Share the highest tier Pro-Christian/Anti-Islamic Memes you've got
Mormons are banned
Share the highest tier Pro-Christian/Anti-Islamic Memes you've got
Mormons are banned
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Fuck off back to Zig Forums and suck 'godly' nigger toes with your fellow anti-Whites.
This isn't cuckchan you fucking nigger. Fuck off and never come back.
Worshipping race makes you as degenerate as the niggers you hate so much
ikr it's no different from commies worshiping economics
(((YHWH))) worship makes you actually as bad as a nigger. You don't deserve the White blood in your veins, so slit your wrists.
They'll be the ones laughing when they're in Heaven and you're sitting under Satan's left testicle
Yeah, I got a christian meme for you; its you betraying your people's religious and cultural heritage and opening borders to suck jewish cock eternally. You're absolutely useless in this life and in any other. Fuck. You.
>lol you'll be baking in Hell while I get to slurp Jamal's toes! It's what (((YHWH))) always wanted!
You worship a demon, faggot. Pic related is what you'll get to enjoy for eternity.
If you're honestly going to believe those hacks in your meme, you're probably too far gone on any subject to comment on it
Dumbass, if you'd read the Bible, you'd know Heaven has nothing even somewhat close to that.
christianity at its core is nationalist not globalist. what you see as christian and call christian is just liberalism with christian symbolism and virtues (signalled). if you're into strawmen, pagans worship trees and don't shower.
sage for shit thread.
Keep dreaming bitch, you’re not even fit to be a lady
Remember, sage goes in all fields.
Of course it will, I promise you, your Christian "Heaven" will be majority non-White, and you can thank your based nigger-loving missionaries for that one.
That faggot cocksucker hating on "Race-worship" refutes you, as does all of Zig Forums
Calling me a Stewart.
Don't forget BASED pro-White Pastor Anderson!
no they don't moron. that isn't a refutation.
read this entire site written by a white nationalist PhD and Orthodox Christian who proves Orthodox Christianity is traditionally ethnonationalist as it has always been. Its church father's killed muslims in combat for their nations and its people.
Now lurk for 3 years and don't post again.
your lack of education is showing
2 Corinthians 5 For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 2 We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 3 For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies. 4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. 5 God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit.
If you think the demography of Heaven is going to matter at all, crack open a Bible for once in your life
Fucking useless jew-worshipping sand religion.
Wow, your strawmen really convinced me to hate jesus as much as jews do. I really hope that guy who the jews murdered really is suffering according to the talmud that calls non-jews cattle. Thank-you based homosexual golem!
Too many of you idiots think Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy. Without Christianity, Europe would've died to the Muslim hordes a long long time ago. Not to mention the Jews hated Jesus, and the entire New Testament (upon which Christianity is based) was never written by Jews and the Jews don't even follow it. Get a fucking grip.
You don't belong here, kill yourself.
I'm politically active in nationalist circles. I can assure you these people aren't avid readers.
>LMAO my eternal afterlife's demographics don't matter! DOn't you see, (((YHWH))) is color-blind? Come here, BASED Jamal, lemme suck your toes!
Jesus was a Jew and any ill-will other Jews have for him is Rabbinical sectarian disputes.
You mean when Jesus called Jews the synagogue of Satan? (Revelations 3:9)
Wow, you sure showed me. Keep posting Catholic pics because as we all know memes about modern Catholicism represent and totally rek Cuckstianity, absolutely!
You sure are one amazing refutationist.
Found the mudshit. Can't wait for you subhuman nigger garbage to be purged after your hooknose cousins.
Still on the Pope nonsense, eh?
How many normal Christians do you see out here sucking Jamal's toes? Seems like you're more mad blacks are more capable of finding a white wife than you are.
Of anything, let alone the Bible
Is that stuff you talk about at the nigger faggot bathhouse between slurping on AIDS cocks, because you're a flamer angry at christians for telling you that all homos are going to hell?
all chr*stcucks should kill themselves. the west has abandoned chr*stcuckery and only inbred rednecks and literal autists still believe in that kike brainwashing
Mormons have the highest birthrate which is literally the only positive effect of chr*stcuckery.
the bible was written by jews
then why do they want chr*stcuck shitskins? it's always "muh kingdom of god" shit, your statement is completely wrong and you only say to this to appeal to this board's audience in the interest of shilling your kike faggot religion
trees exist, god does not
you people are absolute scum
jesus was a kike you fucking retards
all the chr*stcucks on Zig Forums are constantly shilling for muh nigger babies with this retarded "muh moloch" /x/-tier bullshit
Start posting pictures of black SS and Jew SS and all the Marxist pagans. I think that'll show him. Doesn't get better than attacking people for being "cucks" while clinging on to a dead political ideology that had a multiculti army and thinking that makes you edgy. How many Jews in Hitler's army again? 200,000?
Without Christian scripture, there would be no Islam. Here is you God, faggot. You worship the same demon as the Jews and the Muslims.
Last three pics are for (((You)))
You're the subhuman nigger hating on "Race-worship" while praying to a desert demon.
Plenty. Pics related.
Jewish projection from a Christcuckold. You'll hang with your based niggers.
Those were Jesus' words, someone else was writing down what he said
Well Jesus is God so why wouldn't I trust him?
because he was a jew you fucking idiot
According to your logic, Paganism is leftwing and NatSoc is multiculti. Guess you're a massive faggot.
How can you be such a cuck that follows a religion with no White people? The entire fucking bible is filled with sandniggers doing sandnigger shit.
So telling the truth = anti? Really? I was just promoting your ideology for you. A lotta strong selling points.
You can't trust any kike. Thanks for admitting you literally worship a jew.
oh I didn't see what you were (you)'ing
Just because a person wasa Jew, doesn't make them automatically bad. I know this is a bit shocking to learn for the first time.
