This is unacceptable. Pepe is a frog of peace, not what this harvard-cloth glownigger is saying. This is slander.
No matter how these spin-doctors try to flip it, the true account of Pepe is plain for any to see.
TEDx Going After Pepe
Go back to reddit and fellate the “based” niggers spics and jews there.
user, I
dead meme. The trollface of 2016.
truly a clown world. How soon until the left start taking the Gamers rise up meme seriously? I have a feeling clowns will be the next peppe.
get a load of this salty boy
Use next time OP. It's the new hooktube:
This is you. This is what you look like.
Pepe is Pepe, watch your tongue lad!
This is what you look like, kike rat.
Damn, that's one steaming hot take. Imagine taking this mid-range IQ moron seriously.
the point is to flood the comments for keks newfaggot
nice comeback jew
Do these retards not see where the road for this shit leads? Even the normalist of normalfags see this shit as pure schizophrenia.
death of the board is when people like you come here and think you're part of it.
nice image m8
they dont, user, we know that now.
spotty teen mentions "the tribe" in the first 2 minutes, and smiles when he mentions dank memes while giving a mild redpill to his audience?
Well played generation zyklon, well played - even if you are same fagging your presentation. ;^)
not samefaggot lad, found this searching for the latest normie tier Pepe PSAs, saw this was recent with hardly any views
How can it be dead if it causes such anal devastation?
If a picture of a cartoon frog makes the mentally deficient seethe with rage and ultimately make themselves out for fools; who are you to question its effectiveness?
I say the meme is serving a very good purpose and that you are a faggot.
Memes are like the stock market. When every last redditor and normalfag to the right of antia sarkeesian has piled in, it's time to exit. 8ch used to be on the cutting edge of memes and always dropped them before they became overripe, but that was before 8ch was full of qboomers, redditors, and "I've been here since the Trump campaign!" vermin.
Any relation to the singer i wonder?
Have you actually watched the video? He says Pepe ISN'T a hate symbol and he also tells people to use search engines other than Google and even references James Damore's case, although doesn't mention him by name.
Actually it was the OK sign white power symbol hoax that they believed and still believe even though everybody tells them it was a hoax every time they mention it.
Joe Biden may be creepy but that's a bad example because
1. She's not prepubescent so no paedophilia is happening.
2. Even though she's a teenager she looks about 40. At least in that pic.
wow, you accused me of being jewish. how original. You're a total fucking yawner; your thread is a total waste; and trump being a lackluster philosemite has sucked the last of the risidual goodwill out of an old meme that was already getting stale. You're like those journalists still kvetching about gamergate, you don't understand that memes are supposed to be a constantly moving target. It's exactly like the kiddos who wouldn't stop rolling out "PROBLEM?" until half of /b/ was spammed with it.
t. user.
you didn't deny you're gen Z though lad.
oy vey! really?
This is some low energy shit.
you know what I am lad
I didnt accuse you, rabbi, I implied. That heightened sense of persecution is on (((you)))
Redditfrog is a zionist internet meme, undoubtedly the most bloated one to date. There's a shit ton of kabbalism in the pepe meme, and those who profusely shill for it are either manchildren or far more likely racial jews who wish death for Amalek.
look at this one go
wew lad
You really are desperate to shill this old as fuck "weird Twitter"esque meme aren't you?
"Oy vey, look at how antisemitic this unfunny frog is, REPOST IT GOY!" Like we haven't heard that a thousand times.
I mean, yeah.
what a squeaky-voiced faggot
thx for bumping sweety
There are myriad other more important things to worry about than leftists crying about Pepe again. The Brazil election, the Take a Walk Network project, et cetera. Spamming and samefagging your own thread just makes you look like a faggot.
uh, youre welcome to leave the thread faggot.
He's a subversive getting paid to do it and the mods are in on it.
Anyone who's smart knows that there are certain internet memes that are used profusely by jewish agents, so let's create a list to document all of those that (((they))) love to use, and how best we can counter it.
Memes associated with ultrakike shilling that I've noticed are as follows (feel free to add to this):
-Pepe the Frog and any variations of (like Kek)
-Ebola-chan/Winter-chan/Anything-chan (Ebola might be a hoax btw)
-fam, famalam, senpai, desu, salty, take an L, any nigger and weeb speak basically
-Based (which is nigger hipster in origin but has taken a life of its own, commonly used for Zionist puppets, such as "Based Assad", "Based Farage", "Based Marine Le Pen", or (unironically) "Based Putin")
-"You have to go back" and anything else Trump related (includes Shadilay, "make x pay for it", etc.)
