Can someone explain the logic?
Zig Forums is against abortion
Proof, motherfucker?
Zig Forums is only against abortion for non-whites.
Aborting non-whites is good, aborting whites is bad
Liberals and white trash aborting babies is bad?
Use sage for low quality threads
Aborting whites is bad, aborting non-whites is good
False dichotomy thread. Non-white babies aren't human, therefor it isn't murder.
Why should white trash living in trailer parks in basically poverty be reproducing? Quality over quantity.
And realistically speaking, you can't ban abortions based on race in the U.S. Keeping abortions legal does more good than harm.
Fucking newfag
Zig Forums is against legal abortions, especially taxpayer funded ones. Lawbreaking niggers and wetbacks don't let little things like suhpreem coortz n sheet stop them, only dum ypeepo do that.
It's an open board where anyone can start a thread or make posts, so it's easy for GOP shill outfits operating out of Connecticut, Eglin AFB, and Tel Aviv to just have their servers automate spam and astroturf the typical GOP platform talking points here: more niggers, external enemy misdirection, union hate, privatized everything.
The difference between the board now and 2014/2015 is night and day. It all went to shit once Trump and Parscale Mossad crew identified it as their chief subversion target to piggyback off of.
Abortion of non-whites is good, abortion of whites is bad. It’s as as easy making it illegal for whites to do so
This board isn't against legal abortions at all. What on earth do you think a eugenics program would entail, you fucking moron?
Reminder that only Jewish and liberal shills repeat this nonsense that “b-but you can’t end abortion don’t you hate blacks”.
We can simultaneously end abortion, affirmative action, and no-work food stamps and welfare while ending policing of black neighborhoods that don’t pay taxes and 90% of blacks will be starved to death or murder each other and then starve to death within just a few months.
Second, when abortion is ended blacks will be most likely to continue to abort their babies illegally, and many black women will kill themselves doing stupid shit like drinking bleach to try and kill their own babies. If they don’t die then we can at least arrest them and put them to hard labor for murder.
It's illegal for niggers to reproduce, their IQs are in the legally retarded range; no ability to consent.
Abortion, like all murder, is only ok if done to non-whites. He isn't going to try to overturn Roe v Wade in all likelihood. Though the SC now has the votes to.
And whose the ones supporting pro-abortion? That's right. White women. I guess those shitlib pussy hat wearing demons banshees are /ourgals/ now right OP?
The absolute height of fantasy. This is the kind of nonsense, no results, nigger loving trash that the GOP has been selling to dumb hicks for decades.
BTFO in three other threads. Starting fourth hoping to do better. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a new result. Zig Forums is pro-abortion for non-whites.
This is good. Leave them to their own devices, we’ll mop up the aftermath and make it clean again, but for us only.
It will end up being about not making employers pay for it.
You are supposed to lurk for 2 years before posting newfriend.
How is it easy to make it illegal for whites to get abortions? Neither the Republicans or the Democrats would dare to bring in race to banning abortions for certain groups. It is unrealistic.
You are naive to think that. A lot of blacks and minorities will keep their babies if abortion is made illegal.
Larping as if you live in some alternative state?
Liberal white women who want abortions. Oh no that sucks!
Which I am totally for! That is the kind of action I would like to see.
Fuck off. Abortion will be decided by the state. Niggers will still abort in California. Red states will be white baby machines.
Everything is unrealistic until it’s not.
A lot of red states have huge black populations though. Just look at Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina etc etc.
Hurr duur
Duuuh huuururrrr
Nice job outing yourself as a shill. Contrary to popular belief it takes a little time to take over the courts
Repealing Roe v. Wade =/= banning abortions
Abortion legality would revert to state-level. Blue states would continue to allow them, whereas some red-states would likely ban them. People who want abortions would be forced to either travel to a blue state every time they wanted to get one, or move.
Therefore, repealing Roe v. Wade would NOT automatically result in more nonwhite births, and there are a lot of factors to consider.
Sterilization, you moloch loving fucktard
Zig Forums isn't 1 guy, fuckwit
Lol. They’ll be shoving coat hangers up their cunts puncturing their own vital organs. And good riddance.
You degenerates will never understand. You don't kill white fetuses because they are white. Liberal, Hillbilly, White Trash- who cares. If they are ethnically European- no abortions for you. Simple as that.
You allow or force the abortions of other races or mongrels only to keep their numbers manageable until sterilization / extermination can be realistically forced. It is that simple. You do understand what board you are on- right?
Or this. Even simpler.
how strange
Do you let you cat have dozens of kittens?
Text version (edited) for anyone who feels like copypasta (pre-set with reddit spacing):
jump in a ditch, pedOPhile
That's clearly not a modern woman. It might be a 2d waifu tho
This would also create the absolutely excellent situation of whiny, catty lesbians complaining about the civil rights violation of making a whore move from downstate Illinois to Chicago if she wants an abortion so fucking bad. They already bitch and whine because abortions aren't directly covered by tax money.
Same reason as anything else. It's the morally correct position. Not only that, but tolerating the hyper niggerfacation of Blacks starting in the 60s led to that same Jewish poison seeping into White culture by the 90s. The same is true with Abortion.
Ignore the evil around you at your own peril.
Not even close, friend.
Missing the point this badly.
Board is so, so, so cancerous these days. Putrid nigger loving conservatives everywhere you turn.
Enjoy the ban, newfag
Well god forbid niggers and spics are taught personal responsibilities and are finally held accountable so that they may finally step up and be worth something but no you fucking kike shill want to sow division even when something overall good happens,ypu maoe me sicl and ill be glad when your leaders have all thier accounts frozen and roped placed over thier necks and blindfolds draped over thier quivering eyes.
Do you just want a world of hate? How can that be the answer for any side?
Save your discontent fpr the synangouge you satanic faggot
nope, welcome to chode monkey's Zig Forums, where even the most obvious shills can make as many slide threads as they want because MUH OPINIONS SHOULDN'T BE OPPRESSED, AS A POLLACK YOU CAN TOTALLY "PERSUADE" PAID SHILLS AND MENTALLY ILL COMMUNISTS XDDD TRUST ME
Always follow the end conclusion of every post a trumpnigger makes. They always result in non-Whites swarming and surrounding every facet of life and Whites exterminated. They never ever deviate from this.
Good to know you've finally outed yourself as a socdem masquerading as natsoc, hasbarafag.