You worship a guy who employeed jews and blacks who blacked german women while claiming how much you hate nonwhites. You really are a remarkable human bean.
wew lad
These threads really trigger the yids.
Should make it a Sunday tradition.
Man up and do shit about it, complaining about Christianity certainly isn't helping
When someone is a Jew so that magically makes them a bad person
Patently false.
Because white people aren't special
All religions are bluepills.
The redpill in this scenario is understanding the truth of nature: It is not words or ideas. It is what lies outside our windows and happens each day that is real.
There are no gods there. Look. I dare you to look. What do you see? That is what is real.
Typical Christnigger thinking. Go away from this place, you don't belong here. In fact, move to Israel.
there's where you're wrong, kiddo. now get the fuck off my board and never come back
they're raiding Zig Forums with their "nigger babies are precious and it is bad when they are killed, god is a jew btw so not all jews are bad and also non-whites that agree with me on these points are civic and allowed to live in Europe and breed with European women as long as they get married first" ideology
Genetically. Yes, all jews should be exterminated regardless of their actions. A DNA test or even a good look at the shape of their nose is all the justification you need. You're the one that believes in magic.
never post on Zig Forums again. you do not agree with us on literally anything except fag-hate, we have nothing in common, get the fuck out of here and never come back
LMAO nigger-lover. Here's a question for you:
Would you rather your daughter marry a godly nigger, or an atheist white man?
Rome was well into its decline prior to Christianity taking root. Did you know all the things you oppose you only oppose because Christianity gave you morals?
I get it
OP is an astroturf.
Sage and report.
Atheism and materialism are why we're in this mess. Filtered for bluepill.
Obviously a Godly Nigger, I don't want my daughter influenced by hedonistic homosexuals like atheists
shit religion, shit thread
christianity is a non-white religion
Troll softly kike.
I don't understand why you LARPagans post this. It just makes christians/christcucks defensive. You will never attract people to paganism with this shit. You are actively making christians defend their beliefs.
Europeans had morals before your demon worship showed up, fag.
Ironically, Christianity is the most pro white religion on Earth
Screencapped for posterity. Anti-White Christcucks expose themselves for us.
My morals are fundamentally at odds with chr*stcuck morals. Chr*stianity believes that dead nigger babies is bad because magic, that non-whites are perfectly fine if they convert, that whites were buttfucking niggers until the jews taught us how to be human, that the material (i.e. "real") world doesn't matter, etc.
I believe in race, in DNA, in the natural world. I don't care if a hominid is a chr*stcuck or not (although you faggots seem intent on pushing me in the "if you're chr*stian, you're not white" direction), I only care if they're white. All non-whites deserve death, a chr*stian non-white deserves death just as a non-chr*stian non-white does. My in-group is "people that are biologically similar to me", yours is "creatures that think the same things that I do", this is a fundamental difference.My worldview is empirical, based on logic and proven cause-effect relationships. Yours is based on 'magic'.
I don't care if people are Pagans or Atheists; as long as they are not chr*stian, that's good enough for me.
chr*stianity opposes the extermination of non-whites which is literally the only way that white people could not go extinct within 50 years
You glow in the dark JIDF.
Forgot cap.
Don't post anti-christian shit. Post pro-paganism shit. Trolling and shitposts won't do anything but make christians hate LARPaganism
You mouth breathing retard
Stop posting with yourself. No one with anything more than a brain stem is buying that.
Weak. Sounds like someone raised in the biblebelt-then turns into atheisim during the rebellion stage and after the 2010 fedora memes you now identify as a LARPagan.
Stop with your resentment towards christians, its stupid. Negativity is destructive for everyone, including the one inflicting it
Seems like your DNA, your race, is the weaker one if it's going extinct
translation: im an atheist and hate christianity
status: fedora tipper
Okay, let's play ball.
Even if what you say is true, it just shows that those fags complaining about "Race-worship" are kikes
Lol, you faggot Abrahamites are so deluded you actually think your blood ancestors were a bunch of fudgepacking faggots for the tens of thousands of years before Christianity was cooked up. That's inoperable cuckery.
Chr*stcucks have always hated traditional Aryan religions, and they always will, it is a fundamental part of their belief system that all others are illegitimate and worthy of contempt. Most of them cannot be convinced once they reach adulthood, and it's not my job to try- atheist intellectuals that are more popular on lesser websites are the ones doing that. My goal is not to promote Paganism, but to attack chr*stianity and turn people against those that believe in it. The more white people abandon and develop animosity towards chr*stianity, the better.
No, you freaks need to be destroyed.
We created civilization which resulted in powerful governments. These governments were taken over by jews (who were aided by chr*stianity's mercy; if the jews were killed instead of "expelled" throughout all of medieval European history, we wouldn't be in this situation) who then used this power to flood us with lesser races to breed us out of existence. There is no "weakness" other than the unwillingness for people to go full CIAnigger mode.
If you hate the white race so much, then why the fuck are you on Zig Forums? Nobody wants you here. It's people like you why I post that guy eating a shit and beating off on it on (((/shitstain/))) occasionally. Leave us alone.
Shut the fuck up, 'godly' nigger-lover.
oh look a rabbi doing classical D/C
I would very much like to be divided from people that think niggers that worship a jew are my brothers in spirit, thank you very much.
The OP started this, fag.
Reminder: Poster ID eaa88b is an admitted anti-White.
Literal christcuck lol
If you christians are unaware. We have LARPaganism problem on this board. These faggots like to sit in discord and waiting for anything that remotely paints christianity in a favorable light.
A real pagan isn't posting memes that result in D/C
Wrong retard. You are a LARPagan with a two digit IQ. If you had half a brain you'd realize how destructive you are for pagans with your stupid bullshit