-wtf i hate x now
-Shirtgate (and anything with -gate as a suffix, btw "gate" has a gematria of 33)
-Moloch, Baal, etc. (I don't believe in Satanists and think the idea of Luciferians running things is also a kike lie, but I do find "ironic" deity worship annoying and stinking of a psyop)
-(possibly) kek, lel, topkek
-"he does it for free" (check the gif in the new sticky)
-Tyrone (also known as "Based Tyrone", he is an African man in a business suit who's paid to read stupid Zionist shill memes; he's probably not an agent himself and might not even be aware of the vile origins of what he's reading, but the kikes love to dish him out)
-Old memes that should be as dead as over 9000 and O Rly by now: Polandball, Spurdo Sparde, Dolan, Wojak/tfw face, Ragetime variations (these may have been innocent gentile fun memes at first, but they're widely used by the enemy now)
-Trollface aka Coolface (IMO the creator of Trollface should be investigated like Matt Furie; though the Zionists don't use Trollface in alt-right circles, Trollface has been used in many other areas and was very popular with teens, newfags, and normals some years ago. The widespread adoption of trollface should thus mark it and its creator for intense scrutiny)
-lolcats (same with Trollface, not in the alt-right so much, but it's been adopted everywhere else)
Our memes are always evolving, Pepe met his purpose. He is/was identified with civic nationalism/paleoconservatism. We now need the chief, William Pelley Dudley, he is more representative of our needs right now.
He was a great man, but we need an American icon for American nationalism, besides he's tainted with the image of edgelords and LARPers.
Also I copied this from an archive site for Ylilauta of all places.
Here's one of trump's "empty airfield" airstrikes in syria. Notice how it bombs all those apartments full of people.
Actually, if Pepe is specifically memed as a civnat meme, his value could be greatly diminished and the kikes would be forced to shill something less old and unfunny.
see how they run
What about Gondola? Is he a dead meme?
I think our digits speak that it's time we evolve from Pepe.
Yeah, at that point he's telling the audience what the MSM are saying. He doesn't agree with the statement.
Was featured in a vice motherboard article so not looking good.
The real holocaust starts soon.
thanks for the input rabbi
I've seen them actually use gondola for subversion, like with but in other threads and boards, so if you see that repeatedly, the poster is probably a jew using the new pepe.
well? are you jewish?
Is Baneposting a Zionist meme?
My foreskin was still intact last time I looked.
Go suck a dick, if you're ignorant on the Chief you have much to read.
Joke’s on you, zeyeegg. We groypers naow.
oh yeah, tell us who the Chief is shlohmoh
No, really, non-jews like me actually have a foreskin. I know it's hard for people like you, that don't have one, to believe.
trips of truth, the kike even uses past-tense 'was intact'
It's TEDx, not TED. Anyone can make a TEDx talk, remember the "here in my garage" guy?
check his trips before addressing him you fucking stranger. or better yet go away and never come back
yes, I noticed that little freudian snip- I mean slip
Post a pic of dick with your mom holding a timestamp
wew lad. Did anyone really doubt me when I accused him of being cancer?
How shocking. Of course Costello is primarily an Irish surname and he looks like a mick to me but I felt like I should bring this up regardless.
Not just about Peace.
Pepe is one of the Watchers.
So time to battle.
For Frerdom of Speech.
How did that work out the last time?
Has anybody actually watched the video? He's clearly a non-leftist telling leftists and potential leftists to try to find out the truth about things.
🕋🕍lmfao jeewgle updated the emojis and they have the mudslime saturn cube and a synagogue now 🤔🤡
K, keep bumping the thread brainlet.
Actually, never mind.
Audience filled with Grandmas and little fat girls, easy to be a retard when everyone listening is even more retarded.
Pepe has made (((you))) afraid
you keep saying these things and no one believes you.
I guess you have a problem with grammar then? the sentence "My foreskin is intact last time I looked." isn't grammatically correct. The "was" is correct.
one less sexy piece of ass, sadly she died with her hymen intact but it wasnt intact after she died, if you know what i mean
kikes trying to pol the polacks
every fucking time
too late, we know you have no foreskin
Grammarkike detected in this thread:^)
those weren't even the US part of the strikes, shitskin