Not sure what went on before this, but nothing in here looks like you should get arrested for it.
It's illegal to tell spics to speak english in America
Other urls found in this thread:
There is an element emerging that bears no ill-contention in learning a new language; be it Spanish (Castellana), Mandarin, French or Swahili. This element is also not a cuckold. The emerging element will not only learn Spanish, but master it, as good or better than those born into it.
This is actually a brilliant plan. Not speaking English will make the spics annoying and they will be deported faster.
you can talk to the gardener.
Nobody's getting deported, in case you haven't been paying attention.
think bigger!
Shut up Paco.
any lawfags able to comment on what they think happened here?
your jewdar is broken, Nechemia
that's the great thing about the intelligentsia among sposters here. They can see past great graphics and clear misses
Literally the Mexican govt has trolls here
No it's not
You can say anything you want to anyone you want in America and fuck your mom and go fuck yourself
Fuck mexico and fuck mexicans
Whats with all this Beaner mexican AstroTurfing lately trying to convince people mexicans are White when they are a virus. Mexicans are the dumbest mestizos and the most mixed mestizios. The violent places on the planet Earth is in Mexico. That makes them worst then the niggers. Beaners have physically destroyed California the most valuable and strategic land the USA has especially for future wars with Asia, massive pollution from Mexico itself in to the local Pacific Ocean and of course the fact its a huge coastline.
Also mexicans are worst then niggers for the fact that they all try to move in to the few White enclaves and then try to marry the few Whites left.
Heres a few major points on why mexicans are a virus in the USA:
-Beaners commit more hate crimes on Whites in mass then niggers.
-Spanish is now associated with these shitskins ruining the language
-The food mexicans claim is theirs like burritos , fajitas and the rest of the mexican dishes were all made up by White Americans in the USA and taco bell in the past 50 years , yet they claim its theirs
-Have part nigger and genetically made of mutt from their savage ancestors DNA
-Just as violent as niggers and more likely to use a weapon especially with someones back turned
-Ugly fucking mutts
-Taking blue collar jobs,medical jobs and many other liveable wagecareers by beaner nepotism and diversity hires
-Crowding and stealing from White schools and White colleges
-Beaners are crowding prisons
-The highest amount of child rape is committed by beaners in the USA
-60 million illegals, which are ghost in the system able to get away with murder/rape and won't be prosecuted for crimes because the government loses money doing so
-Leeching off the White mans country as a whole and never giving back
-Ruining the military
-Poisoning the USA with meth, fentanyl,coke and heroin
-Mexicans are directly responsible for the fentanyl ODs thats mostly happening to White communties
-1 million years behind White people genetically
-The women are all shaped liked the Tasmanian devil and once they hit thirty no matter how skinny they look mexican women turn in to goblinia jabba huts.
-The cartels
-Having way to many kids spreading their inferior genes
-Largest gangs in the USA are all made of beaners and spics
-Make up the largest amount of Obese people and fuck up the USA's health statistics
-Known having weak immune systems
-The only ones given free healthcare because they never pay the bills.
Quarantine all the mexicans in the USA ,they are a virus.
Checked. All of this is obvious, yet nobody does anything to fix the problem. Why?
Do you say ole every time you go down on jew cock?
Tell them:
And they shouldn't speak it if they aren't European.
literally >99% of spanish-speakers in the US are not white. the fact that spanish is a European language is irrelevant in an American context, it's equivalent to speaking Arabic in Europe
Like the couple that went to jail for "saying nigger", it was possibly a verbal threat of violence (battery) and had nothing to do with telling people to speak a different language.
Also, Hispanics in South and Central America are Iberian. Some are mixed. Here is a report:
It compared reported ancestry to genetic ancestry. As expected, people think they are not European when they actually are.
No, it's closer to the opposite. Growing up in Los Angeles, Hispanics are Europeans who think they are the descendants of ancient Mayano and Azteca warriors. Only a small percentage were mixed or Amerindian. Even the busses of farm Spics that are surely illegal here in Central Washington are mostly Iberians.
The cartel is really fucking rich they definitely own some US government agents and politicians or working with them since the CIA helped start the cartels in the School of Americas.
The average White person doesn't know how bad beaners are even when they live around them and still think " Dude Mexican food is so good when you're drunk , and beaners are nice because my gardner waves at me an they were at my school so their fine." then has the whole disconnect that the beaners who rape/murder,steal, start gangs live in your White neighborhood because those are Paco the waving gardner son's who also now have lil shitskins beans themselves.
Thanks for the link. Here is a graphic from that report. Self-reported ancestry vs genetic ancestry in the US.
