Bulgarian journalist who reported on EU corruption, found raped and murdered, body fund dumped in pa

The body of a 30-year-old woman, bruised, beaten and raped, was discovered on Saturday in a park in the city of Ruse in northeastern Bulgaria.

Marinova had worked at the Ruse-based TV station TVN as a reporter. She had hosted a recently-launched program, interviewing investigative journalists about alleged corruption between businessman and politicians involving EU funds.

Two reporters in the European Union — Jan Kuciak in Slovakia and Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta — have been killed in the past year because of the work they were doing to expose graft at the highest levels of government.

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Pure coincidence

Yeah anytime someone gets to close to the EU leadership this happens. Most probably don’t remember when the Belgium pedofile case was busted and a whole slew of reporters and journalists ended up dead one was buried alive

Oh my, what a coincidence. It's a dangerous world out there goyim, wouldn't want you hurting yourself.

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Can the US please start carpet-bombing Europe again? Our friends across the pond need a serious reset.

Yup. Just a coincidence. People die every day. Thus no one will do anything. As usual.

Sounds like Soviet Union tactics. Then again, the same bolshevik kikes ran that.

To be fair, if she was based out of Brussels or some similar shithole it's very likely that some dindu wanted sum fukk.

Friendly reminder to protect our women.
They are ours, no one elses.
Your mother, your cousin, your aunt, your daughter, your wife.
They are frail, loving creatures with soft minds, bodies, and hearts.
Get FIT, get armed, protect them and love them deeply. They carry a burden of utmost importancy; our children.

For every thot, every coalburner, there is a father, a brother that fails to do their job.

This is how you're supposed to use immigration. The idea in the US should be to hire Mexicans across the border and pay them to take out Hollywood actors.

nice dubs
The (((EU))) is a bane on the world.

Is it better to live in the spiritually corrupt shithole that is (((the west))), or live with a clean conscience free of greed in an impoverished country?

every single time

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Fucking this.
My sister was hanging out with a nigger in middleschool. He was super nerdy, all about Pokemon cards and shit. My parents put their foot down and explained how it looked to other people. The social shaming worked out well and now she's married with 3 beautiful white kids. You cannot let the (((media))) and school indoctrinate your kids.

Move along, amerimutts and yuropoors, nothing to see here.

Glad we agree, my fellow white nationalists :^)

Bulgaria's "Far Right" Nationalists are woke AF about the (((EU))) and denounce it loud and clear.

Bulgar Neons are on the rise there and have been active for a couple of years now conducting vigilante patrols of border areas to confront (of kill) invading Muslims.

The swelling numbers in the ranks of Kike-aware neons has the international jews frantic.
(pic with news headlines related. )

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Why is it the farther East you go in Europe, the more based and redpilled the populace is?

Three EU is a tool of American imperialism, dumbass. It is literally run by the USA.

Why is it every time there's a thread like this on Europe some burger comes in with his genocidal tendencies and acts like the USA is any better off? There's not a single country in the western world that is less white, with more jews and corruption than the US. Our country is on a fast track to be Brazil with nukes in our lifetime.

Weren't they under communist control? they sure as fuck don't want to go back to that

Yeah, thanks for keeping us on the right side of history. Where it not for freedom loving Americans and their friends, the Commies, the evil nazeez would have won. We're forever grateful, burger-friend.

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Where the fuck do you think you are? Next you'll be talking about white privilege. Go the fact back to Zig Forums you low IQ monkey.

The kikes started the Soviet Union, and their people were installed into positions of power.
After the fall of the NS, when the German refugees from Poland were encountered by Soviet troops, the troops were under orders to brutalize and murder them. They raped children, beat old men to death, raped women and nailed them to barn doors…and those that gave them the orders to commit these atrocities were Jews.

The EU is also run by Jews. No one can be surprised at what they have their apes do to their enemies, because it has always been the same, throughout their sordid history.

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It's a deal.
But you have to nuke our major cities in return. All our niggers and Jews live there, and we need to be free of them, as well.

This should spark a petition to DNA test all (((migrants))) into the EU and a probation period that requires them to register there location/address at all times for first 5 years of residency.
Considering the amount of niggers and shitskins that won't abide by the rules, it could be a tool to pretty much cut off migration.

read siege.

a coordinated war would be the quickest solution to the words biggest (((problem))), but it would be easier to just send everything the entire world has at israel. Thus, de-arming the lot of us and taking out the cancer all in one. Once israel is gone, no need for weapons anyway.

Israel is the face of the enemy, but the heart of the enemy is the kikes of the central banking cartel.
THAT'S where the core of the carbuncle is, it is the source of their power.

It needs lanced.

Could you elaborate on how exactly getting all the splintered European powers that could be fucked over individually to form a competing monolithic trade bloc is advancing American interests?

Ok, so this is how EU funds work:
I am no fan of the way EU operates, but this looks a lot more like the journalist pissed of local mafia that was syphoning the funds, the EU establishment doesn't have a need to to shit like this, they fuck you in other ways.

