There's been a 59% cut in Western sperm counts from 1973 to 2011

Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, stress, smoking and obesity are seen as causes, along with too much alcohol, caffeine and processed meat. The chemicals include some used to make plastics flexible and furniture flame-retardant – which can enter the food chain via plants or animals. Experts also blame increases in testicular cancer, the number of boys born with one or both testicles missing, and changing testosterone levels.

Meanwhile no one is fighting back against this in any way and the entire original article was written with one sentence per paragraph.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Kikes, everyone.

Nothing wrong with having only one
t.someone with one ball

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Also, ejaculating only once every seven days boosts testosterone. There have been published studies on it. Nofappers are fucking their test going longer than that. Pornography is objectively degenerate though.

I'll post the study I saw later but currently phoneposting so I'm lazy, but yeah. Lift weights and don't masturbate yourself to the point of invalidity. Seriously.

Fuck off moshe.

I need a good laugh. Explain your statement.

Propaply kike propaganda to demasculate western man, and make wamen choose arab/african men


Attached: shalom (63).jpg (297x365, 55.2K)

Hitler? Is that you?

Yeah. I don't buy this.

Let's not fell prey to contempt prior to investigation.

Right, i will check my ball

I know youre joking but cut that shit out. that is one of the most childish lies the jews made up about him.
but I think they dropped the gay bullshit because its "good" to be a faggot now

I wonder who could be behind that.

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I really believe that these falling testosterone and sperm count levels are major reason the Jew has been able to bastardize our culture so much. Weak men like this allow degeneracy to flourish in their society. The levels of degeneracy in modern America are unheard of in world history and I don't think it is all solely a result of kike propaganda. Low testosterone men are more likely to accept Feminism, diversity, homosexuality, and many other forms of degeneracy.

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You're right.
I'm confident that plastics and chemicals in the water must be having a lot of negative effects. But I suspect that this study is skewed to demoralize Whites.

Actually, it's one of my favourite jewish lies to bring up. Right after the lampshade and soap myths, the Auschwitz roller coaster myth, and the movie "Schindler's List"

It's fun to remind people of the utter childishness of jewish lies. When they aren't careful, they come up with the most insane excuses and it hurts their less insane stories.

what good is a sperm count if you can't get laid tho?



It's interesting not only how short the article is, but how it shortens birth control pills to "hormone disrupting chemicals". You see birth control pills are usually made of female sex hormones, among them progesterone. These have a tendency to be released along with urine later, to not mention careless retards flushing them outright occasionally, and are notoriously difficult to filter out of water.
This is significant, because progesterone has been linked in a couple of studies throughout the ages with an increased risk of homophilic behavior, AND - decreased sperm counts, and quality of said sperm.

Considering how birth rates seem "okay" outside of the west, despite the much more significant pollution in those areas, I'm leaning towards birth control pill residue getting out into bodies of water probably being among the bigger causes of this. Especially if you consider that this has been happening to fish, frogs and other aquatic animals for decades.

Attached: Uterine cancer pills.png (651x879, 55.47K)

not sure why you amerimutts bought into this idea that da joos are making white boys into soyboys, but western infertility is pure meme shit shilled by the very same heebs to promote third world immigration as sane and rational. by and large, regions like africa, the mid east and russia are vastly more infertile.

sage for shilling

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I never drink tap water. So far a daughter and a son due in 4 weeks

Reminder - Oral contraceptives are some of the worst things ever created in regards to pretty much everything; men, women, children, and the environment as a whole

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A beautifully done film, other than the fact that it’s all literally white genocide propaganda because the baby is a nigger.

We need waifubots


True, and I guarantee you will feel the effects. Also magnesium supplementation helps a lot as well.

Really there are two problems at the root of the dropping sperm count issue, one is the chemicals, toxins, plastics ,and birth control hormones secreted into our water supply. The other is the fact that more men are living sedentary life styles and not working out, which leads to dropping sperm and test counts. One you can change right now by working out and exercising, and the other you can minimize by filtering your water, trying to source non toxic foods, using glass instead of plastic, etc.

Save your race, start doing these today.

