A website run by University of Washington students allows individuals to publicly accuse people of sexual assault with no evidence.
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A website run by University of Washington students allows individuals to publicly accuse people of sexual assault with no evidence.
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A good OP would include the names of those running the site and the SJW profs at the school.
Report all of the professors and admin.
Would be a shame if shitlib profs were included in those lists.
Don't forget to accuse everybody on this list:
And this one:
I've brought Bill Clinton to justice
You say all it requires is an accusation? Nice to see these people returning to their roots
Can we please have crusade against media? If we shut down information(brainwashing), maby people will wake up
It’s like they want us to Publicly rape woman to make the Mudslimes look better
Yes, because rape never occurs in public
I was laughing at the Asian girl
That’s a con.
Go to some department on their website
Go to the faculty page
Find out a jewish professor, now go to his page and check if he guides any PhD students
Rest you know what happens
We can start with the jewish studies department
Just start accusing the faculty and students responsible for this shit.
Any new comers? This is called a shill.
Can we report pizza gate offenders?
People won't mobilize en masse the way you imagine unless you mess with their internet or paychecks. We are useless to our own interests these days. It's not the media's fault we're retarded.
Non withstanding, yes, gassing the Canaanite usurpers of the name of Shem sounds like a good use of what little time we have on this plane.
Honestly go right for the donors that will hurt most
Fuck off back to half.
I'm on it.
bump this can be a christian hate thread
But it didn't, and that's not going to stop us.
I say the donor's children who are students.
Honestly every thread needs be a christian hate thread they need to understand that semite worship has no place in the pure Aryan mind. The christian rats are no better than the kikes.
This. Or random SJW. I know only white males can be actually prosecuted, but still - defend how you can.
Resident NSDAP reporting anons. This shill is trying to subvert and cause infighting. Only newfags believe any and all Christians are like the bible thumping hippies. For all you newbies, take it from this vet that the JIDF pays this edge lord faggot to derail threads and split white movements. Look at his kike tactics and learn what to look for in order to spot obvious kikes, shills, and nonwhites.
Lefty Zig Forums tries to fuck with us sometimes too to fuck with us, but you can see that commies can't meme and show they're anti-Christianity not realizing atheism and anti-Christianity is a commie jew shill. The word kike comes from the jew word for circle, because they opposed Christians so much they refused to make a "t" and plus "+" sign the RIGHT way and made circles instead because they hated Jesus and Christians so much. Christian leaders constantly kicked them out of countries and movements and they fear the Christian just like they fear the Samurai. Next, undoubtedly, they'll go after the Greeks and Norse religion to shill just a belief in a secular state. Then that we should share our women with each other for retarded nigger-tier science reasons that have no basis. No forget the kikes saying Christianity is the problem. Funny how it was secular governments that fought against the good guys that believed in God. You don't have to believe anything, but don't shill the murder of NSDAP whites because they're christian. Mods need to clean this shit out of the boards.
Whatcha, whatcha doin there rabbi? You know, the holohoax can be made very real for faggots like you. Take off the symbol of my Valiant Struggle when you attack Christians.
Back onto topic…yeah, professors and TAs and the like. Jewish students as well. Find their addresses if you can and say they raped you there and your friend too and she's missing or something.
You do understand that semite worshippers like yourself will be among the first to be killed off right? You need to pussyfoot around and try to use kiked logic to explain why your jewish religion is BASTE and perfect for the Aryan man, my religion is the native racial religion, created and followed by pure Aryans and requires literally zero explanation of why it is truth. The christian filth always resort to calling true Europeans kikes which is immensely ironic as they get on their knees every night so their rat jewish god doesn't throw them in his torture chamber for eternity. Submission is the only thing you kikes understand, getting on your knees for your betters so they don't kill you is where you shine best.
Ah, shut the fuck up larper. Your pure pagan bullshit died out cause it was nothing. It's cool if you think of it a certain way, but you're retarded to call Christians kikes. Talk to a Wehrmacht soldier or a man that was in the Waffen SS; they're Christian. They honored the ways of their ancestors but didn't larp that it was the answer like faggots like you do. Look at half of your kiked movement, it's subverted by jews from the re-institution of it. Almost all Christian symbols are based on Greek (and Roman) and Norse symbols. You're also too outnumbered to do shit, you're just a subverter that the Fuhrer warned about. If (((you))) call Christians kikes (((you're))) calling the Fatherland, the Soldiers that fought for it and the hero Adolf Hitler kike worshipers. Quit spewing kike rhetoric and trying to lead young anons astray.
Quit derailing threads like a JIDF faggot does. You didn't address the fact we can try and fuck commies. What trash are you? The Archangel Michael was the patron saint of the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and German peoples. If you can't accept that, then fuck off back to cuckchan or reddit or whatever faggot degenerate shit hole you crawled out of juden!
