Kikes are pushing climate control hard again in the (((media))). What a coincidence that the time we have to save to planet is year 2030. This coincides with agenda 2030.
Wow what a coincidence.
Kikes are pushing climate control hard again in the (((media))). What a coincidence that the time we have to save to planet is year 2030. This coincides with agenda 2030.
Wow what a coincidence.
Distraction attempt from issues at hand.
I constantly hear about 2020 this 2030 that, 5year plan this, 10year plan that.
The older I am, the more I think it's all kike bullshit.
fuck off you kike shills
Agenda 2030 came because their diabolical anti-white plan to destroy the Aryan races didn't work out for the turn of the millennium. While the date keeps getting pushed back (not only because they keep tacking on new issues to "tackle", like homo or trans illness "rights" in the third world), the important bits are well under way already and continuously reinforced. In about 2 months a "migration pact" (code name for a legal treaty basically making it illegal for White only spaces to exist anywhere on the planet) will be ratified by all its 100+ signatories.
They won't stop until we make them stop.
Maybe calling the first guy a kike shill was alright, but not the second.
OP, you're a fag for reading and linking to cnn.
This stops when the economy tanks. US CO2 levels have steady declined as the country has been deindustrialized. Now shitskins pollute like there's no tomorrow. Anyway, CO2 is a cover for the real nastiness going on as CO2 levels have never, at anytime or place preceed a rise in temperatures. If you care about the environment (and why wouldn't you) then you're looking at a good dozen different issues, not just one, let alone something that is essential for life. I've seen dumb leftist cunts call for a lowering to a level that would kill all life on Earth. Shit doesn't change as years ago, Greenpeace faggots wanted to ban fucking chlorine until someone pointed out to them that it's an element. Just evil and retarded people behind this so yeah, probably an element of White genocide to it.
We probably avoided a famine by introducing so much CO2 into the atmosphere starting 150 years ago.
We hit a low point of 80 ppm which was pretty much approaching the point where plants can't yield shit for harvest anymore.
The "environment" is just a jew talking point to camouflage anti-white programs and policy. The Aryan way of viewing the environment would demand that we cull everyone who doesn't respect it, instead of culling ourselves as the only race to show considerable interest in the environment.
There's literally nothing wrong with attempting to reduce pollution, reduce consumption, or pursue green energy or better material recycling at end of product life.
The problem is shit like the Paris Agreement which enforces no environmental policies, and only mandates increased foreign aid
Instead of a law saying-
-the UN says "more gibs"
The Sun is the only thing that has a longterm and significant impact on climate. Other things include asteroids/meteors, the strength of the magnetic field of Earth and volcanic activity.
You can map the rise and fall of civilizations with solar cycles of the Sun. The media spins forest fires and natural weather phenomenons as hysterical climate change. Forest fires are down. Flooding and hurricane damage increases because hurricane affected areas have seen an increase in population by around 50% in America. With this increase comes more homes, infrastructure and haphazard construction. The damage and costs are higher, but the actual storm strength and intensity and frequency are the same as previous data.
Oceans are rising, but it is a measurable amount and completely normal. There was a huge spike from the pre-glacial era, but it is now pretty much levelled off. Ice caps melt because we came out of an ice age. It isnt the first nor the last time we will have ice caps and see them melt. The ocean wont rise significantly either. Most of the rising is done. The ocean floor will compress with the new weight of water distributed from melting ice around the world. There will be marginal coastal rise over the next few hundred years.
What should be more alarming than climate change is the weakening of our magnetic field, the huge reduction in ocean currents and massive pollution from china and india dumped into them that is likely linked ot the destruction of these currents. Additionally, super tankers that produce more CO2 than all cars combined and which only number a dozen or two in total and only work for 2/3rds of the year. The additional disruption to currents and sealife from these are a major factor affecting the ocean. No mention of them - just you need a carbon tax and higher gas prices and its your fault, give China and India billions for corporations that moved jobs there.