Good luck, user! I wish you the best. Great work.

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Also important.
Filter your water if you can not get fresh rainwater (filter that too from poisons lingering in air).

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This. You can get a good filter for under $500 to boil your water and drink the filtered evaporate.
Talk to your community and install filters for your home water supply. Use glass bottles, not plastic. Don't drink soda. Marry a qt3.14 and make strong babies.
Thank you.

can a person BECOME amish?
like, if i don't wanna live in this world anymore, can i go join an amish settlement?

Eat organic/local food and avoid plastic as much as possible:
Get /fit/:
Avoid/minimize all drugs:

These are called phthalates.

never post again

Attached: FUCK OFF AND DIE.webm (1280x720, 10.56M)

It's also important to consider the female side of things. Women should do all of that and also avoid birth control like the plague, it destroys fertility, that's its purpose. Women should be /fit/ as well, but their body fat should not be too low. As a man, you want really low body fat to maximize test and also aesthetics. Women need some fat to be healthy.

Apparently this is an isolated incident because goddamn do I bust some fat nuts.

It's not kikes, it's just globalist shit. Jonas Salk wrote about this. Many others did too. The fact that T levels are going down is not an accident. Nor is the rise in homos and trannies–also comes from environmental hazards, on top of the social acceptance and homo predation on damaged individuals (i.e. how they "reproduce").

They are very reluctant to take in outsiders and openly state that it almost never works. Why don't you just find a community close to them and live parallel with them, they will treat you as a good neighbor and you won't have to convert (the failure rate is so high anyway).

We can bring you into the party

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Sounds like too much capitalism and consumerism.

don't worry. we got this

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Gay niggers?

I don't think there's a correlation between seminal fluid and sperm count.

This. Also, eat your veggies! Sperm count can be heavily protected by just not being a slavish sack.

You'd have to learn German, learn the work ethic, and swear off technology. You'd have to say bye to Zig Forums. Plus you'd have to fit into their weird little culture. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but it's unfortunate that the future of white America will be heavily old style, vapid Christianity full of inbreeding and cowardice (pacifism is bad)

it's because the western male has gotten so fat, nothing pumps your body full of more estrogen then having excessive bodyfat, same with fat women and testosterone, which why feminists are so fucking crazy

All of you are just short minded, this is part of the overall plan
People are constantly being fed xenoestrogens in order to emasculate mankind, not to mention the tranny propaganda coming from the west and the degenerate trap anime stuff coming from nipland
This will lead into a society composed of three different types of people:

the Alpha breeders, high testosterone men who make up around 1% of the total population, with a large portion of them being kikes, Amish and a few /fit/lads who survived the great purge

The beta emasculated men, the descendants of those who were unable to stop themselves from being degenerated into Androgynous femboys, taking up the rest of the male population, most of which are bisexual and want anyone with a cock to use their boipucci. Due to their emasculated nature they cannot put out enough sperm to even impregnate a woman

And finally the Slags, the degenerated remnants of the more "feminine" side of mankind who are filled with nothing but spite and jealousy, a result of their being so few alphas to control them leading to an extreme sexual competitive nature ingrained into them by several generations. Generally they will fight each other in one form or another while using the beta femboys as stress relief.

This is the judens ultimate plan, with it they will assume a position into society that can only ever be held by Alphas (which they mostly make up) and thus permanently hold their grip on the earth for the next 10000 years
It is only by holding a strict natural diet and spreading the right information around that we can fight against such a terrible future

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Actual clinical proof this isn't kike demoralization?

It wouldn't surprise me, but the fake news jews put out with their fake cherry picked "studies" is real.

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Difference between starvation and not being hungry

QUESTION, If one masturbates daily wouldn't ejaculating every day lower sperm counts? I'm pretty sure they take a while to build back up. With the amount of fapping going on this seems like a likely explanation.

It's not the sole explanation but it is a major contributing factor. Ejaculating daily depletes the body of major nutritional resources used for creating testosterone, likewise taxes the liver which contributes to the creation of testosterone, and constantly throws a wrench in the body's clock that determines how it should handle testosterone. Note that sperm count isn't the only thing in jeopardy by ejaculating daily.