I'd argue that israel is the headquarters to world corruption. All organized crime syndicates lead back to israel, from money laundering to sex trade to gun running to drug trafficking and on and on and on.
That's why I know the Q-LARP is bullshit "Saving israel for last" is the dumbest fucking thing anyone could do if they really wanted to take out world corruption. You don't arrest a bunch of street-level thugs when you want to bring down the mob, you arrest those working directly in the high spots and get them to turn states witness. As of yet, I have seen no israeli citizens arrested, only us citizens and others associated with the sex trade outside of israel, telling me that it's basically a crime family taking out competition. there were two crime families fighting for dominance and what we're seeing is a turf war, not a cleansing.

You see America as what it once was, not what it represents today…Israels doghouse.

And to add something about Jan Kuciak, by all accounts he was doing research into how Italian mafia was using Slovakia to launder money, which should be pretty self explanatory.

What a big cohencidence.

Meanwhile no invaders are suffering any concequences

It certainly isn't in anyone's interest if you make idiots out of yourself trying to convince normies that Verhofstadt had her killed, or some shit.

Bulgarian women are just fantastic! They love their country and the entire world!

We stay with you Bulgarian women!
Long life to Dilyana!


(((Italian mafia))) is a Hollywood LARP
David Duke wrote a book on the topic. It's a bunch of jews that gave themselves italian names for misdirection.
Jewish Supremacism - mega.nz/#!FOAS2QDD!QUA6vWI0YLwhqJvkqtnUwHoA2JveYzBgVDvE1zxjfX0

When you’re a jew and you’ve been fucking someone in one hole, it’s the natural jewish thing to notice they have other holes.

Do not be that cuck, then.
Strive for fortitude of body and soul.

Bullshit. The EU tells countries what to do. Why do you think it's such a big deal that Orban told the EU to fuck off when it demanded Hungary accept "refugees"?

I don't see what that has to do with the way certain funds are distributed. Look up how distribution of these funds works, it's not like it's a secret.

I'm talking about 56% "italian" mafia, you moron, I'm talking about actual Calabrian mafia from Italy.

*I'm not talking about 56% mafia

I guess this is why kids bully the weak

So the 56% arab and assorted north african mafia?

Check your fridge, i bet evil commies sit there too.

Kek, I guess the actual Italian mafia is about to get 56percented too. Still nothing to fuck with, if you don't want to get skateboarded.

You better have saved that shit because this would be the best thread to post it in.

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Stop pointing out things that are true

this place is dying

forgot the fag who started it

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Oh look, an estrogenic pussy from Zig Forums stopped by.

New York

Those aren't wrong though.

The next jewish holocaust will be real.

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Is the EU just USSR part II? When is it going to fall apart?
Will it happen due to external pressure or will it implode like it should?

The Ján Kuciak case is still front-page news and apparently multiple suspects have recently been taken into custody so we'll see what happens. Uvidíme.

Not rape, is fine, she was whore. Aloha snackbar.

Two options
>USA collapses and drags the EU with it More likely scenario considering how fucking deep the US is in debt

Kill yourself kikefy.

can confirm

Yes. Velvet Glove edition.

I foresee the EU collapsing, mass purges of Muslims and other undesireables happening and the US (((liberating))) the EU again.


The US controls Germany. Germany controls the EU economically.


The US won't have the money to support such a campaign, especially not with people smelling blood in the water. There will be plenty of political groups seeking to take power through force, which will likely result in Balkanisation within the US. Over here your nation is referred not as "the United States of America" but rather "the United Countries of America", you fags better damn well deliver. If anyone is going to lead a campaign, it's Israel, although they most likely won't have very much success, especially considering the fact that they would need to hide their involvement through puppet organisations while at the same time keeping up a sustainable force.

Operation Gladio would be a fairly significant example.

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Because they can identify sovietism for what it is.
The EU is literally turning into a capitalist version of the USSR, people that lived under the insane lefty technocrats can easily ID insane lefty technocrats.

Also, Israel will be pumping their forces through Germany, since the whole EU army thing is just so that Merkel can get rid of the German military before they get rid of her. Macron's involvement was just being a cheerleader that doesn't have a reputation as shit as hers, it's primarily focused on Germany. There's also the fact that Germany is a stronghold of shekels they don't want to let go of but the main reason is strategic, not having anyone organising a coup d'etat from within is an advantageous situation to be in.

The whole point of a EU army to have German men attack English men, Spanish Men to kill Italian men.

Men are more likely to kill other men if they aren't their own Nationality. It's what the Chinese government did, they used country men to kill city folk.

The EU tells the countries what to do with the funds. If the countries don't do what they tell them to do or use funds for other things that the EU doesn't want they make a fuss and try to punish them. Again, see Hungary. Also Poland.

Now that I think about it, worst-case scenario is that Russia cooperates with Israel and Germany. That way they can invade, take a chunk for themselves, leave the jews their cash cow and reform the EU in their own image with a handful of convenient accidents happening to select politicians that were "caught in the crossfire".