The gangs wouldn't exist if it weren't for shit pigs and jew politicians forcing their need. They wouldn't be violent if it weren't for the feds.
They're mixed race. The exact proportions vary depending on the invididual. I believe that the majority of them are majority European, but they're still not white because they have significant Injun blood. Only when they get around 7/8ths to 15/16ths white can you begin to make the argument that they're functionally 'h'white', and that's a small minority of them. Also, they tend to align themselves with the other spics with which they share cultural ties moreso than with America or the white race in general.
Fuck off.
You are a virus like all mestizos in the USA.
It is very relevant. Spics are appropriating European culture.
Hispanic culture is Celtic culture.
It belongs to Europeans.
They are appropriating South American culture, too, whoever built it. I cannot accept that the people who mapped the stars over thousands of years didn't know how the seasons worked. The people chopping off heads to bring the rain, the ancestors to the Amerindian, could not have built all those pyramids.
Feck off mate.
Tor works to separate IP from routing. Only a fag wouldn't want that.
You will not divide the European people or the American people with your jewry. Hispanic and Italic are European.
Do you even know how gangs started ? Do you know police are an unconstitutional gang ? You feck off with your lack of valuable statements.
So you're a filthy beaner. Got it.
Why would one learn the language of slaves?
Goblinas are the stuff of nightmares. They look like that by their upper twenties and each have 3-5 kids. And they're everwhere. Majority minority in elementary school demographic nationwide. The overall adult population is as well, but they can keep lying about that because nobody can actually prove how many illegals are here, but the school enrollment numbers cannot be manipulated.
This country is completely, totally fucked.
The history of Mexico says different. The "peasants" are Amerindian. The closer you get to Guatemala, the less Europeans. Sure there are mixed families but not even most. Just another 56% meme.
That's good because it makes the mixed races less likely to breed with Europeans, since they see themselves as Mayano, Asian, or African instead of European.
I'm an actual lawfag and no, you cannot go to jail on any type of assault charge without imminence to the threat and an actual threat of violence.
Nah, I'm German burger living in a state with more Spics and Europeans than California.
What part of Europe is Mexico in? You shit eating parasite. Spain made a mistake not euthanizing the local fleas.
Which is what was written. Also note that 'imminent' means "likely to occur at any moment".
Hispanic is European, no matter how much jews wish it wasn't.
The VAST majority of people who are described as "hispanic" within the Americas ARE NOT WHITE.
They are mestizos and mulattos. They will never be White.
Build the wall, deport them ALL.
Using niggers excuses of muh police when theirs numerous videos of beaners lighting cops up for traffic stops. Also anybody thats lived around mexicans knows they are nigger tier shitskins who start fight so they can pull weapons in fistfights.
Yep beaners are violent shitskins vid related:
Mexicans are still invading the USA and still committing hate crimes against Whites there is no excuse for that.
You know what White people do when they have problems ? We actually check it out then find the source and solve it.
You know what parasite would say if they could talk? They would complain that the host is causing them to parasite and that they aren't given enough help while destroying the host.
Fucking this!
The (((left))) wants to D&C whites from around the world, specially the people from the American continent which has up to 1 BILLION whites!
I married my Aryan wife from El Salvador last August, and she has blessed me with Aryan twins. Because I know of the (((feminists laws))) in the US, I am planning to go to El Salvador with her along with close family and friends. The time is for us white men to find a woman and colonize lands in groups so that our influence can spread.
We need to take advantage NOW while the dollar is strong!
I speak 3 languages, 1 not very well. It might be a reserved skill of superior races to be able to understand more than 1 language.
((( )))
Spanish is a filthy fucking language that would taint my tongue to speak.
Hispanics are whites, most hispanics know 9/11 was a crime by non-terrorists… it was a false flag!
((( )))
Actually kike, Spanish is the Aryan language closest to Latin (which the Roman Empire spoke). It is a beautiful language filled with sentiments ranging from melancholy to nostalgia to furor… I'm sure (((you people))) cannot understand this, so let me say it different: Spanish is a rich Aryan Language that speaks through emotion, it captivates the philosopher as well as the scientist and the poet as well as the mathematician.
Fuck off beaner. Spanish is not only a worthless language to learn but it sounds like shit too. Unless you live in Spain there is no reason for a white person to ever speak it.
They can astroturf all they like, but no one with an IQ over room temperature believes spics are White. They may be a slightly lighter shade of shit than niggers, but they're still filthy sub-humans all the same.
Only fag would use Tor instead of a VPN using a government made Navy intelligence system and so you can samefag.
