What do you fags think of this group? Seems interesting.
What do you fags think of this group? Seems interesting.
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Regardless of what you think of them at least they have somewhat of a plan and are doing things in the realworld aka not just sitting around Zig Forums, doing nothing.
You mean the Northwest Front? I'm a fan of Harold Covington (RIP) and think the Butler plan has some real substance. However, it's a little too white flighty for my taste. It's a good last resort, however I don't believe that we should hand our country to the kikes, coons, and spics just yet.
The difference between this group and Northwest Front is that they seem to be National Socialists. And I don't know about white flight man.. i've looked into it a bit and it seems like a smart regrouping maneuver. Tbh, the country has ALREADY been handed over to the niggers and spics BY the kikes. It's a sad thing, but props to anyone who's solution oriented.
It's some meme kiddo onliner ROTC group that have a "supreme leader" that is literally a 15 looking soyboy goblin, their kiddo leader demands unfettered online "respect" and subservience based on face value, and not based on any merit. They are what i'd describe as Onliners, they have never to my knowledge done any real world activism. They are not radical. They have nothing to show for their arrogance besides being apart of the cadet club.
Many of these cuckolds actually believe in inaction and that real world political protest is futile, not because of anything rational but because they are cowards and fear Jews too much. It's laughable. Even though they are in America and don't risk actual jail for "hate crime" and "thought facts" or police backed political persecution for disagreeing with the cultural marxist party line. Weak. Go figure.
Their plan is basically to gain white critical mass and create a "bastion" and later DEMOCRATICALLY achieve state secession which has been tried before by other states like commiefornia and has never worked. Calling their shit plan into account, or disagreeing causes massive sperging, not honest discussion. It's more of a social club than something serious.
Not a good outlook for any serious movement. However i don't think that a social club is bad at all, in-fact I support it. It might get better with time. But i have my doubts.
IMG related is what any political movement should aspire to. Not bullshit.
Check OP's reply dipshit
Washington is less than 70% white and a large percentage of the white population is latte-sipping faggots because of Seattle etc. Not seeing how that's supposed to be the ideal location- northern New England (VT, NH, ME) would be better (lower population, smaller territory, whitest area, on the Atlantic Ocean). I think the northwest thing is rooted in Cascadian nationalism moreso than practicality, as evidenced by the LARP rectangle including an arbitrary chunk of "West Montana".
That being said, I don't think that any state will ever be allowed to leave the US, there is only precedent against it. Not that I have any other idea- I personally think that the US is completely lost, the demographics are much too far gone (~50% white, mostly 40+) and most of the people are too stupid and bluepilled. There's no real sense of nationalism, only "muh rights, no hyphenated-American, speak English, come legally" wankery. Yes, there are more white nationalists in the US than anywhere else, but I don't see any signs of any actual solution whatsoever. I think it might be best to just coordinate all efforts towards saving Western Europe which is what matters most.
Which is so, so, so much further gone you have no fucking clue. Eastern europe maybe, MAYBE isn't yet, but western's pretty much universally fucked for a ton of reasons, not all but plenty of which are demographic. You cannot save those who do not wish to be saved.
t. knower
New England is 77% White, has huge population for a small area. One massive problem with that is that it's geography is strategically shit, not to mention it's way too urbanized. and there's too little of a farmland in NE, and it wouldn't sustain the population.
I'm aware that the article is written by a kike, but the statistics were taken from the US Agriculture Department's Forest Service.
America has the most rights out of all the European countries. Majority of western civilization don't let people own guns, jail people for hate speech, promoting hardcore browning of their countries and I don't even want to think about the amount of liberals there. The NW has the best chance, after their success, a domino effect will ensue. Liberal population is accumulated in Seattle and Portland. Everywhere else is majority conservative. Not to mention, the NW has plenty of farmland to sustain it's population, it is geographically good in terms of strategy.
