What does majority of /pol anonymous thinks about half white & asian?
I am also half white & half asian.
What does majority of /pol anonymous thinks about half white & asian?
I am also half white & half asian.
No mixing full stop.
Why majority of /pol wants to get rid of mixed race people?
Why does /po/ insist on cycling this particular thread? Wait, I think I answered my own question. First Hollywood, then the internet. Information World War.
Hapas are either supreme gentlemen like pic related or depressed and sad like Keanu Reeves. Sage.
Even though the Britkenazim got the world speaking English, you know it has to end this way. Slow death to the ecumenists.
Not all asian are like him
No race mixing. HAPAs are unstable cancerous dog shit. Kill yourself.
First of all, asking "What does /pol think of X" demonstrates that you never bothered lurking. That's rude and instantly makes anons hate you. This is a shit thread, therefore you should be gassed and turned into a mattress or scented soap.
Secondly, "/pol" as you put it, isn't a person and no one actually knows what "the majority" of Zig Forums believes.
I don't bother wanting to get rid of Happas. If you want to fight for White survival then you are an ally against the jews. If you want to fight for Japan or China, then you are irrelevant (though they'll never accept you). And if you want to advocate race mixing, then you are an enemy.
And since we are on the verge of genocide, ANYTHING that we do to defend our existence is justified.
I am laughing because you can't kill me XD.
I live somewhere in the USA
Classified as asian.
Do what you must, strengthen yourself and those around you.
Your Asian half must be pretty shit-tier, probably some Flip or Island Monkey, if you can't even speak English properly.
You call that living?
what the fuck is "/pol anonymous" lmao
And by gassed, I mean either put on a roller coaster like what the jews described happened to them at Auschwitz and tossed into a giant, mechanical oven. Or you should be crammed into a small room with 200-300 people in it with easily breakable pane glass windows and a wooden door with no lock on it so that masked Gnatsees can dump Zyklon B, Cyanide, or CO2 on you and kill you somehow.
Alternatively, you could be placed in an "electric room" and zapped like some other stories from the holocaust. or you could be "steamed to death" in the same way that many jews swear happened at Auschwitz.
And failing that, you should be placed in a giant death camp where there are swimming pools and hospitals for the inmates. Then transfered to 7 or more different camps and then miraculously survive. Then you can write a book about how you used some clever scheme to outwit the Gnatsees and make a few million dollars.
Also, I want to make it clear that we hate you because of the colour of your skin. We hate colours. There is no other reason for our behavior or opinions. If I see any colour outside of Nordic pale to Mediterranean olive, I go into a frothing rage and join the KKK or the Republican Party.
Biology is a lie and everyone is equal but we hate skin colours for some reason.
Wasnt he actually half persian in the end?
I am back.
I need a hot sexy girlfriend
I am fair olive Indian.
Shame on you.
No different from others
Fuck you
My skin type is iii-iv
Clearly pic related is the offspring of some human/ape hyrbrid. There was a story a few months ago about a man who revealed second-hand information about a scuccesful birth between a human and a chimpanzee but the creature was euthanized. This is what it would look like
More importantly why do double niggers like you post similar threads every single day?
It slows down the apocalypse. Procreate with monkeys only. The sooner all goyim become shitbrains, the sooner the Bolshevicking can begin.
Mongrels who need to get out. And?
I fucking hate hapa. You're neither, not both. You'll never be part of either tribe. This is why racemixing isn't good for anyone. I certainly wouldn't accept you. Don't breed. You're part of the problem. Absolute waste of genetics for whites to mix with anything other than whites.
I have no problem with whites mixing with asians, at all, though I hate seeing a white girl with an ape.
As a racist, here is what I think :
Blacks are humans prototype version alpha 0.1
Semites are humans unstable version beta 0.7
Whites are humans stable version 1.0
Asians are humans updated version 1.2
I don't really mind but I wouldn't want to have mixed race kids. other halflings can fuck off.
cool slide thread. if i were one, i'd seriously think about killing myself every day.
leave this board and never come back you fucking scumbag
What excuse do you have for that? Its bastardization just the same. Are you asian? They are copycats at best, and their image of intelligence is completely synthetic, created in the past 50 years or so through media.
Damn, I forgot to sage
they should be castrated
You'll never be white. Your children will never be white. Your grandchildren will never be white. Your great grandchildren will never be white. Deal with it.