Does anyone have the tl;dr on why Drudge was ever considered even remotely important to the journalistic sphere? Wasn't his site just an aggregator of public newswires? Was he ever a journalist of any import? Yet here is in in articles like these making totally stupid claims like "Trump wants to regulate the media."
So what gives with this guy? Where did he come from and why did his site ever get popular in the first place?
Matt Drudge & his background
Read the rules, you fucking reddit piece of shit.
Drudge broke the Lewinsky story.
Yep. And he's been literally a leftist kike since, yet for some reason "conservatives" read his shit
Don't forget that he broke it on Netanyahu's behalf.
he was one of the first conservative journalists to crop up on the internet as it was beginning to take off, and it coincided with the rise of conservative media like limbaugh and the backlash over the clinton administration. but like a lot of jews he lost his mind when Trump won….. lots of so-called conservative Jews were legitimately terrified of Trump due largely in part to the hilarious faux WN meming here and elsewhere.
he still drops by UnderNet #politics from time to time, which is still a very active channel and has been since 1996. lots of kike influencers in political commentary on both sides of the aisle hang out there incognito.
This. Like how Jones broke Waco. One big break is all you need, it seems, to gain notoriety.
fpbp. Satan agrees
If that is true I hope you are filling the channel with perpetual ASCII swastikas.
If you don't believe this guy is a yid, just watch this video. Also, why does he look like Dan Dreiburg (Niteowl) here? And notice the owl on the flag.
The entire reason the (((Lewinsky))) story broke was because Bill wasn't pro-israel enough. It's a classic kompromat operation.
Donald Trump literally said "We're gong to open up our libel laws so when they write purposeful negative horrible and false articles we can sue them and win lots of money"
He hasn't done shit.
Nowadays he mostly memes hard the progress of sex robots
No, OP. Also, Drudge is a homosexual and his popularity is massively inflated due to the meta tags on the page that force a refresh every 30secs or so. That's counted as another view.
Chucky the jew is still blocking over 300 of Trump's appointments. So… it's a little hard to get such a thing done when you don't have the people in place.
He is a filthy kike. He is always pro kike on each politic side. He often have pictures of that gross Maddow up on his front page. There is barely a day without a picture of a kike on his front page. He always post links crying about antisemitism. He is shamelessly pro israel. He deserves to be thrown into an oven.
Other than this, I don't really now any alternative to his site. I always check it multiple times per day. I check pol every day too, and listen to some podcasts, but neither can cover the amount of topics in that short a time of what it takes to just read his headlines, and he gets stuff hours earlier than it gets on pol, and podcast cover stuff half a day or more after pol.
Sayanim Mossad operative/kosher konservative gatekeeper. Aligned with the right wing likud party. Kosher Konservative news aggregator similiar to Breitbart.
He is just another jew pretending to hate Trump while Trump passes policies that empower the Dershowtizes of the world. He is going to make it illegal to attack corporations for making addictive medications, destroying the environment, etc. He really is the most kosher goy since Churchill.
And fuck the asshole CIA bitch who deleted this post the first time. I look forward to your next thread kvetching about the Chinese murdering you traitors.
Name a better place to get news headlines or STFU
He's a soft neocon and a degenerate. Just look at his constant shilling of transhumanism and sex robots.
Does anyone have any recommendation for sources? I just look at ZeroHedge and Zig Forums to see the highlights and take both with a lot of grains of salt.
Drudge is very ironically so I know what (((they))) are up to.
That channel has a serious Jewfestation, but it's been around forever. There are people from MSM that lurk as well as people from alt media outlets like RSB, but it's nothing like it was in its heydey. I think the average chatter age there is about 50, and those people know absolutely nothing about memes.
>Braindead civnats using that shithole to get their (((news)))
If you're a lazy fuck, I guess you could use - Of all the people in the US media or with a background in the industry, Jeff Rense is by far the most redpilled.
Based satan trips.
He's a MOSSAD fag. Two sides of the same shekel.
he broke the lewinsky story and showed up at the bitches house
Your methor really is the best way to handle everything. It takes a trained eye but you can tell a real Zig Forumsack from someone paid to post here with a bit of work. I dunno about Zerohedge, I see them get a lot of shit on here. What they probably do is talk about the really bad shit and deflect with "it's not the jews!!1!" somewhere in the article but as long as you know it's always the kikes behind everything you'll be alright.
Hes a kike and a faggot
They weren't terrified of Trump or the WN, only that whites all got together and decided on something.
Paid shill confirmed.
Rantingly is similar to Drudge. I’m trying to get him to name the jew, but it isn’t working.
It is you who are the shill.
Hi, shill. Go back to (((Drudge))).
The solution is to stop reading shit like the drudge report. You're whining about the solution.
Not in Canada.
Literally no one interested. Oh well, makes for good dead man switch material.
hey red highligher, you're the actual paid shill
be more subtle next time