Of fucking course you can't achieve the secession via voting, you can only do it through a revolution.
why does it have to be one way or the other? why not both? why not have a Northwest Front and a New New England?
hell, i'd even throw in a NovoRussiya in Fort Ross California, after Russia siezes back its territory dating from 1843.
look at what the RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS do and learn from them. AQ splintered into Nusra, which splintered into ISIS, and at any given time there are 50 different sub factions of jihadi militias fighting each other more than they fight the kike. any moment one jihadi group dominates, it subdivides into a hydra. plus there's the shifting sand dunes of Hamas and Hezbollah, with all of their involutions and schisms and sub sects.
while that appears like fucking chaos and D&C neutralization, this creates a constant fog of war requiring thousands of CIA analysts just to keep score of who we are even fighting. the confusing hydra of Jihad induces a despair and erodes your will to fight.
similarly, i would rather have a dozen competing or loosely cooperating NS groups, than wait for the next geologic epoch when some perfect clone of Adolf reincarnates to unify the Aryan tribes.
also, the most important step to remember from Harold's Butler Plan is that the US govt will have to lose its legitimate monopoly on the use of force in the eyes of the people.
everything that comes later–guerilla war, succession and white independence hinges on that key event happening.
nobody knows what will trigger that event. but when i see FedGov, i see a Deep State drenched in blood and emanating deception, with its billions of pages of Top Secrets, and more atrocities and war crimes and acts of treason in the false name of National Security, and these offenses go back year by year to at least 1945. what happens when it all leaks? what happens when more secrets spill than can even be processed by a dozen Wikileaks clones?
i see that as being the catalyst for step 2 of the Butler Plan. i don't know when that will happen. it could be next year, in 10 years or in President Barron Trump's first term in 2038. who the hell knows.
Because it's better to concentrate your man power into the better plan, the NWI. There's many out there and there's too few that are sane. I believe that the guys that the op and I are shilling for is solid and sane.
Exactly, that's a very important step.
Western European countries are something like 80% white, America is ~50%. The situation is different- Europe has mass-rapes, terrorist attacks, grooming gangs, etc. their way of life is being noticably altered rapidly, this is what wakes people up. America, despite being literally half white, is still a very comfortable place to live, depending on where you are. The people don't realize the situation they're in. In Europe, the bulk of those that don't understand ought to soon.
Eastern Europe is completely fine, all they have is gypsies (and in some countries, Turks) that are universally hated.
Only in Italy, Greece, and most of Eastern Europe can you describe the population as generally "wishing to be saved" from diversification.
I said "northern New England"- only Vermont (maybe), New Hampshire, and Maine. Southern New England is gone, I would know.
That's going to go out the window soon enough, that's not even relevant.
"Conservative", maybe, these dumb "if you bleed red white and blue" boomers. Not white nationalists, WN's are a fringe minority everywhere. Only in a European context is nationalism implicitly ethnic.
Nothing good will ever come from voting. Italy.. even if the Lega politicians are legitimate, there's only so much they can do from their position.
New England to Idaho then. Could probably go all the way down to Nevada and west to eastern Washington. There's a huge belt of whites in the north.
As long as we could help our Dixie brethren in their struggle.
I'm pretty sure the NWF doesn't have an account on gab. But I could be wrong. I would assume it glows in the dark.
This thread was bumplocked for being QTDDTOT.
Majority of their farmlands are concentrated there. so ripperoni
You know for a fact that the "muh rights" group won't let that happen. The last thing that the kikes want is to start a civil war.
Already explained it
There's a thing called working to convince people and getting the public support. Otherwise all is lost. Key to success is to get the public support no matter what, otherwise everything is lost. You can choose to be a defeatist and not do anything irregardless while sobbing in the corner if you'd like. But I'm choosing to act no matter how futile it is you might think.
What part of central America do they reside?
Glad mods are anchoring these low effort, one question slide threads. Thanks mods.
I've been meaning to read the books by the guy who thought it up. Until then, I can't say anything more than, at a high level it's appealing. Unfortuantely the founder if you will has past away and that seems to have slowed the movement.
I wouldn't fall in with the NWF. Speaking from personal experience.
This place has been sucking shit lately.
Op wasn't talking about the NWF. He was talking about the brigade
I'm sorry for the confusion, but I read about the Northwest Brigade and they also discuss Harold Covington and the Butler Plan. They have the same ideas and methods, and therefore I concluded that they were the same group. It's my mistake, but my opinions on this very similar group deviate little from my opinions on the NWF.
Same person but ID is different cause I'm on a different device.
We need an ethnically-based constitution.