Sperm count is dependent on semen production which is mutually dependent on testosterone levels. The body reabsorbs semen for its resources, produces more, and basically using the testes as a vat. If you look at the contents of semen, it is a majorly expensive substance and most of it resources known for increasing testosterone, most notably zinc.

yes, can confirm
Everyday I've masturbated every single day and sometimes more for the past 10 years, and everytime i cum its around 5ml
However after not masturbating for a few days 4-5 i ended up coming atleast 4 times as much, not to mention it felt much better
Also those nofap guys are right about lethargy and lack of willpower caused by fapping
I put myself off fapping for a few days and end up being significantly more motivated to do pretty much anything
However this wont stop me from fapping, so I'm thinking of changing to a high protein diet to offload all the shit I'm losing from sperm
Any suggestions?

Attached: How to achieve trap mode guide 2.png (1432x2164, 2.6M)

Why are you posting faggot shit

As a reminder of what not to do
That and a trap dominating lesbians is my fetish


There is only one way to save Europe, highly fertile black bulls must impregnate european women before white males go extinct.

Sapiens once did this with Neanderthal women and we must do it again to save our race.

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holy shit it's hitler

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Fucked up my earlier post. Anyway, just hold off fapping for seven days at a time, that's when testosterone peaks. I don't know how guys go for months without fapping anyway, pretty sure almost everyone would just cum while their sleeping at some point which has the same effect. From my experience you don't have to force yourself to never fap ever, but try to do it as little as possible and as long without it as possible.

Hitler didn't have one ball. He had medical records proving that.


Who are you trying to convince?

All the women I can find are on birth control and won't get off the pill to have an actual kid. I guess I gotta wait till 20 or something to have an actual kid. Fucking jews!

Duck off

Fuck off to cuckchan

Cmon say something in nazi.

Attached: move-away.gif (250x386, 4.44K)

-an asteroid hits
-the sun explodes
-volcanoes erupt
-ebola-chan gets around
-whatever the fuck you want to put here

If you replied to this gossip thread with anything other than disdain and a sage you are problem.

*the problem

Sorry I only speak American.

Which is good. muttmerica wont harm Europe anymore.

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Stupid fags, a story from the mirror…use ur brains people

so, what is the source on that second pic?

who needs porn when you got kino

birth control pill was invented by a jew btw

unironically this

How is this a bad thing? Stop eating shit and sitting on your computer all day user.

Ask for the source on /rec/
Sage for off topic

Its literally in the title user

The dumbest kike lie I've heard about Hitler was that he apparently got so addicted to drugs that he started mixing animal shit in them so he could get a better high. I wish I was kidding.

(((human race)))

Wrong. A feedback loop kicks in because your androgen receptors get numbed to the higher testosterone, which makes your body produce even more testosterone.

Captcha; suckerd

Have some self control and do nofap.

Attached: Brahmacharya2.jpg (754x324 26.34 KB, 28.08K)

So fucking your wife is bad for you?

Saving thumbnails

Fuck off

Kill yourself, degenerate.

The prophecy is coming true

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Its likely due to

Why do any of you believe this is actually true?

(((published studies)))
the common consensus among the scientific minded is that 21 orgasms a month is optimal.
there is no good reason to ever masturbate

Attached: nofap 3.jpg (1204x606 863.35 KB, 217.02K)

Learn how to read.

Wrong. The study doesn't point out this happens in industrialized or developing areas even more. East Asia is WAY worse off in this regard, as is India, and even large cities in Africa (Lagos, Nigeria) have similar issues. Pollution is a huge factor. Westerners have it bad because our people are constantly and willingly swallowing poison.

It's going to be the duty of all geezers to pollinate the young 20 somethings!

Found the kikes.

Nice thumbnail.


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People like you deserve to go first even if there is no extinction.

The low sperm count is the result of yet-unknown kike attack. This is why they smugly point out that our existence relies on mass immigration. They know this to be true, strictly because we're largely unable to procreate. What did they do to us?? When this shit is uncovered, the real Holocaust, the final solution, won't need to be memed into existence.