On April 16, 2016 I made a thread here on 8ch about the Protocols of Zion in which an user dumped many rare images of old newspaper and periodical articles discussing the Protocols. Here is the thread archived archive.is/RUGPg That archive only saved the thumbnails. I tried to save as much as possible when the thread was active, but I somehow missed two pages of an article that I liked. Did any of you save the complete collection?
The user in the thread talked about posting the images to imgur or making pdfs, but links never were posted except for an imgur album of "Toward Armageddon"
I will post in this thread what I did save, as a resource for you all.
I just realized I have everything posted in the original thread. If pages 2 and 3 are missing they were not posted in the original thread either. Now this thread will serve as a resource on the Protocols of Zion, and I will continue to post the rest of the material I saved.
Protocols are extremely relevant to our history and current situation. Their piercing political analysis which can assist our side as well as it did theirs.
That was me posting, those pages were unfortunately missing from the scans I obtained.
Justin Rogers
Thanks for your work posting everything in 2016.
did you save any more books or articles other than the ones already posted in the original thread? I would love to see more
Gavin Turner
Same here. Please.
Tyler Wilson
Later tonight I'll dig through some of the newspapers and see if I can find anything else about The Protocols. I posted everything about them that stood out in a cursory skim then, but there's probably some I missed. I also have a lot more general anti-jew/pro-NS material from that era (pics related)
These are very interesting. Please post the material you've got
Brandon Richardson
You can tell this stuff is pretty old when "today" is spelled as "to-day."
Connor Kelly
WLP in 1999 regarding protocols of zion
This has a pdf file extension. It is not a pdf file It is an MP3 file remove the ".pdf" and it will be an MP3 - I tried repeatedly to convert it to a webm under 16 Mb and did not succeed It is 24:24 long.
Christopher Perry
Excellent thread, have a bump.
Hunter Lopez
Attached is an article called Talmud and the Protocols. A lot of people don't understand that the protocols are a direct reflection of Jewish thought. I understood this early because I'd been around enough Jews. Unlike popular characterizations, Jews are not just all about money.
Why would they loathe Christianity if they're the ones who invented it? Was it a project gone wrong?
James Perez
The most relevant thing you could read is a book called "you gentiles", and then read about torah, meshna torah, rambam, and talmud. That has more detail in it than any protocols.
Nolan Williams
Any links to a download?
Liam Cooper
Something interesting I found researching Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
They don't hate christianity. Even the writer admits that they need it. Jews hating christianity is the same thing as saying jews hate republicans.
The thing that most people on Zig Forums get wrong about jews is that they believe jews hate what they target but the truth is far more simple and likewise shocking. Ask yourself, Why do niggers nig? Why do jews jew? It's expected that for someone to be motivated to do something so extreme that there has to be a strong motivation behind it, but with jews they don't require that. Jews jewing others is just the nature of the jew. They are simultaneously on the same level as niggers and also beyond them.
All of the above are fallacies. The most succinct way of describing jewish motivation is that it is senseless. Only among whites do people look for a motivation behind crimes because that is the nature of whites. With jews, there is none - the same with niggers and other subhumans. Jews do not possess passion, and in the absence of it this is why they can swiftly go from extreme to extreme. They can innately pose as the victim and in the next instant be as obscene as possible.
Senseless evil is the worst kind because it does not need any basis to carry out its will. What we're dealing with is the closest thing this world has to pure evil, and assigning motivation to them is not understanding the threat they pose. Jews are niggers that can think, that's why they're so dangerous and why they must be eradicated. Nothing is beyond them, there is no low for them to stoop to, and there is no motivation they need to possess before they commit to their next heinous act.
There's no end to people posting outdated NSDAP quotes to reshape context, is there?
So even though the bible reveals that saul of tarsus masterminded it and collaborated with a then contemporary historian that is known throughout history as a fraud, they didn't invent a religion centered around getting "gentiles" to worship a jew?
Liam Edwards
Noted and thanks.
Connor Gonzalez
I'm more inclined to believe its been subverted and the original written in greek/latin edited or destroyed. These new evangelicuck, baptist…offshoots all cucked from their inception geared towards cucking kikes indefinitely. You notice it when they lash out towards Catholicism with a much greater hatred than the others, especially Jesuit. The most recent example being the judical nominations and how hard that kike Feinkike went after Amy Coney Barrett for her religion while leaving jesuits Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch alone (even though kikepedia claim otherwise).
how about you get fucked, you fucking christ shill. if any of you can't tell by this point that it's Christianity above all else that has acted as the greatest influence in the west's tendency for various forms of individualism, and negligence in identifying and thwarting threats, then you're a fucking a moron. this should be fucking obvious by now.
Sorry, paid jewish shill, your spam doesn't work here. No one believes you.
Yes, even though you and your fellow paid shills have spammed this website for 4 years, you are still lying, still wrong, and still completely impotent.
