Imagine my shock when I get to the front page of Amazon UK only to be confronted by this promotional art.
The sheer audacity.
Imagine my shock when I get to the front page of Amazon UK only to be confronted by this promotional art.
The sheer audacity.
I think they're gonna link it to the hippy peace movement of the 60s somehow.
They like to fondle their own balls like that.
They want to poison the well for every one of our symbols. The fuckers.
The first two seasons were alright other than the forced reminder that the nazi are evil here and there. I feel like that new one is going to drop the ball and make them go full evil though.
historically it adds up, because the national socialists used this but they made up their own crap about it you know with the older futhark being a life rune while yr was a death rune. that part is just pure nonsense it's the same rune from two different times
I have only watched the first season of this show, it was a bit funny I must admit from what I can remember at least, kinda fresh
Take it back to half, cunt.
I was really hoping amazon would just drop this, as it didn't seem to be drawing the kinds of viewers they wanted.
Now they've had ample time to rewrite everything and poz it up ala GOT.
It's probably going to have allusions to drumpf and everything. Le resistance on twitter is already using this gay flag.
The first season was shit. How the fuck do you make a tv show about a resistance based entirely on movies that never happened? And then make it worse by having the main character be a women who has a room temperature IQ. I've met downies smarter than her.
And you came here to tell everyone this and make another reactionary slide thread? You sound like a grandmother.
We don't need a thread every time some leftist tweets or makes a netflix/youtube/msm offense.
Low IQ nu/pol/ is boring
The only good parts were with this mad man, I'm not going to disagree that everything else is total shit.
i havent seen the show but i've owned a first edition copy of the book for years - as far as i can see they only stole the premise from philip k dick but not the actual narrative…
is it just the nazis or do the japs control the western half of america? cuz they do in the book…
They're making it easier to point out the "peace sign" was always a direct cultural attack by jews and marxists against Nordic and Germanic culture.
i love that Bezos is accidentally red pilling the masses on National Socialist iconography.
even if they replace the hakenkreuz with a faggy peace symbol, the meme still by passes the Burger's cerebelum brainwashed by Marxist lies and kike filth and Neoliberal illusions and it hits the pituitary with a full dose of reality.
anyone here already knows the longing and satisfying feeling you get when you watch hours of old video footage from 1933 - 1939 of Hitler's speeches and processions and of life in the Reich.
this is how things were supposed to be. a better world is possible. we almost had it once, so therefore it is possible, it is attainable, it can be made real once again as literal as a stone you kick, and it will happen and nothing and no man can stop it.
Hitler was just the greatest avatar who tapped into and harnessed the primal force of man, our great race's evolutionary will to power, our urge to unify under the banner of National Socialism to believe a great lie that this force is now vanquished and lies dormant forever is to believe the very forces of nature can be bent and thwarted and altered.
my favorite scene in MiTHC was when Obergrupenfuhrer was driving Juliana through New York, and she remarked at how clean everything was, as compared to the fallen squalor she was familiar with in SF.
imagine someday a New York purged of the kikes and the niggers and the spics and all the mongrels simply gone–it will be a utopia.
I'll not take your word for it, faggot.
Him and his family are perfect. Ignore the premise surrounding his kid because that's not how things worked, but the whole thing at the dinner table where he's supposed to be the bad guy is great. It's obviously also alluded to that John Smith is a fake name he took after he transfered away the Cincinatti Jewish Death Camp, but that's still irrelevant.
YOU are the jew.
Speak for yourself nigger.
himmler should have just gone to the sauce instead of making shit up
that's not pilpul nice try though pic related
Thanks for confirming it. Next time don't put words in people's mouths like your fellows do.
Commander George Lincoln Rockwell is a recurring character in Season 3. It’s almost as if…..we’re sending signals to ourselves from another timeline.
Auspicious Digits mein neger.
The Yr rune was used in Germany in like the ~1920s as the "life rune".
I honestly don't understand how this show is allowed to air and why (((Amazon))) are making it.
Its essentially National Socialist fan service, I am sure there are tens of thousands of white normies who watch it and think to themselves 'huh, Nazi America kinda seems like paradise, I don't see anything wrong with this'.
Its almost like the perfect redpill to take normies all the way to being straight up 'Hitler did nothing wrong'
I think there is no conspiracy political or otherwise with this beyond the basic shtick of a few neurotic kikes capitalizing on holocaust industry, but beyond that the symbol choice is just to get along with jurisdictions like here in (((Germany))).
That's at least my opinion, feel very free to disagree, but you see it a lot, a little like in Wolfenstein too.
Sage because shit like this shouldn't deserve a thread and the thread is extremely low quality.
lmao get that witch house shit out of here!
I also don't get why they are introducing people to Rockwell.
You know where I first heard about him?
Law And Order- SVU