You are a beaner trying to dilute Whites/Europeans with shitskin beaners like all the mestizos want to. You will never be White you will always be a virus.
You are the kike here with the disinformation. You don't even live in the USA yet you are spouting how great beaners are like a government mestizo jew loving shill. Any self respecting White man knows mestizos are no better then niggers. You can't tell White people who have actually experienced being around shitskin mestizos that they are not a subhuman virus. You can not lie about the statistics.
Get the fuck off the board Italians and Spaniards are White and in Europe. Beaners always try to claim you are one of them while looking like a dirt brown aztec looking pisa , mestizos like mexicans are not White you are all part of the subhuman golbolino virus.
Spic Spanish isn't anything like the Spaniards Spanish. Its like trying to tell me ebonics is English Proper.
It's not illegal to tell them to speak English though. Your headline is false.
The VAST majority of spics are NOT WHITE. They are mestizos and mulattos.
But by all means, go be a shitholer in El Shitholador.
Also, gas yourself.
Slavs are White. They are among the European native peoples.
The vast majority of "American hispanics" are not White. They are mestizos and mulattos. That means, if you don't know already, that they are a mixture of White and mesoamerican indian (mestizo) or a mixture of White and black african (mulatto). Mexico is a perfect cautionary tale of the negative consequences of racemixing and "diversity."
If a person is less than 15/16th White European Native genetically then they are not White. The vast majority of American hispanics are nowhere near 15/16th White.
Reestablish White racial and ethnic homelands.
Deport all non-Whites.
9/11 was an inside job by the USA "deep state" and israel.
The vast majority of "American hispanics" are not White.
To hell with the Roman Empire.
Hail Germania. Praise Godin.
Spanish has become, whatever it was before, a language spoken mostly by brown shitholers.
If a black african is taught to speak Swedish that does not make that black African a Swedish person.
If a brown shitholer is taught to speak an "Aryan language" that does not make them an "Aryan."
Also, islum is utter shit.
Any excuse to use this pic.
They coppied the "gang mentality" from their Celtic brothers while in slavery to the jew, as they did almost everything they call "Black Culture™". It comes from herding cultures in Northern Europe. I meant the first US gangs. They were Hispanic gangs. Protestant jews didn't like zoot suits and thought there was a "racial" difference between the Hispanic and Celtic people. They didn't know what Celtiberian is.
They should be shot, since they point their firearm at you when you can't even reach for yours, or run you off the road if you don't pull over. Cops are more dangerous to European America than any Spic or African gangbanger, since they pose an imminent threat. You can at least kill Spics and Africans without penalty if they pose such a threat to your life. Police can do the same to you and me.
They are. Busses full of them, and sometimes Africans from Africa, sit outside Walmart in my town. It is the fault of the local farmers who go on jewPR and FOXjews and talk about a labor shortage because nobody will work for shit wages, especially spraying toxins (non-organic) and/or antibiotics (organic); if they want to pay Mexican wages, they can take their fucking company to Mexico. They also export most of what they grow to other countries.
'Solve' means to "break apart", it is a jew trick to make you say the opposite of what you mean. Europeans do fix things, I agree. The Scots alone created most of the modern world:
Including fried chicken and basketball.
While the Hispanic, Italic, and Balkic people created most of the ancient world.
Joke's on you, jews complain about that all the time.
I've always hated you people. You're worse than the niggers, because at least niggers know they're shit and have no hope. You assholes are still trying.
jew mod deleted this
Here's what it said:
Feck off mate.
Tor works to seperate IP from routing. Only a fag wouldn't want that.
You will not divide the European people or the American people. Hispanic and Italic are European.
fuck, NH is getting fucked up bad, it was 95% not long ago. only 4 states over 90% and not by much
rip Harold's LARP
wew. also keep in mind these are 2016 numbers, it's 2018 now. it's all ogre brehs
last stand in Europe tbqf
Spanish is an Italo-celtic language that, like the other "romance" languages, French, Italian, and so on, evolved from Vulgar Latin.
Spanish is a European language with which there is nothing inherently wrong with. However, virtually all Spanish speakers in the USA are non-white, so in an American context, that is irrelevant and Americans tend to cringe when they we hear Spanish because it is the lingua franca of those that are invading and displacing us.
It's not Spanish, it's Mexican.
They are speaking Mexican.
No, you being rude is the disinformation. It teaches other anons that it is okay to act like a nigger. I grew up in LA and live around actual Mexicans from Mexico. There is a clear difference between Mayanos and Iberians. You saying there isn't is a dirtect attack on the European people by stripping them of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity and saying that they are mixed race Eurasians (Amerindians). It is an act of Genocide.