We are approaching a solar minimum. It is getting colder, not warmer. They dropped global warming because they know this and call it climate change. Any heatwave or major storm is blamed on climate change. We have had almost no solar activity this year. Weve gone hundreds of days without any sunspots. It is likely going to get very, very cold by the 2030s, similar to the 70s when boomers talk about goign to school uphill both ways with snow up to the top of telephone poles. Look u pthe ozone layer and what we know about it now and see how it was used as a tool for global warminga nd end of world money grabs. No one talks about the new holes above China and India from their pollution and use of CFCs nor how old ones are healing and that the ozone works in seasons - opening and closing. naturally. Just evil gib money nao white man.
Its a hoax and willful lying ot the public.
This is the gilded cage they have in mind for us
The Paris Climate Accord is a joke. It would demand US pay billions to foreign countries (China primarily) that have no obligation to meet the same accord they sign (china only has to 'try' to do it, everyone else must do it). The cost to meet climate accord for 1st world countries is insane and the reductions they want are so miniscule as to have no impact on the world. People hear about millions of barrels of oil spilled or volume of CO2 released and have no fucking context for it. Oil spills, in particular, are listed in smallest units, rarely using barrels or cubes like the industry does. Big number is scary for people. Thousands of gallons of oil can be cleaned up relatively quickly, even in rivers. Within a month there is no trace of the spill, but it was an environmental disaster to the public. Even billions of barrels of oil in Gulf of Mexico is gone and cleaned within a decade. All environmental checks show the sea life and plants thriving and coasts and water cleared of the oil. This was a major "disaster" and big campaign for birds covered in oil and other bullshit. No one gives a shit about millions of birds killed in green energy wind turbines that will never pay for themselves or the massive waste of solar panels in majority of 1st world countries due to angle of the Sun, winter and rainy climates that reduce the effectiveness significantly. Its all a bullshit scam. Everything is made of oil - phones, clothes, computers, tvs, shoes, jackets, bags, luggage - everything. Its not just gas. These people are insane and the public is too stupid and ignorant of the topic to grasp what a load of horseshit theyve been sold. But a celebrity with 5 houses, 19 cars, personal jets, and larger carbon footprint than some towns tells them what to think and they honestly believe it.
Not that anthropomorphic global warming is a real thing, but any "climate agenda" is nothing but an attempt to push for pure, unadulterated globalism. Just this week, we had EU "scientists" suggesting a $275+/gallon gas (((tax))) to stop global warming. It's a fucking tax scam, folks. If they were actually serious about any of this garbage, they'd be going after the biggest CO2 producers and biggest polluters like China and India. Of course, instead, they go after affluent countries they can get more shekels from.
reminder that Jordan Peterson helped write the official document for 2030.
Reported. Kill yourself.
Fuck, I should not post before drinking coffee.
Old news is so exciting!
Why does that matter Jordan Peterson is no longer in the UN?
Is this satire?
last upload to that youtube channel was five days ago
It’s brand new. You refuse to do a single goddamn thing to stop it, so it doesn’t matter how old the news is.
Every one of their arguments is based on repetition, rather than reason or truth. That means they can easily be subverted to further our own goals.
nope. OP is a faggoted half-wit.
Climate change is happening. Ce la vie. Deny it all you want, 'cause you don't like it, 'cause you don't "believe in it", whatever. The fact that our cliate is changing is supported by the best science we have.
Now, Jews are making use of this situation. Yes, that's happening, but that doesn't mean that the Earth's climate isn't in flux. The climate is always changing.
Reminder that global warming is not happening. Reminder that every single claim made by the AGW crowd has been proven false. Nothing is changing about our climate and everything you said is a lie.
DnC jew.
You're a jew when you try to get other people to think bullshit. That's subversion. That's jewish.
Reminder that global warming is not happening. Reminder that every single claim made by the AGW crowd has been proven false. Nothing is changing about our climate and everything you said is a lie.
you're an idiot
Must be because no the shitskin angle isn't working anymore so they have to come up with some new excuse for why these lazy pieces of shit HAVE to be in our countries.
How the fuck are they ignoring the solar minimum?
kill yourself kike
because you can't tax the sun
Reported. Kill yourself.
Reminder that global warming is not happening. Reminder that every single claim made by the AGW crowd has been proven false. Nothing is changing about our climate and everything you said is a lie.
ayy lmao
Be you not knowing how to fight back.
Travel to Ukraine and find wife, have many children with wife, send children to Azov summer camp.
