Zig Forums has been nominated for the 8chanmania Sitewide event

Zig Forums has been nominated for the 8chanmania Sitewide event

TNA needs the following:
- A brief summary or a link to what you feel sums of the character nicely
- A link to a character Theme

It's preferred to have everything done by October 10th so that he can get everything set up in time.
The date of the actual Tournament is 10/21/18 at 3pm EST

Zig Forums has also been nominated, they are thinking about having a comrade skeleton in there.

Attached: ULTIMATE LOHO.png (1920x1080, 467.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like kike faggotry

can we get fucking Hitler this time?

Hitler obviously, with Horst Wessel Lied (invidio.us/watch?v=NMk_ySm85kU)

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This, make Hitler look like he is B&W.


Attached: hitler.gif (280x298, 190.59K)

I'm going to put forth Rockwell as a potential nominee. I enjoyed Hitler's matches so far, but I think we could use a new guy, and Rockwell is just as pure and well spoken as Hitler without the possibility of more "angry Hitler XD" lore. Although I thought the lore acknowledging that he did nothing wrong and the holocaust didn't happen was hilarious, so an Uncle's fine too.

I'd love to see Rockwell as well. That'd make for a nice change of pace.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1108x1314, 832.5K)

What theme though?

What are the Qlarpers using ,if there doing it?


Fuck off Levi.

Well, we do have him in the workshop, and with many variations too
Keep in mind that any wrestler can have between 180-190 points invested (for example, we couldn't use the Final version)

The song Propaganda from the anime of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency?

This one ?



Attached: true detective.jpg (768x512, 105.07K)

Fucking Zig Forums is thinking about using a nigger bull for their character

As much as I love Hitler, that choice is a little too obvious. What's something unconventional that sums up Zig Forums and Hitler?

Attached: a0LAPoX_700b.jpg (665x640, 140.65K)


bump for rockwell

Attached: 1506125469439.jpg (1200x808, 277.45K)

Moonman could work.

Rockwell would also be an acceptable choice, given that the majority of Zig Forums is American.

I'd say to surprise the crowd it could be others besides Hitler

Moonman is our logical rep.

Attached: The Real Moonman.png (347x279, 85.9K)

Other existing options:
Keep in mind, Sam Hyde has a history of being a lower mid card, but can be updated and improved

Attached: assad.png (702x308 81.31 KB, 138.6K)

Posting poll, threw in Salvini seeing the current state of affairs

Proper response to Zig Forumss black bull

Attached: ad75583e04c1c8fb1726273b1f3994e50906c2d56b3f7fb37aa56c055d47e402.jpg (512x768 157.3 KB, 86.86K)

Bumping for Mosley or /leftycuck/‘s tranny BO

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that's about right

Attached: what.png (737x492, 542.2K)

you phoneposted this on Zig Forums too nigger

Attached: 038CCC42-4089-4B72-92B1-769EAAD63746.png (800x820, 267.22K)

This, we might as well bring our deity into it if they're going to bring their dead deity. Theme would be obvious.

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Attached: e6d9c777f7d4f37710e8f1f883bc86a2e1db3262cd126467c8174a292e110c0a.gif (500x284, 929.05K)

Sage and fuck op for sucking nigger penises


You leave a poll open same thing happens as last time

Zig Forums is a baord of peace

Attached: 1538777645779m.jpg (1024x686, 116.54K)

This is the only choice.
Sage for 8meta faggotry.

Stop letting niggers put their penis in his mouth.

How in the fuck am I letting that faggot suck nigger dicks?

(Dubs of truth)
People can't suck nigger dicks if niggers don't exist.

Attached: 0e539912124c2cbf20b057e82ecab989771d31b7dedc3a53e4f31268196b0554.jpg (400x400, 31.57K)


Dear Zig Forums if you could keep your hands out of /d/ that would be most appreciated. Isn't pissing off >>>Zig Forums and >>>Zig Forums enough for you guys?

Sincerely all the other boards you keep shitting in.

Honestly if you don't want a meme candidate or an obvious choice like Hitler we could always use a blonde haired blue eyed Ubermensch Super Aryan.

Attached: Hungarians fighting the soviets on the Great Hungarian Plain okt.1944 - Az alföldi páncéloscsata.mp4 (640x360, 8.24M)

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It seems GLR has won: poal.me/dms8ho
The theme is going to be correct?


^ This ^

Yes, this. Don't fuck it up like last time niggers

Polls open until weds

Ok seems fair, so far Hitler is in the lead by 1. I guess Hitler with Horst Wessel Lied in the background would definitely fit if he wins.

Can we make managers as well? I feel Dr. Pierce would be an awesome manager.


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More frenzied frog bull bashing. And one which is a bit too big for this site.

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Well it seems that some of the other boards have another character as their coach. So that would mean Hitler being GLR's coach if Rockwell ends up the winner.


8Chanmania is appearing on other boards and this was a thing as well, why would jews want to focus on other boards? Come on Zig Forums we can have fun for a few days before getting back to our depressive spiritual war on how hitler did nothing wrong, natsoc threads and is something to bring back morality and tradition and natural way of doing things and everything pure and political events, getting angrier at kikes for doing something that is even the new low for them and mad ar faggots and degeneracy, this is a nice change of paste.

A stronk aryan god…

One of the greatest men to have ever lived right next to caesar.

More Hitler you say?

Attached: 1459259511581-2.jpg (760x1020 148.98 KB, 925.01K)

Sums it up.

Attached: nazismo-esoterico-miguel-serrano-su-adolf-hitler-e-carl-gustav-jung-2.jpg (465x310, 46.94K)

That could work seeing that Hitler is already a part of 8chanmania lore if I remember right.

Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Moonman, Pinochet, Goebbels, Dr. Pierce should all be on the team. Choose any of the most notable natsoc march songs. Easy Peasy

Attached: pinochet1.jpg (594x536, 67.36K)


Knight Hitler or baby deer Hitler?

Attached: aFPKZ7v.jpg (633x896 127.71 KB, 80.57K)

Erika is a better tune!

My vote is Moonman or Assad, since I haven't seen them brawl and I think that would keep it fresh.

Considering GLR is sitting ahead in current poll and close in the previous poll, should we call him the finalized candidate?

Yeah might as well.


Not pepe.

Do hitler lefty tranny.

Attached: lefty.jpeg (191x255, 15.9K)

The decision is due by the 11:59pm on the 10th, so we should wait until Wednesday to submit.

It's looking pretty solid either GLR or Hitler, and to be honest GLR is a fair representative and the kind of personality that opens up for lots of LORE


So did anything happen?

Yea, see A new 8chanmania thread will be made on /v/ on the 21st, closer to its start date. See >>>/v/15566218 for more details.

Anime Hitler is moe.

Attached: anime hitler.jpg (950x711, 197.47K)