William Powell
This shit is fucking huge. Read this shit, you stupid boomer fucks. I know you got corralled here by your stupid retarded Q cultist bullshit, but now you need to use critical thinking. You're already on a CIA list for visiting this website.
Cooper Lopez
What kind of gun is that?
Brody Edwards
God what did we ever do to lose a national treasure like bobby fischer?
Quality thread. Great OP (too rarely said these days) 5 star rating. Protocol of Elders of Zion book in an image Save the original file (not the one from 8ch's random name file). Rename file from .PNG to .PDF & open book.
how did you put a book in an image? In the book it is said 'We will forbid Christ'. Doesn't that mean that Christianity is legit if they want to get rid of it?
Colton Miller
It is heavily implied; If they know that Christianity and the image of the last Christ must be destroyed, then the man and his doctrine must be a real treat to them. They already perverted and changed The Book and His image, century by century, now what's left is to kill the shamed, weakened doctrine.
Jackson Cruz
Sorry to say but when I was still christian I was able to track down an online version of the original greek bible which is available to view online.
You're over-exaggerating now. Attacking based on religion alone is not an effective attack vector even if jews were obsessed with that.
How weak and impotent can you be when you're incapable of delivering a rebuttal and spam the "4 years" copypasta every time someone posts something you don't like? You've done this in every thread for the last 2 years. Don't assume no one notices. It doesn't work. Christianity aside, get help. You can't possibly be this naive or possibly autistic.
Oliver Cox
Checking numerals
I don't have a dog in the Christianity fight, I was raised completely apart from the church. I will say this about it however - whatever good influence it may have had on society is greatly diminished in a multireligious and especially multiracial society, because a lot of it's value it simple shame-based negative motivation to follow the honest moralistic ethos of the white Christian majority.
And going further on that note, I'm not a fan of Christianity going forward, I see it as a half measure for the niggerish half of white intellects. If we had something better binding us, say, a scientific race-based system of exclusionary citizenry, we wouldn't need to argue Jewish Christ vs Gentile Christ, we'd be in a white Utopia where fucking shit for beans went wrong ever, like an endless 1950s newsreel. As it is I'm now convinced that only global non white genocide can achieve this goal long term.
That is to say I do not believe in the importance of schools of thought like Christianity or gnosticism or Judaism anymore. As long as there are non whites then there will be whites ready to break with their own and work towards exploiting them for labor and sex, eventually muddying the lines between races and bringing us back to today's problems.
All of you shut the fuck up and take it to a thread that isn't good. Meaning, every other thread on this board. Assuming any of you are even legitimate anons, which is probably wishful thinking.
Adam Foster
The debate over Christianity on Zig Forums is a clear D&C tactic at this point. Yes, Christianity in its modern incarnation has been absolutely subverted by Jews, and christcucks should recognize and at least admit this to themselves. However, anti-xtians should take a less abrasive approach in making their points, otherwise they come across as kike shills. I've been guilty of it myself, but mostly out of frustration.
IMO one of the best accounts of Jewish subversion came from Nietzsche. He discussed the Jewish Question at a time when it was just starting to be a controversial topic in the mainstream.
FYI 21 and 22 are the same pages. Thanks for the material.
Jacob King
I'm following you, but I haven't figured that out yet. Kind of new to linux. where is the picture file in that command?
David Nguyen
just don't do stego here yet. not alot of people get it. By the way, were you here when we were fucking around in binary and stego and embedding triple-encoded binary messages in .jpgs?
Nolan Myers
Kek glowniggers hate the Kalergi redpill because it's being carried out to the word. Every normalfag I've told about that is shocked.
That example is over-used and is pointless. There's four major flaws: 1. It only applies to orthodox jews. Even then, this is hardly accurate. See 2A. 2. Where are the current instances of this? 2A. If #1 didn't apply, where are the constant occurrences of this that would apply to things like orthodox jews typing G-D instead of God? Thus even orthodox jews do not always apply. 3. Jews that follow the talmud closely are trained to bend any rules by finding loopholes, therefore they will always use anything to their advantage. Jews don't have boundaries. Do you think you can literally repel a jew by making a cross with your fingers like they were a vampire being held a crucifix to? 4. Considering how often christianity has played a role in helping jews, the case for jews hating christianity is consistently seen to be a flimsy case that cannot be made solid. The go-to example is the one you're referencing. You're trying to make your case off of two cases where jews don't make cross symbols.
Aside from all of that, it's hilariously pathetic to rely on that example. When you boil it down, it's almost childlike: For extra measure:
Also, do you really think that example is enough of a rebuttal to the post you're replying to? How desperate are you? Directly address points raised and make an effort to refute them, or don't post at all. Think, consider why you're unable to refute the points in a post. Or just pathetically use a poor example to make your case so others can laugh.