How based is Azov? Every time they come up, people start sliding the threads with uncorroborated bullshit.
Climate changes on its own, naturally, over hundreds of thousands of years; our planet has had multiple ice ages over its multi-billion year lifespan. In reality, the Earth has lived in a constant state of flux over its lifetime, with glaciers melting and reforming repeatedly. Mountains build up and erode away. Forests spring up and die. Everything happens in cycles, naturally, on its own.
We do not have enough empirical evidence of humans' effect on the climate to truly understand what our existence and our industrial actions really do. We have been collecting this data for less than 100 years, and in reality, ice ages cycle over tens or hundreds of thousands of years and climates change continuously over millions of years.
Despite that, we've repeatedly seen arguments that we need to 'protect our environment' and be on the lookout for actions that could exacerbate an apocalyptic ice age or global warming event or something. These arguments have been around for more than 40 years, and they do the same fucking things every time: keep the moral high ground and politicize the argument.
The reason we don't fucking know our effect on our planet is because nobody is willing to have an honest sit-down conversation. Nobody WANTS to talk about it because talking about it could reveal uncomfortable truths for one party or another, and people in power would rather politicize the argument so they can push for higher taxes or more restrictive legislation and regulation. None of this has to do with actually saving the planet and only serves the purpose of funneling more money and power into the hands of a select few people who already have way too much.
I don't fucking believe the AGW scams. I don't believe the NOAA or NASA reports on the matter. The "96% consensus" of scientific reports directly contradict actual measurements and readings. None of that means climate doesn't change, nor does it mean we don't have an effect on the climate. It simply means we have no way of knowing at this point because the scientific community is too busy eating foreskins to give enough of a fuck to find out. Anybody who has actually tried to apply themselves to real research has been systematically ostracized, branded as heretics and madmen for daring to go "against consensus".
Get cancer and fucking die, faggot.
Nuclear is the most powerful, greenest energy there is. But kikes want to be able to nickle and dime the goyim for shitty, dirty power plants.
They say that Ukraine will be the nation liberating white people from semite scum
Can confirm, have experience as a nuclear technician. Nuclear power is, by far, one of the cleanest, safest, and most powerful forms of energy that we know of. Kikes in congress are too busy stoking fears of China Syndrome in the public to let people realize they're all taking bribes from oil companies that would lose out on so much if nuclear power were truly researched with the intent to expand upon its real power.
If we ever developed as a truly nuclear nation, we would be fucking unstoppable. We would be able to shun roughly 75% of our fossil fuel usage, which would kill the oil industry in a heartbeat. We would become entirely energy independent practically overnight, which means at least a quarter of the bribes the government is taking would vanish into a puff of smoke. America would become the center of the scientific world, almost guaranteed.
Really, the biggest hump we have to get over to get over the next step is to find a way to get away from steam power, because if you do your research, nuclear power is just a hot rock that makes steam that turns a turbine. When we find a way to remove the steam power, we can truly unlock the power of the atom.
I'd believe it, most of Azov are Rodnovery practitioners and National Socialists. They've set up shrines/altars in areas they operate for Europeans to honor their racial gods. Destruction of spiritual semitism and of political semitism is all we need to do to free the Aryan people, Azov is working to do both.
For those two reasons above of course they'll be shilled against hard. First from the christian rats that can't stand Europeans honoring their racial gods, and secondly by the kike rats that can't stand Europeans honoring the truth and adhering to the natural order of things.
They have been pushing this shit for years, woman.
a0ff7b is poljew2, just filter and move on.
nz here the media talks about it everyday and now they're talking like the world is going to end in 20 years and plastic bags are ebil nazis
plan implemented in NZ. NZD crashing, petrol skyrocketing, 12% immigration over 10 years, 'zero carbon' bill coming in. Inflation hitting commie levels, commie leader. Nation that rejects the idea of 'nz values'. we are fucked.
meme the Auckland volcanoes into massive eruption, and a tsunami to wipe out Wellington.
Help us, Kek. Help us, Heh. Help us please, US. Help us Zig Forums
Well if it is going to end in 20 years who gives a fuck? Party on.
