going on all over the world at the same time it seems like.

Brilliant, the robber wouldn't think twice to kill any of them including the children, I even take on a guilty pleasure seeing them in agony,
The problem here however is that the police is processed for doing that and the criminal is taken in amnesty.

Embed is one of things I've found about PT's political plan to take over.
We need to gather more of this stuff, and save the plans themselves.

Yea I know, he openly friendly to Israel in his speeches, I just hope this its to gather the Jew support, because otherwise he would be deemed as Hitler reborn. (not kidding, left propaganda poses him as the fuhrer himself)
But in practice, he extremely nationalist, neither capitalist nor communist, in the same veins of the military regime of 65.

yeah, stabbed and survived, still in recovery they say its a blessing he didn't die, and only gained support.

There is strong suspicion and evidence of electoral fraud. Even though the big public hates PT, it still shows as 22% support in research, while +- 15% support other lefty candidates.
The data still shows that he only nearly wins, while the majority on the streets support him, so it isn't a big gamble to imagine that they would fraud it just enough so the other candidate wins.

Kill yourself, huenigger.

Yes it is, because you stupid cunts keep invading.

So, the last few whites in Brazil are finally standing up for themselves? Bit late, isn't it?

Didn't 'dolf use jewish support to get to his position of power? I remember reading about association of him with the rothschilds

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Yes he seized their assets and they launched an international war against him because he didn't want to play the jew controlled central bank game.

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This communist faggot isn't even running, yet his face is plastered all over the place instead of the real presidential candidate Haddad aka left wing commie shit.

he's dickriding Lula's name to win the election, also its electoral fraud to put someone else's face instead of yours, and thats exactly what Haddad is doing, he's also known to be the worst mayor of sao paulo yet he manages to get 23% of the vote.

I have no fucking idea how thats even possible.

Communism and fraud.
That is why it is imperative to KILL leftists.
Arm the population and mobilize large mobs to kill as many leftists in every region as you all can.

All I need to know. Good luck Brazilanons, just make sure you go back when your sites unfucked. We've got too many refugees as it is.

The teachers need to be removed first, they are the ones creating the artists.

The only time I've read someone saying Rothschilds were in cahoots with Hitler is those fucking retards that think the Third Reich was just a jewish psyops, IE people who need to be gassed hard.

Me neither, I think that was PT plan to fraud the elections, hoping other people would migrate to their flag, but it ain't happening.
I even have a ton of negative materials against him.

These news passed completely under the tone in the media, sure there are a lot of other buzz words for other things. But I suspect this big media sliding these news under the radar, without completely censoring them.

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The thing is, the artists are making themselves be hated by the masses, so it is a good momentum to take advantage of. Start by killing those that the masses already hate, and they will get used to see the killings. go for the teachers after that.

Hitler is a jew and his bloodlines is proof. Hitler has a jewish dad. Look up his name without telling me that it doesn't sound jewish to me.

They are very similar to our elections, do you thunk the US can be part of BRICS?

He's a neocohen

How many fucking chans are there?

You first larpnigger

No seriously, it was an interesting night, even if you’re an ass and don’t like me. The rest of the city doesn’t agree though.

We need to destroy BRICS completely.

He is a leftist freak that try (and fail) to derail threads whenever people attack other leftist freaks like him.
Report and don't fall to bait.

You do know what sort of person he is, right? I don't think he's a liberal but he loves israel…

Can't tell if this is Brazil or the US during 2016


Should vote for communists, right, leftist freak?
Literally anything is better than a communist.

Question: if we took away the niggers right to vote, then how would brazil elect a government?

Not really, we have 37 parties, there are, I think 8 or 9 president candidates, if there aren't enough votes, the elections go for a second turn with only the two best candidates
So in a lot of ways its way better than the US, because otherwise we would to put up with a left and faux right candidates only.
And not only that, this is a first phenomena where the anti-pozz is strongly winning.

Too many, hue chans tend to have short and violent lives.

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This election is pure lolz

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lol why does tv in the americas seem to be more entertaining?

Holy hell, was this actually a real thing that was on TV? It looks like a sketch from a comedy show.

And is that guy wearing an actual MAGA hat? I couldn't tell.

You gett banned for saying the KIKES own trump, but now spics have a safe space here. Gee whiz, who could be behind this glow in dark niggerdom?

Spics are retarded wild beasts. They are niggers who like to pretend they are white so they can easily leech off them. Literally nobody likes you. Go get murdered by your coke dealing politicians like a good nigger.

Name one spic who ever went anywhere and didn't scream at the top of their lungs like a 5 year old autist or a nigger. Name one spic country that everyone doesn't flee from. Name one spic who ever served a purpose. Name one spic who doesn't smell like a dirty unwashed asshole. Name one spic girl who doesn't smell like tacos and year old sweat. Name one spic song that isn't the same song they've been making for 100 years. Name one spic who ever did what every white person does when an evil member of their race starts acting out of line when ms13 or the cartels started being rabid niggers. I am so thankful that you turd looking crypto niggers had your lives ruined when chump threw you back to your sewer country.

So Hue is winning? On a scale from most cucked to least cucked.

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The US uses a series of proxies to influence foreign elections. The main proxy is the National Endowment for Democracy, NED, which receives $100 million in taxpayer dollars. The NED et al coordinates all of it’s activities with the State Department. The NED has a series of shell organizations to target specific ideological groups, social classes, and countries. The shell organization used to support center-left parties is the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the NDI.