Mexicans can stay the fuck in Mexico. And you need to get the fuck out of Palestine you fucking jew.
It never gets old.
We'd close off massive economic haemorrhaging if we summarily ended all trade relations with Latin America.
And then next when there's a good number of examples it'll be "there aren't enough deportations". That goalpost must be getting heavy, isn't it shekeldorf?
"Imminence" as it pertains to assault generally means that a reasonable person would believe a PHYSICAL attack is imminent.
It appears that the charge is harassment, and it's very likely NOT going to stick, because there is no jurisdiction where words alone constitute crime, unless (again) it's an assault, which generally not only requires an IMMINENT threat of PHYSICAL violence (eg, "I'm going to beat you to a pulp"), but normally, a reasonable person must perceive it that way.
Without further detailed info on the wording of the charge and the relevant statute, it's impossible to say more, but your "analysis" suggesting this can somehow constitute an assault is just silly.
Another thing: there is no such thing as going to jail "for saying nigger." What is usually left out is the DETAILS of the EXACT CHARGES and statutes. The kike media loves to report "racists" going to jail for being racist, but it simply does not work that way.
There is nothing more worthless than a non-lawyer like you providing your stupid, worthless opinion.
Mexican is to Spanish, as ebonics is to English.
Can't even argue with this anymore because the shills never stop. Trump signed the Omnibus, which tightly limited the beds for illegal detention center and tightly limited hiring for ICE agents (with NO money allotted for ICE deportation agent hiring–just admin). All this caused catch and release to be reinstated, and immigration is higher than it ever was under Obama. Furthermore, the omnibus actually banned use of ANY wall prototype. And in fact, Trump said he signed the omnibus because he was forced to in order to fund the military. But he JUST signed ANOTHER bill with no wall funding. Therefore, Trump actually directly caused immigration to INCREASE and he is NOT building the wall.
You people are tiresome. No, people who point out that Trump is the best thing to happen for beaners since Reagan are not kikes. We're the people who foolishly put Trump into office thinking he meant what he said when he talked about mass deportations and building the wall. He's just a liar with very strong marketing–paying people like you to keep pushing his lies all over the web.
I can talk to my gardener now. He speaks English because he's a young white guy. Took awhile to hire him. Why not just do my own gardening? My job requires me to travel. My house would look like a fucking wreck when I'm gone for 6-8 days. I wish other people would do the same. I go out of my way and sometimes pay a premium to only employ whites when I need a service. Anons, the phonebook still has a purpose.
mestizos are not white retard.
You are that faggot who claims to be a tranny.
Spics are being deported, nigger.
Right. I agree. Spics were also being deported under Obama.
The point is Trump is doing LESS than Obama did. Trump lied about mass deportations and lied about the wall. He was the last shot whites had to save this country, and he turned out to be a scam artist. Inb4 you call me Moshe. His actual voters are highly aware of what's going on, and your online propaganda machine can't hide critical performance failure on Trump's part.
Everybody needs to think like this.
Mestizos are not white they are shitkins if they were their country would not be a shithole you tranny beaner.
you are against europeans if you are against truth, but of course you are a tranny woman hating beaner, if mexicans are white (they are some) can come here, how ever I've been to la and is becoming a shithole you can deny this how ever you want this is why the majority of whites left, because they already saw the writing on the wall and unfortunately for me I had to grow up with these primitive retards.
More like you can understand the gardener when he's talking trash behind your back and threaten him in his own language to do his job or you'll have his family deported.
Or, just report him and the company he works for anyway and hire a white man to do the job properly the first time.
Who was really behind 9/11?
One of my favorite topics!
When I read people saying that it couldn’t have been a conspiracy, because, well, it would just be too hard to swear so many people to secrecy! Really??? What’s the greatest number of people that could be sworn to, and keep, a secret? Please, give me a number!
How many Japanese were involved in the conspiracy and implementation of the attack on Pearl Harbor? NO, there’s absolutely NO WAY that someone in Japan wouldn’t have warned someone, or sold the information, or blabbed at a local bar after too much Saki. So that couldn’t have been a conspiracy.
How many people have been involved in the last 70 years in the DeBeers diamond cartel, to inflate and misrepresent the value of those prolific shiny common bits of glass called ‘diamond’? How many advertisers, celebrities, movie producers, actors, jewelers, department stores, retail salespeople? HOW MANY? One million? NO WAY! There’s no way that many people could keep the lid on the easily verifiable fact that the world is swimming in worthless diamonds that have no intrinsic value.