Just wait til they come for your straws next.
fuck off the real problem is (((tauranga))) not auckland
That was always the plan
Your comment sounds like the hammer of the patriot book
Read the fucking studies original text written by the people who conducted the studies and you’ll see that you’re retarded and everything you said is a lie moshe.
If any of you retards believe in climate change you are a kike. CO2 is good for the plants you niggers. Oh no the plants have more food! Why do you think dinosaurs were so big there was extra oxygen in the atmosphere. CO2 emissions are a good thing.
the absolute state of Zig Forums
The propaganda report is new
Means even more control
We do know: nothing.
It also directly contradicts what that study itself says, which is that only 44% thought that man was having "any amount" of warming.
spotted the jaffa. Auckland is a cancer.
speaking of dates, it's important to keep in mind (and maybe some anons aren't aware) that the kikes have a deadline. the deadline is the year 2240, when the kikelendar (aka the kike calendar, not to be confused with the kike lender) hits year 6k and their moshiach initiates the messianic age. or something like that. i'm not sure. there's probably no consensus amongst kikes as to what exactly happens then, but the date is certainly set in stone as a big deal.
We need to use Climate change arguments against the Left. If their argument is that developed nations consume too much then that means they should support stopping immigration from the high fertility undeveloped nations and convince those shitskin shitholes to reduce their birthrate below replacement. This is necessary by their own logic. Personally I don't believe in climate alarmism, but any narrative to reverse the brown hordes is pro-white.
Oil is the most polluting fossil fuel and OPEC countries produce the most oil which causes this terrible climate change.
Most of these countries are in middle eastern, african and south american countries. for the sake of the planet it is vital europe and north america which are doing very well in combating climate change reduces travel and investment to these countries and these people be not allowed to travel on mass with highly polluting methods of transportation to north america,oceania and europe as well as parts of asia as this will have the most negative effect on human habitation on this planet.
say for example if the sea off libya was filled with ineffecient polluting over burdened boats then the best thing europe could do would be to prevent them from filling the mediterranian with a strict military blockade.
This may seem drastic but desperate measures are needed to ensure living standards are maintained in europe and north america and other similar specially affected areas.
To block problems arising from south america, perhaps a wall or other similar obstacle could be built and perhaps trains could be maintained so they do not carry to many passengers especially those riding on top of the train especially illegally without a ticket making the entire engine inefficent and even more polluting with it already poorly efficent coal engine spewing lots of co2 and particulate matter.
In the mediterranian and mexican border it may be necessary to physically remove these citizens for the wider benefit of these established and successful climate zones.
>There are people on Zig Forums, right now, who don't remember Climategate
Instantly wrong.
tbf it was hardly anything more than college-bred unwarranted elitists shittalking conservatives exposing a bias we all knew they had than actually admitting cooking the evidence.
doesn't an increase in C02 increase vegetative growth which in turn increases oxygen production?
t. dude weed
climate change is going to be the big gay that we need to contend with in the future
you should start stocking up anti-climate change propaganda memes now, boys
kek SAGE
whatever you do don't type cocks out in jewgleever
I'm halfway through the book. The biggest recurring theme is they never release their data so others can test it unless someone spends years trying to get it, and they usually don't get all of it.
The people pushing global warming also made it a goal to remove the Medieval Warming Period and Little Ice Age from the data through various means, to make whatever heat increase they put in their study seems even more extreme. As in, "Look! The temperature been steady for centuries UNTIL NOW."
Steven McIntyre is one of the people who fought it, and is throughout the book. He's mentioned in this first image.
Actually, manmade climate change appears to be real.
Holy shit you're retarded. Look into what the elites actually believe. Zionism is just a tool, a small part of a great entity.
The Donald is already assembling our standard food ration pack.
Was 1984 a warning or a blueprint?
D-d-d-double checked!
Don't forget the often-overlooked World Economic Forum (DAVOS). It's anther Bilderberg style gathering of elites for world subversion.
Bono is one of their shills.
It's hilarious.
No shit, this is what they put into a newspaper I have the misfortune of holding in my hand regularly. A panel of "experts" in the UN does not know what a fucking TREE is.
Does this mean they'll finally go after china and india for their bullshit? I don't even know why I bother asking, of course not.