The US is using these to influence the Brazilian election. The NED has published pieces on its website which call Bolsonaro a threat to democracy and the rule of law. Foreign Policy Magazine, the mouthpiece of the State Department, has also published similar attacks on Bolsonaro. The NDI published a piece on its website declaring that Haddad was a champion of anti-corruption and “social justice” while condemning Bolsonaro.

Clearly the US prefers Haddad to Bolsonaro. How deep does this clandestine support go?

Anti-Bolsonaro NED articles.
Anti-Bolsonaro article in the US State Department’s semi-official magazine.

Pro-Haddad and Anti-Bolsonaro NDI article.

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By allowing only Straight, White, non-leftist Man to vote.
Everything else must be forbidden to vote.

You are powerless.

That is why a massive killing of leftists is needed. They are being paid by foreign agents.

All the diversity perhaps?

I need one brazilanon to answer a question.
Is it hyoo hyoo hyoo or hway hway hway?

I am a Hapsburg Saxe.
Why do you think the Masons gave me an entire section of the city to roam in?

Go read the streets

Those were the Masons from here.

This is how this works. There is no controlling it.

Schizos get out.

Cry harder.

he fucked that right up.

Sao Paulo has a sizable non-white populations, right?

This has been the most fun election in a long time.

When is the election? Is it a win in one turn?

Any posibility for split between left wing area and right wing areas? Doesn't Brazil has a big anarcho-capitalist movement?


Why? Isn't this alliance between china, russia?

Thank you Lord Jesus for President Trump.

Today and no, it goes to second turn in a battle between far-right and far-left, which is a toss between the margin of error according to (((polls))).

So will the ring wing guy win or the centre will shill for far left?

It's currently popular to trash-talk communism in all areas except the overpopulated, useless shitskin northeast, which will vote for far left 44% on the first turn already.
Where I live, everyone praises the far-right (in a sane world center-right) candidate in everyday conversation. Almost all center politicians are copying him to some degree and toning it down, and the left is unpopular in general except for the masses of ignorant gibs-me-dat welfare recipients.

The problem is, the gibs-me-dat welfare recipients are numerous, so it's still uncertain who wins in a second turn.

And at least we have voter ID unlike the US so they can't just bus people around to vote more than once.

Do you have the right to own guns? In public?

its from a Stand Up comedian, the guy on OP's image. He did a special earlier this week, shitting on every candidate.
That video is his final bit, all those papers are censorship orders and lawsuits, he's explaining that he shits on every candidate ever since 2008, and ALL those lawsuits are from the same leftist parties, PT and PSOL. The funniest thing is, in the middle of the explaining, some twat yells "Fascist!", hence people booing.

No :( We have europe-tier gun control laws.
Far-right candidate and some center-right ones wants to increase gun rights though. I'm hopeful.

Weren't there some videos with mad max motorcycle thugs carrying handguns and robbing people?

There are all kinds of videos when a country has two times the murder rate of Mexico per capita.

just voted today, I was waiting in line with a bunch of niggers in front of me, 1 was voting for alckmin and the other 2 were voting for the communist kike.

also, I hope you HUE faggots voted for the least shitty senator, my state is complete utter cancer, all my senators are fucking libtards and communists.

Im doing my duty and voting for just about everyone willing to not oppose my future president. That means I actually went through and checked who he supports for my state. Wish everyone did this basic 101 politics shit, but thats asking too much of hue.

Note to everyone cheering for a destabilized (((at war))) south america >>>kys. You are like all the rest of the three letter bunker niggers that live and thrive here. Or do you think that ordinary starving war torn people will stay in there native homeland. Amerika is close at hand and there is no way we will drown. BUILD THAT FUCKING WALL, or I know for sure that Mr. Trump is not on my side. Fuck all you stupid niggers.

Here are the results in japan for the duel citizens that voted at the embassy.

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Whats the update on this? Did the nationalist guy win?

we aren't sure yet, my experience being around the nogs today wasn't very pleasing to say the least.

there's a lot of brown people where i'm at, i'm pretty sure they are all pro-PT.

this is the biggest fucking flaw this country has, and its mandatory voting, if you miss out you're fucked and you have to pay a fine, honestly if he does become president he should immediately make it optional, so that these fucking niggers will fuck off and smoke a blunt and let sane people vote.


We still have some 6 or more hours to go, pic related is the sum from Eastern countries.

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Thanks for the updates. Keep us anons informed about what happens, this is an important election too.

Hway hway hway.

São Paulo is exactly like Jew York: filled with jews, shitskins and leftists.

Exactly because of China's involvement. Anything from China = communism and low quality.

First turn is a high possibility. and there is no "far" anything.
There good people (Right) and communist abominations (anything else).

Northeast had a massive pro-Bolsonaro and pro-Right movement just last week. The northeast is waking up against leftists.

That is why you must organize mass killings of leftists and niggers in your community.

War is always a good solution against communists. Kill them all.

"Brazil election 2018: Far-right Bolsonaro makes Trump-like pledge as he SOARS into lead" 3hrs ago


He's literally Hitler guyz!


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Which means that he is the good guy.

Sure why not

Why do these gunshots sound so fake?

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It's fake "reenacted" audio. Since this was caught by a security camera, it figures there wouldn't be original audio. It's also why the commercial was later barred by the electoral justice for being "misleading", I believe.

wtf I love communism now
brb voting Haddad

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Makes sense, thanks for explaining.

your voting for a jewish puppet either way, monkey

Voted this morning with my dad, managed to convince him to vote Bonoro with me, here's to his victory on first turn

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If you want to know the elections in Brazil: go through this thread in >>>/Arepa/

Hey Huebro. Flip here. Good luck with Bolsonaro.