Winning the midterms is no longer the objective of the Democrat Party. They know they're going to lose their most important branch of government, and likely most if not all of the social changes they've imposed on the United States over the last century, and that's the Supreme Court. There's nothing they can do to stop Kavanaugh at this point, and winning more seats in the Senate will only help them slow Trump down… they know they can't stop him. This is why they're not backing off from Kavanaugh even though they know it's gone further than spending every last bit of political capital they had. They know they're driving their base absolutely insane to the point that they need only a spark to go off.
The objective is now to instead push the leftist fringe to the breaking point and plunge the nation into civil unrest or outright civil war. California and a hand full of other states have effectively been in a state of "Cold War" with the Federal Government ever since Trump took office, opposing or outright defying his policies at every turn possible. Remember, "War is the continuation of politics by other means." or more simply put, the implementation of state policy.
They're going full scorched Earth now. Get ready goyim, the false flags are coming.