17 Anonymous Sources - Bloomberg Destroys All Vestiges of Credibility

The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies
Posted on October 4, 2018 By Jordan Robertson and Michael Riley

The article is basically saying how China is evil, so deflecting blame from the kikes. I won't bother posting more of the article because there isn't even one single but of corroborating evidence in or out of the article.
>17 anonymous sources confirm ___.
This is a meme now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hello CHICOM kike. We see you.

What's the point of conflating shoddy journalism with Jews doing 9/11 they did?

You're thinking logically, not memetically. On the one hand, you have the ability to surreptitiously enter the "Jews did 9/11" meme into someone. Next, you are granting equal validity to that statement as to Bloomberg. Finally, Bloomberg itself is jewish, so you are implanting the idea that Bloomberg did 9/11. You are planting a seed of countersemitism against Bloomberg without them knowing. Instead of you having to point out that Bloomberg lies because they are jewish, you simply say all the words that will make them reach that conclusion on their own. 17 anonymous sources confirm this.

It's typical external enemy narrative stuff. I'm sure China did do it. If I were them, I would. It overlooks how the overwhelming majority of our productive facilities and supply chain ended up in their national territory, though. It didn't happen through osmosis or sheer happenstance. It also sounds like a drop in the bucket compared to the wholesale israeli surveillance operation run out of every major Silicon Valley tech firm. The same israeli operations that put Trump in the White House and tell him what to do.

Keep the focus on 9-11. It colors everything.

Nobody gives a shit about (((US companies))).

This is different from Intel's backdoors you fucking retard.

shill logic

1989 Tiananmen Square

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You made it really obvious you're a Chink shill with the Trump line. You Chinks came here when the tariffs started, with incessant pro-china, anti-trump shit. Now every time someone mentions china "focus on the jews! oh, and dont forget trump." You're so fucking obvious you herd-animal shit-skin. Filtered.

Exactly. It's the new chink shill tactic they've been using for a week now. Every time china is mentioned they all just start whining about jews, as if, because we're Zig Forums, we're just going to mindlessly lap it up because they mentioned jews. They're such dumb fucking shit-skins.

No, I am not Chinese. Everything pertaining to China flows the core, original source of the problem: the jews. I don't have a problem with the tariffs, but I am cognizant that without requisite domestic production facilities they don't amount to anything but higher prices and increased government revenue. You'll forgive, I'm sure, for not believing that the same capital interests that exported the industry wholesale aren't going to bring it back.

If you don't like that this is a National Socialist board and that our views don't line up with the Trump administration or Mossad, feel free to fuck off. Why you'd want to bang your head against the wall on a board with 2k posters on a good day is curious.

I'm not surprised if China did do it.

They spy on everyone and everything. It's the only way they built up their economy and military.

These pieces of shit must burn!
Yeah, China had the air defense all working in southern california that day because CHINA!

Fuck off, israel!

Outside of sensitive technologies, practically every sector of their economy was boosted by Western capitalists making a conscious decision to export their entire industrial infrastructure system to China in order to make themselves' more money and impoverish their enemies [working people, primarily White] at home so they couldn't seek revenge.

Are you fucking retarded????
How does me spying on you, make you go fly airplanes into buildings that israeli mossad planted explosives in through Kiketech Moving Systems?



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I'm referring to the Bloomberg news you retarded cuck.

What's up with the number 17?

They think I don’t know who they are

Well still fuck you because 1 fuck you and 2. I still don't know what you're trying to say and it's not important so fuck trying to tell me.

Go change your tampon.

lol Murrica.

Fuck off you slant-eyed monkey. Go shill on reddit, you're too stupid to be here.

fuck yous

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The f-35 scam put all small powers to work.

I am one of those sources and I stand by my statement. You can quote me on that.

Even without the chip, foreign spies (not just China) practically infest Silicon Valley already. It's an urgent national security situation should the cold war environment intensify.

Wanna bet?

That’s how this works.

They're going to be crying when they see what all the money really went into.

We all will.

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Thank god. We were getting chink steel before.

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17 anonymous sources confirm
17 anonymous sources confirm
17 anonymous sources confirm
17 anonymous sources confirm

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Everybody says I have some sort of disorder right after they send goons after me

They are leejun.

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Urgent zog security situation. No White men should care about (((national security))) of (((((((((the USA))))))))). The American state and corporations are our enemies, so we should hope that china does them harm.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

I love how the cuck brits and other cianigger types and spook traitors are coming out of the woodwork saying it's bullshit, because they don't want the lid blown off the fact that most large manufacturing countries do this to their own products.



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China is evil.
And for fuck sake, if you're going to shill at least fucking learn proper god damn English, you subhuman retards.

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A bit late for that, considering anyone concerned enough and tech-savvy is likely going to fine tooth-comb search their hardware for hidden chips now. If I was working on anything sensitive, I would, no matter how much they claim it's false just in case.

Have fun with that.

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P.s. anyone remotely tech should have known for at least the last decade about this horseshit if they were paying attention.
Not to mention poz at exchange level.


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Sex slaves? cultural marxist propaganda? archaeologists? social sciences? media? black on blond porn? netorare? mansions? sex islands? iron dome? free gibes for shabbos goys? chinese drones?


17 is Q!
17 Is Q!

Burying the story. There have been bans and thread deletions all week. Just read the article and ignore chink op. Also mods get fucked

I won't bother reporting your garbage thread bc… oh wait, nevermind… acutally i will