Can't remember where but I've seen images floating around of some of their military not only not being from the country they are situated in but not even being from an EU country. As in, not even with an EU passport. That they will take less than the usual amount of whites is self-evident.

McVeigh was a hero, he deserved copycats

Ain't it great that when you have so many rape gangs around and someone with political motivations just happens to get raped and murdered it becomes hard to tell if that reprisal was politically motivated or not?

No. Bullying happens because of the same reason theft or acid to the face happens.
A person sees another person whose life and social development they can sabotage. It's antisocial and happens in every group that allows it. Even faggots, women, nerds and jews bully others given the chance.

As much as I'd like to blame this on (((EU plutocrats))), the truth probably is that she was a "liberal" thot who was drinking with pakis




They have an entire channel for trolling?

Or they get "robbed" like seth rich

So … not worthy of retribution with extreme malice?

Considering that we are talking about Bulgaria and not Sweden, you're going to have to provide more proof than just "probably".

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It might surprise you but every president since Roosevelt was a communist with the exception of Kennedy.
The EU is just an extension of the US. That's why you know has troops in it's wealthiest country Germany and bases in many others.

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Jews are winning because jews are killing.


Two words: Public Opinion

Majority of Mericans tend to watch televangelists. Those same Televangelists shill for Israel all the time. Therefore, once people make the connection (with what you are saying) a removal of the (((tumor))) can be done with minimal resistance.

The funds all go to mostly shitmasons and old boys networks. The projects aren't needed, or are designed with built-in obsolescence or other problems. It's a money machine. There is no desire to improve anything, only to fund unnecessary work by cronies. That's why oversight is so hated. Investigative journalism is hated even more, that's why it has been (((shut down))) everywhere. The only journalism investigation that remains, is for milk prices or for the one immigrant who actually got a job and learned the local language.

Once worked at a company that used EU funding for a few projects. We had to do monthy reports and when we once misreported some miniscule amount (~1,20€) they instantly threatened us with immidiate repayment of all funds recieved (about 750k € that year) which would've instantly put the company near bankruptcy.
Meanwhile a competitor used the EU funding for a similar project to buy himself a new car and several lofts for renting out. Corruption ahoy.

Also Bulgaria is horrendously corrupt. Like "Mafia makes their own license plates and police will never control their cars because they'd rather not end up dead" corrupt. Before EU accession Brussels used to kvetch about muh corruption but they got into bed with these people just fine.

Weak beta detected. Bullying is what makes you not act like a little bitch. What youre talking about is niggers and arabs. Theres a difference. The word bullying has clearly been subverted in your mind

Lies spread by bivol.bg, a site whose main partner is (((OCCRP))), which proudly lists Soros' Open Society as its top sponsor.

The lady in question is the ex-wife of a cable network owner, and had so far only been the host of some women's lifestyle show. The new show she hosted had aired an interview with bivol.bg journalists, which she didn't even take herself.

In short, Soros and his cronies in Bulgaria are butthurt that the Constitutional Court struck down a gender-nonsense (((EU))) convention as unconstitutional recently, making it null and void in Bulgaria, while most other European countries had already ratified it, and are trying to hit at the Bulgarian government by any means necessary, including this disinfo campaign conveniently snuck into Western (((media))).

It all sounds horrific, until one realizes the entire global economy and geopolitical insanity is built on a house of cards. The planet, both sides of the pond, and this globalist joke need a cleansing

Dems Seth Rich MS 13

I got you covered. archive.fo/YD7FW

"neon" that's a nice word. it rolls off the tongue easy and smooth and the emotion is one of soft neon lights warming the dark streets. very comfy.
I like it, I'm a neon.

This is all true, however there was a counter protest of extremely generic fag-flag leftists spewing retarded rhetoric I don't even remember.
Also on the annual fag parade (supported by the politicians of course) in the capital, Sofia, there are always counter protests by 2 groups. One is I think a Christian moralist group and I'm not sure because I don't see emphasis on the Christian part, the second one's main line is basically "think of the children" are from what I remember are using the argument that fags are dangerous to society and a guy went on in a interview saying that fags are very hateful towards other.

What is it describing? it's a new term in the political sphere

You know both the EU parliament and commission are full of literal 'ex-'commies right?

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They even have a anti inmigration militia that stops shitskins at the border, we need to use that example, not (((generation identaire))) tactics, just a third party militia that stops niggers with their pants down while pointing their way out with machetes
Here is their website

I disagree. You start near the middle, and keep arresting people as you go up the food chain. The lower criminals are dumber and will give up plenty of info to be used to arrest the higher-ups. So they are more likely to do a plea deal in exchange for information.

Bwahahaha if it was, y’all would have some balls to stand up and say no to globalism, get offline now and go rest up, I hear Soros is paying double for the next outrage protest.

I've noticed a trend of (((Zig Forumsacks))) who constantly reply to their own posts rather than presenting their ideas in a coherent manner. They're always defeatist blackpilling shills too… What a coincidence!