The New Age

German guy breaks down (in the simplest way) the history of the Luciferian doctrine which the elite practice (promoted by esoteric Jews from Israel who wanted to challenge the Vatican, in the same way they supported Islam).

This is the amoral version. If mods don't delete thread, I'll post the moral version second or gnostic (as opposed to luciferian), which can be seen in all New Age groups centering around "love", anti-material world, and "enlightenment".

It is important to have a simple understanding of these doctrines to recognize them, their symbols, their promotions as a redpilled user, because trickery and the denial of facts are always used by the secret societies of the New Age (NWO).

Other urls found in this thread:

Second: The moral gnostic version of the New Age (which video guy obviously believes in).

Reminds me a bit of the Jedi vs. Sith but way more degenerate as it came out of a corruption of Christianity and even Islam.

I also forgot to mention that both of these versions are considered polarizing doctrines and are mixed together at times using the Hegelian Dialectic.

Attached: hegel dialectic.jpg (610x458, 50.87K)

bump for interest

It's a rather simplistic interpretation of disparate elements of the secret religion. Easily digestible but not so accurate in the details.

That's usually how simplicity goes. Imagine teaching someone a religion for the first time. You just point out the highlights

Type either the word ‘metaphor’ or the word ‘immigration’ without using ‘esoteric’ anywhere in the post.

Sage. It’s the Jews, we’ve been over this a hundred times. Satanism, freemasonry, new age shit, the occult, NWO, it’s all just honorary kike shit, but the for “goyim”.

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Nothing to see here. There is no concentrated effort to discredit Zig Forums.

You miss the point and prove you're not from around here with your lack of abilty to "sage" cuckchanner.

The point is the thread shows the basic theology. Just as a thread about Communism would show the basic theology. Yes it's the Jews but so is Communism. That doesn't negate the importance of understand the scam. Like people who say "liberal fascism" or "liberal" or "progressive" dont understand the theology of Communism and its many forms. In fact, they are covering for them.

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always with muh /x/

gas yourself kike you may not believe in a diety but the kikes do, they follow the character they call lucifer because they think he will bring them closer to godhood and they spend quadrillions of dollars trying to make it a reality

It feels like the we are in the middle of a /fringe/ raid

Same script
It's not an /x/ thread. It's teaching the basic origins of the New Age movement, which is real…

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Kikes and muds worship a desert demon. That is nothing new. Why are you trying to make it look like it ain't the kikes?

I'm sorry I thought this was a board about calling a spade a spade.

How about that.

Just go fill your (((druid))) thread with more music videos from the 1990s faggot.

Ignores argument

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Setting email to sage is how sage has always worked here. WTF are you talking about?

You bumped it last time.

nigger i literally blames them for creating with their money the reality of luciferianism see my post again

The fact that you don't know how sage or IDs work just goes to show that you're the one who is not from around here.
Lurk for 8 years before ever posting again.

Trusts… Lucis (Lucifer) trusts… (hide that wealth and taz the poor!).

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these posters are luciferian kikes that would rather you not investigate the system of power that the kikes are trying to bring via their tech and money into a reality

Bumps thread by not saging properly.
Accuses me of the same thing.
This is how kikes operate, screaming out in pain as they strike at you.

the only people that would not want you to investigate the kike religion of luciferianism, are kikes and idiots that know nothing

Stop shilling your shit here, fuck off back to leddit.

Meanwhile (((Druid/pol/))) and (((History of everything and more))) are being bumped over and over right now. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


bump (((cunt)))

That second video is TOTALLY FUCKED! LMAO

I just can't wait to be rid of these fallen angel shitheads. And I don't really give a flying fuck where they go, just as long as they don't stay here. They are ABSOLUTELY DEMENTED.
Muh LOVE, muh karma, muh fuck off you retards.

It's shit. The "Luciferian Doctrine" is just another facet of the Lurian Kabbalah. Blavatsky is also a quack lady that made-up her shit with "Channelings"


A cat lady too. She's 100% LARP.

Communism docs dont always name the jew but they're important to learn about that shit

Origins of the New Age come from the Secret Doctrine, the Arcane Schools and Freemasonry. Which is directly connected to Aryanism. Thule was ran by a grandmaster Freemason and the Protocol of the Elders of Zion was first printed first in English by a grand master Freemason, Henry Ford.