How many US intelligence agents conspired to keep the 911 airport security screeners from ever being questioned in the 9/11 investigations, ever having any testimony released, or ever being publicly identified or interviewed by the press? How many agents? And airport personnel? And co-workers? And family members? NO WAY! There is no conceivable way that many people could keep a lid on that! It’s simply not believable!
So much horseshit, so few shovels.
is there a "raised by a single mother" version of those graphs?
People will say too "oy vey it's more money to hire the white gardener I'll just hire Paco." Not true at all, I even checked up on a few beaner gardeners. They are all pretty much the same price, more actually when you consider how much they will fuck up because they don't respect whites and can't understand you. My guy understands what I says, is white, and unlike beaners can function without supervision. People I know with beaner gardeners either micro-manage them or just accept that they'll only get 70% satisfaction from the service. Sadly, it's getting harder to hire whites for contract services because many young whites just won't enter the industries.
No, it's because whites pay taxes, pay for insurance, pay business licenses, etc. Mexicans just buy a truck and some home depot tools. They don't pay taxes, they don't get licensed, they don't have the same cost of businesses that white citizens have. Therefore they can grossly undercut the legal competition. If I wanted to plumb houses for a living I wouldn't be able to compete with pablo. I would have to go to school or apprentice, get a contracting license, get a business license, get insurance for the business, and pay taxes and fees on all of them. Then on top of that I have to buy all the shit I need just to work. Pablo can come here as a fucking ghost in the system and immediately start with just the basics because he doesn't "exist." The taxman isn't going to throw him in prison. He isn't going to be sued for fraud and formal complaints to governing bodies cannot be made against him for improper work. If he breaks a pipe and floods my home he won't pay me. His business has no insurance for such things. I can't sue him either because again he's a fucking ghost. He will just run and assume a different alias. How can any honest white compete? Don't even get me started on employees. A white business owner has to do so much legal shit to hire help. Pablo can just enslave his relatives at half pay (which I think whites should be able to do with family businesses but that's a different topic).
He's not doing less, it's more because there are LESS entering the states.
The fact he exists at all is hindering immigration, both legal and illegal.
Oh, ok, you changed my mind. I'll vote GOP.
Is this a joke?
There's the tactical vote and there's the true vote.
Tactical vote is when you lump together and vote for right wing candidates in hope of lesser evil.
True vote is when the choices narrow down between cuckservatives/RINO and true nationalist, that's when you vote nationalist.
The democraps used this strategy to dismantle America's court, senate and all other.
You'll be posting hard until November and then will disappear until 2020. I'm aware that your kike donor-funded orgs pay you to come on here to tell the eebil nazis to vote GOP like good goys. This place is exhausting around election time.
I will be posting until this board is completely kiked, while this no vote propaganda campaign will end in November, and rise again in 2020.
No-vote fags are only active when there's election, and it's a huge red herring.
Yeah, last time we really didn't vote hard enough.
If we vote hard enough, this wouldn't be here like this today.
I appreciate your enthusiasm with this.
I mean it's not like they can even read, write or speak properly in their own language.
And I appreciate your shilling input.
As said, no-vote fags are only active when there's election, and it's a huge red herring.
Shills are paid here to make people to do nothing.
They sure speak anti-american english and "muh mexican heritage, let them in" pretty well
We have to start holding up the real border angles. Fuck these open border aliens and retarded virtue signalers. Thinking that having no immigration control is so fucking stupid, what happened in our genetic pool to allow us to hang ourselves so much? What is up with white people and trying to boost other races and nationalities who want nothing to do with us except take our place? I'm so done with this shit, and I'm sure glad we are so okay with undermining our job economy, replacement by starvation and lack of medical care available BECAUSE IT'S BEING CROWDED BY PEOPLE WHO DON'T PAY TAXES. Flying Spaghetti Monster bless this Flying Spaghetti Monster forsaken nation.
When you have armed, paramilitary spics crossing the border by the thousands, nobody is so stupid to believe some sort of long-term voting strategy as the solution to this very immediate emergency. The only people who argue for this have an interest in power or money involved, which means they are GOP or GOP-donor connected. Nobody who is witnessing the invasion firsthand believes the lies anymore when it's our safety and homes at stack.
We need a good old boys club pic with them all laughing at the rape panel.
Make Wife-beating Great Again
Yes, an incredibly smart person like you will do what?
What's your solution?
Or because they realize there's a legal way and the illegal way, and we encourage the legal way, and not the illegal way.
You're all going home, beaners.
Imagine going all the way to SD just to do a hand-gesture at a monument. #TroubleMakers.