THE SALT MUST FLOW: Kavanaugh Confirmed 3.0
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Never relax, they'll try to mobilize and get worse. Always keep fighting as right-wingers.
inb4 some kike "hurr durr neocons, you should just stay demoralized even though this is a net win"
I am very happy for you burgers, I know it may not seem much but every little step closer to 14/88 is cause for celebration.
Nigger this was a huge win. SCOTUS appointments are for life.
White babies won't spawn in dozens, but any step forward is great.
This day is symbolic because it's a rejection of the left's intimidation and smears. No matter how much they try to deny you a public platform and voice, you'll always have a chance to vote.
If I owned a brewery I'd be releasing a Kavanaugh Supreme Court Ale.
Tell me about it. I'm bracing for the aftershock over here on the Old Continent.
It's worth noting that Kavanaugh is pro-2A and tough on immigration. This is a huge victory.
Kavanaugh is a Bush-era neocon swamp creature, and a sodomite.
There needs to be payback for the Romanov's getting gunned down.
#BeersForBrett trending on Twitter
Lol didn't take long for you shills to arrive. ( called it ). You will lose in November if you keep up your malicious tactics. Your ideology is evil since it relies on shame, dishonesty, assault, blackmail, intimidation, and fear to convince people.
Twatter will suppress I'm sure.
Trump will start making real moves in the next few weeks.
is that you in the pic
F*ck off to Jizzrael, you mouth-breathing Khazarian swamp creature.
Wait till we red wave the senate. Kek.
and then kindly gas yourself.
That is what I like to see.
Any possible nominee to the Supreme Court would be a zionist Neocoon. At least he's triggered the hell out of cunts everywhere and likely will lead to a number of leftist suicides. Net win. No question.
How’s it feel? To have the roles reversed? Every time you thrown them to me I come back and feed you to them?
Jesus christ you're worst than shariah blue.
Stay mad, kikes.
no wonder why these stupid fucks have crippling college debt on their backs, they're still so fucking destroyed mentally from trump being elected that they can't think straight at all, let alone hold any kind of job.
How’s it feel? To have the roles reversed? Every time you thrown them to me I come back and feed you to them?
They're literally bitching about the electoral college again because of Kavanaugh.
remember to hydrate lads, salt at this concentration can shut down your liver
Thought you were all a bunch of Nazi LARPers?
Oh shit. Nothing is better than Rothschild salt.
so, is that you in the pic
It's a literal freak show.
kill yourself kike:
oh god, why wyatt, why?
You shall not overcome #BeersForBrett
look at this jewboy looking like he dave hoggs cousin
Maybe it is, why do you care so much? You want to doxx me or something? Good luck with that, asshole.
always be wary Brett was a large part of the patriot act
People aren't for right-wing politicans because of their policies, but to reject the intimidation of the left. Please continue your brilliant strategy.
Do hogs have a network of goons around him at all times?
this kid.
Holy shit that is one of the best memes I've ever seen.
I wonder how many kegs of beer it will take to convince him to change his mind.
But that's something to worry about later. For now the jews and their army of aids niggers, faggots and obese aids-infested nigger fetishists losing their ability to destroy anybody they want with false sexual harassment allegations is something to celebrate.
good question.
I have a solution.
With any luck he will learn something from being falsely accused but I am not holding my breath for someone that claimed the fisa courts are constitutional.
Well you can always leave to a country that has the religion of peace.
Operation comeuppance is in affect. Canvas, donate, and protest. If the Bears overrun the government again, the burning starts November 6.
Do not be deterred. We are one. Research, document, and be smart.
Amass and advance.
Please Kek, make it true!
Fuck the rot childs.
Die rot child scum. Your time will come.
A gallon a day keeps the kidney stones away.
Cute filenames, faggot kikes.
Red salt is the best salt.
They are in hell, and we are the ones who can punish them for their sins.
Fuck off kikefy.
The right should never relax, they should always remain alert. Only celebrate temporarily and head straight back to business.
Getting back your country to it's original state will never be easy. In under 2 years, we've realized how far low our enemies would stoop.
What a faggot.
Hockey uses a puck.
Not only is that one a moronic feminist she is also a weeb into anime.
Let the games begin.
Normalfag repubs better not take this win and forget to vote, but they will.
Why their polls are now even showing a collapse in their bases enthusiasm is believe it or not, a lot of normie Democrats are disgusted by how blatant this whole thing was. I don't think they're morally against using an obvious hired thug like Ford but they're turned off by how heavy handed it was.
Thank NY times for me for being such stupid retards to give the tip off of what they'll try to do. False flaggotry in areas to try and get support from BLM and niggers. How? more demonization of police, more of their antics. And any time one of them are put down like the dogs they are, the lugenpresse will shift gears to lionize the ever living fuck out them. These dindunuffin likely soros paid niggers will be used to try and shift the anger, to try and shift and anger the communists enough to go out and vote.
Pantifa maybe. But their efforts would keep the anger from the patriots of america going into the mid terms.
Hmm, what would they do? (((natural disasters)))? Shootings? Death threats and attacks?
They're trying to bury the salt because they know we're going to use it as weaponry against them.
These fucking libtards are the biggest WEENIES ever.
You idiot. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to post pictures of yourself on this board? I hope this shit does not come back to haunt you, because you are just a young dumbass.
My fucking dick is diamonds right now.
Okay that's bretty gud tho.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
I'm not.
The balls on these "victims" never ceases to amaze me.
Holy fuck, is that real?
Only 25% of women and 28% of men believed her last week, which means only have of democrats even supported her basically. As Tammy Bruce said on Tucker, women voters are pissed because they have husbands, sons, and brothers that they fear being ruined from false accusations. I saw some former prosecutor on CNN last week saying women believed Ford less because they know how women are and see through their lies better.
I'd like to give thanks (just this once) for the internet, reddit, and even Twitter.
Time for a beer.
The filenames are a dead giveaway that it's not him in the pics.
they'll probably jew her out of the money too
It's not him, he's probably posting pics of someone else. It could be anti-Zionist Jew that Jews are posting here.