I'm not sure how you misunderstood. The word kike is as everyone knows, where certain jews refused to write a character that is a cross, be it the plus sign or letter x. That isn't being disputed.
The problem is that many christians on Zig Forums use that as a basis for making their case, that jews are repelled by or hate christianity. Reread to get the full meaning.
Nathaniel Bell
This is a bump of peace.
Anthony Williams
Can you expand on that, as the other user asked. What about adding the picture?
Jaxon Roberts
Jews don't like Christianity, but they're not repelled by it. It's not an effective weapon against them anymore. When is the last time a Christian monarch called for the expulsion of the Jews? It's been quite a long time ago I'd say.
Jonathan Nelson
Either you’re a shill or straight out of cuckchan because there’s been numerous quotes from Jews on the exact reason why the European goyim are the ones worthy of their hatred. In a nutshell it’s because the European is an antithesis to the Jew and that it’s stands for everything Jews despise They have said many times that the Europeans nature is foreign to them. Maybe read a little bit of literature on the nature of the Jew starting with otro weinenger
Mason Evans
No one believes you.
Julian Miller
It never was. It was invented by romans to suppress Jewish riots. They only hated it because it was blasphemous nothing more. Now they’ve come to realize (just like every other religion in the world) that it’s a comic relief of a religion.
Noah Stewart
Julian King
There is no need when christcucks are now the greatest advocates of all things jew. "Judeo-Christianity" is the synthesis of two dogmas into one for the purpose of subversion; an old jewish tactic. Today, we call it "Controlled Opposition" when the jews slithers into positions in order to redirect all energies away from threatens him and toward his own ends
Jeremiah Rogers
The Protocols are always called a forgery but a forgery implies that there is an original. Why don’t the Jews say it’s a fake? Always bugged me.
Looks at any mainstream Christian church since the mid-1960s, they've been completely and thoroughly judified. The Mormons seem to be the only ones in the USA that most effectively counter the (((filth))), but they're also major kike lovers.
You still have 8,000 kikes within your borders. Also, there is another thread on here where Poland is being (((subverted))). PiS are turning out to be a bunch of traitors, it seems. The only real opposition in Poland is ONR.
Asher Campbell
Words have definitions, user.
Nicholas Cox
I wouldn't say that it "never" was, you have the Edict of Expulsion, and the Alhambra Decree which kicked the kikes out of England and Spain respectively. Though, this was a very long time ago, and in practice both edicts have essentially been reversed. I've been told that the Edict of Expulsion is still in force in England (now the UK), not sure about the Alhambra Decree, though.
Oliver Murphy
Actions speak louder than words and definitions, user.
Easton Phillips
No. Typically the only reason why Christians come to disagreements with Jews is over religious differences. To say Christianity overall is and was against Jews just because disagreements happened is absurd.
Carson Foster
Fine. Neo nazis are national socialists, because they say they are national socialist. Queers are normal because they say they are normal. Trannies are the opposite sex because they say they are the opposite sex. Jews are chosen because they say they are chosen.
All you have to do is say you are something and that magically makes you that thing. Right? Kill yourself.
Luke Clark
The funny thing about Christ cucks is they think the whole world revolves around them and that their religion is the one true savior.
Jacob Wood
I wouldn't say it was just over religious differences, though, this also did occur (see Disputation of Paris), but right now I'm about 50 pages into Hellmut Schramm's Jewish Ritual Murder — A Historical Investigation, and another impetus for expulsion was that the Jews would take Christian (or any non-Jewish) children and ritually murder them to obtain their blood for occult purposes, usually for Passover, but this has occurred at other times of the year as well.
Personally, I wouldn't have much of a problem with Christianity if it went back towards being on an anti-Jewish, pro-White, pro-European framework; I'd fight alongside a Christian like that against mutual enemies, but I don't see Christianity going in that direction anytime soon, it's been going in the exact opposite direction, in fact.
Colton Campbell
Yeah I’m aware of blood libels. I’m saying just because Jews dislike a group doesn’t mean that group poses a threat. Like I said the Jews just view them as blasphemous. I’m pagan and i dislike Christianity, doesn’t mean I see it as a threat.
Grayson Gray
It was never pro white since in the Bible it sees all children as the children of god It never was pro European culture since it didn’t have its best interests in mind. All this “Christianity was based” meme shit is just empty romanticism
Eli Turner
I see where you're coming from, I also lean towards paganism as well, but I wouldn't want to destroy things just because they're Christian. Preserving history is important. Reading that book by the way, there have been reports of non-Jews selling children to the Jews for them to be ritually sacrificed, with some leaders and monarchs being paid off by the Jews in effect to shut them up. This tells me that we've had traitors within our own people for a very, very long time. I sometimes wonder if being a traitor and selling out to the Jews is a genetic thing.