We're not called /path of light/ for nothing.

FUCK OFF, they have literally nothing to do with Aryanism and they don't mention Sabbatai Svei or Jacob Frank, THEY are the origin of "new age", the literal ROOT.

Also you're wrong about the Protocols, they were originally printed in RUSSIA, not America. And Ford didn't print the protocols, he printed "The International Jew".

Blavasky was one of the earliest promoters of white genocide. She said we had to kill the "Aryan root race" to bring forth a bisexual new race.
Calling Zig Forums white genocide based Luciferian Freemasonry is pretty fucked up.

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I'm curious why you think Hitler has a giant portrait of Henry Ford behind his desk. Perhaps the world isn't as black and white as you thought?

The bisexual races and polar ghosts are long since dead according to her visions of the previous ages. Maybe you should read the book instead of listening to anonymous backbiters.

Zig Forums is basically unkosher new age for kids just as much as Thule society being a rehashing of the Theosophical Society but with a German twist, key member Rudolf von Sebottendorff was a GM who was exiled for writing a manuscript of the origins of the NSDAP.

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This. I get that 8 minutes isn't a lot of time but my nigger Hans was definitely skipping a few major steps in his breakdown, kek.

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They NEVER NAME THE JEW…the jews are the fallen angels they are the ones who are 'removed from the Earth' for their crimes against humanity. 1 BILLION or more slain so far at the kike hand and the total is not done.
Just look at their literature, it is FUCKING FULL of them fucking angles and their wives being fucked by angles. FLAMING FUCKING FAGGOTS!! Who still thinks that Jacob spent all night 'wrestling' with an angel…AFTER he sent his wife away? Right…whatever…

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This shit is all a red herring to divert your attention away from the actual shit Jews do and you fell for it you fucking idiot. In the same way the left calls everything they fear and don’t understand or just don’t like “Nazi” you faggots call it “luciferian” and even if they did worship Dagoth Ur or whatever, I don’t care. I don’t believe in their kike sorcery. What I believe in is the things I can prove like them ruining the economy. Just by an by you drive off normies with this insane bullshit too. Or was that your (((plan))) all along?

He did print the protocols and even mass distributed it you fucking retard.

"fer" = carry ; in Latin
Luki ; c to k letter in many Germanic words
Loki ; u to o sound change

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agree with one part, it is ultimatley some sort of jew behing all this stuff and all else is distraction (deep state ,illuminati, jesuits, et al). however, all this occult stuff was literally taught 2500 years ago in greece and egypt. the jews stole it and wrote sefer yetzirah and then the zohar

Huh…that is interesting. I have always been slightly suspicious that Loki was actually female (or at least variable; female sometime). And that he was the eye who looks back…so sort of a shemale version of Odin who rules over the Earth, a trickster but also the match of Odin. I suspect that Christianity and Paganism share much in common. For example, look at pict one. If you don't understand much about Christianity it would go right over your head that Jesus was being invited to sit at the RIGHT HAND of God. This is reserved exclusively for a wife in royal settings or the Queen. Just interesting…

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Free masons, theosophy and new age religions are real. Mainstream historians don't even argue with this. The founding fathers were masons.
How is it /x/-tier?

That, no. Hegel recognized the dialectic beyond physical and hence its original dialectic idealism. (((Marx))) utilized this brilliant man's depth of knowledge to create what you attribute in your pic, dialectic materialism.

Fuck off. No one cares about normies.

The dialectic is self evident in everything. That which is, is only defined by what it is not, and these must be sustained through a synthetic mediacy both subordinate and superordinate. All relationship is this, ask what is my identity, how do I define this, how am I determined by this? Where are the demarcations of directions and diffusions? Truth can only exist as abstraction to the falsity required for mutual definition? Are you true to your Self OP?

So marry a Jewess?

PHOSPHORUS = Light of Venus the morning star.

She said higher races go from heterosexual, to bisexual, to a-sexual. Stop lying kike.

So is Communism. So is feminism. So? Ignore it?

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Bullshit. Hegel was right but duality is a child's understanding of reality. Reality for humans is perspectivism. Truth is cause and effect (natural law).

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Diests though. These gnostic luciferians are older and part of the NWO.