Heil Hitler!
Not the first religion we came up with. Calling christ a jew is nigger-tier we wuz kangz shit-tier nonsense. If you read the nonkiked bible, like you should read the nonkiked Edda and earlier shit, you'd see that, but you're an illiterate nigger. Hitler didn't follow a jew religion. Mt Athos he protected from Jews and their puppets, as was his valiant christian duty.
We sacrificed baby girls to Frea cause it was flawed. You just said it was man made, which makes it pointless (a kike tactic to say religion is just imagination).
Good fuckin luck buddy. They make up the bulk of the white world, especially of the NSDAP and whites that are waking up or already awoken.
Odin and Thor and the rest were archangels misinterpreted because Hellenism didn't get our shit straight. The swastika exists in many religions.
We will lose the argument we were great back then because we lived in caves and huts, outnumbering the Romans but lost to them. Lucky they recognized our strength and latent intelligence. We became Christian because the Christ God isn't a jew, but that lie came about when a a we wuz Jesus movement came along. They called him Hebrew as an insult, but made no mistake in saying we should slay the synagogue of satan. He was an Aramaic which is a Greek Phenotype (not semite). Jews try to claim him because as the weak link God chose to try and see us prove mortals were worth a damn, the Jews proved to be subhuman scum and Christ came to stop their jewery. The answer is that Odin is Gabriel and Thor is Michael in our old tongue. Baldur is the angel Theseus and so on. If you don't believe it, you must not be white.
Shut up you 56percent nigger
You faggots literally came on here saying let's make this a christian hate thread. Literally something Jews do. You can't even meme. You're on 8pol. You're among Natsocs here that don't give a fuck about your gay little heritage quest that's off in the wrong direction.
Holy shit are you annoying. Quit derailing shit
Why do these fags always show up to get us off topic. I came on here cause I thought I saw a way to fuck the people trying to hurt white people. It's like either they're Jews or just retarded faggots that just like to disrupt shit
Again such kike nigger tier bullshit nonsense over a picture
Hail Odin
Praise Kek
Fuck (((christcucks)) )
This religious D & C is the worst thing about our movement. We must be able to reconcile Christianity and Paganism. Accept that the two can exist together and pursue the same aims; accept that both place value on honour, respect, and manly virtues of nation and volk.
At the end of the day, Christianity doesn't need whites to survive and thrive. Black Christians stuck to their believes even when Ethiopia was separated from the rest of the Christandom for centuries. Spanish and Portuguese missionaries brought Christianity to the people of South America and the Philippines. The British and French evangelized the natives in their colonies on Africa, India and in Asia. The Russians spread the world of Christ to tribes in the Syberian wilderness. Christianity is one of the fastest growing religion both in Africa and in Asia and has strong following in Latin America and Eastern Europe. I don't think people here have to fear the decline of Christianity as there isn't any decline at all. Christianity is doing fine. It spreads to new places every day. It's just whites who fail to catch up.
Can you faggots stop falling for the OPs bait? Jesus Christ, just ignore it and move on. What really matters is killing kikes and saving our race. Anything other than that is just fluff or a distraction.
Stop derailing the fucking thread assholes, start a new one if you have to and go argue there.
This thread is clearly for fucking up a sjw website for destroying mens lives. If you aren't here to
then frigg off
We also need to decide if we want to outsource this to halfchan
Christianity relies heavily on pagan symbols and traditions.
Being Jesus and the cross a representation of the sun god.
That is why Christianity achievement was dispersed throughout Europe, because we continue to keep worshiping the most important entity of all, The sun.
Media is old-school. Social media is where modern social manipulation occurs. Also, strong as ever is the university. CNN is a flaming pile of shit that has very little influence outside of being used as an authoritative source for some leftist rats to back up their positions.
Ah so you're the type that claim the Reich was pure spiritual semites. You understand that the greatest man in our times Adolf Hitler who you Heil was not a christian rat like yourself right? If he were why did he staff all levels of his government with occultists, pagans, and anti-christian rhetorics? It disgusts me that you bring in the Pagan Waffen SS into your kike filth, the Waffen SS was headed by Himmler, do you know what his religious beliefs were? Do you know that Himmler used the Waffen SS as a testbed for future Germanic society and traditions, IE Pagan ones?
All of thats probably irrelevant though since Hitler once said how BASTE spiritual semitism is in a public speech. My devotion is to my people, my ancestors, and my Gods, not to some disgusting desert rat that claimed divinity that gullible goy like yourself bought up hook line and sinker. On top of that those that didn't gobble up the jewish cock were killed and tortured because they wouldn't convert to your disgusting faith. All of your ancestors before christianity are burning in gehenna according to the kikes, but I bet you don't give a shit about that.
What an insane era this is where this crap is tolerated without actual war breaking out
when will this meme die