Anyone that screeches about Luciferism is a profane normalfaggot that can't into etymology, it's a Roman word that exists in just a couple versions of the bible. The story was about a Babylonian priest king breaking his covenant with God being sent(and all his followers) to turbo hell; it's why Christians were so afaird of swearing oaths to men– because if they sinned they all went to hell.

Newfaggots need to read Morals and Dogma, it is the book that the KKK and the Black Legion was founded on. It was written a Confederate after all.

Nice PC ahistorical word. Look up who wrote the book Common Sense and his background, he identified as a "Deist".

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That version is from the Ra Material. It shares themes with theosophy but it was basically channeled from scratch in the 1980s.

You can read it here:
Interestingly it heavily suggests Hitler was misunderstood and possibly even good. It also promotes Patton and Tesla.

Interesting concept. This deals a lot with boundary and paradox. 'Re'-production should be impossible due to monadology, and yet it happens. That moment when the sperm meets the egg and the female cell dies, a burst of light is released at her death.

Deist is PC? lol

Gnostics/Luciferians/Kikes always hated Deists and philosophy and nature. They love to fuck kids and spirit cook for "El"

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And and anti-racist larper.

I can't stand that Ra Material…it is so sugary 'cultish' and so reddit IMO. Do what you like, but I find that shit deplorable almost as bad as that hideous second video.

Don't put that shit on a 'god'; they do that for themselves and no one else.

Nevermind it's a bastardization of the Ra Material.

Ra material teaches love but subordinates it to wisdom. It also teaches earth is comprised of different soul groups. It implicitly supports voluntary tribal associations and moderates positive feelings with sobriety of knowing evil is real and non trivial.

You get back to me when it subordinates it to Judgement, which is the only thing that Love should be subordinate too on the planet. No Judgment = no Love. A good Judgment is the highest form of action in the universe, higher than anything else IMO because it brings Healing for all parties.

Undifferentiated Being
Differential Knowing
Integral Becoming

Subjective Intramediacy
Objective Intermediacy
Transjective Immediacy

Singular Designation
Plural Aggregation
Continuous Designation

Ponders friend.

god is from the Germanic Vulgate because they worshiped "Godin", "Wod", "Godan" or ODIN.

Jesus called him "Eli!" on the cross.

I'm sure it's all faggotry and mind control. But the point is they made simple video. Cut out the books at the end and combine them, add pictures, tell the truth if you want. But the narrative is simple and sound.

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Edit: 3p
Continuous Translation

When the history channel says American founding fathers were Deists, they mean Freemasons. I'm sure you're very confused as to why Ben Franklin is on the hundred dollar bill.

Odin was a warlord according to the Oera Linda Book. Eddas were scribbled by monks, the original source is lock away somewhere in Iceland.

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Diesm was the short lived redpilled Freemasons before they went back to being massive faggots. They put all the anti-central-bank founders on the money, retard. They're mocking us.

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low effort christcuck trying to deconstruct other people's culture

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Pretty weak, user.

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astronomical they're effectively impossible, like oxygen spontaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing.
And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter… Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you, that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold… that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle.

But…if me, my birth, if that's a thermodynamic miracle… I mean, you could say that about anybody in the world!.

Yes. Anybody in the world. ..But the world is so full of people, so crowded with these miracles that they become commonplace and we forget… I forget. We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point. As if new, it may still take our breath away. Come…dry your eyes. For you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly. Dry your eyes… and let's go home.

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Perhaps in a perverted way. Most are Baal worshipers not Luciferians unless you're referring to the Hollywood version.
Yeaaaah. I'm not buying that. I've seen the Christian version of ooga booga luciferianism and luciferians who bring up valid points and to me its more based on the individuals perception. Whatever the original meaning behind lucifer has long since been lost except for an incredibly small highly occultic esoteric few that likely has no real shits to give about teaching people the difference. Like most of "religion" its all been so goddamn perverted the only thing you can say is both sides are a mixed back, ignore it, and focus on the problems that are very real in this plane of existence which DO have physical representatives. Satan, Lucifer, and the Devil are actually three completely different people and concepts used interchangeably by absolute infants.

The New Age is a kike promoted bullshit materialistic view of spirituality. Completely perverted since its inception around the late 1880's. Solidified around the 20's and 30's and sprung into existence in the 60's.

I guess that was my point here. There is only one ethos that has been hacked up into D&C ideologies by the controllers to shape humanity into niche tribalism (breeding groups).
I believe the purpose of tribalism and segregation was the same as it would be for any famer. Separating and refining out what is the best thing on the planet over thousands of years. In this case the clearly vastly superior product of the Earth is the European people (this has nothing at all to do with the kikes that rule over us and infest our 'royalty'; THEY are not European). The European people are the most refined, beautiful and perfect people that have ever existed on the planet.
At any rate, sorry for the rant, I showed someone I know a comparative religious iconography survey and they (not a religious person; so that is helpful) could clearly see that it was the same story adapted to a wide variety of different cultures, the only thing that changed was the expression of the scenes and characters. But there is always the Globalist Religion 'hardware' running in the background no matter how the 'software' of the religion is functioning in the foreground.
This is one of the greatest secrets of hierarchical information distribution that they possess and really needs to be shared with everyone so that they can understand that all data sets are classed and organized into different metadata. These 'religions' are subsets of the original set of information.

=Baal El
= Isra-el (house of El).

You're all El worshipers christcucks

Wrong, larper

"satan" = advesary (something that a lot of people and gods and tribes were called "satans" but the Vatican refused to translate it).

"devil" = deciever, trickster "evil/d-evil". Anything can be called a devil.

"Lucifer" = light of venus. Sulfer… Not even a real character until much later when he was like a small cherib of Venus.

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You just need to throw their kin 'gorilla' into that photo to complete the family tree.

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What is number? Finitude, Infinity, and Transfinitude necessary for all you deem.

You cannot be what you are not.

Just because you talk like a computer, doesn't mean you're saying something smart.

I'm still thinking about this comment. Pondering is good.

pure babble. Keep counting faggot. You'll die before you reach a million.


Was that supposed to be an argument or a critique? When you make up your mind or have some sort of organized refutation; you feel free to let me know.

It's a quote.

Smart somethings aren't relevent to any sustained meaning to be attained among us.

Explain why Elohim is plural. How many Els are there?

a critique… You're just saying stupid "global religion all the same goy" hippie gnostic kike bullshit because you're dumb and fell for it but you're trying real hard to sound real smart.
The stories aren't one story. They're different by race

Are you our 'designated' parasite kike? Someone who contributes nothing to the conversation other than D&C or bullying to shut it down?
How lovely…

Oh God…it can't read either…
This should be fun. Nope. Better idea.

Transfinitivity implies a mediation between infinity and finitude with sets. Please look.

Garden of Eden had Lords, or Els. But "Eli" as Jesus called him is the:
t. Saturn

Why are you mad about me calling a gorrilla a vegan, lol?

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Sounds faggy

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Says in OP that the Jews are responsible. In video it shows how they learned it in Israel.

Now let's look at your post history:

hmmm? Esoteric kikes dont like when you expose them.

knit picking about memes to disrupt. Doesnt know /bane/

That kike will never look because its job is to disrupt the thread. I suggest you filter.

You mean, pagan? That is unironically, what these global religion people call themselves. Gnostics typically read Pistis Sophia and Nag Hammadi texts.

It's bobposter and VPNs exist you newfag.

Abstract statistical horseshit is not an excuse for escapism into fantasy narratives. Talking like you're smart doesn't prove you have something to say. You're just copying opinions. THINK YOU NPCs! THINK!

Oh it's (((you))) the (((Druid))) kike. Fuck yourself pedo.

pagan = Vatican insult for local backwater folk religions. Not your faggot (((Gnosticism)))

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Doesn't name the Jews, therefore it's shit. Kill yourself.

Names Israel and Templars. Documentries on Communism doesnt fully name the Jews either, still useful for teaching people.

You should of known when I started talking about naughty books, I might start citing page numbers if you get me really angry.
You really are damned though, you haven't spirituality progressed much since the last time we had chat.

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Lol, you don't even know what that word means, escapism leather queen. You're so far beneath me and even Christcucks at this point it's just sad. If you weren't an arrogant and sick kike I could of taught you what words mean. But you wanted to play dungeon and dragons and never learn what true magic is…

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So doesn't name the jew, got it.